Escape From Death
Both of them looked in front of them, and they took off into a dead sprint. a ladder up to the surface! where they could deal with what was behind them.
Reaper - The First Death
I sobbed as i squeezed that cold hand in mine, "he's dead. the one i loved is dead. what do i do now? tell me!" "give him a memorial service and go on living. its what he'd have wanted if he truly loved you." "a memorial service?"
Death Site Prelude
Despite all of this death, despite that so many of us who remain once shared a common way, we have continued to act as the world before us has. i now have seen that pride fades when those you stood apart from are gone.
Reapers: God of Death
"i am sorry dat we gotta go back ta da place o your death, but dis is important.
Chapter 2 - Death
Chapter 2 Date 31st Augsta â€" Evening Location: Everonth Mountains Excavation Site The sun was setting in a beautiful fashion on most clear evening along the mountains of Everonth. The sun had almost set, leaving a beautiful haze of red and...
Near Death Experience
Tell us why you're in this townhouse, and we may make your death quick and painless." he growled.
The Twilight Army; Death
"her parents are dead, and yes, it is my job, because i know what its like to be alone in the world. and, moonlight, if you have a problem, please take your authority elsewhere."
Death Knell Dreams
He tried to call out again, but he might as well have talked at a brick wall, he sensed no life in the vast darkness, everything felt, for lack of a better word, dead.
Its Own Death
12) roman expression that means that some food is very good, that is "it's own death" 13) mortazza: colloquial name of the mortadella[](
Until Death - Jump
I'm not going back to my family, i want them to think i'm dead, and it is probably better off that way."
Poem #18: Death
Await death has chosen tenuous fate empty time and space the body is raw see its lost face let the ice thaw the end on cue its visibly cold breath forsaken life it threw into the arms of death.
Wrongful Death Reperations
As exciting as being lord valbane's personal assistant was, the job was extremely demanding and sometimes meant that he was forced to sit alone in the dead of night next to the carcass of a dead dragon in the middle of the deep dark woods.