Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

Then the manticore roared in her face and made her hair look like she was ina wind tunnel. rarity looked up and said. "my mane!" then fled. had to at least give her kudos for trying.

The Colony: New Breeder

The females parted into two groups in front of him, one half moving down a long set of winding tunnels, only four of them today, the bulk moved towards the upper path that would lead to a large bowl.

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Saving the ponies chapter 12: To the death! (In theory)

The pony running it explained that it was all about combining the high precision of archery with dexterity and flexibility, as the pegasi were forced to navigate a long, winding course full of various obstacles such as gates, wind tunnels, cloud mazes, amongst

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Falling Apart: Prologus- Washed Ashore (Nocti)

I ended up getting sucked into one of the underwater wind tunnels, and then... there i was, wherever "there" was. "hell, might as well see where i am." i opened my eyes, slowly so i didn't get blinded as well. no need to make things worse, right?

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The Bad Omen Parts 1-5

The small wind tunnel hummed to life, water nozzles at the top of the shower spraying down towards a grid floor at the bottom; a steady stream of airflow kept the user pushed against the shower floor and the water moving in the right direction.

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More gift art from Squishy~

I keep up the wind tunnel for a couple of minutes before i'm dry to the touch and then shake a bit just for reassurance. done~ i giggle and pull the cover off the shower and stretch.

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New console in town

I keep up the wind tunnel for a couple of minutes before i'm dry to the touch and then shake a bit just for reassurance. _done~_i giggle and pull the cover off the shower and stretch.

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Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 7 from Patreon

"you should be a wind-tunnel!" chai laughed at the absurdity of it all, "no normal fur can take that kind of...." her hands were in mid air in frustration gesturing to the sky when they froze.

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Invasion of the Space Worms: Home

In that gargantuan, dimly-lit hall, zach could see twisting, winding tunnels through which more worm creatures--_more of his big, sexy daddies_--slithered and wriggled and clumped together in twisting piles.

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Descent into Nightmares

She broke him down into nothing more than liquid, passing him deeper into the winding tunnel of her intestines, and yet he remained trapped there, fully aware of what was happening to him every single step of the way.

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Selfish Gastrology - Endo

Trying again just seemed to cause a surge in madison's decent deeper into the winding tunnels below the ferret's navel.

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