Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears

If he'd said something, dante could have fixed it. dante could have made him happy. dante could have...failed... the anger passed when the snow leopard realized that jace was right.

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Everything's Magic

dante's penis softened and slip out of me with a trickle of his fluids. thank you, dante. thank you for everything.

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My frozen soul saved with love : part five

Quickly i run out the door and grab dante and he jerks back "wait, what's wrong tell me kaisif". "dante there's a bomb in the room run".

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Tora- Two for Two

dante jumped back a little and widened his stance to prepare for his counterattack. chomper took the lead and leaped at dante.

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dante come to the rescue of a sexy doe... rescued dante pulled on his black leather jacket the night had gotten cold, it was earlier in the morning.

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Chapter 1- Painful Memories

dante heard him softly whisper, "mommy." dante sat next to him and hugged him as best he could. "i'm sorry kellan." his body shook in soft tremors. dante forcefully turned kellan towards him, his eyes were tightly closed shut.

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Game Night - Carlton and Dante

To best dante whenever he can, especially when dante has a tendency to gloat about these achievements.

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Vita Persevero

dante sighed, "at the end, life continues."

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Training Montage

Evens and dante cook dinner for everyone. after the meal dante puts the dirty dishes into a pile, "gothorita when you were gathering wood did you see a creak anywhere close by?"

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Sexy Yuletide: Christmas 2023 (Rose Pt. 4)

It was a good gift for dante to give her and one that must have cost him an arm and a leg to acquire. but dante was more than happy to spend this kind of money on his lover.

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