Dear Diary Do I have a Story for you.
About the only abnormal thing about me was i am a pagan. oh ya, my name is paul, i'll keep my last name private in case someone reads this and thinks i should be put up in a padded cell. where was i... oh ya i'm a pagan, a druid to be specific.
The Brimstock Descent
The people who survive the early symptoms especially seem to succumb to some sort of devilish pagan cultism that i cannot fathom; but i am curious.
The Secret - Part 26
"and that covers the question of non-pagan guests fairly well, unless there are any others?" "none others that i am inviting.
Between Dreams and nightmares Beta2
They went about the world sending out their believers who believed their god was the true god, all other gods to be false, and give those "pagans" the option to convert or die.
The Lead Crown: Ch 3b, The Prodigy (Pt 2)
Friar arlowe nodded, letting the reference of the pagan gods go without rebuke, choosing instead to focus on a different thing the wolf had said, "they say spirits, which is plural... many-- and when they say they want to be like the spirits and be one...
Eternal walt: Chapter 2
The exact same symbol sat upon the wolfs tail, in-between the twin thin red lines, the pagan or celtic symbol in origin was not only upon the flag that sat in the middle of the military base, but it also sat upon the black wolves tail.
Sharon's Change
"i'm pagan!" sharon wasn't sure what to say. she'd had pagan friends before, but never had any interest in practicing herself. then again, her friends weren't nymphos with cock-shaped wands. "cool...but what's"
Chamukha - servant and misstress
It is the 14.12.1198, christmas is a pagan custom and therefore not practiced.
A Rough Start
It's just that i did a small background check on everyone's religious beliefs before i came, and found that there were only two pagans in this entire patch of trainees," krys said quickly. "and?" came shadow's terse reply. "i'm the other one!"
Bad dog, good wife
His eyes completely lost focus of the paper and shifted fully into the reflected pagan goddess that stood under the umbral at the entrance of the room.
A Gentleman's Journal: A winters intermission
Milky asked me 'the tradition comes from germanic paganism.
Power pet (Chapter 3)
Her words were like something out of a pagan ritual! ?"what? please no, doesn't one of your pets know how to heal wounds?" i asked her desperately, seeing her unwrap a long needle from the package. ?"no, i'm so sorry pup.