Lifting the Veil

The feline hesitated, wondering how much he should reveal to the sentinel; but after a few moments he decided he still needed some directions.

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Embertooth - Chapter 3: Home

You too, sentinel. shiba seemed to hesitate for a few instants, until she spotted alekai's sentinel's shadow going out too. he still gave ike a worried look and the lion realized she was asking him to be careful.

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Chapter 7: Worlds Divided

"first of all, everyone in the dark sentinel was saddened when one day the portal to your world abruptly closed. then, we got another problem at hand. do you still remember why sannourah is stuck in his youngling form?"

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The Monster, The Knight And The Werewolf

Consequentially these same sentinels walk along the constructions just to inspect and curiously stare at the unfinished edifices.

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16- Friend, Lover, Mentor

sentinels approach these disciplines from the bottom up, without assuming that the force will reveal all the answers.

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Dragon Layers chapter 3

Soon the seaside path ended and the couple had to separate, the sentinel drawing closer to them as they approached the blocks.

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Anduin Wrynn's Adventures: Ch. 6 - Darnassian Hospitality

Realization suddenly hit the young prince as he gently clasped her hand that this female was not just _a_ sentinel, but the general of the entire sentinel army.

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The Rune Tapper: Part III The Fallacy of Gods

The sentinels' eye illuminated the room in a red glow. tek instinctively reached for one of his runic cards, but just like the last time he faced a sentinel, he didn't have them. "do not resist." the sentinel said.

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Fell Frost

The sentinels oppose her for the protection of all.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 31: The Further Adventures...

"a sentinel program that was intended to guard the site from intruders." i said. "she is still serving that purpose, but will also monitor that location as well from now on."

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Growth Spurt

Mystically caiman chaos can watch the fight as the cameras on the rv record the encounter for the sentinel's archives.

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Ch 2: Personal Time

The spirit sentinel moved his legs to wrap around drathion's to keep them close. the sudden motion caused him to shudder as he broke apart from the lycan's grasp. "tharis..."

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