Unsung Heroes of the Porn Industry: Mistress Matilda
_i guess you could call this a temporary leaving gift: i'm off to poland tomorrow and i'll be there for up to eight weeks. this is the first story i've finished in far too long, and i hope you enjoy it.
Never lose hope part 7
What instantly popped to my eyes was the huge map of europe with a lot of x's near belarus, ukraine and poland. a large table was centering the room with many files and documents higgledy-piggledy gathered.
Ground Zero - Part 1
As part of the agreements the soviet forces in poland, germany, czechoslovakia and hungary would be disbanded along with a number of specialist units poised to back them up should the balloon go up one day.
"yeah, sacramento, my parents had a farm, when the farm was gone i joined the army, i was fighting in poland when i got captured." i hear his teeth chattering again.
The raftmen would float down the rivers on solid rafts made of thick pine and fir logs, down to the sea, and after selling the wood most of them would come back on foot across the whole poland, back to the mountains.
Aphrodite City 7: Rise of the Castigator
Stan didn't remember exactly where it was, just that he was sent there as part of a joint mission between america, germany, poland, and the uk.
United Through Two Worlds Chapter 13
It sounded like the world war ii work camps, auschwitz and poland, a death camp. "things have changed...this is horrible" melody whispered. michael wondered how those people could get a hold of so much firepower when it was outlawed here.
Girls' Zone 5
On the other side of the message screen, in her room on the second floor in the house located in southern poland, the bunny girl sat and stared at her game.
Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventy
We're used to a little cold, not poland cold, but this isn't supposed to be a harsh climate, either." garret smiled grimly, "it's not the cold, it's the slush.
Baklava (A1, B2, C14)
"second world war - poland held out for over two months, and the russians stopped their advance against germany, and just let the polish die. well over a hundred thousand civilians died - women, children, and resistance fighters." yiayia frowned.
Nightmare Company Pilot Episode pt. 1
Putin was executed by the russian ultranationalists while medvedev was forced into exile in poland. although it wasn't a communist party, the ultranationalist party practiced fascism and suppression of basic rights.
The Horror In the Pit
The icon, incidentally, pictured saint florian, the patron saint of poland. he's also the patron saint of firefighters and chimney sweeps, and is invoked for protection against fire, flood, and drowning. i didn't know that at the time, though.