Chapter Two

He seems pretty shitty about something..." jayce chuckled a little under his breath as he moved towards the door.

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Volume 2, Part 5

But, when they happened, it just put the night in a shitty mood.

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Don't Do Drugs, Kid's.

"i'd rather vape and drink shitty beer" clash said. "but it's not the same without you." lando pouted. "i'll vape and drink shitty beer with you guys, then." clash bargained. landon ruffled her curly hair and smiled. "you got it, rattie."

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We'll Figure it Out

We'd play video games, eat shitty junk food and fall asleep late. we stopped talking all that much in college. rory pushes his back up so that he's sitting, pain visible on his face despite how tough he might act. "why'd you call after me anyway?

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STYSI: Stopping Humanity with Signs

That shitty thing with the hearing aids. been canvassing the job portals with less and less hope as time passes by. found a job on craigslist last week. thought it was a joke at first. let me quote: "need a job?

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Just like everything else in his fucking shitty fucking life.

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Cracking Open a Cold One

"we got shitty beer, shitty music, and shitty people! you can throw your coat on the chair over here and we'll watch it. enjoy!" he raised his arms and nearly spilled his beverage.

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Nicky September and the Russian Widow

But it had a gas station, it had a motel, and it was too shitty and poor to be of interest to most of the mobs and gangs.

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Dead Doves and Bad Decisions

"you make it sound like my only two options are that either the men are shitty because i wanna ruin my life, which i hate, so their shitty-ness is a byproduct of me seeking that goal and maybe wanting to be like them--" "--that is not entirely correct, _mon

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It was shitty beer from a shitty bar in a shitty part of town where people go to feel sorry for their shitty lives, and i was no exception.

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Dear Diary [Story / TG]

I had such a shitty life growing up. i was a terrible man (btw, kiera is married too now!) and have done things in my life that i'll regret forever.

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