Rainfall - Chapter 05
Here I'm again! Sorry to be away for the past few weeks, I was quite busy. I hope you all enjoy this new part of my first book. I also rewrote the first 2 parts in the past tense as promised, and as always, thank you all for a moment of your...
Rainfall - Chapter 04
Hello there once again! Here is the fourth installment of my first book! This part gets a bit lewd at the end, so if you are not comfortable with it, feel free to skip to the last paragraph when things start to get explicit. And last, but not least,...
Great War pt. 1
Once the word got out what happened joy spread like wildfire, people were parading out in the streets. wasteland had its name changed to life for the momentous achievement.
The Temple of the Tiger - Prologue
The tiger new what fire was for 1/8 of the jungle burned due to a wildfire two summers ago. she then threw the fire stick into the nest and it quickly grew into a fire.
Inner Struggle-chapter 5- The Catalyst
I was familiar enough with this school to know that news spread like wildfire. though i wasn't picked on as much as i thought i'd be, getting shoved every other minute in the hallways got to be a pain.
A Shiny Close Enounter (1/2)
As soon as the mutated seed of the alien creature hit don's tongue it caused the rubber already on his body to spread down his neck like wildfire.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Two years since the great wildfire started by their careless tourists had razed much of it to the ground.
Special Interests [Intro?]
Alot of jobs tended to come her way, only making her better at what she did as well as making sure stories of her would spread like wildfire, forcing her already large client list to grow even larger.
Among Dragons: prelude
A few months prior a small passageway though the crescent mountains opened up and was quickly discovered, naturally due to the fact the mountains were thought impenetrable and thus having no knowledge of the other side fear and rumors spread like wildfire.
Jon Mahon Chronicles
In 2070, some dude got sick with the billy mays ytp flu and it spread like wildfire. it was hoped that jon mahon would catch it, but they had not read about its symptoms first before infecting him.
Night of the Weredonk Part 2
Suddenly the fur that was slowly covering alex's body began to spread like wildfire, covering every inch of his body as his face began to expand into a long muzzle.
The dragon who freed a village from another dragon
It was much, much bigger than the smoke produced by a fireplace, but also too small to be a wildfire.