Egg-Brother: Part 1

"oh, you finally decided to wake up you worthless, waste of space!?" one of the instructors snarled, moving closer and gave him a swift kick. "you pathetic worm, you will never graduate! you will die here, and do you know why?! because you are worthless!

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My Little Mashup 9 - Star Shooting

"don't bow to me, you worthless skinbag. worthless for picking _me_ to follow, fool that i am." "it was a matter of reflex, your majesty. you were out of practice." "i've been practicing for the last ten years, in case celestia tried tricks like that!

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The Spy That Was

Bernard: worthless...all they care about is how the nukes are being sent out like this instead of figuring out how to reverse the disease. shadow: ...... zephyr: ungrateful maggots... shadow: zephyr?

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Astral High - Chapter 16

[valen] "no, we're gonna stand around and complain about how worthless you are in front of you. did i already mention that? how worthless he is?" [me] "he isn't exactly the cutest, alex." [seth] "well, no one can beat you, so of course."

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Ravenwood Chapter 1

"there you are you worthless little turd." uncle jacob shouted as he hoisted casper up by his hair. "and look at this, you crapped yourself again." uncle jacob said as he lifted casper to examine his diaper. "please uncle jacob i am sorry."

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Out of the Woods into the Wild

"now i'm going to leave you to the wolves, so they can fuck you inside and out until you're a used up husk of a worthless bitch" terri laughed and walked away quickly, hopping to use jackie as bait to draw the wolves.

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Rolly's First Time

He was fat, worthless, stupid, ugly--- "rolly?" a mature feminine voice broke past his weak defenses and reached his ears, halting the thoughts of suicide and worthlessness that haunted his depressed, tormented mind. rolly knew that voice well.

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Of Skunks and Fantasies

_i'm gonna show you what i do to stinky little skunks like you, little worthless sissy boys like you!

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Let it Ride

Nobody would know, nobody would guess what had happened, what had been...what a worthless thing i had become. i was just another foster kid, another waste of space, but that was ok. as long as nobody knew the rest.

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Tri's Escape

Your worthless you can't do anything right all you do is piss other people off."

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FY 9 - Repercussions

worthless, you're fucking worthless!" kris managed with kittara's help to catch himself and stand upright again but he was still reeling from what his father had done and said to him.

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