Not of This World

No, his eyes weren't playing tricks on him--there really were two small, black horns poking out of her brown curls.

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A Rather Horny Weekend

Ipzum entered his bedroom and went over to his bed, lying down, and deciding to take a nap as he didn't have much else to do. He eventually drifted off to sleep and entered a dream. In this dream, he could see most of himself chest down, including his...

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Birds of a Feather (F on M) [Comm]

She started to work at his buttoned shirt, stripping away his clothes one by one as he could do little to resist, the horned owl shooed away his feathery arms whenever he tried to stop her.

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Birds of a Feather (M on M) [Comm]

horned owls tended to always look rather intent when looking at anything with their unblinking eyes, however.

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Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 3

Tales of the Wave Rider, Volume 1 Splintered Light Prologue, pt 3: Nikolay de Sandoval When Nikolay de Sandoval first joined the crew of the Wave Rider he honestly didn't know how much work went into the operation of a ship, let alone the amount of...

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Splintered Light, Chapter 6.4: Anache u' Tonn

He said chris released him out of sick bay as long as he stays in his cabin and manages an appointment with her once a day to check--" the prong horn's report trailed off at the captain's smirk.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 33: Distance

Your horns look bumpy, howard. do you touch your own horns?" the more i said, the more ridiculous i felt. the two horned furs were gaining slow, amused smiles. shadow looked surprised, even shocked at my rambling. "uh - uh," i continued.

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Dimitri nodded, and took the base of his shirt before lifting it over his shoulders, taking care not to catch it on his little curled horns.

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The Corruptive Cure: Part 2

His tail pushed out, now akin to what you might find on a lizard, and his horns...

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Marlianken and Malphas 3

It took all of his strength to resist grabbing her by her horns and using them as handlebars to mercilessly fuck her face.

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290 Learning the Irraowdy Tango

Save Point: Learning the Irraowdy Tango He's definitely the bad guy, but he may not be bad company. Kilseth was the single most destructive and vicious individual she had ever meet, thought Cleo. He also had a truly enormous cock. Looking into...

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From the Head Down - P3

They bleated in excitement at the handsome scimitar horned oryx who was looking towards them thoughtfully and he smiled at them as he stepped into their kitchen.

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