Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 26: The Fear And The Frightened

After decompressing, shakara returned to the infirmary. i decided to tidy up our home especially the bedroom before returning to the central building. i headed to professor stern's office first. "afternoon professor." "hi alex.

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That Weird Thing That Ana Knows How to Do, Part 1

The infirmary was dark, quiet, and there were lots of places to hide: raised beds and cloth dividers.

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The Cat's Stroll 20

This was de pong, a direct apprentice of old che, who often could be seen handling the administrative matters of the infirmary.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Twelve

Justin sat on the infirmary's bed, trying to ignore the way his right arm throbbed as if it had a second heart that pumped pain instead of blood. there were three other beds in here with him, but they were all empty.

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What Remains - A Personal Treetop Inn Story

He turned to head off to visit shayna in the infirmary. with everything going on in the inn today, all the buzz and activity, the infirmary was the most quiet. the angelic dragoness sat at her desk, looking over incident reports from overnight.

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Spirits within - The Awakening.wps

And the smell of blood, sweat and tear were strong on me, to my luck i heard the door to the infirmary getting opened and two pair footsteps enter, followed by "what is that stench!"

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Hey, This Is Darkrai We're Talking About!

You tried your best, and that's all that matters." said she, "now, any pokemon that you managed to bring, take them to the infirmary." arceus explained, seje and chris taking their pokemon to the infirmary with the others. "so, anything else?"

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Shades of Gray

On the third day of his stay in the infirmary, gray awoke as the early morning sun cast a shaft of light across his bed laying a warm swatch on his chest.

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To Rise Above the Clouds - Intro

Smith, you should head to the infirmary. you're a lucky man, and a resilient one too. you're dismissed." with a weak salute, i walk from the bridge. sometimes, i wish i could've been born a noble.



Across in the infirmary, a marine is holding down a man on a medical slab, while a doctor sedates him. "third one this week.. what the hell is down in delta that is turning these guys into satyr's?"

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The Best Job in the World

Unless angela gets out of the infirmary in the next fifteen minutes, i'm done for the day." "that's unfortunate." bernard said. he checked his watch. "there are still several hours until the park closes." "such is life." jay mused.

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