
I lay my head against the wall with my eyes closed and let the cold of his embrace seep into me like anaesthetic, to wash away the feel of his jizz dripping between my legs. an apotheosis in refuse, i had almost become what i knew myself to be.

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Chapter 48: Surprise!

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ suicune squirmed as the woman stuck a needle full of anaesthetic into his ear. "oww! that hurt!" "oh, don't be a baby!"

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A day off...yeah,right.

As he worked on my chest, his scanner showed a blip, and i was given an anaesthetic as the doctor made a small incision and removed a small piece of shrapnel from my lowest rib.

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Country Pursuits

Despite having such little anaesthetic to give me, i was peaceful throughout. and it will heal, she adds. which makes me think. what will heal? certainly not my paw - that could never be saved. so what then? my bite-marks? my cynophobia?

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Integrated Security (Mild, Female Version)

To answer her question, a gaseous anaesthetic was fed into her nasal tubes and put the wolf to sleep. * * * the wolf was woken up by an intense feeling of pain and pleasure that consumed her entire being.

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Integrated Security (Mild, Male Version)

To answer his question, a gaseous anaesthetic was fed into his nasal tubes and put the wolf to sleep. * * * the wolf was woken up by an intense feeling of pain and pleasure that consumed his entire being.

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Molot's Forging [Commission]

An anaesthetic for field injuries, or maybe a paralytic agent... it'd be nice to get a prototype going for him, the sooner the better.

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Meet the Black Stars; Draco's Story. Part I

The medical marine carried out the injured person out on a stretcher with the one not holding onto the carrying device was administrating anaesthetic.

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Industrial Espionage

The arctic fox noted that the otter intruder into his company building had come about, now that the anaesthetic gas had worn out for good, and the only thing now keeping him back were the numerous straps that had been applied to tie him down onto the bed.

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College Life: Chapter 4

I'll need to take one more blood test to make sure you're good for anaesthetic. just don't eat or drink anything after 6am tomorrow morning. oh and you don't have to stay around for the blood test results.

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Deus Ex Machina - The Ministry

Really, he'd like to think it was just the day after they'd taken him, but he knew from underground reports that he would have been drugged on a slow-release anaesthetic to keep him under for as long as they wanted, and he had awoken to discover himself

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A New Volunteer

Without the aid of any sort of anaesthetic, i expect this will be find this quite painful." there was just enough time for it to dawn on him.

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