The Royal Secret part 16: Exercise

rachel was unfortunately called away to review some court matters that went over phillip's head, so they shared a kiss with plans to meet up in rachel's chambers after phillip's swordplay.

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An Evening with Uma

I hope you like swimming in gunge, rachel!" she smiled triumphantly as he closed the computer again, putting it back on the side table. rachel shook her head, then relaxed back on the couch.

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Coed Tag-Team, or, Rats Have Neat Toes

She relaxed them with a churr, and i could feel her shift on the couch, sliding closer to rachel. rachel was being gentler now. her feet started moving, rubbing across the whole back of my head.

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A Battle of Possesion, Part 1

Sighing rachel backed off gently and let him stagger to his cart, his pants half-way down. "rachel!" krista yelped as she came behind her, making the bear girl jump. "dammit that scared me. what's the matter kris?" said rachel.

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Birds Of A Feather (WIP)

3 beers and 6 shots later i finally wandered back to rachel at the table. "hey babe" i said before i kissed her. "who's this?, i noticed someone new and just about as gorgeous as rachel was with us.

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3. Prep work

When the door had let the disciplinarian past again, the squirrel's voice came out from rachel's left. "w-what's happening? i feel funny." sara said, "m-me too. it feels kinda like... rachel, is this what happened to you a bit ago? ... rachel?"

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Bounty Hunters

"you must be powerful to beat rachel, but you have crap for instinct, i got ya easy!." she said cheerfully to him. "uhh rachel?" ven said in askance.

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