A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 20: More Than a Victory is Obtained

#4 of a new start as a trainer/ part 2 **hello guys: i bring you the second, longer part of the battle against roark. so far, lucas had an easy time in defeating geodude with monferno....

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 16: A Battle Before We Leave

#16 of a new start as a trainer **hey guys, i have another chapter of lucas' journey: unfortunately this is the last collab between me and tx for a while. that doesn't mean we won't do it again, this was too much fun to not do!

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 11: Reunited Under Better Circumstances

#11 of a new start as a trainer **hey-yow! oathy here with another exciting chapter, brought to you by the fabulous team-up of triplex and oathkeeper35!

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How Should I know? Chapter 2: is this a new starting point?

I thought to myself as i came up a hill to the town, 'i wonder if this is a new starting point?'

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 6: Shane, the Reckless Dragon Trainer

#6 of a new start as a trainer hey guys, oathy is back! and i brought back a present: chapter 6! <... **hey guys, oathy is back! and i brought back a present: chapter 6!

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 27: Battle in the Gardenia part 2

#2 of a new start as a trainer/ part 2 okay, i know this chapter is way overdue....and i am sorry. **hello sofurry! i bring you the second part of 'a battle in the gardenia'! hope you are enjoying the chapter so far.....'

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 28: A LITTLE GIRL Joins the Gang

#11 of a new start as a trainer/ part 2 god, this is so overdue...it's not even funny! please, with all your heart, forgive my long absence! **hey guys, i have a surprise guest for this chapter......and she will be in future chapter from now on.

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Promethean pact

I can tell you all the things about love and betrayal, but they'd be things that you would never have come to expect. What I am? We'll let me give you the facts of what my people rose from ruined world, polluted by other sentient species, who wanted...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 4: The First Thing About Being A Trainer....

#4 of a new start as a trainer **salutations, my dear, furry friends. it is a peasure to see that i am one of your favorites. it makes me feel very, very..... happy! so now, without further adue, let-the-chapter-commence!

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 3: A Chance For Repentence, Repaid and Pushed Beyond

#3 of a new start as a trainer **hola, mi amigos! es su oathy! me gusta ustedes porque ustedes le gusta yo! gracias, gracias, gracias!!! so... on to the chapter!

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 32: In the Dark, In More Ways Than One

#14 of a new start as a trainer/ part 2 beginning says it all.....and, again i say it: i am so sorry! i know a lot of you like my series, and some may think i'm stopping....but i'm not....just doing my writing offline.....then uploading when i can.

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Runaways Chapter one: The trigger’s been pulled; it has signaled a new start.

The trigger's been pulled; it has signaled a new start. one without you." i slam the front door behind me as i walk out. * * * well there's part one of runaways, hope you enjoyed it.

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