
His voice lilted higher in pitch as pearl grabbed his other testicle, her fingers digging painfully into the squishy orb. "mmff!!" marina looked up at him sympathetically. "don't worry, we'll make it quick!

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The caracal lilted out "see anything you'd like to try out? i've got a few prototypes i could use help testing you know."

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Tales - Employee Benefits

Tanner's eyes went wide as he felt that petite fist crushing into his groin, his protest lilting into a soprano yelp.

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Drinks are cheaper at home - a vignette

"in college, i was still pretty well practiced in, well, lying," i lilted, referring back to earlier in the conversation. "now, well. um." i let out a slow, measured breath through my nose, and ran with the words pummeling my tongue.

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He practically sings at you, that lilting voice ringing in your skull. you tell him your hungry for him, stopping him from going into the bathroom. "c'mon, stop messin' around!

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"mmmph...now i need a shower." he purred with a sigh, gracefully sliding to his feet and silently slipping out of his room, still clad in only his bare fur as he headed for the bathroom, hips swaying from side to side with a soft feminine lilt.

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Flare & Ember: Installment 2

I won't tell anyone~" lilted imaginary flare. he sprang to his feet with all the agility he possessed, grabbed his head with his paws, and violently shook it.

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One Way to Last Longer

That last sentence came out as a lilting whine and jake's big ears twitched back a bit as he felt a slight twinge of guilt. it was thursday night and ralph always went out on friday for his weekly workouts.

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Scrap: Hovercrafts!

He could usually make sense of the carnivore's lilting istriao, but when maurizio started lapsing into his native dialect he couldn't keep up. "aye, that he was." "rikar's not gonna be happy with ya, when he gets through with tha'."

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Open Season Chapter 06: Hocus Focus

I said, a delighted lilt to my voice, as flit zipped around the room. "air elemental? or is it an egrigore creation?" i asked. gwen blinked. "flit's an air elemental, an assistant of sorts. you know about them?"

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A Monster in the Sack

Doggerel has always had a very canine lilt to my ear anyways. enjoy. disclaimer- this is both doggerel, pornography, animal transformation, and iambic heptameter. all of these are things worth avoiding at all costs.

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Blood-Bound Ch2

Tiran said in his wonderfully lilting voice, giving a slight bow to drak. "your staff is wonderfully trained, and this young man has a wonderful opinion of food.

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