Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning

The tomb which otters dance within the unknowing seas reaches out, leading the fishes of tomorrow throughout the never-ending flows of hope within their hearts, the sharks wishing within the hearts of many, wanting the visions of heart's lust to reveal the

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Open Season

This whose numbers are very amiss walks not on four legs, nor has wings, feathers, fur, those kinds of things, but hairlessly creates a tool their environment with which they rule their numbers unchecked keep on growing somehow still they are unknowing

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Hoyt slung a nasty right hook that the unknowing michael took to the face, the force of the punch was enough to break michael's nose.

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Hoyt slung a nasty right hook that the unknowing michael took to the face, the force of the punch was enough to break michael's nose.

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Bunny Love

She unknowingly began to rub the tip of one of her ears between her fingers. her tail began to twitch in the chair. mr jones leaned forward more saying, "i've also taken notice of other things as well."

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Guro Challenge #12: Parasite

When tagg cried, she soothed him and herself with a rhythmic murmur of "cuckoo, cuckoo", and he quieted and slept unknowingly.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 2

Up ahead was the chocolate lab, making his way to the lookout as well, walking, unknowingly, into a crash course with the dalmatian. "look out!" shouted marshall, preparing for a direct hit. "huh?"

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Mischief is best at night

Without warning, michael rolled over, unknowingly pinning the micro underneath him. his cock starting to harden, stimulated by the trapped micro, slowly sliding further down certo's throat. certo tried his best to breathe, but there was no room for it.

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Ecology of the Lycanthropes 1

If you unknowingly drink the blood, or do not agree to drink the blood you become a husk, a husk's transformations are uncontrollable, ferocious, and memories are not shared between the two forms.


Chapter 4

#6 of spinebreak valley: tales of the wasteland the unknow fox woke up and looked at jackal. the first sun rays which felt through the mountains announced the new day.

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lion man part 6

unknowing to them mandla was, hiding behind a rock .as he saw and herd everything, that just happen. " maybe i can turn, this to an advantage for me " mandla said darkly ,as begin to sneak off. **end chapter 6** review and rate ^.^

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Decisions and Sacrfice Open

unknowing about harley; stoker and carbine along with the remaining biker mice attack limburger tower storming headstrong into the transporter and to plutark.

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