Past Sins

"it's better than rotting away, wallowing in self-pity," leat shot back. "i deserve to rot for what i did--we both do, figment. do you remember what we did?" leat's ears folded back as he held his friend's gaze.

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Pretty Toy. Chapter 2 The smell of a whore.

He took the bitch wolf to the fare side of the cellar and tossed her to the corner landing her on top of a few rotting corpses.

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Little Lamb

"i'm crying because you have doomed my people to starvation and madness from the rot."

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Sixth official character

A limb is cut off it will take a long time to regrow this ability is only used for healing wounds regrowing limbs and helps in shape shifting(reduces the pain of it), has true shape shifting, has super strength, can run at 60mph for half an hour, cursed rot

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The Furry Dead Chapter XX - The Battle of Amarthane

The ogre let out a noise somewhere between a thunderous bellow and a piteous, hideously loud squeal, and fell down with an earth-shaking crash as its huge rotting fingers cradled ruined testicles.

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He could feel his teeth fall from their sockets; his fur shed rapidly from his skin before that too began to slough off in wet chunks of rotting gore.

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Sunny Days - Teil 3 -

rot, bitte" antwortete hektor rasch. ihm war aufgefallen das magnus altes halsband bereits sehr verschlissen war. weil ihm rot sehr gut stand, wollte er dem dalmatiner ein neues schenken. „wie gefällt ihnen dieses modell?

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The Coffin: Part 1

Pulling nimbus back to his side, he thrust his torch into a gaping mouth of a zombie, lighting the rotted flesh on fire. excellent. now he had a separate light source and an incapacitated foe. more swings of rotted clubs, more minor bruises.

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Wolfsblut - Teil 1 Kapitel 05: Die blutige Tat

Langsam wurde es abend und die sonne ging unter, sie färbte den himmel in ein dunkles rot. ,,gehen wir noch lang?", fragte canjy. ,,nicht mehr lang, da vorne können wir ein lager aufschlagen."

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The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl

A rotted skeleton in the coffin greeted dave, a ceremonial headdress still attacked to its skull. the thing that interested dave, though, lay across the dead ruler's chest, clasped in his decrepit hands.


Stress Relief From Customer Service at Target

"all of you can rot in hell as far as i'm concerned" the female badger yelled as the security guard grabbed her by the shoulder.

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Naruto und Zaraki; von der Bar ins Bett

Seine stimme klang etwas alt und stark.naruto konnte seinen blick irgendwie nicht von seiner brust lassen, die wunderbar durch die offene jacke zu sehen war.zaraki starte ihn nur an und fragte ihn, was los sei und naruto wurde plötzlich ganz rot."

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