06 - The Best Laid Plans

"they abandoned him at a lunch stop, and he was forced to slum around the city for a few days before i found him and brought him back to utah." "so he didn't really get into a fight, then, did you?" craig shook his head.

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Theory of Everything

S so much more you have to listen --- end patient transcript 03a-601-00031 --- this document and its contents are confidential property of the central utah correctional facility.

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I must be the only wolf crazy enough to drive from harvard to utah just to surprise his family for christmas.." he thought to himself. chuckling. he'd started almost 4 days ago just at the beginning of christmas break.

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18 - Night Skiing, Day Skiing

"not in utah." "yeah, but if you stay with this lifestyle, do you really think you'll stay in small town utah, anyway?" there was a pregnant pause, then stu breathed, "that's a point."

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Tales of a changed Earth: Ewyon earining Samsons trust

An apartment in sandy utah. troy looked at the black colored fennec vixen sleeping next to him. he examined her fine features with mixed thoughts. the human got out of bed and walked to a window to look out.

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Tales of a changed Earth 8

#9 of tales of a changed earth tales of a changed earth 8 by raven fox and utah friend: a treaty is in place, the good dragons still half to keep their guard up. sandra ends up tending an egg.

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Hazardous Materials - Profiles

And she just barely got the phone away from her ear, as the explosion in utah was released over the phone line!!! "you get your ass home this instant! so help me, reena...

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Rudys Journey chapter 3

"there's a middle age lady who ran a rural town in the state of utah who we rescued on another transport." inquired the fox showing the human the readout.

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The Vampire's Return (Teaser)

_somebody's nuked us, and if they bothered to hit southern utah u, they've hit everywhere and we're all dead._ he expected the sudden flare to pass, but it didn't, the white-hot light kept pouring into the room, like a hot weight lying on him.

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Black Project Files Chapter 1

By the end of ww1 between 1918 and 1919 the d-virus has took hold onto utah, new mexico and arizona.

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Skinwalker: Chapter Twenty Three

"it's somewhere in utah, sort of a...gathering place. it belongs to every pack and no pack at the same time. if he's calling all the pack leaders to meet there at the same time..." "we're going to war," glenn finished through clenched teeth.

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Ever since that little stunt of yours back in utah. he's been feeding me info on you" don explained. john contemplated this. it didn't fit together at all. after he'd fled the scene, there was no one around him.

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