Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 14

It had its own sensor field detecting the room he was in to calibrate his motions in the virtual world. the darkness lit up with a clear view of the suit's game room.

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Lunaforte Granz Part one: Unnatural selection

Dominating the market in the fields of cybernetics, bioengineering and virtual world technologies they ushered in a new era of prosperity for humanity and its children.

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Commission: Reprogram and Repurpose

. **\*\*\*** in the virtual world here they couldn't feel their bodies, the pain, the effects, the damage didn't transmit to the brain the same way that the brain transmitted signals for the body to move, this was a fail safe so that the battles that take

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The Game: *Ding* Level Up!

She had just lost her dog, in a virtual world... she didn't know what to do. she looked around to see if there was any one she knew, or could ask for help, but all she saw was a bunch of people she didn't know.

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[Collab] Bolt: In a Tight Pinch

The virtual world shapes after his neuroformatic responses. the hangar was supposed to house calico and a dozen of hovertanks, resulting in an epic boss-fight.

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The Kingdom - Episode One - Data Industries

The concept of a virtual world and all. who knew something like this would be available in only 2016? we continued on, being passed by the horde of energized adolescents.

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Immersion and Feedback

The virtual world remained frozen while her stat change applied. a blush warmed her muzzle as her breasts swelled to a size fitting her now supernatural charisma, pulling her shirt tight against her curves.

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Virtual Lust

The dragon hardly had time to say his goodbye before the virtual world yanked him elsewhere. he did get one more sip of his tea, though. the taste was still on his lips, and throat by the time the system set him down.

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 15

I switched hard out of the virtual world to see the experience room around me. disorientation from the sudden switch caused the room to spin. i'd had all my resources tied up protecting me in that simulation.

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Uplink - A new look on Life

The virtual world has no idea where to put you until you have a body." alex squirmed to the absolute middle of the bed. "fine. what do i do to make a body?" he asked, making sure not to fall off again.

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This wouldn't be for long, though, as eventually, more advancements in technology made it possible for the human soul, their psyche and their mind to be transferred into their virtual worlds... and with this started the last-named era of the humans, and their

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Pinball wizard can feel the aftershocks of kody's attack in the virtual world in which he is battling medusa.

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