
Later, i briefly had ambitions to become a vet, or animal scientist, but flunking out of uni put an end to those ambitions. life just kept on getting more complicated, and the nature of it's demands meant i'd let go of a lot of things.


The Mook Maker, Interlude 2: The Landlord

It was, regrettably, necessary, as he was unwilling to give up his plans and ambitions now, and couldn't afford to trust others in their execution. not now.

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Reintroduced to Vulnerability

Gave me a few months reality was there to greet me on my return there is never an end to the struggle old foes put on new masks, demons haunt echoing doubt in the furthest reaches what if i'm pushed aside, left behind unable to keep up with another's ambition

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The Echo Fanfic

Chase and leo had relationship problems due to irreconcialitory ambitions of life's most hateful pericardium.

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The young child climbed to a certain point, filled with pride and ambition, the child smiled at the view of her city.


Brief History of Uraz military capabilities and doctrines

As the century turned, the fledgling unified state moved from helpless to having ambitions on the world stage. at first doctrines revolved around creating a deterrent to foreign intervention by making an attack unsustainable.

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I am, By Honour, Bound – The War for an Empire and A Soul [Introduction]

But two centuries ago, this space-faring union was shattered by the deadliest of panthren principles... ambition.

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Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

Soldier: an enlisted man, or a conscript who behaves normally or has ambition or skills. the most basic type of unit, and the most multipurpose. officer: an officer is truly someone with potential.

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The Fox Imperator

Two littermates i don't have to guess about their ambitions. but father, damn you, you kept me separated from them.

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A Little Less Counselor...Chapter 18

While your ambition has always been great, your skill has kept pace with you, and i had little to worry about. i worried more for alys, with her rituals and elder ways, with her moments of vague sayings that implied impending madness.

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

The guardian of pride, courage and ambition. a deity who's impatience is matched by his compassion and ambition. always the first to action and first to place himself in harms way.


F.U.R.: The Brotherhood Part 4

He puts all his ambition into stopping others with the same ambition. the brotherhood was, in a way, a very short lived social experiment to mafia standards.

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