The letter

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#6 of Full Circle

Little John receives a letter from Alana, she gives him the chance to meet her again and meet to his children. Little John must take decision about what to do.

Around two weeks later Little John wakes up slowly feeling a completely pleasant pleasure around his penis. He opens his eyes and looks up yawning.

The bear sees as his little sister rides him with the greatest pleasure, she has her closed eyes and growls smoothly while her ass moves up and down.

His pleasure grows rapidly. Little John yawns again before looking at his right-hand side, he sees as Dana sleeps there. The girl does move while she embraces the pillow.

Little John tries to smile, but at that moment he growls when his penis shoots sperm squirts in the vagina of his little sis. She growls clenching her teeth whimpering of pleasure.

The bear feels as the vaginal walls clenches with force around his cock , Faith's hands slip and she falls on the chest of Little John. He catches his sister and he takes her off laying her on the bed with care.

The bear sees that Dana already was awake for that moment, the girl rubs eyes at the same time that she sits in bed.

"I' sorry, I should get ready. Go back to your own rooms." Little John says getting out of the bed and stretching his body a moment. Girls nod and they rapidly take their clothes to get dressed and return to their own rooms back before Matilde discovers them.

Little John gets dress with calm to go to the headquarters. He has an arduous job to do in the morning, there were pending things of the previous week.

He gets dressed as usually he makes it to get out of his home, when he is getting out of his bedroom, he crosses with Skippy that gets out of the room of Robin and Marian.

Both look at each other and do some funny gestures, Little John goes down to the kitchen where he finds to his mother doing some cleanliness.

"Hi mom." Little John says getting close to her and embracing her from behind a moment.

"Hi dear." Leanna responds smiling while she takes a cup to pass it to Little John.

He starts to eat his breakfast while his mother cleans the kitchen a little putting everything in their places.

"I think that it was a common idea that everyone has fun the last night. Your friend Robin visited us, I like very much his knot and your father likes very much his ass." Leanna says laughing smoothly.

"It does not surprise me; Faith and Dana did not give a break. Skippy apparently had fun with Marian, I crossed with him some moments ago." Little John says looking at his mother and she smiles smoothly.

Little John ends his breakfast to head toward the patio of his home, he sees that the carriage already is waiting for him to take him to the town. Garrett does him a light reverence at the moment of opening the door for him.

The bear smiles at him and nods as a greeting before climbing in the carriage. The door closes before begin to move. The carriage gets out of Little John's home, the bear looks through the window, he sees as trees on the way keep on disappearing behind.

Little John yawns a moment, but he shakes his head to wake up. He gets to the headquarters. When they get there, Little John comes out from the carriage and he grunts when he feels a burning heat. That makes him to enter in the main building rapidly.

He has some relief and he go up to his office. When he gets there, the first thing that he does, is pouring some water in a glass to drink it before sitting on his chair. Little John begins to receive to some people with who he must talk that day.

In that day his main worry is based on the opening of a couple of new roads. In addition to the hateful moment of beginning the collection of money of taxes.

He does not like that, but it is a duty that he has to fulfill for the king. But at this moment the people pay with a little more enthusiasm since he had made a good calculation in order that collection of payment be more fair.

For half a day, almost all the work is done and he decides to leave the rest for later or the next day. Little John growls and feels as his clothing bothers him, he gets up to take a glass and to pour more water in it, he drinks the water with calm enjoying it.

He gets close to the window to see what happens in the patio.

The patio is almost completely desert, he sees as some of his men that seek shelter from the heat under the shade of a couple of trees. In the entrance the two guards are under the ample porch enjoying a good shade that covers them.

But without a doubt the most fortunate ones of the soldiers in duty are the guards in the prison. In the entrance of the dungeons, there is nobody, that means that they are within the corridor where certainly they find themselves cooler.

Little John finishes drinking his water and he decides to take a swim in the pool that men have. He comes down from the office and with distaste he crosses the patio while he feels the intense heat.

He feels a little more relieved when he gets to the dressing rooms, he closes the door and sees as some of his men walk naked from one place to the other. Some of them already come from the swimming pool and other ones go to toward it.

Little John greets a couple of his soldiers before beginning getting undressed, taking off his clothing it is a light relief. He places each clothe in the place that he has for him in the pigeonhole.

The bear takes a couple of towels and lays them on his right shoulder before heading toward the door that it is near. He opens it and he enter in the next room; Little John sees that there are some of his men in cold water enjoying it.

The bear enters in water and shakes lightly when his body is surrounded by the cold water and he blurts out a sigh of relief. He relaxes and opens his eyes, he sees at other side of the swimming pool.

Little John sees like Faron Troy is reclined against one of the sides of the swimming pool while he pants while he is fucked by one of the soldiers. A wolf is behind him fucking it with the greatest pleasure.

This does not surprise to Little John, but it does not consider at Faron some kind of pervert.

The cat certainly had decided to make good use of the right moment.

Besides all men under their command take well care of his secret. Little John also notices that Arlen and Wilton are enjoying water while they chat side by side.

The bear makes a facial expression with a lot of pride of the two boys. Both already had changed their way of acting. They grew up a lot and in their behavior is in their training is great and besides that both are heroes in addition to for the people of the town that used to see them as two problematical boys.

Little John relaxes and enjoys the cold water. He takes his time until he sees as the wolf that was fucking Faron pulls his penis out and he growls until he separates from the cat.

The bear making a grin puts his hand into water and he begins to caress his sheath seeing that in addition to freshen up he can have some fun.

His member reacts with a little bit of slowness, but it slides out of his sheath. The bear shakes lightly when the cold water surrounds it, the penis head breaks the surface the surface releasing a drop of precum.

Little John moves for water and he positions himself behind the cat than even is reclined in the border of the swimming pool. It seems that Faron even enjoys his last fuck.

A tiger that is near passes a bar of soap to Little John. He takes soap and soaps his cock from the tip to the base. He holds the hips of the cat and without waiting he pushes his member in the posterior tunnel.

Faron gasps of surprise. Little John feels some rest rests of semen in the anal tunnel of the cat, he does not know how many men had fun with his chief of finances, but he does not keep up his spirits.

Little John begins to pump slowly in the man, the anal walls caress his shaft in each thrust.

His penis head hits the tunnel bottom repeatedly.

The cat meows with pleasure while he does not move, just his tail moves on the air slowly.

The balls of the bear move under water hitting the balls of the cat.

Little John has a good time and growls while it pumps without stopping, Faron is pretty tight just like the first time that he fucked him at the party. His precum blends in with the semen of the other men that had cum in Faron.

The tip of the penis of the bear caresses the prostate, Little John hears the miaows of the man keeps strong, and the anal walls suddenly close with a lot more force around his shaft.

Faron is having his climax while he meows and the muscles of his ass become tense squeezing with more force. Little John stops pushing with force shooting his semen inside Faron.

The rectum becomes flooded completely and Little John gives a fast pull extracting his member. He sees that his seed and the one of the other men overflow and it dissolves in water.

"I need the costs for the new roads for the next week." Little John says giving a strong spank to right gluteus of Faron. The cat meows with pain and he just nods.

Little John does a grin and he washes up before getting out of the swimming pool and taking the towels to dry his body while he heads toward the dressing rooms. Towels draw the fur of his body, some of his men salutes him while they are passing near going to the pool.

In a few minutes Little John gets to the dressing room, he places the wet towels on a canvas sack in order that he takes them to his home to dry them. With calm the bear gets dressed without hurrying up.

He laughs a little seeing that Deryck enters in the dressing room panting with weariness.

The rhino does not lose a single moment get undressed to go toward the swimming pool.

Little John finishes getting dressed and he takes a deep breathing of satisfaction now that he is refreshed. Without a lot of pleasure, the bear exposes himself in the sunlight at the moment of crossing the patio and going back to his office.

When he gets there, Little John lets himself fall on his chair and see the full table of papers and blueprints. He makes out an gesture of bother, being a lord, a good one is fastidious in many instances.

But he knows that it is necessary, besides he has his good moments in bed.

That makes him laugh smoothly until he sees a white envelope that is over an outspread map. Little John raises an eyebrow with confusion, that envelope was not there before.

Certainly, it arrived while he was taking his bath. He catches the envelope and brings it near to see it, he just sees his name written on the reverse of the envelope.

There is an inkstain on the envelope, Little John gets surprised a little seeing that the enveloped is sealed with a wax drop. It is not a king's emblem or somebody pretty important.

It is pretty obvious that the person that wrote this wants that he be the only one that reads this.

Little John examines again the envelope and he concentrates on a moment in the writing, all this is something that he confuses him.

"Let's see where this goes." Little John says breaking the wax seal to take out the letter.

Two sheets of paper a folded in two are parts, he unfolds them with calm while he yawns.

The first one is a map of Nottingham with a check mark in a place outside of town, he places the map at the table and he makes a little himself comfortable to begin to read:

My little man, my Little John:

Little John's eyes open completely with surprise and he almost jumps off the seat seeing those words.

His hands almost release the letter while his heart pumps rapidly, his breathe is fast.

These words just can be someone else's, somebody that he had known very well. Alana, it is the woman that had stolen him the heart in his first job.

He again puts his attention in the letter and he begins to read.

It has gone by a long time since the last time we saw each other, I did Miss you all this time and never forgot you, I could not make it with the beautiful gifts that you gave me, they have grown up a lot and when I see them, they always remind me everything that happened between us.

Little John's eyes open completely and its heart almost stops. He has more than a cub with the female rabbit. In his mind he only can imagine how his sons or daughters look.

They are the reason for writing to you. For some time now both have been asking me about their father. That is why I took them to your old home, but I got surprised completely when I learned that my boy is a Lord. A Lord...

That made me feel very proud, but also it obligated me to take an unexpected journey and take the children with me. I brought them here to Nottingham to know the place where the great hero Robin Hood lived.

Little John gets surprised and he breathes faster.

She and their children are here on Nottingham, within reach of his hands. Something that he had desired a lot of years ago, but an impossible thing because he didn't where she went or how this could affect to his family when he was very young.

But now things are different. He again places his look in the letter.

They are thrilled, but they do not know that you are their father. I do not have the courage to look for you personally, I know what it happens on your house and I don't want to cause problems with your new family.

It had passed a long time and I do not know, if you still feel something for me or you have interest to know the cubs. I know you, but also, I know that your life is complicated now, so I will leave it at your hands.

We are staying in a house outside of town, I indicate it in the map. We will be here for three days more. I will wait for you these three days, if you do not come I will not hate you and I will not bother you never again.

You gave me the best of my life and I regret nothing, Although I believe that I perverted a little boy that fucks as well as a man. I would like to know how much you have grown up there down and as it feels in me, but that will depend on you.

Always of yours Alana.

Little John leans back against the back of his chair while he has still the letter in his right hand. He looks at the roof breathing deeply without being able to believe yet.

She gives him the opportunity to see her and his cubs. Little John closes his eyes feeling as emotions control him, he wanted to take his cape and to rapidly come out to meet Alana.

But in all this time he had learned to hasten to do something can bring a lot of problems.

In his heart Little John recognizes that he still loves her, that never extinguished.

Seeing pregnant Marian made him wonder what happened with Alana, which is what she would be doing or as she would look pregnant.

But Ruth and Dana are immersing in his thoughts. Both are his wives, both gave him beautiful cubs that he loves as much as to their mothers. Going to see Alana could hurt them a lot and that is something that he does not desire.

But this is a unique opportunity that he cannot lose, it is something that is tormenting him over and over again.

At that moment he hears a knock at the door and the captain with the sheriff enter in the room with a couple of soldiers. Little John sees that it is something important, so he breathing deep he take the letter and map to bend them and to introduce them in his pocket before getting back to the business.

For noon Little John returns to his home after a meeting to redouble the soldiers in the forests and in the whole territory by the income of bandits of other territories.

The carriage stops in the middle of the central patio close to the fountain, Little John comes down from the carriage and he says good-bye to Garrett. The wolf nods and he gets ready to go.

Little John growls with bother when he feels the beams of the sun again. He rapidly heads at the main building where he finds some relief.

He crosses with his sister and Dana that play with Matilde. That makes him smile, a smile that goes off remembering the letter and an image of his children playing fills his mind.

He goes to his bedroom and he changes his clothes to be more comfortable in his home.

While Little John is putting on shoes somebody knocks at the door and shortly afterwards it opens up. Little John turns over seeing that Marian is in the doorstep with a soft smile.

"Lunch is ready." The vixen says looking at Little John. He nods and the woman gets out of the bedroom.

With calm Little John gets out of his room and go down to the main dining room where he meets with the other people to eat. The lunch prepared by women is delicious, but it is something that goes by unnoticed for Little John, his mind is completely focused on the letter of Alana.

When Little John finishes eating his lunch, he excuses himself and get on the terrace to think a little. He pours some beer in a stein and he sit down to see the great sight of the forest and the town of Nottingham that always he enjoys.

His look subconscious tries to find the house where Alana is staying. His mind analyzes possibilities and consequences, but a squeeze on his right shoulder suddenly makes thoughts die out.

He looks up and sees that his father does him a friendly gesture. Lowell catches a chair and he sits next to Little John. He pours some beer in a can

"You know, when I find out that you were a Lord I got surprised and wonder, if still you required my help and I see that it is somewhat true." Lowell says and drinking a sip of beer.

"I know that something is you mind, and you need the advice of your old man." Lowell says while he sees Little John doing a paternal and understanding look. Little John looks at him and he does a light grin before smiling.

"Like that time in the campsite." Little John says looking at his father. Lowell does a comic gesture.

"Yeah but we cannot make it here... not at this moment." Lowell says while he points with a finger the patio. There Matilde runs about escaping of her brother and Faith.

Little John puts his hand into his pocket to take Alana's letter.

"I received Alana's letter." Little John says looking at his father and passing him the letter.

He sees that his father opens his eyes completely and he almost lets fall the stein.

Little John smiles smoothly seeing that reaction of his father. He takes the letter to read it.

"She is here on Nottingham with my children, Alana gives me the opportunity to meet them." Little John says while he sees that his father reads the letter with the whole attention of the world.

Little John takes another slow sip of beer and giving time to his dad for read the letter completely.

"I see." Lowell says with a little bit of surprise to finish to read Alana's letter.

"But you look confused, I remember very clearly as you suffered when she left." Lowell says looking at his son. Little John nods sighing.

"I know, but now it is different." Little John says placing the stein on the table.

"Now I have Ruth and Dana with me, that represents a problem. I know that if I am going to see Alana, I will bring her here along with the boys and that could make angry a lot to Dana or her mother." Little John says breathing deeply.

He notices that his father raises an eyebrow with some confusion.

"My children with Alana are my first-born sons, the first-born son of a nobleman is usually who has the family representation, he has the position of more power in the family to decide many things by himself. Ruth and Dana can feel that took that right from our children, and giving it to the children of Alana." Little John says looking at his father.

He opens his eyes with a little bit of surprise.

"Now I do not know what to do, bringing Alana could cause problems, Ruth could get angry against the new ones or vice versa. I do not also want to lose the opportunity to see her again." Little John says looking toward the forest of Nottingham.

He gets surprised when his dad laughs before taking the stein to drink a sip of beer.

Little John looks at him with complete surprise and without understanding why he laughs on something so serious.

"I do not see what's funny." Little John says raising an eyebrow.

"Look son, last night I fucked the wife of your friend of fucked Skippy's ass, Robin was pretty entertaining with your mother and Ruth. Besides Dana and your sister spend the night at your bed." Lowell says looking at Little John.

He nods without understanding the point of his father.

"If we all can have an... agreement like this. I do not see a reason why Ruth and Dana cannot understand what happens. Before taking any decision, I think that you must talk with them and the other people to see what they think about this." Lowell says looking at Little John.

"This affects to each one." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods and smiles smoothly when realizes that his father was right. All of them had been able to get along well on such a complicated business and if that is possible, Ruth and Dana could perhaps understand it.

Little John smiles content and he stands up to stretch his body a moment.

"Thanks dad, I need to go to talk with Ruth. Would you inform mom and Faith?" Little John asks looking at his father. Lowell nods with a smile.

"At what time?" Lowell asks looking at his son tilting lightly his head on one side.

"One hour after dinner, I say when Matilde is sleeping." Little John says looking at his father. He agrees and beer gives back the letter to his son before continuing drinking his beer.

Little John goes down to the living room and that it is empty in that that moment. He walks toward the kitchen where he finds Marian and Ruth doing the dishes while they chat and they laugh by chance.

Little John comes in the kitchen and he gets close to the two women, they turn over when listening his footsteps.

"Where are the other ones?" Little John asks with a little bit of interest.

"Skippy and Faith are in the sector of the bathtub." Ruth says laughing impishly. Little John laughs smoothly a moment understanding that his sister and Skippy are making what they enjoy more than anything.

Little John makes a grin and he smiles.

"Your mom is close to the fountain with Matilde in the meantime Dana take care of babies a moment." Marian says looking Little John.

"And Robin..." Marian says pointing with his nose at the window. Little John sees as his friend is shooting a couple of arrows to a reveille that hangs from a tree.

"Tonight, I need to talk with everyone, it is an important thing." Little John says looking at the two women. Both open their eyes with surprise noticing the tone of worry of the bear.

"After dinner. It will be when Matilde is sleeping, please inform it to the other ones. My father will communicate it to my mom and my sister." Little John says looking at the two females.

They nod in silence while they do not avoid getting worried a little. They had noticed that Little John looked somewhat anxious, that is somewhat unusual unless it is something very important.

Little John nods and he heads toward the headquarters to be able to finish pending business and being able to be free. During those hours he thinks and reconsiders about the words that he will use to explain the situation to his family and his friends.

He returns to his home just before the sunset and rests a short time before dinner.

Dinner is something quiet in the meantime in many instances Little John is the focus of attention in different moments.

After of dinner Little John kindles the fire of the chimney of the living room while he awaits that everyone comes. Dana and Ruth take care about Matilde and the cubs to put them to sleep.

His sister already is sitting there on the floor in front of her parents while she is lightly bored waiting.

Marian and Robin are together expecting that everything begins.

Skippy is sitting on a chair and his feet budge lightly on the air. He looks at Faith repeatedly, Little John sighs again before Ruth and Dana finally enter at the place and take chairs to sit next to Skippy.

"Matilde and the cubs took so long to fall asleep." Ruth says looking at Little John. He nods and takes a chair to sit in front of the other people that are sitting on semicircle in front of him.

"Well... What's this all about?" Faith asks with a little bit of bother. Her mother puckers her lightly and Faith shuts up.

Little John smiles smoothly and takes a deep breathing.

"Well I suppose that I should begin for the beginning, this comes from a lot of years ago when I was a horny boy." Little John says doing a light grin.

He sees that his mother opens her eyes wide, but she says absolutely nothing.

"Shortly after that night in which it was my first time and Faith..." Little John says looking at his family. His mom nods in silence with a little bit of confusion in the meantime Faith now really pays attention to the story of her brother.

"Dad managed to find a job for me a first work, it was in the Bailey's farm." Little John says looking at the other people.

"Who they are?" Faith asks with true confusion. She did not know such people.

"They used to live in the farm that is at the North, that was a lot of years ago." Leanna says looking at her daughter. She nods and looks at her brother again.

"There lived Eliot and his wife Alana. A couple of rabbits, he was a merchant that used to travel a lot and the usually left alone his wife. So, he needed somebody that helped his wife to pick up firewood, accumulating hay and other things." Little John says while he remembers those times.

"Alana was a young and pretty woman." Little John says doing a facial expression and smiling smoothly. His father smiles smoothly just like the other ones.

They no longer are surprised that Little John always set the eye upon women, even as a boy.

"Once while I was collecting firewood, I had the change of seeing as Alana was taking a bath in the pond." Little John says looking at his friends. They get surprised a little.

His sister raises an eyebrow.

"Pervert." Faith says looking at Little John. He laughs just like his family and the other ones, soon Little John calms down and takes a deep breathing before continuing the story.

"It happened a couple of times more and she caught my attention completely. I thought a lot about her... and with dad and mother making it in the next bedroom did not help a lot at nights." Little John says doing a gesture to his parents.

Both simper and Lowell press his wife against him smoothly remembering that old times.

"I spied her a couple of times and in an occasion, she almost caught me. Everything change when that big storm happened and I had to spend the night in the farm of the Bailey's. Dad did not pick me." Little John says reviving memories that night.

"Alana decided to take a bath and I with a pretty silly judgment, I decided to spy on her using a window, the problem is I had to go out to the roof to make it and although I achieved what I wanted, but I did slip and fortunate I fell on a full hay wagon." Little John says noticing that his friends and his mother open their eyes with complete surprise.

Little John notices that his mother is about to say something, but his father squeezes her shoulder lightly to indicate her that she does not make it. She nods and looks at Little John's with a frown.

He notices it and says absolutely nothing. If she this would have learned about it when he was a cub, the reprimand would certainly have been very strong to say the least.

"I got completely wet and I ran to the house, when I got to the door, Alana opened it before I made it. She was wearing a dressing gown and she took me inside home taking me to the just center of the living room in front of the chimney." Little John says continuing his story.

"She brought towels and she took me off the wet clothing to put them on the chimney and that they got dry with the fire. It was one of the most embarrassed moments that I had, being naked in middle of the living room of a someone else's house, I wanted to cry of shame until she took off the dressing gown in order that I did not feel ashamed. Alana told me that she knew that I spied on her for a long time and well in less than fifteen minutes I was fucking her in the bed." Little John says looking at his parents and to his friends.

He can see as his mother opens her mouth and her eyes with complete surprise, his father does not seem affected because he knows this since long time ago. Faith also is surprised just like Robin and Marian.

Ruth blinks with surprise, Dana says absolutely nothing while she sees as his brother does not move while he looks at Little John with surprise and his open eyes.

Little John did not expect another reaction. It is not common to know that your son from so young age he fucked a married woman. The bear expects that somebody say something and his mother is who breaks the silence.

She takes a breath and Little John hopes that she is not going shout or so, the moment already is somewhat uncomfortable to add more drama to the situation.

"I am completely sure that you came out to your father." Leanna says trying smiling a little. But it is something pretty difficult to make it for what she has just discovered.

Little John nods in silence and he get surprised that his mother takes this with calm. He did not know how she would react before this revelation.

"This gets interesting." Marian says smoothly looking at Robin. He nods and does an open smile to his friend. Little John smiles and sees that his sister looks at him with an expression of surprise and bother.

"After that... I was feeling worried by what would happen, but on the next day when I could see her and we were alone. She kissed me and I squeezed her tits with a lot of joy." Little John says looking at his friends and his family.

His father smiles smoothly and he does him a light grin. Little John smiles smoothly and continues telling his story.

"Since that moment we made it every day, she never said no to me. Alana used to interrupt me and to fuck in the barn. Everything continued in that way until dad and mom went to visit the aunt Donelle and stayed with her." Little John says looking at his family and friends.

"Those days were incredible, our clothes remained in the same place where they fell. I fucked her in the daytime and night, even she taught me to dance it was somewhat funny to be naked in middle of the living room while she guided me." Little John says looking at the other people.

He sees that Ruth and Dana laugh smoothly imagining something like that.

"But I could notice a certain sadness in her, something that she hid pretty well even that day when she came to our house to say good-bye, I did not understand her reasons until that night." Little John says with a deep breathing to remember that night sad.

"Didn't you make it, did you?" Leanna asks with complete surprise and shaking her head while the other ones look at her with a little bit of surprise without understanding what happens. Lowell is the only one that is not surprised.

"Yeah... I got her pregnant." Little John says rubbing the neck with discomfort. He sees that his mom just like his sister get surprised completely. Ruth, Dana and Skippy also get surprised just like his friends.

They all remain in silence for a couple of moments before Little John continues.

"That got me completed sad, although I did not know what really I felt for her at that moment. I failed to understand why she left until dad explained me." Little John says looking at his mother.

This is going to get bad.

"Did you know about this?!" Leanna asks looking with surprise and anger at her husband. Little John sees that his mother is completely angry.

Alana cannot believe that her husband allowed this and permit to her son make pregnant to a woman to such a tender age. Apparently, what happened that night where Faith was conceived was not a good punishment for her husband.

"I knew nothing until I came across with Eliot Bailey in the tavern, he told me that he was not the father. I did not need much time to deduce what happened." Lowell says looking at his wife that raises an eyebrow.

"Why did you say absolutely nothing to me?" Leanna asks with anger.

"What would you have done? Would you permitted to Alana live with us? With the risk that everyone in the town think that I cheated you and you admitted my lover at home." Lowell says with some bother and shrinking his shoulders lightly.

Leanna watches him a moment more with bother before agreeing and returning to see her son. Little John resolves to continue.

"Apparently Eliot, her husband never treated Alana well. Although both were not married to each other in reality, but clearly, she was not happy with him. I suppose that she felt happy knowing that somebody was interested in her and that facilitated things. I mean for horny boy." Little John says looking at the other people that try to smile a moment.

"Why happened with her?" Faith asks looking at her brother with interest.

"She left the town, I do not know to where. At that time mom, dad and I were the only bears living there. Alana could give birth bear cubs and everyone would consider to dad as the father. Nobody would swallow the idea that a boy was who made her pregnant." Little John says looking at his sister. She nods understating.

"Why are you telling this?" Ruth asks with interest. She had waited another kind of news to see the seriousness of the face of Little John that morning.

Little John plans what to say for some moment, now this is going to be the most difficult thing.

"This morning I received Alana's letter, she is here on Nottingham with the boys..." Little John says looking at Ruth and Dana.

The feeling of surprise can be seeing in the face everyone there except for Lowell.

"She knows what happens here, what she could found out in the town and she does not want to cause some problem. Alana gives me the opportunity to know the cubs, she will be in a house for the next three days, if I do not appear she will understand that I am not interested and she will leave not to never back again." Little John says while he looks at the other people.

"I wanted to talk with you before doing something, I want to know what you consider, mainly you two." Little John says looking at Ruth and Dana. They get surprised even more.

"I know that if I am going to see her, I will bring her here with my children." Little John says looking at Ruth and her daughter. He looks worried.

"I don't want to cause troubles to you two, you could feel left aside and offended in addition to that if I have a son with Alana, he becomes my first-born son and between the noblemen the first-born son always inherits the main position like the voice of the family and the position of the father." Little John says with worry in voice.

"I do not want both to think that I put my children with Alana before ours taking away their opportunity that they deserve." Little John says looking at women.

"I would like to know your opinion, it is the most important for me." Little John says looking at both females.

"I would not consider something like that, since we are here you take care of us very well just like the cubs." Dana says smiling smoothly and watching at Little John with smile that surprises at the bear.

"And this solves a problem, we would not love seeing the boys becoming enemies or fighting for the chair of the main room." Ruth says with some relief.

It is very well-known the familiar rivalries between the noblemen, she had heard as brothers fought for titles and lands. Even the king Richard looked involved in familiar fights.

"Are you ok with the fact that I bring to Alana here?" Little John asks with calm and a little more optimism.

"Well although it will be a little bit of difficult to explain to Matilde. I do not resist. I mean she did not come here demanding to you that you recognized the children or threaten you. She gives you the opportunity to meet them and all this time she took over alone of them not to cause problems." Ruth says looking at Little John.

Dana nods backing up her mother.

"She seems a good woman for me, I do not believe that there be problems considering as we live here." Ruth says smiling smoothly at Little John.

Dana smiles also agreeing and her brother looks content also with the idea. Little John gets surprised a little and he sees that Skippy makes a grin as telling that he agrees with the idea too.

"I want to meet to my other grandchildren." Leanna says with emotion. Before coming here, she did not imagine that she already had so many grandchildren.

"I say the same thing." Lowell says watching content to his son.

"What do you say, sis?" Little John asks doing a light gesture to his sister that looks closely him.

"Will you keep on fucking me, wouldn't you?" Faith asks with a tone of question and warning. Little John laughs smoothly just as his parents.

"That will not change in nothing, but Skippy certainly will help with pleasure." Little John says looking at his sister and next to the boy. Skippy gets surprised and he becomes uncomfortable a little when Faith looks at him and she smiles at him.

Little John looks at his parents and they smile. He puts his attention in his two friends that until now had not said but one word.

"I do not see why you asked this, we only we will be here a time more." Robin says taking the hand of his wife. She nods and looks at her husband before looking at Little John.

He nods knowing that the construction of the home of his friends advances rapidly by orders of the king that do not want a delay.

Little John feels pleased for the support of his family and mainly of Ruth and Dana.

At that moment Faith yawns largely and the other ones do light grins, they feel tired. This meeting had spread out more than what he had planned.

"Well if that is all, I believe that it is moment of going to sleep, tomorrow you will be busy." Lowell says looking at Little John with a smile.

He nods with emotion, but he should do something before to be able to sleep calmly. He and everyone keep on leaving the main room, Ruth and Dana get surprised a little when Little John stops them before they went out behind the other ones.

Little John kisses them to each and pinches the asses of both for some moments. They do not resist and both laugh impishly understanding the intentions of Little John. He does them a light open smile.

Ruth and Dana take their cubs to the little adjacent play room to Little John's bedroom.

There both place the cubs on their cradles while they cover with their blankets.

The four cubs fortunately do not wake up during the transfer to that place where their mothers can have an eye on them while they have fun. Little John is in the kitchen drinking some water while he chats with his father a little.

"You know that you should talk with Alana about what is happening here, we do not want misinterpreted. Do you believe that she is going to agree?" Lowell asks looking at Little John.

"I don't know, she is intelligent and loving. But I do not think that she is in this too." Little John says rubbing the chin with a little bit of worry and having a guess at what Alana would say about the subject of sex.

What had happened those years still is present at the mind of Little John, but circumstances are not the same. His suppositions finish when his father says good-bye and he goes to bedroom.

Little John decides that it is time to go to his bedroom too. He feels that his crotch reaction and his penis slowly keep on becoming full of blood while he thinks as he will fuck his two women.

For the moment which he opens his room door, your cock is completely hard and there is a tent in his pants. He gets content seeing Dana and Ruth are expecting him naked in bed.

They look at him content, Little John smiles when he takes off his clothes leaving them falling in the floor. The bear is completely determined to give a good night to the two women, mainly after what they said in the meeting.

The next morning Little John wakes up with a groan getting out of his mouth, he feels two tongues moving on the head of penis slowly. Little John looks up and sees as Ruth and Dana is between his legs.

The mother and daughter dedicate themselves to give him pleasure, he growls feeling the licks in that point of his member. His precum that sprouts for the opening disappears rapidly by the licked ones of the two females.

The hand of Dana moves up and down on his shaft slowly, Little John growls when Ruth closes his mouth around his penis and he begins to suck it with pleasure.

Soon Dana's mouth takes care of his balls, the girl licks and sucks his big balls with calm biting and pulling the skin that covers his testicles.

Little John's eyes remain closed while he enjoys the morning oral sex. The previous night had exhausted him, but also rest was pretty good.

Fucking before sleeping is good for him.

Ruth's and Dana's united work makes Little John moan with pleasure for the following minutes until he with a growl of pleasure, he pushes his hips and his penis becomes a fountain that sprinkles sperm in the face with the two female rabbits.

He leans on his elbows to get up and sitting. Little John feels as a semen drop comes out by the opening of his penis and hangs over the bed without falling.

Little John smiles content seeing that the two females lick their snouts content. They laugh when each lick, their faces are stained and with slow and mutual licks they clean their faces.

The bear looks at them until both clean their faces and they laugh. Ruth and Dana move and Little John can get up to sit at the edge of the bed to stretch his body.

He growls feeling as blood gets to each corner of his body, Little John shakes his head a little. Behind his back Ruth and Dana begin to pick up their clothes and to get dressed.

Both are very happy after a great night of an awesome pounding from Little John. He did not waste a single moment to pleasuring them. The bear gets up to get dressed and to go to the town to solve pending business.

He does not wish to leave a single loose end to have spare time and to be able to see his children. Little John feels somewhat anxious at the thought of it, but he takes a breath and next to Ruth and Dana goes down to take breakfast.

Little John eats with pleasure next to the other ones. He sees that Faith and Skippy are sitting side by side looking at each other so often. In his inside Little John knows that both feel pretty pleased side by side.

Certainly, they spend the last night together, his father looks at him and he makes an open smile and pointing to Marian using his nose. He had clearly enjoyed fucking the wife of Robin.

Little John nods and continues eating without stopping until he finishes the breakfast. He says good-bye to his family and friends before going out to the patio and coming across Garrett. He greets Little John with a reverence.

With a smile Little John greets the young wolf before getting on the carriage and soon this began to move and getting out of his home. Little John relaxes a little but entering in Nottingham is present again.

For the window he sees with a lot of attention the people that passes near, he expects to be able to see Alana among the people that go and come from side to side. But the opportunity does not come before the carriage enters in the quarter.

Little John comes down from the carriage and looks as his men march or they practice in different parts. The day is clear, but not so hot like the previous one, in a few minutes later Little John is sitting on his chair beginning to read a couple of parchments.

The work has his mind occupied by the next hours, for the noon with a little bit of boredom and bother he places the seal and final signature to a parchment.

As it is close to the noon, he decides that he is time to return to his home. Little John talks with the captain and a couple of men in addition to Faron in order they must not bother him for the next days unless there is an emergency or very important event.

He says good-bye to them and goes down to the patio where Garrett expects him with the carriage, Little John nods and climbs in the carriage before letting himself fall on one of the seats. He the carriage begins to move and to get out of the quarter to move for the streets of the city.

Little John this time does not look out the window, he is somewhat concerned trying remembering something that possibly he forgot to do. But by the time the carriage gets out of the town, these matters disappear of his mind.

The carriage gets to his home and he steps down of the carriage.

"Thank you, Garrett, you already can leave." Little John says to his driver. The young wolf nods and he says good-bye to Little John to head toward the entrance.

Little John sighing with a little bit of fatigue heads toward the kitchen and when comes closer he perceives a delicious aroma that goes out by the window. He sees as Marian and women move inside the kitchen preparing lunch.

Little John enters the kitchen and greets women, he with pleasure receives a hug of Matilde that hangs from his neck. Little John enjoys the moment before coming across his mother and his father.

Both chat in the main dining table in front of the chimney that is turned off for that moment.

"Hi son." Lowell says looking at Little John.

"Hi dad, mom." Little John says taking down Matilde with calm to lay her on the floor. The girl laughing runs towards Faith that enters in the living room while she closes a book that she was reading.

"Did you finish everything that you had pending?" Leanna says while she laughs smoothly seeing as Matilde hangs from the right arm of Faith.

"Yes, everything is solved for now." Little John says content of having finished the tedious work.

"I suppose that you will go after lunch." Lowell says looking at his son and smiling lightly.

Little John nods with enthusiasm and nervousness, he would be going to see Alana and to meet his children.

Some minutes after Robin and Marian enter in the living room, Marian laughs while Robin kisses her un the cheek. Marian announces that lunch is ready.

They all gather in the dining room to have lunch. Little John enjoys the food just like the other ones while they chat about this half day. Skippy had apparently managed to win a competition with Robin using the arch.

The boy was pretty excited, but Little John is sure that his friend permitted that the boy defeated him. He and Robin exchange looks and that his is confirmed.

The bear laughs smoothly and says absolutely nothing while he continues eating and chatting with the other ones. A half-hour after lunch finishes, Little John feels satiated and he decides to get some rest.

He gets in his bedroom to let himself fall in bed and to make himself comfortable without changing over the formal wear that he uses daily. Little John just have in his mind what it is going to happen that afternoon.

Little John opens his eyes and yawns when he feels that somebody shakes his shoulder energetically. As he is on his chest, Little John must turn over, he makes it while he yawns and blinks.

Little John sees that his father is who had woken him up

"I think that you already slept a lot. It is more of midafternoon." His father says doing a little comic facial expression. Little John opens his eyes with complete surprise and he stands up rapidly.

"Time of leaving." Little John says fixing his clothing a little. He did not want to go dressed in this way, but he does not want to be late more, in his inside grows the desire of seeing Alana again and neither mentioning to see his children.

"Then we will give you a ride, Robin and I will go to buy several things with Ruth and Dana." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods and next to his father they go down to the patio.

Little John sees that Robin already is sitting on the driver's seat. The carriage door is open and Little John can see Dana and Ruth seated inside of the carriage.

The bear gets in the carriage and he sits in front of the two women that are smiling at him, his father soon sits beside him. Lowell closes the door and the carriage begins to move and to get out of Little John's home.

"You already do have an idea of how you are going to speak with her?" Ruth asks looking at Little John.

"No, the truth is that I did not think about it yet." Little John says making out of a light facial expression of worry.

All these years he had missed her, but he did not know what to do, mainly if he comes across the boys in first place.

His father does him a friendly gesture and he places a hand on his right shoulder to give to Little John a soft squeeze showing some support to his son. Little John feels restless and he thinks a great deal about it, but soon they get to the road's intersection.

Little John comes down from the carriage saying good-bye to his father and the other people before the carriage again moved while Little John watches it a moment.

He starts to walk while he remembers very well the map that Alana send him.

The house was located near, it is a house a little far from Nottingham, but certainly Alana thought that it was best not to create some problem in the town.

He walks with calm feeling more more restless in each step, Little John sees that the house soon appears at sight. It is simple one with a thatch, it does not look big.

Little John breathes agitatedly and his heart throbs with force in his chest. His steps stop when he is standing in front of the door of the house.

The bear thinks about what he will make, but he begins to remind Alana and the kind of person that she is. He smiles and he feels calmer recognizing that it is as be what would happen would be a good thing, so he decides to act naturally.

Little John clears his throat a little and he knocks at the door three times, now it is matter of time. Seconds pass and he grows impatient a little until he hears that somebody gets close to the door.

Little John's heart accelerates when the door opens and he sees a white and thin rabbit female in front of him. His eyes open completely, Alana looks as he used to be and how he remembered her.

Her beautiful blue eyes had not lost that brilliance of intelligence and sincerity that he remembered. Just like in the first time when he saw her, she is using a green dress.

Little John without saying something he stretches his hands to take Alana's two breasts and to squeeze them with pleasure. He feels their softness and his fingers sink in them for surprise of the female. She gets angry and she takes Little John's hands to separate them, but she watches him a moment and arches an eyebrow lightly before opening her eyes completely.

Without warning Little John kisses her on her mouth, Alana gets surprised and reacts some moments later to open her mouth and responding the kiss. Little John enjoys the taste of the mouth of Alana.

His tongue is touching to the one of the woman while she has her eyes they are closed while she is completely lost in the kiss that is long. Little John sees as the hands of Alana take his hands for to press them more on his breasts.

The kiss breaks some moments after and both look at each other. Little John sees that two tears appear on the eyes of the woman and Little John wipes them with care and affection.

"I missed you a lot." Alana says looking at Little completely happy John while she tries not to cry. She looks at him without being able to believe that he came to see her again regardless of everything.

"No more than I, a boy's in love heart suffers much more in the first love." Little John says smiling smoothly before crouching lightly and surprising Alana when he picks her up from the floor without no problem.

Now for him Alana's weight does not show him any problem. Alana laughs smoothly and with her hands surround Little John's neck to kiss him again.

"The room is the first one in the corridor, next to the kitchen." Alan says caressing softly Little John's chin, Little John nods while his member begins to fill with blood and growing in his pants.

His initial worries now no longer exist, he wishes to fuck again this marvelous woman that showed him a lot of things and gave him new sensations that he had not experienced before.

Little John carries Alana passing by the living room and passing near the entrance of the kitchen. Alana points using her nose to the correct door.

He without a lot of effort opens it of a kick and he enter in a little bedroom with an old bed, but big. There are a couple of furniture than just like the bed have a lot of time of use. The bear closes the door using his feet.

For a window Little John can observe trees and shrubs that do not make him to forget of the moment neither of his objective of concern. He with care places Alana in bed.

She smiles on him suggestively before he climbed in bed. Alana smiles at him and unties the strings that hold her dress of slow way. She gets rid of the knots until the last one disappears and her dress cleavage opens.

Little John opens his eyes when a part of the Alana's tits are visible, he holds the borders of the cleavage of the dress and he spreads it. Alana's breasts remain in the open in front of Little John.

His eyes open seeing the two white and round hills with the pink nipples in the tops.

"Aren't they what you expected?" Alana asks with calm and a little bit of disillusionment thinking that her breasts are not so attractive as before.

"Of course, that not. They are the most beautiful tits that I saw in my life." Little John says before placing his hand in the right breast of the rabbit and begin to massage it slowly.

He feels the heat of the fur and the softness of the tit, Little John cannot remember as many times as his hands touched these beautiful breasts that do not look now big so as before, but this is not important.

Alana moans when Little John's mouth closes around her right nipple. She feels as her lover begins to suck her tit with a lot of pleasure.

Lips suck with calm while the tongue hits the erect nipple, Little John does not stop, he enjoys the moment without stopping to stimulate the other breast, his hand squeezes and kneads it.

His thumbs and index twist the nipple making moaning to the woman, the groan of pleasure is a beautiful sound for Little John. He had not listened to it in quite a while.

Little John looks up without stopping to suck feeling that one of the hands of Alana rests on his head. Their looks cross and Alana caresses him on the head.

She smiles smoothly, regardless of everything this time she remembers very well that look of a boy very thrilled with her tits. The sucking is as intense and pleasant as those days.

Little John releases the nipple and hits it with his tongue, he moves it twisting the nipple in different directions making moaning to Alana. She has her closed eyes while her crotch gets wet.

The right hand of Little John moves down while he does not stop his sucking. She feels as the big hand gets softly under her skirt.

Her crotch soon is reached by the fingers of Little John begin to caress it. Little John caresses the slit over the cloth that covers it.

Alana moans and pushes Little John's head. He releases the nipple and he moves to one side, his woman looks at him panting and she takes off the dress and she throws at the right edge of the bed.

The dress slides over the edge and falls to the floor. Alana's nudity makes Little John smile. Alana had not changed a lot, her breasts still are attractive and her stomach does not seem so firm neither slender as before, but she even looks very nice.

Alana smiles mischievously when Little John takes her underwear and he pulls it down them, the female rabbit helps him raising her legs and soon her panties fall next to her clothing.

She now is completed naked again in front of her boy, the big hands of Little John separate her legs. The pink and swollen vulva is in the sight of the bear.

He licks the mouth before crouching and doing a slow lick to the slit, Alana's juices touch his tongue and she whines of pleasure. Little John's tongue is bigger and it covers her slit complete.

The juice is delicious for Little John. The taste fills him with nostalgia, as he loved this delicious taste that he could enjoy every day a lot of years ago. The tip tongue begins moving on the clitoris of Alana.

She moans and her body shakes lightly every time that place is touched by the tip. Her clitoris is twisted with each lick of the bear, Little John maintains the legs of the woman separated.

Juices drip from the slit and Little John does not waste them, he licks the vulva splitting the vaginal lips before touching clitoris again. Alana moans and takes her breasts to knead them.

She gasps when Little John's tongue penetrates in her vagina, she feels as her vaginal walls stretch around the tongue.

Heat and wetness surround Little John's tongue, he pushes and moves his tongue touching the inside and making that she shakes of pleasure. She cannot believe that the tongue could go so deep in her vagina.

They never got so deep in oral sex, Little John had clearly incremented his abilities. The mouth is closed around her vulva while he continues eating her pussy.

His lips do not permit that a single drop escapes and he drinks the juice with pleasure.

Alana's legs are kicking on the air while she feels as pleasure keeps on intensifying in his body, her fingers twist and pulls his nipples increasing her pleasure.

Sensitive parts in her body are touched without stopping, the tip presses them with some force. The woman releases her breasts and she places his hands on the head of the bear.

He feels as his hair is stirred by the hands of the woman that whines uncontrollably. She begins to shake and her hands press the bed's old bedspread.

Little John feels as his tongue is squeezed with force and his mouth becomes full of delicious juice.

He needs to hold the legs of the woman with more force to keep them separate. His tongue does not stop and continues adding pleasure to the woman's orgasm.

She writhes until Little John takes out his tongue slowly. He licks his vulva slowly a moment and he sitting on his thighs observing with a lot of satisfaction as the body of Alana even quivers lightly.

Her toes move without control. Alana sees as Little John is smiling softly to her.

"That tongue is incredible, you never arrived so deep in me." Alana says while he sits in bed and panting while he looks at Little John.

"Well that is not the only big thing that I have." Little John says doing a grin.

"That it is something that I want to see it." Alana says while she looks excited. The female wants to see how much the package of her little men grew up.

Alana sits to Little John at the edge of the bed and she begins to undress him beginning for the top of his clothing. Her hands shake lightly, she feels the smoothness and softness of the garments that Little John is wearing.

She got surprised when she learned that her young lover had become a Lord, something that filled her with pride.

Furthermore, it made her wonder if he even felt something for her.

Little John takes off the hat and he puts on the bed. With calm Alana takes the cape off from him and she picks it up to fold it.

"You can leave it on the floor." Little John says making a soft smile and Alana denies it with the head.

"Of course, that no, these clothes are expensive." Alan says moving her fingers in the white borders of the cape. She never touched something so fine in her life, this is a sample of the new power and status of Little John.

"That is not very important, it bothers me a lot and I prefer simple clothes." Little John says looking at Alana while he reclines his hands on the border of the bed.

Alana takes the cape and she puts it on a table that is near, she takes off the rest of the Little John is using in that moment. She watches with surprise the change in the body of Little John.

His flat chest now is more defined, it seems a little pot-bellied. It is a pretty obvious change, but it does not disappoint her at all.

She places the rest of the clothing at the table next to the cape.

But her gaze is on tent in the pants of the bear, she does not know how so big he will have it, but he needs to find it out. She looks at Little John, he smiles and he leans back lightly to permit that the female rabbit continues.

She with calm and desire she opens Little John's pants. The weight of the sword makes the pants of the bear plummet to cover Little John's feet and the blow of the sword on the floor is heard in the room.

She swallows with difficulty and she became excited seeing that shorts hide something of good size. Little John moves to get a bit more comfortable and lets that Alana pull his pants leaving him at shorts.

He laughs seeing that in this occasion she does not make sure that pants get dirty, Alana throws pants in order that they get to the table, but they do not go a long way for the sword that topples them in the floor.

Alana takes her shorts and takes a deep breathing before moving it down.

She makes it quickly and Little John's member gets free hitting the bear's stomach.

Alana's eyes open completely the moment that she sees Little John's cock.

He laughs seeing as the woman looks at his crotch, this was except because he was a boy when they fucked for the last time and since then his penis had gained size and thickness.

"Oh my..." Alana says with amazement seeing Little John's cock. That one is not a feverish boy's member, it is a completely grown male's shaft.

A drop of precum seeps in through the opening of the penis and shines brightly on the tip.

Alana kneels down between the legs opened of Little John and her right-hand closes with calm around the palpitating meat of the bear. She closes her hand around feeling its hardness.

Her left-hand rests on the two big balls. The female examines them by touch and she squeeze with fascination. Little John can compare Alana's reaction like the one of a girl that for the first time sees and touches a cock.

Alana begins to masturbate to Little John; her hand moves up and down slowly. She looks at the cock with a lot of amazement.

The two balls feel heavy in her hand, she caresses them and is going steady smoothly while he sees Little John. The bear moans and pants with pleasure, it is the first time that he feels Alana's touch in a lot of years.

Her delicate hands pleasure him, but now uneven bigger than his member. Alana sees as a drop of big precum glistens on the tip of the member, she aims the erection at her face and smiling she opens her mouth.

A growl of pleasure comes out from the mouth of Little John at the moment that the lips of the rabbit female close behind the head of his penis. Her tongue touches the tip and it does him to shake.

She closes her eyes and savors Little John's precum, it had changed the taste that now is sort of hotter than the previous time. It had matured to become more delicious.

Alana places her hands on the thighs of Little John and begins to move her head. Her lips move just like her head, the shaft appears and disappears in her mouth.

She feels as the head gets to the entrance of her throat, the taste of the hard meat makes him release more juices. Her body trembles with emotion enjoying the oral sex that she gives Little John.

Little John growls and moans with pleasure, he sees as the woman sucks his cock with the greatest pleasure. Alana's eyes are closed while she concentrates on what she makes.

The sound of sucking is heard in the room with a lot of clarity, Alana opens her mouth and takes out Little John's penis. The erection glistens brightly with the saliva of Alana that drips to the balls of the bear.

Alana begins to lick his right testicle with calm her tongue with a little bit of difficulty raises the ball on the air. Her lips close around it the best that she can to suck it.

With pleasure she it pulls it and lose hold before doing it again. Little John has a good time that Alana takes care of his balls. She licks and each one of them with pleasure for some minutes.

When both testicles are covered with saliva, Alana's tongue begins to move slowly for the swollen shaft. Little John enjoys the tongue that caresses his member's length until the tip reaches the head.

A couple of kisses passionate on the head makes that Little John quivers with pleasure, the tongue collects each drop of precum that appears. Alana again permits that the member slides in her mouth.

Little John pants and closes his eyes at the moment that Alan begins to move her head.

She sucks the cock with emotion and pleasure, her saliva drips from the chin the old and dusty floor.

Little John's pleasure increases slowly, Alana has closed eyes and she gets surprised completely when Little John holds her head and he begins to push her toward his groin.

Alana feels as the head of the member touches the entrance of her throat, she understands that Little John wants something more interesting and he looks with a smile before releasing the head for him.

Alana considers it a little and never gave a deep throat before. Little John sees that she doubts and he does not get angry, he begins to move his hips in order that she continues.

She feels pleased and resumes the sucking making it faster. Her head budges while she closes her eyes to have a good time of what he makes while she hears that Little John whines with more force.

His hands squeeze the blankets at the moment that he clenches his teeth releasing his sperm in the mouth of Alana. The female feels as squirts hit her palate and her tongue is covered with it.

Alana's eyes open largely when her mouth is filled completely. She swallows the seed of the bear with difficulty, her taste is delicious and the quantity is surprising.

Although with those big balls it could not be for less. She sucks in the meantime of swallowing, each drop slides through her esophagus to her stomach.

Her look is on in Little John, he growls while it continues releasing his reproductive material. Semen keeps on becoming exhausted slowly and Little John shakes when the last drops gets out by the opening of his penis and it is licked rapidly by Alana.

She draws the penis from her mouth and she swallows the remains of cum, Alana closes his mouth around her beloved boy's shaft or man and she masturbates him slowly.

"Can you continue? I want to say like those times in which my boy did not let me to rest." Alana says smiling standing up without releasing Little John's cock.

Alan does a small shout of surprise when he catches her and he pulls her toward him to kiss her passionately for some moments.

"Of course. Don't you think that I can, if I have four cubs?" Little John asks with a little bit of joke. Alana kisses him and she pushes Little John to lean him in bed.

Alana turns over and takes the cock aiming it at her vulva, the head touches the pink slit.

The woman moves down her hips and she gasp when the member's head enters in her body. She moans taking down her hips slowly impaling herself in the member of Little John.

Juices surround the shaft while both whines smoothly, Little John feels Alana's softness.

Her tunnel of love is moist and warm, she is tighter of what he remembers.

"I did not imagine that you would have grown up so much I believe that you will tear me apart." She says panting with surprise and pleasure. Her vaginal walls stretch more than in all her life to receive a penis.

Her tunnel of love keeps on filling up and she moans until the head of the penis of Little John touches the entrance of her cervix. Neither her previous bastard husband filled her in this way.

"This is incredible my lovely little man." Alana says caressing Little John's balls a moment before beginning to move. She bounces her ass slowly while her eyes close.

Little John moans with pleasure, he sees the roof and next looks up. He sees Alana's back, her as moves while her tail budges of fast way without stopping .

The velvety inside caresses his member, it appears and that disappears continuously in the woman.

The vaginal lips move and his shaft glisten covered of juice.

Alana moans and pants with pleasure, every time that the penis enters deeply in her body releasing more precum that blend in with her juices.

She gets surprised a little when Little John embraces her from behind and he kisses her on her neck while his big hands take her breasts to massage and to stimulate them.

Alana closes her eyes and has a good time enjoying the affectionate licks on the neck.

Little John twists the nipples of the female rabbit with pleasure achieving that she moaned of with force. His hands squeeze the two tits without difficulty and the two erect nipples stand out between his fingers.

Alana pants whining intensely.

Both moan and growl of pleasure enjoying their first mating in years. Suddenly the door opens and both are interrupted.

Little John stops when he sees a boy and a girl entering in the room. Both child stop cold seeing to him and Alana with the eyes completely opened.

The boy is a young bear of brown hair, Little John cannot avoid comparing the boy with himself when he was younger. He in his hands holds a big- wood trunk and he is ready to give a blow.

His eyes are brown and are completely open by surprise. At his side a there is rabbit girl, her white fur shines a bit. In the tip of her ears have some brown patches on them.

The girl just like the boy looks at him with complete surprise, her blue eyes shine lightly while she has her mouth covered with her hands. Her stature is inferior to the one of the boy.

Little John does not move and he releases Alan's tits to recline his hands to the edge of the bead. Alana with calm stands up and to move to one side.

Little John's member escapes of her vagina and that does not go by unnoticed for the young ones. They stare the member of Little John, it points at the roof and precum drips from the head.

Alana have the back turned to the children while she takes her nightgown and she puts it covering her nudity.

"What I told you about entering without knocking before?" Alana asks turning over and looking with a lot of anger to the newcomers. She frowns a lot looking very discontent with the situation.

"I am sorry mom... we listen some wailing and we thought that somewhat badly was happening... that someone was somebody robbing the house." The boy says releasing the piece of big- wood trunk, it falls to the floor.

The girl nods positioning herself next to her brother while she feels worried. Little John does not move while he feels a lot of discomfort, his heart pumps rapidly and his mind also is running to thousand seeing his children for the first time.

His son is his young reflection, his eyes come from the same color. That draws a smile from the bear. His daughter is beautiful with her green dress and lightly worn-out, she looks at him and rapidly moves the look.

Alana looks at Little John, he looks at her and they exchange opinions that only last for one second. Little John bends over lightly to take his underwear and to put it on, this again attracts the looks of the children that get startled feeling his mother's hands on their shoulders while she is behind both.

"kids, I want to introduce you to your father, Little John." Alan says giving a light squeeze to the shoulders of both. The boy and his sister open their eyes again and look at Little John.

He smiles soft and in a friendly way. Little John had not wanted the first encounter with his children to be like this, being found out making the love to their mom.

"This is John." Alana says pressing her son's shoulder lightly. The boy just nods quietly.

"And she is Tami." Alana says in relation to the girl that looks at Little John in silence.

"Mom... he is the lord of this lands." Tami says looking at her mother with surprise. Alana smiles softly at them and she nods. Her brother also gets surprised and looks with some fear at Little John.

He does a grin and giving soft pats with his hands to the bed, he tells kids that he wants that they come closer.

Both cubs do not move until their mother pushes them softly to encourage them to come closer. They do it with a lot of insecurity, that draws a smile in the face of Little John.

"Come here." Little John says looking at his children. He wants to be able to have them at his side soon. He had missed them for a lot of years, both finally they are a few steps away of him.

John is the first to come closer while his sister moves behind him.

When both are near, Little John takes them and seats them to each one of his sides. His daughter is at his right and her son at his left.

"I am happy to know you finally." Little John looking at with a lot of happiness the two kids that look at him anxiously lightly and they do move a lot.

"Don't worry, I am not angry neither something like that." Little John says knowing time by intuition that they are frightened because he is a Lord.

"For long time I wished to know you." Little John says firstly looking at Tami and next to John.

"Really?" Tami asks with a discontinuous and soft voice. She feels herself somewhat timid in front of Little John. The girl had wished to know her father, but she never imagined that he was a very important man.

Their mother never gave them a relevant piece of information about him.

"Of course. Many times, I wonder what happened with your mother and you two." Little John responds looking at the girl.

"If that is truth, why didn't you look for us?" John asks blurting out a light growl of bother.

His mother gets surprised and raises her hand to call her son's attention, but Little John with a soft facial expression indicates to her that he would handle it.

"It is a pretty complicated stuff, the main reason was that I did not even have a clue from where your mother was, besides I did not have resources at my disposal to make it." Little John says with calm.

He did not know how much about the two cubs knew about his relation with their mom.

He does not want to confuse them needlessly and to get into trouble.

"Even so you could try to look for us." John says looking at Little John. He notices a lot of anger in the eyes of his son, but that does not surprise him neither bothers him.

"John!" Alana says with anger and reprehending her son.

"Sometimes things are not as we want, the fact that I did not look for you does not mean that I did not care. The relation that I had with your mother was the most important thing that happened to me and when we separated I had a lot of pain I missed her and I always wished to find her and as a consequence to you two." Little John says placing on his hand the shoulder of his son to give him a soft and affectionate squeeze.

Little John sees that the boy even is angry and he would not force him to feel better, this is something that can take a time. A good relation does not forge itself in five seconds.

"As we are strange, we have to know each other better. What do you like or what do you want to be when you grow up?" Little John says looking at his children with a smile.

"Tami is very good with the needle." Alana says looking at her daughter. She nods and moves the content tail.

"I like to help mom to cook and I think about being sewing, to create dresses." Tami says looking at Little John. He opens her eyes lightly and blurts out a soft and friendly laughter.

"That would be OK, everyone loves using good dresses. In London you can find a lot of beautiful designs." Little John says looking at his daughter. She gets excited and she nods lightly.

"What about you?" Little John asks to looking at his son. He is not looking at him because he is still upset.

"He likes to play with the swords." Tami says making out of a facial expression of disdain and mockery to bother her brother.

"That is not true, I just want to practice." John says irritation looking at his sister. She sticks her tongue out to his brother. He growls.

"I suppose that you wish to be a great soldier." Little John says looking at the boy.

He only nods looking at his sister with the frown.

"I want to be important, an officer or so." The boy says crossing arms and closing his eyes proudly and self-congratulation. That makes his sister pissed while Alana smiles smoothly.

"Well, if that you want you should know how to use a sword." Little John says getting up and coming closer toward his clothes to introduce his hand between them and to take his pants and take his sword.

The eyes of their children open completely when he unsheathes the sword that shines lightly.

Little John with calm and a smile passes it to his son. The boy has his eyes opened with surprise while he stands up and takes the sword. His hands hold the hilt.

But the tip hits the floor, the weapon is pretty weighed for him that can raise it with difficulty. Tami laughs while her brother tries to raise the sword and to brandish it lightly.

"Getting using to raise a sword is the first thing that you must control before being able to use it, although learn to use the head and strategy can be more useful in some cases." Little John says looking at his son that raises the sword and he brandish it a little on the air.

The boy just nods while he continues captivated by the sword.

"Did you combat?" John asks looking at Little John with enthusiasm in the meantime he Little John sheathes the sword and he puts it on the table before sit on bed while his son sits at his side.

"I had a couple of combats, but I never was in the battlefield, Robin is who was in the front line with the king while I was the protector of the crown of your majesty." Little John says looking at his son.

Both boys get surprised completely just like Alana. She did not know how much confidence the king had in Little John to trust him something as important as the crown.

"Do you know Robin Hood?" Tami asks with true longing and hope while she looks at Little John.

"Of course, we are very good friends and he is married with a very good and beautiful woman. He is the best archer that exists." Little John says looking at his children.

He notices that his daughter frowns listening the part about his friend is married. That draws a smile from Little John, perhaps his daughter had a fantasy related with Robin.

On the other hand, his son looks very excited, his tail that moves over and over again.

"Did you live in the forest?" John asks looking at Little John. He nods smiling and seeing that his son gets excited.

"I can show you where was our hiding-place." Little John says looking at John and next to his daughter.

Both get surprised and thrill listening to the news.

"That will have to be tomorrow, it is not convenient to go into the forest close to the nightfall." Little John says placing on his hands the shoulders of his children to give a soft and friendly squeeze.

His son clearly gets disappointed just like his daughter.

"We will make it tomorrow in the morning." Little John says trying encouraging the two young people and giving them a couple of soft pats on the back.

"The best would be preparing dinner." Alana says looking at her children. They look at her and even they look disappointed. Little John sees that Alana clears a moment her throat and boys nod.

"Come on, John help Tami to be preparing everything." Alana says looking at her children. Both only nod and they stand up to get out of the bedroom leaving Little John and their mother alone.

"I am sorry... I guess that I should have acted with more care, I would prefer not meet my children in this way." Little John says getting up and looking for his clothes to get dressed.

He does not avoid looking as Alana takes off the dressing gown revealing her nudity again.

"Me neither, but control myself in front of my boy is something impossible." Alana says simpering in the meantime again she gets dressed. Little John smiles and puts his pants in the meantime he sees at the woman.

In all this time she had not lost her desire of feeling Little John in her body, but she had not expected that her loved little man now was a grown man with a good member between the legs.

Both laugh and they finish getting dressed to go to the kitchen where they find the children preparing everything. Little John sits down to see as Alana begins to prepare dinner while Tami helps her.

The scene is something that Little John enjoys. He enjoys seeing Alana moving in the kitchen, he remembers those last days in which they spent together.

Regardless of everything this time for Little John, Alana keeps on being a very beautiful woman. Years do not seem to have changed over a lot, although now her tits do not look so big as before.

But that does not matter, he should control himself not to have an erection again.

The dinner is ready after one hour and the four sits at the table. As the place is an old and broken-down house, the table is in equal conditions.

Little John with every happiness sits at the table next to his children and Alana for the first time. The food is very good for him, but the best is being able to see his children and Alana.

He looks at the female rabbit with calm and attention, his memories send him at the old times.

At that time, she was higher than he, but her funny and happy attitude is the same no matter all this time. He and Alana cross the look and she smiles smoothly content.

Little John smiles at him too while he continues eating. His attention next focuses on Tami. The girl is beautiful in front of his eyes, she must a copy of her mom when she was young.

The white fur gives her an air of purity and joviality that delights him, certainly his dad loves her a great deal. She growls and looks at her brother that makes her out a facial expression of mockery when a piece of bread falls on the stew and soup splash her face.

Tami gets up and looks for a piece of cloth to clean her face while her brother continues laughing. Alana requests to him that he shut up and let her sister alone.

Without a lot of temper, he accepts to continue eating. Little John looks at him attentively.

His son is a young representation of himself. The bear laughs smoothly thinking that to this same age he was fucking right and left.

Little John smiles and does not know how is his son's curiosity about this stuff.

But certainly, he needs a male in his life that gives him some or other advice. And that is something that Little John is completely willing to do.

The moment of suppositions and introspection finish when Tami attracts his attention with a question.

"Do you know the king, dad?" Tami asks looking at Little John.

That question surprises him and he makes ponds in him completely when he listens the word dad. That makes him feel completely happy and full of joy.

"Yes, I know him." Little John responds content while he looks at his daughter. She opens her eyes with complete surprise and emotion.

"What is he like?" John asks with a lot of interest and emotion. Alana smiles when the answer of her father interested to her children.

"Well... he is a good man, provoke a lot of respect with his deep and penetrating look. His kinghood accompanies him in each step that he gives in addition to be hard, if you put your foot in it. He would cut my head, if I commit a substantial error or injustice." Little John says swallowing hard to make more emphasis in the sentence.

"Don't frighten the children." Alana says to see that her children get scared a little.

"Do not get worried, the king Richard he is a good man in addition to wise man." Little John says smiling smoothly at his children. He is sure that both must a preconceived idea of the king like most.

That theme is good for initiating a conversation with its family and that way Little John can know much better to his children. His son has a boy's brave and without fear character.

He looks very self-assured and perhaps believing that he can do everything.

Tami in addition is a little timid and insecure girl, but pretty intelligent. She seems to analyze every time that she should do an important or deep question.

The conversation spreads out for an hour before that the yawn of Tami indicates to Alana that it is time to sleep. John growls with bother to his sister because for her fault, they would go to bed.

"We all have to sleep." Little John says smiling and looking at his children. They whine before their mother cleared her throat.

"It is bedtime, it already is too late for both." Alana says frowning at her two children that protest a moment before agreeing going to sleep. Little John laughs smoothly and sees as his cubs stand up even grumbling.

Even so, they say good night to their mother and to Little John before going to sleep.

Alana follows them to take them to their bedrooms while she takes a candle holder an guide them.

Little John waits while the fire of a candle illuminates it. He expects for several minutes before Alana returned. She took her time.

"The children are good." Little John says looking at Alana. She begins to clear the table.

"Of course, I educated them the best that I can." Alana says smiling smoothly while she places the dishes on the inn.

"I do not doubt it, but I would love to done it at your side." Little John says looking at the woman. Alana laughs turning over and leaning on the inn of stone.

"What would you have made? You were very young to assume that role, in spite of the fact that you fucked better than Eliot." Alana says smiling with a silly smile.

"It is true, but you know that when you left me shattered." Little John says looking at Alana with a little bit of sadness remembering that moment.

"I know, but it was necessary, the things would never have come out all right for us, especially for your father." Alana says looking Little John while she gets close to Little John and she caresses his chin affectionately.

Alana laughs and gets out of the kitchen while she smiles at him.

Little John looks at her an after some seconds without moving, but that does not last. The bear gets up of the chair and taking the candleholder with the turned-on candle, he gets out from the kitchen.

He walks on the corridor toward the bedroom of Alana, the wood floor old creaks in each one of his steps. Little John stops in front of the door and pushes it with calm to open it.

The bear enters in the room and an orange color light illuminates him. He sees that there are two turned-on candles on the bedside tables. Alana is waiting for him completely naked.

The orange color light illuminates her white fur. The female rabbit is smiling and looking at him with a mischievous look.

Little John begins to get undressed rapidly and to throw his clothes at the near table. He takes off his shoes and for surprise of Alana he rushes at her and he begins to kiss her and foreplay with her.

Alana laughs and tries to move out of the way on top to Little John, but he does not stop kissing her over and over again. The bed board whams the wall repeatedly.

Little John stops after some minutes when Alana pushes him with a little more force.

"Let's decrease intensity a little." Alana says smiling and caressing Little John's face with calm.

Little John smiles and he nods before kissing her on the mouth. The kiss rapidly becomes a passionate one. His tongue and the one of Alana fight while her eyes are closed.

Few moments after Little John moves and begins to lick Alana's neck slowly, she pants and she sees as the body of Little John moves down and the mouth of her lover closes around her left nipple.

Little John sucks the pink nipple smoothly, his saliva covers it and Alana moans with pleasure with closed eyes. Her nipple is pulled and bitten with softness.

The taste of the tit delights the bear, Little John takes the other tit using his hand to squeeze and to give more pleasure to the female. His hand stimulates the breast with pleasure, now his hand can cover it.

His thumb and index twist the nipple with some force. Alana moans with more pleasure.

She sees at Little very happy John, he demonstrates the same enthusiasm that he did when he was a boy.

Little John releases his nipple and hits it with the tongue tip, he feels pleased seeing as Alana is moaning. His member is completely erect releasing little squirts of precum that get wet the bedspreads.

He releases the tit to use her mouth on it. Little John moves his left hand to get between the thighs of the woman. His fingers begin to caress softly the slit spreading the vaginal lips.

The finger moves up and down penetrating lightly into the slit, Alana is wet and she moans smoothly by the sucking and the caresses in her crotch.

She gasps when the forefinger presses her clitoris and presses it in different directions.

Alana whines of pleasure while she uses her hand to press Little John against her tit.

The bear moves his finger to give his ladylove a rest, she releases his head panting rapidly. Little John steps down more his body, the vulva is in front of Alana's glistening vulva.

He licks his mouth and he does a complete lick to the pink slit up and down dividing vaginal lips. The taste of the juice delights Little John.

Alana quivers of pleasure feeling that the tongue touches her clitoris. She growls of pleasure; Little John begins to give her oral pleasure with calm and ability.

His tongue moves up and down in the slit picking up the juice that stems from the inside of Alana, she whines and shakes placing on her hands the head of Little John to disorder his hair while she enjoys the oral pleasure.

The big tongue touches her clitoris, Little John moves the tip on that pink point. The female shakes with pleasure feeling that her clitoris is twisted, Little John keeps Alana's legs separate.

He moves his tongue's tip between the vaginal lips of Alana right in the middle of the slit, without waiting he pushes his tongue gluing his lips to Alana's vulva.

She moans and she gets surprised at the moment that the tongue penetrates deeply into her vagina without stopping to move. She has his eyes closed in the meantime her head is on the pillow.

Her juices get wet Little John's lips, his tongue is surrounded by juice and the vaginal walls squeezes it. The woman's moans fill the bedroom, Alana's legs are high on the air being sustained by the strong hands of Little John.

He eats up Alana with a lot of pleasure. The moans of the female increase rapidly in intensity.

Alana stimulates her tits with the hands, she twists her nipples incrementing her pleasure to a large extent. Her two pink tops are supersensitive and wet in the saliva of Little John.

"John... I no longer!" Alana says closing her eyes and pushing her crotch toward the face of Little John. He feels as the vaginal walls contract around his tongue.

His mouth fills with abundant and delicious juice. Alana growls while Little John does not release her legs and sucks drinking the whole juice that he can, some the Alana's nectar leaks of its mouth and gets the bed wet.

Alana whines in the meantime even squeezes her breasts, her body is full of incredible pleasure. Little John separates his mouth from the vulva of the woman and he licks it slowly making shaking to Alana.

He releases the woman's legs that fall on the bed and Alana's body bounce lightly. Alana breathes agitatedly while she sees as Little John cleans his mouth with the arm.

"Damm I love that taste." Little John says looking at the woman. Alana smiles smoothly and she licks her mouth.

With calm Little John positions himself on Alana, his member wobbles lightly on the air.

"Let's see how this goes." She says simpering and catching Little John's member between her breasts. Her eyes open a lot seeing as the shaft excels in great measure of her white hills.

"It always disappeared between the two." Alana says looking at Little John. He smiles and start to move his ass. He enjoys the soft fur of both tits that surround his penis.

The cock moves while Alana keep it trapped using her breasts, she sees as the swollen head comes closer and drives away of her chin. His boy's member is a lot bigger than that of his previous husband.

She releases her breasts and takes Little John's penis aiming at her mouth. He growls the moment that his member disappears in that wet place. Alana begins to suck with joy.

She likes very much its taste and the precum that sprouts by the opening drips on her tongue.

The taste is very different, it had maturated. Little John growls enjoying the sucking, the saliva drips from his member falling on the chest of Alana getting his fur wet.

Alana draws the penis from her mouth and she licks it slowly from the base to the tip, it is a big cock. Little John looks as the woman has fun with his penis, the tongue gets to the base of his penis.

She smiles and looks at Little John before kissing the two testicles of soft way, she catches the right testicle between her lips and she sucks it for some moments.

She touches it with her tongue before releasing it and repeating the motion in other parts of the two big balls of the bear. The testicles are sucked with calm, Alana enjoys making this.

The two little balls now are two big orbs of the size of big oranges, should certainly contain a lot of semen in order that she swallows it.

Little John enjoys the sucking, but he wants something more directly, he raises Alana's chin and she understands. The woman opens her mouth and takes out her tongue to lick the head of the penis of Little John.

The bear moans and pants with pleasure, he closes his eyes enjoying of the tongue on that sensitive part of his member. His precum is licked, he soon feels as the hot and wet mouth of Alan surrounds his cock.

She begins to suck with more force, her left hand stimulates the two balls squeezing and pulling them smoothly. She moves her head trying drinking more of the erection.

But it is something that she cannot achieve, it is too big. Little John moans and pushes his penis at the moment that his sperm shoots out by the opening of his penis sprinkling Alana's tongue.

She sucks with more energy feeling that her mouth becomes full of seed, the woman gets surprised by the quantity and the taste of semen. It is totally different to what she remembered.

It is thicker and spicy than before. But even so she likes it, she sucks while Little John growls shooting his seed in the mouth of Alana. She swallows over and over again until the last squirt comes out from the member of Little John.

He moves back and his member slips slowly of Alana's mouth, the tip touches her lips before the member gets free hanging in front of the face the woman.

A thin semen thread ranges from the tip of the member to the lips of Alana. She licks her lips breaking the white thread.

"Let's finish what we leave pending this afternoon." Alana says caressing softly Little John's face while she smiles. Little John agrees a hundred per cent.

He moves kneeling down between the legs of Alana, he takes his penis in his hand and he aims towards it to the pink slit of Alana. Soon the member's head divides the vaginal lips of the rabbit female.

Little John pushes slowly and he feels as his shaft keeps on being surrounded by softness and velvety inside of the woman.

His member slides slowly and Alana feels as her vaginal walls stretch adapting themselves to the thickness of the penis that keeps on entering in her tunnel of love.

She moans smoothly with closed eyes; the full length of her boy fills her completely. Little John has also his closed eyes enjoying the penetration as much as Alana.

He stops when his penis head touches the bottom of the soft passage of Alana. She opens her eyes with a little bit of surprise when she feels full. Each part of her vagina is touched by the member of the bear.

"You are big." Alana says caressing softly Little John's chest using her right hand. He smiles on her and he begins to move with slow way in his lover.

He moans of pleasure while his ass moves back and forward. His member appears and disappears inside Alana. She moans and pants with pleasure, her vagina bottom is touched by the tip of the member.

Alana opens her eyes to see as Little John moves on her, she moans and remembers as in this position the boy used to have his head alone fitted at the height of her tits that he sucked with a lot of pleasure.

Alana's legs close around the ass of Little John with difficulty, he pumps without stopping.

His chest caresses Alana's tits, she feels as her hard nipples are stimulated by the hot fur of Little John.

He growls while the bed creaks due his thrusts. His precum goes out for the opening of his penis without stopping, his shaft is soaked in juices while his balls rub on the bedspreads.

His forearms and hands are resting on the bed, he looks down to see as Alana whines of pleasure while she embraces him. In each thrust his cock goes deep in the woman.

The bear controls his pushes to extend the situation the most that he can, Alana is moaning without stopping while she shakes her head to side and her breasts rock lightly by each strong thrust in her body.

The headboard again hits the wall right along, but neither of them pays attention to it.

Little John breathes more rapidly incrementing the rhythm of his movements until he pushes with force growling ferociously.

Alana whimpers strongly, the sticky- and- powerful- sperm squirts splash sectors of her vagina that fills up rapidly. Her body reacts and her legs press with more force the ass of Little John.

The effluxion of seed takes her to a great orgasm, such an incredible sensation that she had not felt in a lot of years. Her vaginal walls want more cum and they squeeze Little John's shaft without stopping.

He feels it, but he does not move permitting that each semen drop flowed in the female rabbit.

After some moments, the last semen squirt gets out of his penis and Little John opens the eyes to see Alana. She breathes rapidly while her eyes are closed.

Little John smiles seeing that she still apparently is completely lost in her pleasure, that expression in her face fills of happiness to the bear. It is equal to the one that she made a lot of years ago.

Even when he was boy, it surprised him a little as he achieved that a mature woman asked for more and more without stopping. He felt so proud when she told him that he was far better than her husband.

Those thoughts dissipate when Alana opens her eyes slowly. She looks at him something tired and she caresses his chin slowly.

"Do you still can get pregnant?" Little John asks with calm. Alana laughs smoothly.

"I believe that is probable, but it is not something that get me excited a lot. With what you gave me, my life is complete." Alana says looking at Little John. He smiles and kisses her passionately in the mouth.

She responds the kiss while she clings to his neck. Little John does not move while the kiss lasts. Alana pushes her tongue that fights against tongue of Little John.

She breaks off the kiss and smiling he caresses Little John's face.

"Even do you like the dog-style position?" Alana asks laughing mischievously.

"It is one that I love most." Little John responds smiling at the female. She looks content and Little John moves toward behind permitting that his penis got out of the cave of the love of Alana.

She without stopping to smile she turns over leaning on her elbows and knees leaning forward and raising her ass for the bear. She feels as the two big hands touch her buttocks.

Little John squeezes them with pleasure before spreading them, Alana's posterior hole is visible. She shakes lightly when Little John's right forefinger goes over the whole crack of her ass.

He begins to push his finger's tip against the hole, but it does not enter.

Little John licks his mouth and he bends over toward front. Alana opens her eyes and she remains airless feeling a lick on her anus, to the big and strong tongue of Little John passes on her posterior hole of slow way.

Her body shakes and this does not go by unnoticed for the bear. Little John feels pleased and he repeats the motion over and over. Alana whines and she moves her ass on the face of Little John.

Little John takes Alana's buttocks to maintain the ass of the rabbit in position and to do his work better. His tongue's tip moves on the brown hole.

The sphincter gets wet in saliva and it quivers lightly. Little John pushes his tongue against the center of the cheeks of Alana. She opens her eyes and moans softly when her hole is pierced by that tip, her hole opens.

She pants and feels as the tongue invades her rectum, she never felt this before in her life. Before Little John's tongue was not arriving deep in her tail hole, but now it is something very different.

The tip touches different parts in her inside, sometimes it gets in the cracks of her passage.

Little John feels the aroma of the fur of the tail of Alana, the spongy tail moves over and over again.

Juices are dripping in the bed without stopping. Alana whines while she has her closed eyes. She lightly wonders if she will be able to take so huge cock, now that Little John is a completely grown man.

Little John moves his tongue without stopping for some moments before stopping, he slowly moves his head back permitting that his tongues leaves of Alana's hole. She pants and moans until the tip slips out of her body.

The hole to be lightly open and quivering, Little John smiles and he takes his penis.

Alana moans with pleasure when the shaft slides in her vagina. Little John begins to move slowly. He and Alana enjoy the soft pleasure while Little John seeks to cover his member in the juice of Alana.

When it is the right time, Little John extracts his cock to aim it at the midway of the white buttocks of the female rabbit. The member's head kisses the sphincter of delicate way.

"Remember that I am practically virgin there." Alana says chuckling at some nervousness.

Little John smiles content and he begins to push with force.

His penis head presses the woman's posterior opening, Alana moans smoothly and she gets ready spreading her legs a little. Little John does not stop and he continues pushing.

This ass had received his cock before and it will make it again. He increases pressure and Alana's sphincter suddenly opens and wraps his member's first portion up.

She moans with pain and Little John stops. Alana has closed eyes and moans smoothly by the pain.

Little John closes his eyes feeling as heat surrounds his cock, the anal walls squeezes with force. He does not move caressing Alana's two buttocks.

"Push it." Alana says panting. Little John releases the ass of the female rabbit and he grasps her hips. He begins to push slowly; his member keeps on disappearing between the two white cheeks.

Alana pants rapidly feeling as her rectum keeps on filling up on the hard meat of the bear.

Her anal walls stretch as never around the shaft, the imbecile of her husband never fucked her there, but he was a brute and his cock does not compare with in nothing the cock with the amazing throbbing cock of Little John.

He has a good time while he pushes smoothly, his member is surrounded by the rectal walls, Alana opens her eyes with surprise when the member's head touches the bottom of her rectum.

Her tunnel is full as never before. She whines when the penis moves back before returning entering.

Little John begins to pump inside Alana. His moans join to the ones of Alana. She is pretty tight as he did not remember, it is perhaps the fact that he now is bigger and thicker in that aspect.

His hips move without stopping and his groin hits Alana's buttocks. She hugs the pillow while her breasts bounce lightly on the air.

Alana feels as each nerve fiber of her anal passage is stimulated by the hard meat. The spurts of precum sprinkle her anal walls helping a lot to that the member moves in her body without problems.

Little John growls and pumps over and over again, he is focused on fucking the woman with the greatest pleasure, but a motion in the window gains his attention for some seconds.

He sees as the tips of two white ears disappear rapidly. Little John only smiles and he does not forget to move.

The bear had not wanted that the first thing that his children saw him was to him fucking their mother. But as already it is done, he would not stop to go to look for who was spying on him and to give her a reprimand.

Little John redoubles his velocity and the sound of slapping meat is heard just like the blows of the head of the bed against the wall of the bedroom.

Alana listens to it, but it does not matter to her she since her pleasure grows. Her vulva is soaked in juices and being hit by the weighed balls of Little John.

He growls without stopping, Little John sees as the tail of Alana moves with more speed and her moans intensify. He growls and his hands release the hips to take tits and to stimulate them.

Alana runs out of breath feeling as the fingers of Little John twist her sensitive nipples adding more pleasure that she already feels being pounded with force.

In a few minutes after Alana's pleasure comes to its peak and she whimpers of pleasure and her body begins to shake. Juice squirts get out of her pussy getting wet the testicles and thighs of Little John.

Little John feels it, but he cares. Alana's quivers and squeezes his shaft with more force.

He pushes with force and growls ferociously releasing his seed in the woman.

Alana's orgasm becomes more sublime the moment that she feels as semen sprinkles her anal walls filling many cracks in her rectum.

Little John does not release Alana's body. He breathes agitatedly just like Alana, she feels as Little John pulls her to attacked her body to his.

"Don't take it out." Alana asks for panting and looking at Little John.

She feels as the penis of Little John throbs with force in her rectum and she loves it. The bear nods and with pretty calm she leans Alana in bed while his body is stuck to her.

His member does not leave Alana's rectum. Little John stretches his hand to take blankets and to use them to cover to Alana and to himself. She stretches her left-hand arm to take a candelabrum and to bring near her face to blow the candle and to turn it off to it.

The bedroom fills up of darkness and she get comfortable next to Little John. He embraces her from behind.

"Uhnmmm like those times, except that you liked to have the face in my tits." Alana says nostalgically remembering as she loved to wake up and seeing the boy sleeping at her side embracing her and using her breasts like a pillow.

"The best pillows of the world." Little John says smiling and embracing with affectionately to the woman. She caresses his arm before both close her eyes to sleep after a good night of sex.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith, Kassandra, Tami, Alana and John jr. are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth