After That Night: Chapter Three - Fatherly Issues

His allotted sick days were almost spent and after that, he knew there'd be no more excuses. not to mention if anyone would notice his new passenger, it was her. _she could see right through any of my covers with those hawk eyes of hers. i... gah!

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The Dream Come True

"guess i'll have to take some sick days. i can't go to work while i'm in heat." walnut buried his head in his hands. "fuck, i didn't even think about that.

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Tying the Knot Ch3

"i used up too many sick days trying to get used to... everything." he said, hovering in front of the refrigerator, tiny bowl in one hand, mike's torso in the another, looking from one to the other, morning routine ruined.

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All Kinds of Caring Needed

"thank goodness you guys are quick, i thought i was going to have to take care of my brother and that was not how i wanted to spend my sick days. did they fill you in on everything that you need to do for him?"

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Expected Deliveries

That otter never took a sick day in his life, hit the gym seemingly daily, and had chiseled muscles and a form as fine, if not more so, than brynns'. was certainly odd that he'd need to take a day off. "enough thought for now..."

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void main

I'm pretty stiff, i think i could take a sick day," he said with a coy chuckle. "i'm just as happy spending some more time getting to know you... if you're interested." "of course!" "nice...

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Contraindications Part 10

I got enough to do here without havin' to take sick days." he knew his voice had been a little deeper and rumbling lately, but if it was bad enough that people noticed immediately... "i feel okay," he said.

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Tresca's Expecting

And if not, she could always use a couple of her sick days. the laying part was also always pretty messy, which was her main concern.

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Charlie, Part Two

I can always call in sick, i have plenty of sick days built up." charlie said, still holding her by the hand. she nodded. "i'll be fine, charlie. now hurry up, i'll find your things for you while you're gone."

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Unwelcome Talents

He couldn't fake another sick day. did a transformation count as sick? only one small detail needed consideration. he had never tried having an _orgasm_ to revert back to his normal shape.

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The Best Halloween Costume (1/2)

Diesel warned that he couldn't take another sick day and the symbiote retracted, even relinquishing the arm that it had been controlling through breakfast.

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Joker to the Thief

"hotel might fire us over one sick day," he said. "nah, not for one night. look, i think...i think it would be good. for us. it's been a while since we had a date night, and...and i think we're overdue."

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