Aeaea OG

"damn, this pot is good but talk about munchies." he said as he started to walk over to the kitchen. he looked around and found some protein bars that he uses for his work out. he starts to eat one and then another, and then another.

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Just Because.

I have post-sex munchies!" "i really shouldn't, victor, my flight leaves in three hours. i have to pack, have a shower ..." "you can do all that later! come on!" the wolf dragged the fox to the door. "well ...

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Castaways - Chapter 6

"midnight munchies?" he chuckles as he goes about putting the pie back into the fridge and then pouring himself a glass of water.

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Lyra, Half-Baked

She was drenched in sweat, had a horrible, bitter taste in her mouth, had a serious head ache, and the munchies from hell. her abdominal muscles were cramping, like she had just gone through an intense core workout.

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One Night, by the Docks

This wasn't the munchies. this was something more. it was intoxicating, addicting. daef did not resist, but happily leaned into it. "here i gooo hahahah," daef was barely able to articulate, before pulling in again.

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'A Slippery Embrace'

Within the deep shades of green, the night was coloured away by the sounds of smooth, rushing water. Within the woods, a river laid nearby. Beneath the camouflage of wildlife, two lonely figures were prepping up a campsite on an open patch of...

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Mischievous Sands

Kitty munchies spilled out over his porch steps as eric grinned. the other reason why eric did not have his tin foil hat on was because he needed his helmet on.

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New pet

I'll be back in a few hours, and in the meantime another slave will be in to clean you up and bring you some munchies."

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Invader S.

Pondering this important decision, he wasn't feeling too energetic, deciding to grab a box of moon munchies from the top of his fridge, pouring them into a bowl and eating it dry.

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A Dream of Dolphins: Fallen From Grace

Help yourself on whatever munchies you find in the cabinets if you're hungry. there's gotta be leftovers in the one right next to the oven." arrow turned his nose away from the cabinet and walked towards greg.

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Ok then, one spell and a kinky jack-off, and then a night of blasting aliens on the x-box and eating munchies. the perfect evening!

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Edible Arrangements (Vore Story)

It wasn't like this was the first time the dragon had had gotten high or anything, but whenever he did get high, he got the munchies. to a truly insane level. to the point where no fridge or pantry in this entire house could possibly sate him...

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