Mistakes - Chapter 1

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Alex thought he would burst

on the bus ride home. Gym class was the last period of the day and somehow the

fox had landed with Kyle as a wrestling partner. As far as bucks go, Kyle was

perfectly irresistible. With his seductive brown eyes, sly little grin and

those voluptuous abbs bulging under his thin singlet, there wasn't a single

girl in school who could say they would refuse him. And with the most hypnotizing

bubble butt, that the deer's tight shorts only complimented too easily, and Alex

was left all but spellbound whilst his opponent tackled him to the floor.Being as fit as a matchstick

like all foxes Alex of course had no hope at all of winning, but he didn't

care. To be close enough to have an excuse to touch such a beautiful body was

more than Alex could ever dream of. He just had to make sure the guy didn't rub

up against his shorts, which were loose enough to cover the aching boner below

his tight undies, but wouldn't save him from a lifetime of embarrassment if

Kyle or the other guys in class caught him out. But... provided that didn't

happen; Alex was free to take in every stunning, firm curve of the buck's

glimmering, tanned body.Consequently, Alex had been

stuck with a constant throbber since class. He just couldn't get the musky

scent and warm, velvety feeling of Kyle's fur between his paws out of his mind.

The bus ride home was a relief however, as he could just plant his backpack

over his crotch and no one would notice. Yet Alex still found it hard just to

fight off the urge to give his cock the slightest of rubs and let some of that bursting

tension out, just a little. But that would be a very bad idea.An eternity seemed to pass

as the bus rolled on as Alex sat, dazed in agonised rapture, oblivious to the

chatter around him. He was only conscious of the seconds ticking away, one at a

time, until then, with a hiss, the bus squeaked to a halt and Alex was just as

quickly off the bus, through the door, inside his house and down the hallway into

his room before the bus reached the end of his street. Now, Alex had the house to

himself for at least an hour until either of his parents got back. Plenty of

time, Alex chuckled to himself, as he closed the door to his room behind

him, dumped his bag on the floor and crashed into the leather chair before his

computer.Whipping open a search

engine he then began his spree, sighing lustfully as the screen filled with a

selection of hardcore videos. His cock ached even harder at the sight,

throbbing to be released. But which one first? Alex smiled to himself,

as he scanned, lasciviously, until he was stopped by an image that made his

mouth water. Wavering, as his paw shook, the cursor hovered above the video

thumbnail of a deer that looked just like Kyle, groaning blissfully as his ass

was torn open by a muscle clad lion twice his size. Clicking it eagerly, Alex threw

his headphones first over his ears before sliding his shorts and undies

together down to his knees, springing his cock from its aching prison.While Alex wouldn't say he

was fit for a fox, he was proud of his cock. At eight inches long and thick, he

couldn't help but admire it in the glow of the computer monitor. Softly, he

moaned as the video began, his cock's shaft swelling out of its sheathe to its

full size as a bead of precum began to drip from its tip.The video began with the two

clothed on a bed. Ugh, boring! Thought Alex, and skipped a minute ahead.

The lights were now dimmed and they were naked, the deer lying seductively on

his back while the lion waited eagerly between his thighs as they gazed into

each other's eyes. Alex closed a paw around his the head of his swollen cock,

rubbing it in anticipation; the look on the deer's face was just begging the

lion to begin. Then the lion darted forward and spun the deer over onto all

fours like a dog, the camera zooming in just in time to catch a glimpse of the

deer's tight hole below his tail, before slowly, he bent forward, caressing the

supple buck with his firm paws as the lion brought his throbbing shaft forward.

Alex couldn't bear it. Pawing away furiously, he imagined himself pinning Kyle

down from behind as he murmured for Alex to pierce him. Meanwhile, the lion

moved closer, his teasing cock now grinding up against the deer's crack."Give it to me!"

cried the deer, and Alex groaned. Yes, fuck the slut, he begged the

lion. But the lion knew how to draw things out. Painfully he paused to rub his

paws along the deer's sides some more as he began to leak a trail of his own

glistening cum over the deer's lustful hole. Groaning, the deer pushed back

against the lion's wet tip. He was just begging the lion to split him open,

which is exactly what he did. The lion grunted and thrust his hips forward and

the deer let out a sudden yelp as the lion's thick shaft bore into him. Alex's paw went into a

frenzy up and down his own cock, bucking his hips in his seat in time with the

lion on screen as he fucked the deer raw. Panting, the deer frantically brought

a paw down to jerk his own cock, which was leaking clear precum all over the

sheets.Alex imagined what it would

be like to feel that warm, tight hole around his own shaft, as the lion began

to grimace in ecstasy. Alex was close to exploding, panting from the exertion

just to keep going. Then the lion let out a howl of release as he came inside

the tight deer, thrusting deep into him again and again filling him with cum as

the deer gasped in unison, squirting off his load onto the sheets below. It was

too much for Alex. Gasping, he glanced down as his cock exploded in a fountain

of white sticky cum, firing load after load into the air and onto his lap.Panting, he exhaled in

satisfaction as the lion withdrew its glistening shaft with a wet slurp. That

was all Alex needed. Now he just had to clean up. Except that now, he realized,

the room was slightly brighter, meaning the door was open."You certainly made a

bit of a mess, didn't you!" his elder brother, Luke, shouted from the

doorway. Yelping in fright, Alex jumped frantically to turn off the computer,

clean up, and put is dick away all once, but instead only succeeded in becoming

entangled in his headphone lead, falling backwards over the side of his chair

and yanking out his headphones in the process."Please, fuck me

again!" echoed the deer's cry from the speakers around the room and Alex's

brother doubled over in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Cheeks flushing hot

with embarrassment, Alex managed to scramble back up to the computer desk to

turn the whole thing off. But now his cum had also spilled all over his shirt

and shorts. Dismally, Alex reached for the box of tissues on the desk above him

to mop the sticky juice off of him, all the while feeling his brothers mocking

eyes watching in malicious delight. "Oh, mum and dad

are going to love hearing about this when they get home," Luke smiled

mischievously. "You wouldn't tell them

would you?" Alex asked desperately, as he slid his shorts back up, dying

inside at the thought of how they might react."You bet I could,"

Luke laughed. "Unless you give me a reason not too" he added slyly.

Alex's heart sank. "I, I'll give you

any of the games of mine you want, Luke," Alex pleaded, shaking with fear,

"just please -""No, that's not

enough," Luke interrupted softly. Slowly, he then turned to the door and

shut it behind him, before turning back to Alex. "But, you could do

something else for me," he murmured, walking closer until he was standing

right over Alex's frail figure on the floor below. "Anything" Alex

sobbed, looking up with tears in his eyes."Well then," Luke

began, as he glided slowly to the floor to sit just before his little brother.

"Do you enjoy what you were watching Alex?" Alex let out an

uncomfortable groan. He did, but he had never done it before - and

he couldn't tell his brother that."Would you like to try

it out for real?" His brother whispered. Alex's jaw dropped."What do you

mean?" Alex stammered hesitantly. Surely, his brother Luke wasn't

suggesting that they...Tenderly, Luke suddenly

reached forward and placed his soft paws on Alex's shoulders. They were now

inches apart, staring into each other's eyes."Let me fuck you Alex,

and I won't tell them anything," Luke whispered simply. Alex gaped at his

brother in terror."Be my little bitch Alex,

and they won't find out about any of this," Luke repeated maliciously. Alex

blinked, shaking his head incomprehensibly. This isn't happening, Alex screamed to himself. He tried to squirm

away, feeling sick with dread, but his brother was too strong, pinning him

firmly against the wall behind him."Look at me Alex,"

Luke whispered sternly, his muzzle almost close enough to be touching Alex's

own. "It won't hurt at all, and no-one will ever find out," he

whispered slyly, "unless you want me to tell dad about what you're

into." Alex let out a low whine. What his brother was suggesting was

appalling, but what choice did Alex have? If his mom and dad found out what he

was doing - that he was into guys... no, he just couldn't let that happen!

Tears in his eyes Alex looked up again at his brother, grinning back at him

wickedly, and felt his heart sink in despair. Like it or not, he would have to

do whatever Luke wanted. "Ok then," Alex

sighed, staring fearfully into his brothers sparkling eyes. "I'll do

whatever you want."A glimmer of triumph

flickered across his brother's face. "I know you will," he whispered,

moving a paw from Alex's shoulder to caress the side of his soft muzzle. Alex

inhaled in revulsion. This is wrong, Alex thought desperately. How could his brother

be doing this to him? But, as his brother stroked him slowly, a strange thought

began to form in Alex's mind. What if I like it? he wondered. I mean,

despite it being Luke, it would be just like screwing around with some other

guy, right? And that's all I've been wanting. Just to try it out.Alex's head was spinning. It

all felt so wrong but at the same time, the soft touch of his brothers paw

against his fur, it just felt... so good."Kiss me," Luke

breathed suddenly, and Alex's heart quivered. Awkwardly, he found himself

flushing red again with embarrassment. "Kiss me Alex," Luke groaned,

leaning closer. Nervously, his body quavering, Alex obliged. Heart pounding Alex

inched forward, and their lips met, time froze and all Alex could think of was

how wrong and wonderful it felt, conscious only of the warm, tender feeling of

his brother's moist muzzle against his own. Then Luke's paws were suddenly

around the back of Alex's head and neck, caressing him tenderly and Alex was

lost in his brother's soft arms.Passionately, they began to

kiss. Tenderly at first - Alex overwhelmed at how gentle his brothers touch

could be - but soon, as a sudden impossible lust took a hold of them both, they

were groping at each other frantically and furiously. How could they stop when

this felt so, right?Panting, Luke suddenly drew

back from Alex's lips. "Let's move to bed," he whispered feverishly.

Eagerly Alex nodded in agreement, taking his brothers paw as Luke stood up to

lift him to his feet. Briskly, Luke moved to sit on the edge of Alex's bed, and

then motioned for Alex to sit on his lap. Giggling, Alex obeyed but gasped in

surprised when he felt something hard suddenly prod him through his brother's

shorts. Meekly Alex looked up to find his brother grinning at him proudly.Maybe it's time for me to

take the lead then? Alex

thought. Smiling slyly back at his brother, teasingly Alex brought his paw down

to Luke's thigh. Then slowly, Alex let his paw creep towards is brother's lap,

until his brother groaned sharply as Alex finally groped at Luke's bulging

junk."Do you like

that?" Alex whispered deviously, rubbing the swelling cock beneath his

brother's jeans."God yes," his

brother gasped."It seems like someone's

trapped in there though. Do you think I should help him out?" Alex

giggled, tapping his fingers lightly on Luke's fly. "Take your shirt off

first," Luke groaned. Alex did as he was told and flung it to the floor. Alex

didn't think he was much to look at, but his brother must have thought so as he

groaned lustfully at the sight of his brothers exposed body."I've always thought

you were so hot," Luke sighed, as he caressed the sides of Alex's chest

with his paws. "Your skinny little body is just so cute," he

whispered, moving his paws down to rest on Alex's hips."You think so?" Alex

chuckled."Uh huh," Luke

murmured, moving his paws behind Alex to grope his brothers firm buttocks. Alex

gasped in pleasure. He didn't know what to think anymore, didn't care how wrong

it felt, all he knew what his body wanted."Fuck me, Luke," Alex

groaned, holding his brother to him."Move over on the bed

then," Luke commanded. Alex obeyed, eagerly, crawling to the center of the

mattress to lie on his back, anxiously in wait. When he glanced back up at his

brother, Luke was throwing his shirt to the floor, revealing his set of

perfectly toned arms, chest and abbs. That time at the gym this year had

certainly done his brother well, Alex remarked mentally, feeling his own cock

swelling in delight at the spectacle of his half-naked brother."You like what you

see?" Luke laughed, before bending over to slip off his jeans and

underwear in one smooth motion, springing his cock free for Alex to gape at in

trepidation and awe. Engorged to its full size, Luke's throbbing, red shaft was

ginormous. At least half as long as my arm, and as wide, Alex figured.

His brothers balls alone were fist sized in comparison to Alex.Alex should have been

afraid, but instead a lustful confidence began to fill him. Smiling seductively

at his brother, Alex reached forward to slide his shorts down, slowly, along

his legs to his feet, before flicking them casually away with his foot. Then he

lay back, naked except for a pair of skimpy blue briefs that did little to hide

the throbbing bulge between his legs. Alex looked up at his brother, who was

gazing, entranced, at his body. Slyly, Alex beckoned his brother closer.Almost frantically, Luke

dived onto the bed and crawled over the top of Alex, straddling his body. Their

faces were only inches away again as Luke gazed into Alex's eyes. Luke's body radiated

warmth, and its familiar scent was now somehow all but irresistible. Alex

yelped as his brother's cock suddenly fell against his own lap, and then

shivered in delight as he felt the precum on his brother's tip leak through his

tight briefs."I think we need to

take these off, don't you?" Luke whispered, his paw falling to the thin

material on Alex's hips before sliding the briefs free of Alex's body and

flinging them away. As he did, Alex shuddered as his own cock sprung free and fell

against his brothers above him."Roll over Alex,"

his brother whispered. Alex shuffled over onto his tummy, his heart pounding in

anticipation. He could feel the heat of his brother above him, and groaned

desperately as the hard tip of his brother's cock suddenly fell between his

tensing buttocks. Lustfully, Alex pushed his hips back, then forth again, reveling

in the feeling of his brother's shaft sliding between his cheeks and over his

tight little hole.Then suddenly Luke was

trying to thrust into him, and Alex screamed as he felt his brother's tip

penetrating into him. Alex felt like he would be split open, but his brother

was now pinning him to the bed with his weight, leaving Alex no choice but to

submit as his brother pierced deeper and deeper into him. Alex yelped as he

felt something tear. Luke's cock was just so thick.  Tears were in his

eyes but Luke's cock just boring into him mercilessly, until it was buried

balls-deep within him.Alex whined at the effort.

His hole was burning in pain, but Luke merely sniggered as he tried to hold in

his sobs of agony. Then Luke began fucking him. Hard. Alex thought his brother

might start off slow, like in the videos he'd seen, but he was mistaken.

Fervently Luke started pounding away, throwing Alex against the bed with each

thrust. It hurt so much, but in-between the pain, Alex thought, the feeling of

his brother's shaft slipping in and out of him was unbelievable. It was so

thick and long. Soon, the pain began to subside and Alex could concentrate on

the pleasure of his brother filling him."Fuck me Luke," Alex

begged. "Fuck me harder!" Panting, his brother obeyed. If Luke had

held back before, he was now hammering Alex twice as hard. Alex groaned as his

hips began to hurt as his brother pounded against them, harder and harder. "I think I'm

gonna cum," Luke began to gasp, and Alex felt his brother's body suddenly

tense up - his thrusts turning into drawn out spasms. Then his brother groaned,

thrust deeper into Alex than ever before, and collapsed exhausted on top of

him. Panting, Luke shuffled back and Alex moaned as he felt his brother's wet

shaft slide out of him with a slurp."Aren't you glad you

said yes?" Luke asked, still panting as he caressed Alex tenderly. Alex's

head was spinning. He felt like he had been torn open, yet at the same time,

the feeling of being filled and so thoroughly fucked was more satisfying than

he ever thought possible."So glad," said Alex

purred earnestly. He felt awful about it, but then it all felt so amazing

somehow."I'm sorry I had to

blackmail you into it though," Luke apologized, regretfully.Alex sighed. "Don't

worry ok," he said, rolling back over to smile at his brother. "It

can be our secret," he giggled."Of course then,"

Luke laughed, gazing at him affectionately. "For now though," he

began in a serious tone, "we have to clean up before mom and dad get

ba-" A loud thunk of a car door closing sounded outside."Oh shit!" they

cried in unison, leaping up in shock.

"Quick," barked

Luke frantically, "grab some clothes and get in the shower." Hastily,

Alex grabbed a new pair of shorts and shirt, as his brother threw his own back

on, and then sprinted down the hallway. Shaking, he managed to fumble the

bathroom door open, just as he heard his parents step inside. Relieved, he

slammed it softly shut behind him, his heart thumping in his ears. But rather

than feeling safe, now they had averted discovery, violently, a wave of grief

suddenly overcame his body. What the fuck have I done? Alex sobbed,

sinking to the floor in despair.