Pond Scum 1

In the shade of a skate park a most particular series of events will unfold, forever altering those who go there...

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 2)

I found colton at the skate park a day after courtney made me her date. he'd been alone and practicing, just like i'd hoped. rocco had told me bravery started with a small step sometimes, so here was an idea: just get colton talking to me.

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The Law of The Jungle

She thought a moment, then said, "thanks for coming to the skate park with me today." "not a problem!"

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Kioga: Diaplomacy 5 - A Silly Museum

Rolled up a male bunny in skates and a black and purple bellhop onesie rimmed in gold around the collar, sleeves, and crotch guard.

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Tito's First Love

I skated away from him,"ace.phhfff.he's more like an ace in the hole."

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Rocking To Another Beat

Right away he skated over to one of the racks of music, the roller blades strapped tightly to his hoof like feet. he always went to that same rack.

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The Broken Tail

He'd been skating for at least 3 years and he often teached chris how to do it right. chris had only skated for about half a year and still pretty nervous on a board, but he still loved it and often tried to rush into something too wild for him.

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Into the Real World, Chapter 1

Once again, they rushed out of the elevator as soon as they got to the first floor, then again running to the nearest map to find where the skate-shop was, then after memorizing it, running directly to the skate shop.

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Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 5

They finally reached the skating rink. getting out they walked into it and saw it was crowded. madison was nervous she had never learned how to skate and was afraid of crowds... _'why did i agree with this again...?'

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Some Goalies Need Extra Padding: Chapter 1

As humboldt took his skates off on the bench and made his way back to the lockers, something in his gait had changed; his thighs seemed spread apart, giving him a bit of an unstable toddle as he trailed behind the rest of the team.

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Rodney's Restroom Encounter [WS Addition]

Posted using postybirb seeing some entertainment, rodney had spent nearly all day at the local skating park.

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It's a Locker Room Scenario

I found out that victor played defensive, which made me smile, as i watched the big dobie skate over to his position and prepare for the onslaught from the black team.

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