Commission - Relax Queen 1, An Eggcellent Workday

Contains: oviposition, omorashi, wetting, cumming, and much masturbation. enjoy! hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me!

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Temple of Life - Making Friends with a Bug (3/6)

It contains oviposition, aphrodisiacs and getting tied up with webs. i hope you enjoy reading it and feel free to leave me your thoughts and comments. the first few minutes were filled with deafening silence and infinite blackness.

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Dungeon Delving

Details here: or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or story contains: oral, anal, eggs, incredibly orgasmic oviposition, vaginal, riding, an orgy

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Living Inferno

I think i may have just made the first 'clean' rated oviposition story ever...

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However, if you like parasites, oviposition, and vore; you might like it. kanomi woke with a start as the world trembled. the ground shook, the shutters rattled, the oil lamp crashed to the floor and even her bed moved a few inches away from the wall.

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Vaulix's Ovi Surprise!

The added pressure of orgasm mixed with the very well stretched flesh of vaulix's canal dislodged the much larger egg from its sitting place to have its narrow, pointed end slide into the cockatrice's oviposition canal, bumping right against evalion's snout

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Conservation Efforts

Krystal stepped into the room, blinking as her eyes adjusted. Leaves and vines were thick and lush, obscuring plain white walls while large phosphorescent mushrooms bathed the room in a soft, neon-violet light. The room was dominated by a dark,...

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I sit back and glare sullenly at the computer screen, finding myself confined to my lair...again. I'd tried to tell them it wasn't my fault, that I was simply in heat at the time and my abilities were a little off, but my foster father simply replied...

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Gary the dragon

In the darkness of my den, I woke because I thought I heard a moan. It took me a few seconds to realize it had been me. What I'd give for the ability to sleep through the night, these days...well, as members of my family would be happy to remind me,...

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Happy Easter! (Shorty)

_Happy Easter! (Shorty)_ _Sandy stared at her hand it again had this damn line of that damn plaid blanket, and it lingered for a bit after she took her hand off. Damn psychotic disorder, or whatever it was her parents claimed she had._ _It had...

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The Cave

That was the cave she was looking for. In the dead of the night, the armored lady let out a satisfied sigh. Shining her torch over the rocky walls, she saw the many warnings written in blood and charcoal about the terrible dragon inside. In her many...

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Strangers in Booth #23

Snicks nervously rubbed the top of his scaly head, lacing his fingers between the nubs on the back of his scalp. It was a bit premature to call them horns at this stage, but they were still prominent enough to be noticed. He hadn't had time to file the...

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