Lori the Great (Part 1)

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Part of a trade I did with Meanybeany on FA :D

Lori the Great - Part 1

By Luther

Midday sun scorched the pebbles on the gravel path to the township of Ellisberg, making Quinn's feet thankful for the invention of shoes. He could see the peaked and shingled rooftops ahead that signaled that the end of the trip was fast approaching. Next to Quinn travelled his companion and significant other, which would be nothing peculiar if she wasn't a dragon and made doubly strange by the fact that he was a human.

But hey, love is blind and all that. Love also doesn't seem to mind shacking up with a dragon.

Quinn was a man in his late twenties or so, possessed of tanned skin and a mop of brown hair which the road made nearly impossible to keep neat, and loose and baggy clothing that tried to remain colorful despite the accumulated dirt. Much like himself, the world tried to cover him up and put him down, but he always refused to stay there. He gripped the straps of his little tattered pack as he kicked the occasional rock aside and stole a sideways glance towards her.

Lori, as she was so named, plodded alongside. Not all dragons can be named something crazy like Lyxeriax or Maliksyk and that suited her just fine. Lori liked being Lori. She was a dragon, yes, but not quite what one might expect from the legends and more first-hand accounts. From snout to hind-quarters, she was about six feet, and the tail added another two. Her head came up to his chest. All in all, Lori was a rather small dragon. Though what she lacked in immediate size she made up for in brilliance: both with a sharp wit and the fantastically shining silver skin that covered her body. They caught a fair amount of the sun but largely deflected rather than reflecting, so that Quinn could actually bear looking at her from the light. She had a pair of small and stubby golden horns, which Quinn would often tease her of, to match the color of her eyes.

So yes, he was a man with a dragoness. He saw nothing wrong with it at this point.

The locals thought very different when they the two cresting the hills together. Initial assumptions had it that he was the prisoner of some beast come to take them all. One can imagine the swift uproar it caused to see the pair. The folk of Ellisberg were not the type to go for the proverbial torches and pitchforks at the drop of a hat but still an explanation was likely warranted.

Rather than try and do anything to stop the creature, they opted to listen to the finer points of diplomacy when Quinn would go into town and speak on behalf of them both. Curiosity had them listen. He would explain that they were not hostile but rather they were wanting to live here, of all things.

Who would have imagined? Who else would have imagined that they reacted rather well?

It wasn't long before she could appear and walk among them without causing too much of a fright. She spoke well, smiled in her own dragonish way, and was very polite . . . for what they assumed a dragon to be, at least. Many shrugged their shoulders, some of the older ones claimed to have seen stranger in the past or that they had relatives with dragon mothers-in-law or something like that. The children either watched at a safe distance or simply asked if they could touch her. Lori had a fairly well reception, all things considered. Perhaps they'd be able to make a new home here after all?

While they weren't thrilled to live out stereotypes, it would be a while before they could just procure the means to a proper home in a town to which they had few connections. A cave would have to do for the time being, elevated and dry, with a fine look view over the town.

The night passed, they settled in, and tried to make it as less cave and more home-like as possible. Morning arrived all too quickly, at least the entrance wasn't facing East. Along with it came a strange delivery just outside the mouth of their temporary home. The two of them went out to investigate the strange parcels.

It was food, a lot of food!

Baskets of covered bread loaves, various meats packed in brine, a giant wax-sealed wheel of cheese half the size of Quinn, and several stoppered jugs of what looked like cider. There was little doubt in their minds that this was local product. Attached was a note that simply read "To our newest neighbors" signed with a list of names of people they'd likely get to know very soon.

They certainly were a friendly sort here, completely unexpected. Then again, who could fault anyone for possibly wanting to get into the good graces of any dragon? Certainly not Lori, who was more than happy to fill her belly.

So they did what most reasonable folk would and shared it most graciously over a fire and drink. If breakfast would be so thoughtfully brought to them then they wouldn't let it go to waste. They toasted their newfound sustenance over a fire-pit of their own construction and both gobbled down the food eagerly. Quinn made a plate of for himself while Lori opened a barrel of meat-stuffs and helped herself to it.

Great mouthfuls disappeared down her throat and each time she chewed happily towards the next. It was about a quarter-way through her meal that she suddenly stopped and pulled her head from the barrel, looking a little distressed.

"Something . . . something feels off," she said.

"What?" Quinn asked, standing up from his rock. "Bad meat? Did it not sit well with you?"

"No, it isn't that. I think that it-"

The dragoness was cut off in mid-sentence by a loud groaning sound coming from somewhere within her. An intense flushing feeling that overcame her. Something was happening and almost immediately Quinn noticed a change in her -but it took some moments before he could tell exactly what that was. She seemed to shift but knew she wasn't purposefully moving from her sphinx position. Quinn's eyes adjusted, sent signals to his mind which it refused to believe at first, but the overwhelming evidence of actually seeing it happen was hard to deny.

Lori, however, was experiencing the reality of it firsthand. Her shoulders broadened outward to make room for an apparently expanding barrel chest. Her back legs and haunches grew, swelling into themselves and forcing her to move them outward to make room. Her neck lengthened, almost telescoping outward to stay in proportion with the rest of her. She gasped as she felt her tail brush against the back wall much further out than it should be.

Quinn blinked, dumbstruck in watching this all this. She was now as tall laying down as she normally was standing. He watched as she stood in confusion, his eyes traced her upwards, higher and higher, until she was looming well over him and he had to stumble back a bit to keep her all in view.

"What on Earth is -are you doing that Lori? Is this some kind of dragon thing?" he asked incredulously.

"No, I'm not- no this isn't anything I'm do-doing!" she said through grit teeth, shaking and stuttering a little between bouts of her body expanding. She wasn't just growing up, she was growing out as well. That is to say that she was ground rounder, what was undoubtedly fat was beginning to bunch and gather where her legs and tail came to meet her body, gaining a slightly rounder and heavier profile.

Lori stretched, it felt as though she was doing so for the first time, extending freshly strengthened limbs outward and startled Quinn with exactly how far they extended. He had to step back to give her more room. She lifted her head, her neck snaking above him.

Quinn would have to admit privately that, while watching his love grow larger and larger in front of his eyes, he felt a stirring between his legs. She was beautiful, well she was always beautiful to him, but now she was positively gorgeous, huge compared to him. She was always somewhat larger than him but he had never felt so small next to her and it only intensified as she grew.

It was as if his feelings towards her was amplified along with everything else about the dragon. He felt his lust build alongside her size. It was obvious some kind of crazy magic or force beyond his reckoning was at work here and the idea that it was also affecting him, which it very well may have, made it easier for him to accept the bulge in his pants. He had some idea that he was attracted to large things, it was part of what he saw in her. Lori becoming more so only spoke to that deep rooted part of him that apparently was directly wired to his cock.

Whatever the cause of this miraculous ascent in size, it now seemed to be slowing to a crawl. Though it did not entirely stop, as evidenced by the low creaks and groans coming from her and the slight, near imperceptible shifts of her body. This slowing was a fact that seemed to elicit a disapproving look on her face, as Quinn couldn't help but note, but it was swiftly pushed aside and she smiled widely. Her previous concern had all but vanished as she adjusted herself to regain composure.

"Ah . . . well then, are you just going to stand there or are you going to come and explore this fantastic new form of mine?" she was practically beaming at him now.

"But you just- I mean you just-" Quinn was flabbergasted.

"Had a growth spurt? Don't worry too much about it. It's been known to happen to dragons from time to time," she explained away in not the most convincing manner. "Now, I can clearly see that you enjoyed it as well," her eyes lingered on the huge tent in his trousers.

She was right, sometimes it did happen in dragons -though more over a course of days than minutes. However, it was not something he was currently concerned about. Lori was stretching more, rolling over onto her back to let her wings splay across the ground. He cautiously approached, much to her amusement, and reached out to run a hand along her hide.

This was no dream. She was solid, heavy, more than real. Lori was a presence that superimposed itself on reality, demanding attention and he couldn't help himself but give it to her. Her side was smooth, her flesh taut and not at all bumpy or rough as he might have thought. Every square inch of her was well-packed yet surrendered just a little under a sterner touch, giving in about an inch or two before the resistance became too great to press further, a paradoxical mixture of firm and pliant that somehow made his manhood even harder.

As he travelled along her, Quinn at last began to get a greater appreciation of how big she was. Her barrel-like midsection dominated his view for the longest time. The height of it when she was laying was a little taller than he was. Quinn had to stop and release the pressure built in his pants and feared he might tear right through the crotch of them if they weren't removed. Pausing to do so, he noticed her legs part, her neck crane upward so she could see him just in time to clumsily drop his trousers. The falling fabric gave way to a spring loaded eleven inch cock that flopped out and bounced into the air almost comically eager. He pretended as if it were intentional and that was when he noticed the glistening patch between her legs, inviting him to her.

Either she was ready for him or she -really- enjoyed growing . . . or both. A quick glance from her told him that she wanted him to explore her in other ways as well. He was waiting for this part, pacing himself despite the raging voice between his legs urging him onward.

Quinn took a moment, paused to take it all in and see how things had changed. Her wide sex had grown along with her, yet he was unfazed. He knew he could handle it. It was a very grateful thing indeed that he was big for his size. In the past she had to be careful when dealing with his size, as strange as it might sound, but now she seemed grown to accommodate it, perhaps even more so. He'd need to use every inch! Lori's body language told him that she wanted him now and Quinn could no longer ignore it.

Quinn stepped forward and straddled her thick tail, lining his bouncing cock towards her and held it still with his hand, feeling the beating of his heart through it. He reached up, barely able to grab Lori by the ankles of her hind legs brace himself. Normally he'd hold them open but that was unlikely considering each of them was now larger than he was. However, he did have an amazingly wide cock, a quality she frequently reminded him of, which he pressed against her. The fat head of it started to push open the divide between the lips of her pussy. He took a breath, and with a single long and practiced stroke, plunged the full throbbing girth of it deep inside her.

He dove forward and most certainly got a reaction, hearing a gruff moan travel down her throat and vibrate her to the core, a deep and satisfied sound. He took advantage, reeled back, and slammed into her over and over. Sometimes positioning was just as important as size and he knew how to use it. Having both certainly helped. Quinn had lived with having a monster cock and he knew how to hit every cue on mark!

Lori clenched her teeth, her tail whipped somewhere behind him, striking against the rock and knocking over barrels, baskets, what furniture they had gotten so far, everything in its path. Her entire body shook in time with his thrusting, ripples spreading outwards along her flesh at every impact. One of her legs lifted up reflexively and wrenched free of his grasp with such an ease that she didn't even realize it happened at first.

She normally didn't like to admit it, but she enjoyed it when he took charge a little. However, something felt different this time. This time she wanted something else, especially when it sank in exactly how much larger and stronger she was.

So, amid this, she reached her head up once more to look down at him, stressing the height difference between them. Lori spoke firmly and surely.

"Go on, fuck me like you mean it!" she didn't exactly shout or bark the order but emphasized it with an authority both of them were unused to. In a short defiance of this command, Quinn paused in confusion, face flushing. It was unlike her, but a grand part of him liked it! Quickly, he remembered himself and sought to correct things.

"Anything for you!" he complied. He thought it impossible, but his cock actually grew yet harder as she said that. So he threw everything he had into it and then some. He immediately began pistoning into her once more. Every drumming heartbeat they shared was punctuated with another wet push forward, with both taking just a slim moment to enjoy how deeply he buried himself into her.

"Faster!" she told him.

He felt her muscles tensing and knew she was climaxing but also knew she liked it rough and slowing down would be bad. So his hips went into a frenzy, eyes screwed shut to focus on her, the front of his lap and thighs were getting numb from how many times they'd slapped against her hide but he didn't care. All that was important for him right now was pleasing her. He speared her again and again, splitting her down the middle, much to her delight.

"Harder!" she commanded. He obeyed.

"Yes, yes of course!" His hips became a blur of motion, every slamming thrust becoming more forceful than the last, shaking her, clenching his teeth, causing the nearby objects on the shelves to rattle. She tensed once more, riding one orgasm into another like a rollercoaster of euphoria. Lori's soft mound hugged, gripped, and pulled on him with every push of his. She was practically milking him.

Well, you can remove the word 'practically'. She was.

Quinn's heavy ballsac smacked against her ass over and over, something that normally doesn't happen but with enough size anything is possible. His grip tightened as he came as well, nuts swelling, toes curling. Lori started a low growl that built until Quinn could no longer hold back. Something between a howl and a roar erupted from her throat as he erupted into her. She was still aware enough to feel him splashing inside. She arched her back, supporting literal tons of weight in the air in blissful spasm until, at length, she set herself back down, the earthly thud shaking him.

Her lower lips tightened momentarily before releasing their grip on him and he stepped backwards, sliding onto the swell of her tail. His skin was sweat-kissed now, shining in the light that made it past her.

The two of them rested as they came back down from their heights, pulses and breathing returned to normal and yet her size stayed the same. This would take some getting used to and some understanding . . . maybe later. For now they were both a little tired the previous late night still weighed on them. Lori yawned widely, displaying her new larger rows of teeth, but Quinn felt safe. The two of them lay there together, him cuddled in the middle with her giant warm body curled around his.

It was the best nap he had in years.