A Forgotten Evil - Chapter 1 - Zecora

The dark horse spoke, a lick of his broad red tongue from out of his muzzle to show his glee."

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The Wish

When thinking of all these things, i can only think with sadness and glee. that of all these things to choose from, i only want a warm and loving arm around me.

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You feel me with such glee that sometimes i wonder if i'm high." "hey, that's something i'd say!" zander bumped into drayden gently. "i know, i'm uncreative." "nah, you're not." "so are you two going to order anything?"

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, screaming with glee, pulling back against his treat, falling backwards... holding on with his feet, hitting his back against the floor, oh... did that puppy moan, feeling his back hurt...

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Wolf Call, Wolf Cry, Wolf Shout

#2 of personal poetry creation date: march 9, 2016 under this silver moon so bright there was a hope, a soul, a light one so pure as life could be bright and full of so much glee life would taint and marr its light hurting, burning, filling


you cant straighten what you cant unbend (poem)

My heart isn't stuck behind bars no longer tied in iron schackles and every time we kiss my heart crackles and when you whisper "i love you" my feelings for you are anew whenever i am feeling sad you make me feel iron clad when i am full of glee

Your my toy

Your blood will spit and spurt, and i'll watch it with such glee, and all the while you'll know it was all because of me.


Cyber Security

Rouge watched the scene as nicole rode shimmer's cock like it was vital to her survival with glee. the lynx groped her breasts, moaning loudly as she slapped her hips against shimmer's lap.

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Delta Chronicles ch.2

"i got a new gun" he said with ever apparent glee. "so what?" "its a fucking minigun, xm-172 microgun, to be exact." "and i should care, why" "because its man portable, man fireable" jj said as he held out the new weapon.

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Chapter 12 - The Ties That Bind

Shouted kestra with glee as she put out her hands getting ready to cast another incantation.

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More explosions, then the whir of fly discs filled the air as heartgold fired the bandsaw weapon, launching razor sharp serrated discs at the hoard, whooping with glee at the heads popping off the bodies of the soldiers.

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"i'm your new master my new ratlings and you are my vermin disciples," he snickered, watching in glee as the boys bodies started convulsing.

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