Argonian Attraction - Ch. 1

Vesurus descended the staircase and entered the cell room again. with a quiet click he unlocked the door to the argonian's cell.

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Elder Scrolls: The Assassin's Dark Tale

**prologue** sitting in a damp, dark cell of the infamous imperial prison for an unknown time period, with a shred of natural light beaming into his cell and torches from the other end of the cell-lined hall, the prisoner have long lost track of time here

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Whoever has the same numbers will share a cell. up to 4 people in a cell. no visitors. your cells will be listed on this sheet of paper." he holds up a sheet of paper with cell numbers and such. they have this all planned out for us.

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Chapter V: Time of the Vampires

He was in some sort of prison cell. he had no idea how he got inside the cell or what he was doing their but he knew he had to get out.

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Eighteen

Road rage grumbled from his cell; watching atl take away the dirty dishes out of the cell block. coatl stood watching the mouse crawl back onto the metal slab used for a bed. someone shouted out in the now familiar chirping sound.

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Chapter 2: A familiar face

They nodded and walked past her and down to lak's cell.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 16

He pointed his remote to the back of anger heart's cell and all three prisoners saw that there were two vents along the back of each of their cells. he snickered then pressed the button again.

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Recompense of the Fallen

"bring her" he ordered motioning to the cell. the two red-clad marines nodded and moved to the indicated cell.

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Horror Vale - ch 7

He tossed darya inside, slamming the door and hearing it lock, then proceeded to do the same for alix, on the cell opposite of jadyn's. only one cell stood empty now, the one on the wall with the door.

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New Life Pt.6 The Yard 1

If not for that special cell block i would have been placed on death row. i would have been in a solitary cell with no access to other inmates or the ability to ever leave my cell at all.

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The Wolf Soul - Part Seven

The virus, once entering a cell, employed a few of its proteins to attack the ribosomes, the protein factories that produced everything a cell needed to function.

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