A Very Active Day Together

Story by Mycatscrazybeware on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Humble Beginnings

Again, I think I broke the fourth wall a few times. I'm trying not to, but it just kinda happens. Also, I might have been calling the apartment suite a hotel the whole series. Pretty sure there's a difference, don't flame me, I am aware that i am a goober ^^

I have a bad habit of changing my tenses alot. Also the app I use to write, because it saves automatically, is weird so when i copy and paste, it doubles the spaces between different bodies of text. Hope it doesn't bother y'all too much. (It starts later on in the story, but is noticeable.)

Please point out any grammatical, spelling or other errors you see.

I apologize in advance for any errors, and I appreciate the feedback!

And most importantly, how would you all like tomorrow to go down? They can spend their visit casual, get naughty, or anything else. I'm more than open to suggestions :).

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story. The ending could've been alot better and longer, but I'm not that creative. Have fun reading!

I woke up spooning with Tre'on. I didn't remember much of last night, and I was initially freaked out. I was curled around him and my arm was around his shoulders, and my muzzle was on the side of his neck. I was naked, and when I stretched my legs, I noticed we were naked. My penis brushed against his luxuriant fur. His lower back was either damp from me or from last night's bath, or the following shower.

I started to purr, but forced myself to stop so I didn't wake him up. He was so handsome when he slept. I laid there and listened to his slow, heavy breathing. I felt his chest rise and fall, and he occasionally twitched and flexed. He kept grabbing at my paw, and kissing the air.

I couldn't stop myself from purring. I slowly moved away to not disturb him, and I started to prepare breakfast. I was still naked, but I had an apron that read 'If it moves, call me.', which I found funny. It wasn't funny when I made eggs, though. I wasn't much of of a morning eater, but he usually ate breakfast. I didn't know what he wanted, but I guessed it was eggs.

I turned on the electric stove and heated the pan, putting a little butter in there so the eggs didn't stick. I got the eggs from the fridge and set them next to the stove. I spread the butter around with a butter knife as it started to melt. I cracked the eggs over the side of the pan, and I thought i heard slight footsteps, but the sizzling sound was much louder than whatever I thought I heard.

I turned my ears back to listen to the footsteps I could swear I was hearing. They became sloppy as they got closer. When their pace picked up, I turned my head back just as a set of muscular arms wrapped themselves around me. I knew it was Tre'on, as noone else had fur that dark. And his morning wood was greeting me.

"What're you cooking? Stinks." He jokingly said, kissing me on my cheek. I tried to kiss him back but he hid his face behind my head and I was too busy cooking him some eggs to chase him around.

"I'm cooking eggs, but I'm about to fry you." I said before turning around and hugging him.

"I'm not in the mood for eggs right now." Said Tre'on, smacking my ass. He purred, and obnoxiously licked his lips for me to hear.

I turned the stove off and turned around to face him. "So, what are you hungry for, then?" I asked, removing my apron in disappointment.

He smirked, probably turning it sexual, and finally said "We should get some coffee and talk... About last night, specifically.". Was he not content with my performance? Did my delivery not meet his expectations? I hope he didn't cheat on someone for me, I didn't want to ruin his relationship...

I sighed, feeling bad about myself. "I'm sorry, Tre'on..." I said and blushed. My eyes got watery, but no tears fell yet. Why was I so sensitive about him?

"I only have one problem...," He said with a pause to further play with my emotions, before continuing with "I didn't get to cum in your butt!". He leaned forward and kissed me.

We grabbed eachothers' butts, and both of our heads tilted to the right. His to his right, and mine to my right. The kiss wasn't very long, but it was definitely the best kiss I had ever recieved. I reached back and dipped a finger into the still soft egg yolk, and put it on his cheek with a playfully evil laugh.

"You wanna?" I ask, wiggling my hips and slowly swaying my tail, turning off the stove behind me while still looking into his eyes.

"Ple--Yes..! I would love to." He said with a slight blush, though I couldn't see it. I only recognized the blush by how he looked at me and tried to hide his face in my shoulder.

"But I thought we should wait until after the date." I say teasingly, kissing his head between his ears before letting go of him.

"It's not much of a date, but fine," he reluctantly said before continuing with "But directly after, you're mine!", releasing me from his hug.

I threw away the egg and washed the pan as Tre'on opened the door to the hallway and got our basket of clean clothes, which was the best service the hotel provided. He came over to dress me first, I raised each hindpaw as needed so he could put my undies on. He was behind me, and i thought nothing of it. Once my underwear was securely on my legs, he got on his knees and pulled the underwear to my thighs before putting his nose between my asscheeks and inhaling as much as he could.

I clenched my cheeks around his nose, which slipped out of my grasp with ease, and said "Nasty!".

"Oh really?!? Who was eating my ass last night?" He asked, standing up and pulling the underwear up as he went. His erection rubbed my taint and crawled up my buttcrack, too.

I shuddered at the feeling, and I had no response to that other than a laugh and "I love you.".

He hesitated to speak for a second or two, but finally said "I love you more." with a smile.

I chuffed as he lifted my underwear to their rightful position, going back to grab a nice looking casual shirt and a pair of pants that matched it really well.

"Your turn!" I say, skipping over to the basket in an excessively gay fashion. It just felt natural at this point, and it's how I wanted to be. As long as me and Tre'on were together, atleast. I hope it lasts forever, but that just doesn't happen alot anymore.

I got his clothes and get on my knees infront of him. I didn't want to put clothes on him. He had an amazing physique, and it would be such a shame not to show it off. He lifted one foot at a time, and I put his underwear on just like he did with me. The underwear conformed to his muscles, as he seemed to be made of nothing else.

I stopped at his knees and looked up, his balls fall onto my muzzle. I purr and stick my tongue out as I slowly rise, trailing my tongue across his member and pulling his undies all the way up. He tucks his lovely member in with a content purr. I put his pants on semi-normally, other than how I kept my eyes on his bulge as I did. The underwear was black, but not as dark as him, and it almost looked as if he was wearing nothing. Not only from the color, but the way it took his shape was indescribable, though no word would exaggerate that feature.

I grabbed his shirt off of the floor and put it on him. I kissed his lips after his head was in all the way. The shirt hung on his neck much like a scarf, and this shirt was also slightly lighter than his fur. I couldn't help but lower myself to kiss his lower abs. He put his arms through the shirt, and let it fall over my head.

I purred, and i felt him purr as well. He flexed his abs and moved one of his paws behind my head as I began to lick. His hand slowly crept towards the back of my neck, where he grabbed what little scruff I had.

It wasn't that big of a deal, and I licked every one of his abs, slowly going up to his chest. He let go of my scruff to allow me to wear the shirt with him. It was really tight, and i worried about tearing the shirt.

Tre'on said "You know, we should fix this.", though I didn't know what he meant.

"Fix what?"

"That normal stomach of yours."

I got a little embarrassed and said "Maybe we should 'burn a few calories' after coffee." I teasingly whisper, looking up and standing on my toes to nibble on the tip of his ear. He knew what I meant by burn a few calories, or atleast i hoped.

"Let's save some things to talk about for later." He said, trying to wrap his arms around me, but the shirt restricted his flexibility. I did the same, and we were in a position I found funny, our arms extended and our faces blank other than my smirk. I was trying to refrain from laughing as I imagined how we looked, but it was nearly impossible.

"Alright. You wanna go now, or?" I ask, pulling my arms into the shirt and slowly sliding down, my upper lip pulling itself up as it dragged across his abdomen. I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Sure, but we should put our shoes on first..." He sarcastically said.

We put on our socks and our shoes, and we walked down the hallway. I was somewhat glad we didn't encounter that Wolf, Angelie. It was Saturday, and she didn't have work on the weekends, though I believe she was also a baby sitter. I was thinking about it too much as we walked down the stairs.

On the last flight of stairs, Tre'on asks "Can you carry me to the car?".

I thought he was joking until we hit the last step. He had waited for an answer the whole time, so i gave him the answer. "Sure, but only if you carry me back the apartment when we get back. From the car to our door, or bed." I say.

I sped up and stopped infront of him so he could jump onto my back. He was incredibly heavy, but it was nothing I couldn't carry. He wrapped his legs around my waist, and his arms around my neck. He rested his chin on my shoulder and lightly purred. I stepped forward as he kissed the side of my neck, drawing the attention of the people in the lobby, making most smile.

They either smiled and tittered because it was a funny sight, or it made them happy. But it didn't really matter, anything went in our society. It was mostly a good thing. The only things that are strictly outlawed are incestuous relationships, murder, assault, thievery, unconsented sex, and just generally anything that would cause harm to another sentient being in any way.

Some things are frowned upon, but definitely legal. I explained this to myself mentally as we went, i had a habit of doing that, and before I realized it, we were at his truck. This car was tough. It too, was black. It beautifully reflected sunlight off of all of it's curves. And it was huge. The back was steel, rather than aluminum. It had four doors, five seats and could probably survive a head-on collision with an armored vehicle. Its windows were blacked out, making it impossible to see through them on the outside, though on the inside you could see through them as easily as regular glass.

I stopped infront of the driver's door and asked "Can i drive there? You can drive back." .

"The tux is one thing, but definitely not this. Have you ever driven a car before?" He said, getting off of my back.

"No, but I gotta learn sometime." I said. It was the only car 'we' had.

"And today is not that time. Not yet, Desmond. We'll get you a car to try out, but until you are atleast better than me, you cannot drive this baby." He said, picking me up by the underarms as if I were a kit and moving me to the side so he could climb into the seat. He beeped the horn twice and said "C'mon, we should get going!".

I try to slide across the hood, but i remember that I was about to go somewhere and that I didn't want to ruin or tear the clothes in any way, and i stopped myself mid-jump. I landed on my butt on his hood, and i scooted to the side, my tail swaying invitingly at Tre'on. i got in the passenger seat and he looked at me with a blank, unamused face. I giggled as he put his keys in and started the car.

"Wanna start talking now, or?" I ask, staring at his face. I reached over to buckle him up, as he wasn't going to buckle himself. My maw was directly above his cock, and i had an idea. But I should do it after the 'date', not that it mattered anymore after yesterday. Was it even a date? Was he just gonna tell me that he shouldn't have done what he did?

"We should wait, again, we should save the things to talk about for the..... 'Coffee... Breakfast' thing." He said, probably trying to avoid saying date. That made me smile, and I backed up and buckled myself as he started backing out of the parking space.

When we got to the first stoplight, I began to get tired. We weren't talking, so i didn't feel bad when my head drooped down. He chuckled and I put my head back up, my eyes closed.

"Here, just lay your head down on me." He calmly said, looking at me and putting his paw on my head, brushing my forehead with his thumb. He put his other hand on the lever attached to his chair and reclined slightly to better expose his crotch.

I lazily leaned over to rest my head on his lap, just below his hard abs, which were behind my head. I couldn't help but purr. I felt like the luckiest Tiger alive. i had such a hot, muscular, loving mate. Maybe I was just another 'victim of love' in the making, but I didn't mind. I'm just happy I found the one, and that I lost my virginity. Twice, because I don't want to really include my encounter with Tenzet.

I slowly moved my seatbelt and adjusted my lower body to be comfortable as the light turned green, and we continued. He pet my head and looked down at me. My eyes were closed, but I knew he was looking at me. My heartbeats grew stronger and stronger, and became much more rapid as time went by. I was happy, excited and anxious.

I opened my eyes as the car came to a stop, and he turned it off. We weren't there, already, were we? I sat up, my vision blurry and noticed a small cornershop which was brightly lit, and about the color of caramel, maybe a little lighter. The building's sides were mostly large windows, so it fit the description of a cafe.

I looked over to see Tre'on get out of the car. I unbuckled as he came around to my door and opened it, as if he had suddenly developed manners. I tiredly stretched out my paw, which he grabbed and 'helped' me climb out.

"What are you gonna get?" He asked me, looking into my sleepy eyes with a smile.

"Not much of a coffee drinker, but I'll have whatever. I'm not the one who's buying it, anyway." I said, holding his paw tighter and nuzzling his shoulder with my head.

"What coffee do you want? And it doesn't matter, you will be repayig me shortly." He took the first step forward, his right paw holding my left paw. I followed closely, wanting to hug his arm but I refrained from doing so.

"They have breeds?!? Just get me whatever you think I'll like." I say as we near the establishment. At the moment, I hadn't heard what he said.

He chuckled at the comment and opened the door, silencing his laughter. The place smelled strongly of pastries and coffee, mostly coffee. There were a few people in here, such as a snow leopard, a doberman, a rabbit, a ferret and the cashier looked to be a wolf.

Another car pulled up, but I paid no attention to them. I only noticed that i was staring at him when he looked over at me and said "Go pick out a nice table, I'll be with you shortly.". We were still holding hands, and I loosened my grip.

I began to slowly walk away, but he grabbed my wrist just in time to pull me back. I didn't resist, and spun around to face him. We lightly kissed, and he put his other paw behind my head. I purred as we kissed, our heads tilting to our rights. I blushed as we pulled our heads away.

I sat at the table in the corner closest to the door as I waited for him to come back with whatever edibles he was getting. A few moments later, he came back with two styrofoam cups in his paws, and a baggie in his maw. He came to me, and I could slightly see his grin. His dimples rose above the folds of the bag.

I couldn't get over how handsome he was. I noticed him hesitate to sit, as he couldn't decide whether to sit next to me or across the table. He decided to sit on the other side of the table, and stare into my eyes.

He opened a brown bag and brought out several doughnuts, though neither of us were really fond of them. We awkwardly started off basic conversation, like questions and stuff like that. But it eventually became a nice chat, talking about why we've acted towards eachother as we have sice we've met, our goals in life, what interests us, and every other topic that was ever talked about during a 'first date'.

Through this, i found that he, like me, was bi. I was still finding myself, so I was maybe 50/50, while he was like 90% attracted to men. He only wanted to know what vagina felt like, and similar things. We both were finding ourselves in terms of fetishes.

He finally started talking about the event that led us to this point. By now, our doughnut supply had run out.

"So," He said with a pause. "About last night.." he continued. He was trying to give it suspense, but I already knew he liked it. I still just hoped that I didn't make his life worse at all, like if he was in a relationship.

"Mhmmm?" I hummed as I wrapped my tail around my waist, resting the end of it in my lap and slowly stroking it.

"It didn't feel... Right." He said with a straight face. He took a sip of his coffee, finally giving up on the thin straw and removing the lid to dip his tongue in.

"I'm sorry, I-I-I don't know what got into me, I should've stopped-" A tear began to blur my vision. I felt bad for him, and I pitied myself for believing anyone would like me.

"No, I'm sorry. It's not in my nature... I mean, I didn't dominate you enough!" He said, leaning over the table and pulling my head in for an embrace. I was pathetic for getting upset that easily.

I playfully smacked the back of his head and whispered "Jerk!" into his ear. "Why did you have to say it like that?!" I said, really relieved that he only wanted to fuck me better and harder.

"I just wanted to see if you cared, or not."

"You already know I do... I thought you wanted to talk about serious things over coffee, anyway." I jokingly said, lifting my feet onto his knees.

"I'm very serious! I really think that you should let me take control, atleast once." Tre'on said as he spread his legs, making mine separate as well.

I took the lid off of the coffee and took a gulp, now finding that coffee wasn't all that great, but it was manageable. I've tasted worse before. I set the cup down and purred, stirring the coffee with the small straw.

"When, exactly, is later?" I ask, sipping coffee from the straw for no apparent reason. I wondered what coffee this was, anyway.

"Today. i don't have work or anything else planned for today, either, so I was thinking we could do it.... All day?" He said kinda nervously, and he blushed. I noticed the fur that covered his cheeks rise. I chuckled and purred at how adorable he was.

"Yes!" I accidentally yell, drawing the attention of the people in the cafe. "Sorry, I meant 'that sounds like a plan', But uh, let's take this 'to-go', so we can play with eachother sooner." I suggest, standing up.

Tre'on says nothing as he puts the lid on his coffee and and grabs the bag that the doughnuts came in and put the doughuts back. He rolled the top portion of the bag. He stands up and I stick my straw in my mouth to chew on, giving him the cup.

He sticks his tongue in the cup, for no knows reason. I smiled as we walked away together. When we got to the door, my phone rang. It was on vibrate because I was in public, and I'm too considerate of other's, and didn't want to bother anybody.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket, putting up a pointer finger to tell Tre'on to give me a minute. I opened the door for him, and he mouthed "I'll be waiting in the car for you", or atleast that's what I could understand of it.

I answer the call and step outside of the cafe. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, is this Desmond?" A female voice asked. It was a very familiar voice, and it probably belonged to that wolfie I had met yesterday. I knew few females, and even less knew my number. Who else would call me, anyway?

"Yeah, who is this? I'm pretty sure I know, but i just want to make sure.." I awkwardly say.

"It's your favorite-est wolf, Angelie!" She said with a chuckle. "I was calling to see if you were awake, and if you wanted to hang out today. I knocked on your door, and noone answered, so I just thought i should call you. Sorry if i woke you up, but I'd like to come in if you're in your apartment."

"Oh. Actually, I'm out for coffee right now, and i was going to spend the day with a... Good friend of mine." I say, looking over to see Tre'on wiggling excitedly in the driver seat. I smiled and slowly waved.

"That's fine. I'll just go and see if any of my girlfriends need me watch their pups, kits or cubs. How about tomorrow, or next weekend?"

"We'll see. I'm kinda just going with the flow right now, but I'll definitely put that on my priority list." I tell her, not knowing if we'll get together or not. (Scroll all the way up, I want your guys' input!)

"Alright. Make sure you let me know, I have nothing better to do." She said. She really wanted me. I wondered why. We hardly knew eachother, and I wasn't even that sexy.

"I will. You have a great day, Angel."

"Looking forward to it! Bye hun!" She said, excited.

I hung up and saved the contact as I slowly walked to the truck. I would think of what to do later, but right now I just after to relax.

I opened the door and Tre'on started the car. I don't notice something other than his hand waving at me. I notice he wasn't buckled in, which was odd, because he was always--usually safe. When i looked at the buckle, i noticed that it was his black member greeting me.

It was obviously intentional, as it was erect. I initially look away, quite surprised that he did that. Not really. I was drawn to the figure, no matter how hard i tried not to look at it.

I mean, it's what he wanted, so why not give him the attebtion he deserves? I stared at the figure hungrily and I weakly chuffed.

He noticed my staring and he said "Soo, you know how i just bought your doughnuts and coffee? You can repay me now, or I'll give you some interest rates." He said, trying to hold back a smile.

"We're too close to home. Take the long way, and I'll enjoy the main course of this breakfast." I say, leaning over to kiss his tip.

"Deal! And before you say it, i will buckle up. But after my treatment."

He pulled out of the café' and turned, going further away from home as i hid his tip safely in my mouth and sucked. I couldnt get all of his cock, and i pulled the lever on his chair to let him slide back a little.I put my fingers in his waistline and pulled his pants and underwear to his knees. He lifted to assist me.

I closed my eyes to lose myself in the moment, and i couldn't help but purr. I felt him try to buck his hips, but he refrained. I move my head down to about a fourth of his shaft. I bob my head, turning my head clockwise as I went down, and counterclockwise as i lifted

I never let his tip leave my mouth when i went up, and i circled the back of his tip with my tongue whenever possible. From experience, i knew that feeling was heavenly. We were both circumcised, and i was glad. Circumcision also removed barbs for felines, so that made blowjobs possible as well.

I moved my head down, now noticing the slight musky smell he emitted. I pressed my nose against his "baseplate" and deeply smelled his wonderful scent. His cock was just short enough to allow me to breathe, but maybe it was the position.

I found it rather difficult to suck with cock this deep in my mouth, but i tried my best. I didnt lift my head, and just rolled my tongue around the whole of his shaft. It rolled left and right, and i pulled it back and forth.

I wanted to jerk off, and my erection hurt. It was suppressed by my extremely tight pants. Tre' on moaned as we came to a stop. I saw a slight red reflection from the back window, and knew that we weren't home. Tre'on was now leaking alot of pre into my mouth, and i had to swallow every seven seconds.

I went up and sucked his tip as hard as i could. I had no intentions of going down any time soon, until he moaned and used both hands to push me down all the way. He humped lightly as well, sending his hot, thick cum into my throat. I gagged at the first two ropes, as it was unexpected. I shoved my head down hard, not caring how it made my face feel.

He removed his hands after the fifth rope. I was quite surprised that he was still cumming. I took it as a compliment, and i kept my head pushed down as he pulled the seatbelt over the back of my head, securing my head down as tight as possible. He let out a few more ropes, each giving less of his delicious seed. It was rather tart, but my slut self didn't care.

I purred to assist him with filling the rest of my mouth with the cum that dribbled out of him. He stayed buckled up for the rest of the 5 minute ride. We parked in the suite's parking lot and he turned off the car and unbuckled. I slowly took my mouth away from his manhood, my lips air-tight around his member to keep all of his juices in my mouth.

I swallow and now notice his smile, and face of utter ecstasy. He pulled up his pants and underwear and I moved over and got on his lap. My legs were folded and on either side of him, my ass hovering over his crotch. My cock was still incredibly hard. I booped our noses together and began to kiss him.

He opened his maw, and I did as well. We both waited for the other to stick their tongues in our mouths, and eventually, Tre'on did. He put his massive paws on my ass as his tongue searched for any remnants of his kit-mixture. His tongue was longer than mine, but mine was fatter. I closed my mouth as i pulled away, holding my breath to not breathe into his face.

I hold his head with my paws and go back in for another kiss. This time, I stuck my tongue in his mouth. I widened my tongue and pulled his face into mine. I didn't want to pull away, but i really wanted to bang him. He did say all day.. Exceptions being time between our sessions, of course. Was it an unrealistic goal?

I pulled my head away, a string of saliva connecting our tongues. I close in again to steal it, pulling away again with a smile. Alright, one more kiss. I couldn't help but kiss him two---- three more times.

He eventually playfully pushed me away, saying "Alright, alright, alright.." We both giggled and stared into eachothers' eyes. I loved him so much, and I was still hard. My underwear had more pre than me in them.

"Your turn to carry me," I say, getting off of him and moving back to my seat.

"I already know, I've been looking forward to slamming you onto the bed." He said, looking at me with lovingly-squinted eyes as he exited the car.

He came to my side and opened my door for me. I turned my body towards him, opened my legs and arms as he stepped closer. My erection was slightly dying, but that was fine because at this point, it would become an obstacle.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, his semi-erect manhood pushing into my taint. He backed up and i drooped a little, our crotches now mashing together. I loosely hung my arms around his neck and i rested my cheek on his plush, yet firm chest.

He moved his massive paws to my butt and fixed my position, lifting me so that i had to lay my head on his shoulder. He moved to the other side of the open door and walked into it, closing it with my back. I kissed the side of his neck and he put a paw on the roof of his car.

He pulled away from the car and walked around the car, opening his door and leaning in. My head rested on the console as he loomed over me, his eyes and facial expression full of his devious sexual intents. I thought he was going to be a sweetie right here, but I should've known better.

He reached an arm over and removed his keys from the ignition. I wondered why the car didn't stop humming, but I noticed it was Tre'on purring when he licked the bridge of my nose.

"I bet you want me to fuck you right here, right now just like this, don't you?" He asked.

"You know I do."

"Too bad! You're gonna wait until we're not in the open."

"Then close the door, jackass!"

"Nah, not enough space. Just wait, you little slut."

"Only for you..." I mumble as he exits the car and closes the door. He presses a button on the keys, locking the doors.

He readjusted my position and walked towards the doors to the complex. Angelie's car wasn't in the parking lot, so I guessed she had already left. I tucked my tail between his legs, and curled the end of my tail around the base of his.

It wasn't all that comfortable when he walked, but he, and witnesses of our love probably found it adorable, so it was worth it. A ferret exited the building, and Treo'n rushed to catch the door. He proceeded to 'sashay' through the lobby with me latched onto him, attracting the attention of the clerk and some residents, but most were focused on their phones or eachother. Noone was without a smile, though, and I felt like I contributed to that.

We headed up the empty stairs and shortly got to our level. We passed Angelie's apartment, and I felt somewhat bad for avoiding alot of interaction with her. Tre'on reached a paw into his back pocket and grabbed his keys. He unlocked the door, pushed it open just a little, and kicked it open. Not hard enough to break the door, but it hit the wall and closed half-way. I purred in anticipation as he walked towards our bed and slammed me onto it.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with one paw. He grinned and began to chuckle at either the feeling of dominance, which I can understand, being a feline myself, or at the thought of being dominant of me. I watched him undo his pants and between his legs, I noticed the door was open.

"Go close the door, you sexy hunk!" I say, putting my feet on his chest and playfully kicking him off of me. My shoes came off in the same motion

He took his time walking to the door, and I crept behind him. As soon as the door shut, I pulled his pants to the floor, coming to a knee. He initially tried to hide his bulge, but then tried to play it off by pulling his underwear down. I was eye-level with his butt and took this opportunity to spread his cheeks and put my nose as close to his tailhole as possible. I smiled and took a nice breath in.

"What is it with you and my ass?" He asked, twisting his upper half to partially look down at me.

"No idea. Maybe it's your sweet ass. Maybe it's your soft fur, or you even softer insides..." i say, happily remembering how he felt. "Or maybe I'm just weird."

"Definitely that last one. You might just be addicted." He said, pulling my head away with one amazingly strong paw and turning around, releasing my head.

"To you! And love in general," I say, happily burying my face in his groin, inhaling his lovely musk.

I felt his cock stiffen. It dragged across my cheek, and continued to scale my head until it sprung up and rested between my ears. I reluctantly backed up and got to my feet. He stepped out of his pants and kicked his shoes off, looking at me with a smile.

"Why don't you go ahead and get naked, and get on the bed again?" He asked, turning around and bending over to pull his socks off. He only turned around to tease me.

I put a thumb between me and my underwear and smoothly pulled both them and my pants off off, taking my socks off while i was bent over. I dropped the clothes on the floor as I backed up, pulling my shirt off at the same time as Tre'on, though he did it alot faster. Tre'on walked towards the bed, one foot infront of the other. He was rubbing his genitals to maintain his erection I kept backing up until the bed hit the back of my legs, making me fall back onto it.

"Wanna take me like this?" I asked as he stopped infront of me. His clothes trailed from the door, and mine were in a nice pile.

Tre'on shook his head and pointed down, twirling his finger, gesturing for me to turn around. I remained on my back as I rotated, my head loosely dangling off of the bed. I was upside down as he bent his knees, which were only a few inches away from me. I felt the bed lower on either side of me where he set his paws. His cock pressed against my lips, seeking entry like a cub anxiously waiting for a candy shop to open.

I squeezed the tip of my tongue through my lips to tease him. I saw his tail wag in irritation and felt him knead the bed. His tail stopped, and i felt the bed raise where one of his paws were. I closed my eyes, not knowing what he was gonna do. I flicked my tongue, causing some pre to dribble out of his cock. I was getting lightheaded from the bloodrush to my head, and it only got worse when he dug his fingers into my side, and began to tickle me. That was my weakness. He tried his best to not scratch me, only nicking me a few times.

My mouth sprung open and i obnoxiously laughed for maybe half a second before his cock was shoved into my mouth as deep as possible. His paw moved back to it's spot on the bed, and he got all the way over me. He purred, and I tried to, but was too busy suckling on his dick. He tried to push more of his cock into my mouth, though it was already fully in. His thighs were touching both sides of my head, and his balls were pressing hard onto my nose.

He pulled back a little for me to breath, and after about four seconds he began to hump at a slow pace. I started to suck, and my tongue danced around his member. I heard him moan before his head softly fell onto my crotch. He was still purring, and my tip pressed hard onto his throat, feeling his strong purr. I felt myself leak sticky pre on his neck, just above his collarbone.

"Want me to tend to this?" He asked in a low, soothing voice before he licked the base of my cock.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth enough for me to whimper "Please!" before shoving it back in and humping hard before settling down again.

"Not yet, but I'll tease you a little."

He put his knees on the bed and grabbed my head with his lower legs. The head of his cock lay behind my lips, dripping a huge glob of pre onto my tongue every few seconds. His penis was pointed straight down into my mouth, and he raised my head with his legs, sloppily ramming my face into his crotch. I closed my eyes as his balls mashed into them. He grinded hard into my face every time he raised it. I continued to suck and my tongue wildly danced on his manhood.

He finally moved one paw to my cock to hold it upright, putting more weight onto my body. He moved his head up and down, his tongue barely out of his maw as he trailed it up and down the length of my cock. I felt pre steadily draining from my pride, and he took it upon himself to stick his tongue out all the way, and press it against the 'bottom' of my cock. His tongue was just long enough to cover that whole side of my penis, which my pre crawled down.

He took his tongue back in once to swallow before wrapping his lips around my tip to catch all of my pre. The tip of his tongue danced just behind my member's head, and I wanted to cum so bad. The feeling was orgasmic itself, and I wanted nothing other than to fill his mouth with my seed, but nothing came out other than a ton of pre, which came in waves, almost. I tried to move my paws to his balls, but his legs were in the way of my arms, and i could reach no further than his butt.

I felt him tense up and i saw his tail stiffen. I heard a muffled moan as he crossed his legs behind my head and lifted my face into his groin. I tickled his face with my tail as he poured his semen into my throat. His penis was in as far as possible, and i got to taste absolutely none of his sweet cum, which i had been waiting for. What else would i suck dick for? Well, a few things.

He slowly lowered his head all the way down my shaft, held it at the bottom for a few seconds, and came back up. He used his hands to push himself up, where he crouched over my head. His penis was still lodged in my throat, and it couldn't have been that comfortable for him to move like that. He put a foot onto the floor and, with his fingers pressed onto the bed, began to lift, removing his penis from my mouth.

Now that i was able to speak, I said "I wanted to taste that and you know it, Dickwad."

"And? I said 'All day', so it's not like you won't get the chance." He said, standing up fully and almost falling, but doing some weird one-footed turn/hop thing to stay on his feet.

"Whatever, but it's my turn to cum now." I say, trying to be 'dominant'. It's not exactly my cup of tea, and I was totally out of place for acting dominant towards someone who is much stronger than me. But only because he worked out and such, of course.

"Actually, no. I don't know if I'll be able to maintain an erection by the time you've finished up with me, so give me one more, and then it's your turn."

"Fine, but I'm going twice as well."

"You might."

I scoffed and rolled onto my stomach, and then got on my knees. I scooted to the side to be infront of him, and I was just barely taller than him. I kissed his forehead and pressed my body against his, though it was awkward in this position. For me, atleast. Tre'on wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned inwards, but not enough to make me fall.

He nuzzled my head and said "Can you think of any small places we can go?"

I was going to say 'Under the bed', but then realized that the frame wasn't even an inch off of the ground. "The closet?" I suggested, thinking of no good tight space that we could fit in, and have enough room to have sex.

"Nah. Just gimme your butt until I can think of something." He said, moving back and turning me around.

I said nothing and bent over, pressing my chest against the bed. I felt my penis, which was covered in pre which was beginning to dry dangle between my thighs, slightly rubbing both. My pre painfully clung to each strand of fur it touched, but it didn't matter to me. I lowered my rear end just enough for my ass to be level with his head. I hoped I was clean as I spread my cheeks for him.

He paused for a moment, likely observing my offering and thinking about what he was going to do with it. He put his paws on the back of my ankles for support as he leaned in and pressed his tongue against the lowest part of my taint and licked all the way up to my tailhole, where he pulled away in hesitation. I understood how intimidating it was to stick one's in another's butthole, but he must've atleast been curious. I curled my tail around his neck and purred as he dragged his tongue back down my taint, the soft and wet underside of his tongue caressing every bit of that area.

I began to look back at him, until he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back, making me sharply gasp and my eyes get big. My torso was on the bed, and my legs hung off, my eager cock pressing hard into the side of the bed. My feet lightly touched the floor as he crawled over me. I impatiently moaned as he placed his massive paws next to my shoulders and his maw between my ears. His whiskers prodded my ears and parts of my neck when he breathed.

I fixed my hands' position on my butt, and spread my cheeks again. He gradually put more of his weight on me as he wriggled back so that his body 'outlined' mine. His cheek now rested between my shoulderblades and his crotch perfectly covered my rear. I moved my tail out of the way, and his dripping tip pressed against my hole. I teasingly clenched a little, not to trap his weiner, but to prevent it from entering me.

"Knock knock?" He jokingly asked, humping twice to mimic a knock,

"It's open!" I whisper-yelled, unclenching and placing my paws over his.

I bit my lip as his dick rushed into my tight, hungry first-timer hole. He pulled most of it back out slowly, and left the tip in. I felt his pre deeply seep into me, slightly lubricating my innards, even though it was a little late for that. He slowly pushed more and more of himself into me until his full length was hidden inside of me. Tre'on grinded, moving his hips in an elliptical motion. He fully extended his arms, taking most of the weight off of me.

Even though all of his member was already inside of me, he strongly pushed forward. I felt his stiff, incredibly hard cock stir up my insides as my own painfully pushed against the side of the bed, which was soaked and sticky around the area my manhood touched. I moaned excessively loud for him and he, seemingly in response, pulled half of his dick out and started fucking me properly. Our bodies met in hard, yet gentle clashes which produced a nice clap sound.

He lowered his head and bit down on my scruff, purring and lifting his head again. My head raised with his, and limply drooped so that i faced the bed. The outermost blanket was a total mess. It drove me crazy, but I also didn't care that much. He was still steadily pounding my ass, and the soreness from his initial entry was fading.

Several minutes passed, and my genitals were aching with pleasure. I wanted to cum so bad, so I said"Please, can I cum now? This is absolutely killing me."

"Go ahead, but you're cleaning it..." Said Tre'on, slightly muffled by my scruff.

"I can't just cum on command. I need some stimulation, and you know you'd be cleaning up my mess." I quietly chuckled. and turned my head back as much as he allowed me to look back at him. It didn't work very well, and he pulled my head back into its prior position.

"Just give me a few more minutes. If I'm not close by then, I'll let you have your turn." He playfully shoved my face into the bed to silence me. He knew me enough to know that I would've continued talking. I sluttily moaned for him as my balls began to throb even more than they were previously.

Tre'on humped hard and fast for maybe another thirteen minutes. Time was flying, and I didn't mind mind 'forgetting' to cut his turn short. At this point, I felt bad about kinda rushing him earlier, and I wanted him to do nothing more than take his time. I wanted to prioritize his pleasure over mine, anyway. He weakly released my scruff from his maw, and I rested my cheek on the bed. My eyes were relaxed and half-closed. Tre'on was panting and I could feel his exhausted, heavy humps land on me.

"Desmond... I'm about to, uh...." He said, quite winded.

I shushed him, stopping him from speaking anymore. "It's alright, baby, let it all out into me. Or on, if you prefer." I say, not out of breath as my role required little to no movement.

He groaned and moaned as he gave one final thrust, leaving himself in me as deep as he could. He shot his thick, hot creamy ropes of cum inside of me, too far in for me to initially recognize, but it slowly dripped into the regions I could feel and find great pleasure in, right around his manhood. Rope after rope was released into me as my cock continued to ache in agonizing pleasure. I wondered when he would be empty, and I could finally tend to my member's pleads. I wished he were more controlling during this session, but he had a soft spot for me. Or maybe it just wasn't in his nature.

Finally, after what felt like five minutes of him steadily pouring his love mixture into me, he pulled out. "You went too deep to... 'See the results'." I say, jokingly upset due to the absence of a creampie, though my ass was certainly full enough for it.

"You have two nuts to bust! Do whatever you want with them." I felt the strand of his seed that connected my hole and his plug snap.

"Yeah, but I have better things to use them on than a creampie." I say as Tre'on gets up. I try to keep my body as close to his as possible, standing up with him and turning to face him.

"Oh, is that so?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and grabbing my ass. He lifted me, and our cocks were briefly beside one-another.

I left a vertical dotted trail of hyperactive pre on his abdomen. My tip pressed into him just below his pecs, where I leaked more onto his fur. He noticed and smiled at me, and kissed my head-level belly. The rest of my pre fell down the same path it came up, curving into his belly button where some accumulated until it spilled out and fell straight down from there.

He lowered me a little and puckered his lips, closing his eyes and expecting a kiss. I lowered my head and tilted it to the right as I kissed him. The ends of our whiskers met. I wrapped my legs around him and instinctively pushed into him. It hurt my dick, but t was a good, manageable kind of hurt.

Tre'on pulled his head away and asked "After your two turns, wanna wash off?"

"What's the point if we're gonna fuck all day?" I said, expecting that he would remain true to his word.

"Yeah, but all of this cum is gonna get dry and I don't expect that to be very comfortable."

"We have tongues to clean that off, and I'm your little slut. I'll tongue-bathe you until you're absolutely soaked or clean. Whichever comes last." I said and smiled.

Tre'on chuckled and fell forward, landing me onto the bed. He moved back and got on his knees, still on the bed.

"I thought you wanted me to clean you?" I asked.

"Yeah, but that can wait. It's your turn. Just shut up and let me tend to your needs." He retorted then moved a paw to the base of my member.

His paw was almost instantly covered in my glaze as he lightly jerked me off. I somewhat wanted to protest, but I couldn't speak due to my seemingly forever sought-after pleasure. He purred loudly when he saw my blissful facial expression and felt my hips buck uncontrollably. His paws moved to my inner thighs as he wrapped his lips around the head of my manhood. I moaned so loud, the neighbors definitely heard that one. My eyes widened and I sucked in my lips, grinning hard.

He wasted no time sucking my dick, and twisted his head as he went down until his wet nose touched my baseplate. I lost it when he did this, and my paws flew to the back of his head. I struggled not to grab his scruff or force his head down, and I stroked him instead. We made eye-contact, and I blew him a kiss. He grinned at me and slowly blinked.

It had only been a few minutes into the blowjob, and I was already about to cum. I planted my paws on the bed once more, and fought the urge to wrap my legs around his head and force it down as I dumped my semen into his throat, but I chose to be nice and warn him.

"Tre'on, I think... I'm about to cum?" I looked away in embarrassment as he took my member out of his maw.

"Relax. I won't count it as a turn if you want." He offered. My eyes slightly widened and I looked at him as he began to jerk me off.

My eyes slightly widened and I looked at him with an indescribably loving face. I felt the love pour from my eyes, and my face conveyed the emotion far better than my words could. He grabbed down a little harder, and moved his hand alot faster. He opened his mouth as far as possible and move his head to be in the optimal position for my 'nectar'.

"You sure? I mean, I'm not complaining, but it's a little unfair to you." I said, not trying to push it too far and stopping there.

"Yes, I-" Tre'on began to say, but then I started cumming.

He re-moved his head to catch my seed. Part of the first rope landed on his nose before he had his head in the right place. His tongue was soon hidden, and his teeth had a new, swirly-cloudy white coating.

I gave him several more ropes, giving him a full cheek with enough leftover to cover his tastebuds. He sucked whatever drizzled out of my tip, and went down on me once more before pulling his head away and looking at me with a smile. The corner of his lip was white, from nothing but my handiwork.

"Stand up so I can clean you off, but don't swallow," I said and hesitated to continue, as I wasn't sure how he would respond to it, but I said it anyway. "If you love me, that is." I sat up as he backed away, then turned so that my legs were off of the bed, and properly stood up and made my way to him.

I rubbed my manhood to ensure that my erection survived. Tre'on turned his body to face me, and I crouched. I now noticed that he was already only half-erect. I lap and suck our mess from his manhood then take my tongue into my mouth, sticking it back out and scraping it against the upper lip to keep his seed in my mouth as I went for more.

My tongue laid flat against him just below his bellybutton and slowly crawled up his body, not stopping at the bellybutton as I new he would've hated the feeling. I kept my tongue out, as it never got too-full for me, as my trail was rather skinny. The fuller my tongue got, I pulled it back a little more to be able to hold more on it, using the bit closer to the end of it. Being honest, the flavor wasn't very enjoyable, but I showed him no sign of not enjoying it.

When my tongue got to the end of the line, I curled it as to not leave any residue on him. I cleaned my tongue and swallowed everything I had in my mouth, then got back down and quickly licked along the trail once more to ensure he didn't have anymore nut on him, though we would shower later anyway. We booped nose, and a little bit of the cum that was still on his nose clung to mine.

"Can you hold this real quick?" I asked, pointing to my mouth. I tilted my head back when I said that to not spill anything.

Tre'on nodded and opened his maw, slightly bent his knees and tilted his head back. I got onto my toes and looked into his eyes. He put a paw behind my head and pulled it down for an open-mouth kiss, in which I deposited what little seed I had in my mouth. Hardly any saliva came out with it. I licked the walls and roof of my mouth and swallowed what I scavenged, which I had more than earned.

There was a deep level of trust between the two of us. I don't think there is another person other than Tre'on spit, in any form, in my mouth, and the same probably went for him. I wanted to marry him right now, despite only being 'together' with him a little over a full day, unless yesterday didn't count. But whatever, I couldn't tell myself enough that he was perfect for me.

"I love you, Tre'on, so fucking much!" I whisper and normally kiss him.

He was being a good boy and didn't swallow per my request, and instead mumbled several syllables to say "I love you more.", or "I love you, too.". Our lips stayed connected, except for all of the many wet-sounding smooch sounds we made for the time we kissed, five minutes or so.

My half-hard cock pressed and rubbed against his crotch and inner thigh, helping me maintain my erection, not that it mattered to me anymore. I booped our noses together and said "I love you the most!" in case he meant the second option.

Both of his cheeks puffed up considerably as he pushed everything into them. "Prove it." He said through his teeth and grinned, pulling away from me and jumping back onto the bed.

He almost hit his head on the headboard. He lifted his butt off of the bed and raised his legs as high as possible. I crawled onto the bed on all-fours and kissed his balls and the side of his handsome member. I knew that if I got into the position I wanted to, I would've hit my head on the headboard, so I grabbed his calves and pulled him back a little, further messing up the blankets, sheet and pillows.

I got tired of ruining the blankets and ripped it off, throwing it to the side. I had almost fallen off of the bed, but my knees were on just enough to prevent it. Tre'on's body was just several inches from my own. His hind-paws were on either side of me. I purred as I grabbed his ankles and pushed them up, rising with them to be able t lift them higher.

Most of his back was off of the bed. Only his shoulders and shoulderblades touched the bed. Everything else was in the air, leaving his body at maybe a fifty-degree angle. I was standing... On the bed. It was a pet-peeve of mine, but the situation called for it. I spread his legs excessively wide and walked closer to him.

I saw that his chin was pressing into his chest, so I asked"Are you comfortable?".

He grunted a yes, though it didn't sound very comfortable. He grinned to make it more convincing, but his pecs hid a good portion of his smile.

I exhaled a chuckle and pressed my anxious tip against his tailhole, and didn't hesitate to force my length into him. I bent my upper half to put my face nearer to his. Our eyes met, and I felt my pupils dilate rapidly as if having an orgasm in love. I moved my paws from his ankles and pushed into the bed near his head. His legs rested on my shoulders.

I lightly stroked his cheeks and started humping. My humps were hard and initially slow as the position was awkward for me. After I slightly changed my stance and got a better footing at the sheets' expense, I was able to fuck him at a normal pace. I gradually sped up and watched his cock sway and smack against his abs, which were slightly folded over one-another.

I looked at my stomach and back at his, directly comparing the two. His stomach was alot more muscular, toned and sexy than mine. Tre'on said something that I couldn't make out as I zoned-out a little and go lost in thought. I forgot what I was even thinking about, but it probably pertained to his abs or something similar. Whatever he said was short enough to be a "Hey!", and I was able to hear the rest because he paused for several seconds before continuing.

I don't think I stopped humping, but I sped up to account for any possibly lost time. "Are you alright, Desmond, baby?" He quietly asked, moving his head to the side to get my attention. His tone was almost feminine, which I didn't think was physically possible for him to talk like that.

"Yeah, just zoning out. Hey, what do you think we would be right now if either of us had made the move sooner?"

"I don't know, probably still in this bed. I'm glad you did it when you did, though. I wouldn't have us any other way. Hell, it might have actually complicated some things if we were together any time before."

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too, and you said that a few minutes ago."

"I know, but that doesn't make me love you any less." I said as I kept pounding his ass, maybe even harder. "Isn't this romantic? We're sweet-talking during sex."

"Is it?"

"Think it's very romantic. Or atleast cute.

"Oh, you're just a romance addict."

"And do you know who's supporting my addiction?" I ask then boop his nose with my finger and giggle with my mouth closed.

"Shut it!" Tre'on playfully said, baring his teeth in an extreme smile before he pulled me down onto him.

My penis dragged itself out of him in a way it didn't much prefer, and it pressed into him for a brief moment. I rolled onto my back right next to him, and looked over into his face. I blew a kiss and he rolled over onto me. We both purred and he shuffled his body over a little, turning mine slowly. I complied and turned for him.

My head hung off of the bed, until he scooted forward. now half of my back was off of the bed, and if I laid back all the way, my fur touched the floor. I lifted my head to see his position over me. After a few long seconds of holding that position, I began to feel the burn. Tre'on was straddling me, his legs folded and on either side of me.

My cock pushed into his balls, and I could see its outline through his thick, soft orbs. I pulled my tail from under me as he looked down at me with a grin. He moved a paw to the tip of my cock through his balls and lifted his body slightly, his hind-paws' claws digging into the sheets.

"Can I move back onto the bed now?" I asked, my back beginning to hurt.

"If you can do it without getting up." He said, letting go of my dick to allow me to move.

I wriggled ever so slightly back and forth until my feet hit the headboard. Tre'on's balls rested on the lowest part of my throat, and his tip pressed into my lips. I saw how badly he was tempted to hide his cock between my lips. With an inaudible sigh, he moved down to his spot over my lap in a slow backwards waddle. The cold air made my penis painfully dry and sticky.

Tre'on reached a paw down and grabbed my member once more, keeping it still as he moved his body to take it in. He scooted forward a little, leaving my tip in him. He got off of his feet, slowly falling back onto his butt. Luckily, the landing went smoothly, and my whole cock was submerged in his hot body. He stretched his legs out towards my head, and began to lightly bounce on me.

I grabbed his hips and helped him bounce. As he came down, I humped into him as hard as possible. I slowly descended as he raised his body, and we slammed into eachother much harder. Every few times he came down, he would stay and grind in big circles, and back and forth. His mouth stayed closed, and he didn't seem to swallow his spit.

My legs would've been hurting if I was in his position, and maybe his were hurting. But he wouldn't say anything about it even if I asked him. Tre'on raised to a crouch, and lifted a little bit more so that my cock was out of him. It was incredibly hard and heavy, and stood up straight in the air, exception being it's slight curve to the left. He placed a paw in front of his face and opened his maw, dumping all of the spit in his mouth into his palm. I removed my paws from his hips, and rested my arms at my sides.

His paw was mostly full, and he reached down and, without rotating his paw and spilling its contents, grabbed hold of my manhood. He pawed me off very lightly, and my hips twitched whenever his hand went around the soft, super-sensitive area behind my head. His paw was soon empty, and that whole area of mine was drenched. He soon took me back into his butt, and the feeling was much enhanced due to his spit.

I couldn't describe how it felt, but it just felt better. It felt even better for Tre'on, judging by his facial expression. One of his eyes were closed, and his lower lip was being lightly bitten. I smiled and blew a kiss at him. He puckered his lips, and I extended my arms. I crossed my arms behind his back and stopped humping to pull him onto me. We kissed, and I began thrusting again.

Only about half of my length could enter him in this position, but it didn't matter to me. His legs were spread and half extended to give me as much access to his innards as possible. He pressed his cheek against mine and tucked his forearms under my body to hug me. I hugged him back and listened to his light breaths.

I felt his happy, more-than-content member press hard into both of our bodies. He grinded into me, and I could only imagine how my soft fur felt to his sensitive penis. I grabbed his ass and pushed down, my fingers spreading out to grab more.

We continued this for about thirteen minutes, and I was finally about to reach my climax before someone knocked on the door. It was a quick, light knock. Tre'on rolled off of me and scrambled for his clothes. I got off of the bed and wiped any saliva, pre and cum off of me with my undies before putting them on.

"Be right there!" Said Tre'on, his voice calm but loud-ish. He looked down and made a verbal sound of disgust, more or less frustration at the inconvenience that my sticky, dry seed on his torso caused.

"I got it, you just clean up." I tell him, bent over trying to pull my pants up.

Tre'on grabbed all of his clothes and scurried off into the bathroom, closing the door behind him for no apparent reason. I heard the sink turn on as I walked up to the door, still shirtless and for the most part, clean of any mess. I licked the front of my teeth and swallowed to insure I had nothing in my mouth--that was visible, anyway.

I exhaled and opened the door. Of course, it was Angelie, who I just noticed was slightly shorter than me. She said "Heya!" before blushing and looking down at her feet after noticing that I was shirtless and sweaty.

She wore a dress that was either a really dark red, or a shade of purple. It covered about three inches of her thighs, and I could see that she was wearing really short shorts under the dress for obvious reasons. She looked great in the dress, though. "What do you want?" I asked, raising an arm to place a paw ontop of the door.

"Well, the staff are putting on a movie later, and I wanted to see if you wanted to come."

"Would my uh, roommate be able to come with us, and when exactly is later?"

"Sure, they can come. The poster in the lobby said it's free for those that have lived here for atleast a consecutive month, and still currently live here. I think the movie starts at like 7:30."

"Oh. What time is it now?" I wanted to ask what movie it was, but she probably didn't know. Didn't matter to me anyway, I appreciated a free movie.

She pulled her phone out of her pocketbook to check the time and said "It's almost 6:30.".

There was no way it was already that late, although I never checked what time it was at any point during the day. Time was either flying, or I woke up alot later than I thought. "Oh! Where are we going to see the movie?"

"To that one theater, like a block away."

"Ah, OK. Well let me go grab a quick shower, and I'll make my way there."

"You're walking? Are you sure, I can give you a ride."

"Yeah, it's not that far away." I say and begin to close the door, seeing the look of slight disappointment and opening it again to jokingly say "By the way, you're too overdressed for a movie."

"No I'm not!" She said, inspecting herself then tapping me on my shoulder with a smile. She put her phone back into her pocketbook and hugged me. With one arm, I returned the hug before she stepped away, looking at me over her shoulder.

"Alright, bye! I'll see you there!"

She turned with a smile and put a paw up as a bye before turning around and walking away. I closed the door and took my clothes off once more, walking to the bathroom as fast as I could.

"So who was that?" Tre'on asked, swinging his feet and sitting on the counter thing next to the sink. Some of his fur was wet, and he was once again naked.

"A neighbor. She wanted to let us know that we can go watch a movie at that theater like a block away, paid for by the manager for here."


"The movie starts at 7:30 I think. Not sure if many people will be going, and I don't even know what movie it is. Also, it's 6:30."

"Do you wanna finish up with me, or?" He didn't seem to be as dumbfounded as I was when I heard the time.

"Absolutely, but we can do it later."

"Alright, do you wanna just get washed and go?"

"You read my mind." I said and walked out to grab all of our clothes. We could wear them again since we had only put them on today, and they weren't visibly dirty.

I stopped halfway back to the bathroom to pick up the blanket and throw it onto the bed. I set our clothes next to the sink and stepped into the tub with Tre'on, who decided that we would shower. By now, my erection had gotten disappointed and gone away.

We showered for a surprisingly short time of maybe only 15 minutes, but I was bad with time. We washed ourselves and eachother off without it being sexual in any form. I admired his sexy body without getting hard, and for some reason, I absolutely loved that about us. We kissed after he turned the water off, and we stepped out to get dressed.

We soon stepped out of our apartment, completely dressed and ready to go. Angelie had probably already left. We held eachothers' paws as we walked down the hall and then the steps. We held paws as we left the lobby, and a few others were preparing to leave as well. None of them looked as happy as us. We held paws on the sidewalk, and I corner-eyed him every second we walked together.

We eventually reached the movie theater. I opened the door for Tre'on, and bowed to him as he walked in. He laughed, not taking me seriously. I scoffed and ran in behind him with a smile. Angelie was waiting for us by the worker who would let us through. I had no idea what else to call him.

"Hey, Desmond!" She called out before saying something to the guy and coming to me and Tre'on as we walked to where she was. "I already told him you two were with the rest of us," She said as we walked right past the guy.

She led us into the room where the movie we were going to see was, and walked through the aisles to our seats, which were in the upper middle.

"Don't we get to choose where we sit?" I asked.

"The guy said not unless many people don't show up..." She said, which seemed odd to me.

I still didn't ask what movie it was, as I wasn't particularly interested in the movie itself. I sat inbetween Angelie and Tre'on as some seats were taken. More and more furs walked in as the lights began to dim,and the advertisements started to play. The seats had buttons on them to recline, and me and Tre'on laid back all the way. Angelie leaned back a little, maybe halfway. We didn't get any snacks or food, but I wasn't into popcorn or many other greasy foods, and Tre'on wasn't that big on them. I wonder why Angelie didn't get anything for herself, especially being that she was here before us.

Angelie reached over my lap with an open paw, saying "Oh, and by the way, I'm Angelie!" with a quick smile. I hoped that she realized who he is to me.

"I'm Tre'on. Sorry for not introducing myself any earlier." Said Tre'on, grabbing her paw and smiling at her. They made brief eye contact before getting back into their comfortable, relaxed positions in their seats.

When the advertisements were at their peak loudness, I leaned to Tre'on and whispered "Dude, do you love me?" into his ear.

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"Prove it.. Paw me off as soon as the movie starts." I said. I had it all planned out.

"What?!" He sharply whispered.

"You heard me. And yes, I'm being serious. I'm already unbuttoned so all you gotta do is, well, reach your paw in there and do me a favor."

"We'll get caught!"

"No, we won't. Trust me. Everyone will be distracted by the movie, and the only person here so far that would be able to see it is Angelie, but that won't happen. Not to mention, you still owe me "

He sighed and whispered "Fine, but if we get caught, I'm fisting you."

"Ooh, you can do that anyway."

He chuckled and playfully whispered "Shut the fuck up!".

Soon, the advertisements were over. I looked over at Tre'on, and he didn't look back at me, trying to ignore me. I silently laughed as I placed a paw on his thighs. My fingers danced over to his crotch. I saw him try not to smile, and I exhaled a laugh. He finally looked at me, with a surprising amount of lust in his eyes.

I looked back at Angelie and after seeing that she wasn't paying any attention to us, nodded to Tre'on. I looked forward as to not draw any attention to me as Tre'on stuffed his meaty paw down my underwear. He quickly grabbed my member as best as he could, and began to paw me off. His paw made my pants' zipper undo itself.

My pants now had an open 'V' shape going down my crotch, leaving nothing to the imagination for any potential spectators. There was barely any room to move in there, so I pulled my underwear down with a thumb, fully unleashing my penis. The waistline of the underwear pressed hard into my balls from underneath, but it wasn't necessarily a bad sensation.

Now Tre'on was properly jerking me off, though the overall motion was very limited to avoid being noticed. I wasn't paying much attention to the movie, but I could so far tell that it was something among the lines of a romance-comedy. Emphasis on the romance. I looked to my left to see if Tre'on was watching. he was, but I couldn't tell if he was paying any attention to it.

Tre'on tightened his grip as hard as he could as Angelie laid her chair back all the way to match mine and Tre'on's. She rested her head on my shoulder, yet she stayed watching the movie. My eyes widened like crazy, and I looked over at Tre'on. He mouthed "Oh my god!" at me and slowed it down. My member was as exposed as it could get, and I blushed a little.

Not knowing how to deal with Angelie and not knowing if she sees my member and isn't saying anything, I say "Don't you miss when you could go to the movies in a car?"

She looked up at me and said "I think they still have those?"

"They do?"

"I hope. Those used to be so awesome."

"I remember when I was a kid and my mom used to take me, we would always sneak so much food in there."

She giggled and said no more. I felt her shift a little before she sat back up, probably not comfortable in these seats. She pressed a button on the chair to sit up a little. Somebody sat infront of me, and their head's shadow perfectly covered my crotch, even though it was already dark enough. Now there was even less chance anybody would happen to see my manhood.

Tre'on once again sped up and even used the thumb that belonged to his busy hand to rub the sensitive part around the edge of my head. Because I was listening for it, I heard a small, quick single slap sound. I tapped his arm with my elbow and pointed to my penis, then shushed him.

"Do you trust me?" Tre'on whispered into my ear.

"Sometimes," I say with a smile before saying "Yeah, why?"

"Watch this." He whispered before covering my junk and tapping Angelie's shoulder with the same hand that was just beating me off. He leaned over and asked her "Can you go get some popcorn or some other snack? I'll pay for it." before lifting a little to grab his wallet from his back pocket. I had no idea how he could comfortably sit on that. I mean, it wasn't all that bulky, but it couldn't have felt too good.

"Sure. Can you tell me what happens while I'm gone?" She asked, reaching a paw out to accept some money from Tre'on. The light from the movie made it hard to see what he handed her, but it looked like two twenty dollar bills. She got up and, being exceptionally horny, I couldn't help but look at her butt. I quickly looked away, but I did take my time to appreciate her good build.

As soon as she was out of our sight, Tre'on said "Just wait. I'm about to pull something slick.". He paused for a moment before pulling my cock out once more and telling me to scoot closer to her seat. He pawed me off until he saw her coming back to us.

"Also, we'll need a codeword or phrase for when I'm about to cum." I suggested.

"How about 'This wasn't that bad of a film.', or something close to it?"

"Sure, that'd work."

Angelie came back with a medium popcorn. She sat down and leaned over to give Tre'on the change. I was nervous as hell. My member was out and standing up like a flagpole.

"So, what'd I miss?" She asked, awkwardly leaving her arm just hanging there.

"They got in a taxi and kept glancing at eachother before the guy told her his name and smiled. She smiled back but was quiet until the end of the ride where she told him her name, rolled her window down enough to stick a piece of paper with her phone number on it before rolling it back up, leaving the piece of paper stuck and facing in. Basically she left him to pay the taxi, and gave him her number for no reason." Tre'on said before taking a breath to say "Also you can keep the change."

She nodded and folded the bills and stuffed them along with the coins into her pocketbook, leaving the popcorn in her lap. "Thanks!" She said as Tre'on reached over to grab a paw-full of popcorn.

He winked at me as he began to pull his arm back, purposefully dropping a few pieces between me and Angelie's chairs. "Oops." He said for Angelie to hear.

There was enough room between the chairs for him to stuff his arm between them, where he "tried" to get his popcorn back. His lips went around my cock and he began to briefly suck my dick. He went all the way down twice very slowly, and sucked hard until he removed his lips from my meatstick to avoid making a sound. He drooled onto my cock before pulling his arm out and giving up, going back for some more popcorn.

My cock shined in what little light hit it, and Tre'on put his popcorn in the other paw to beat me off once he sat upright once more. I stroked his head once and said "Good boy."

"What?" Angelie asked.

Tre'on playfully jabbed me with his elbow as I said "Hm? Can i have some, uh, popcorn?"

"Of course!" She said, moving the popcorn closer to me. I grabbed a few and reluctantly ate some popcorn with Tre'on. He made it more than worth it.

I looked at him pathetically, and he chuckled at me. I tried to make an even sadder face, but made myself laugh. After several minutes of him jerking me off, my member became dry, and his motions were slightly hurting hurting me as his hand slipped over my head.

I leaned over to Tre'on and whispered "Would you mind wetting it again?"

"Why can't you?"

"Because you're doing the work here."

He sighed and put his paw to his mouth. After collecting all of the spit in his mouth onto his tongue, he stuck out his tongue and licked the ends of his fingers, leaving most of the saliva on them. He lightly grabbed my member once more and turned his paw as to not leave any part of it even remotely dry. It made quiet, but audible sounds.

I put a finger on the furthest side of Tre'on's chin and turned his head to face me. I tilted my head to the row of seats behind us and kissed him on his plush, inviting lips. In the feeling of ecstasy and love, I neared my climax. I began to search for the words of warning, but was drawing blanks. I lightly bucked my hips, which hopefully gave it away.

I let my head back as I came, and at that moment, I didn't care who saw. The first rope shot kinda high up, but the other ones calmly hopped out of my member, mostly landing on Tre'on's hand and my pants. But part of the very first rope landed on Angelie's thigh. I saw her flinch, and she got some of my cum with her finger.

She brought it up to her nose and smelled it briefly. I could ell that her body made her stop sniffing, but she quickly resumed. I corner-eyed her blush and smile. She looked down at my member and blushed even harder. Even I blushed when she looked at my face, but then she licked it off of her finger. Being in a relationship, I didn't know how to feel about that. I was in the wrong, regardless.

She dipped her finger in my love-sauce once more, and stuck her finger in her mouth again as Tre'on asked "So what am I supposed to do with your mess? And what happened to the warning?", obviously not noticing what Angelie had just done.

"Do whatever with it, and I for-- I, uh, didn't want to draw attention by speaking because... Whatever," say with a chuckle, and start to begin talking a little more before he rubbed the side of his palm onto my cheek and lips. I initially tried to move my head away, but quickly smiled and opened my mouth for him to quite literally rub it in my face.

Angelie pressed her cheek against my shoulder once more and whispered "Can you get me some more?". I could feel her smile, and I didn't believe that she had said that. Well I could, but so shamelessly, though I was in no position to refer to anyone else as shameless.

Not knowing how to say 'no', and not wanting to be potentially blackmailed, I wiped the cum that was on my tip off and moved the finger close to Angelie. She once again smelled it, and shortly wrapped her lips around my whole finger. Her mouth was incredibly soft and velvety. Perhaps to entice me, she sucked on my finger. To not let it go to waste, I wiped my face with my paw and licked my seed off.

Tre'on got up and said "I'm gonna go wash my hands. Behave.", playfully tapping my face twice. I bit at his hand and he playfully hissed, then laughed before walking away.

"Now that we're pretty much alone, can I get the rest?" Asked Angelie, stooping her head close to my manhood.

"I can't, Angelie. You do know that Tre'on and I are in a relationship, right?"

"Alright. And uh, I'm sorry for being this way towards you, I'm not like this but you... Spark with me in a way I cannot describe, Desmond. But I do have one- no, two requests."

"And they are?" I ask, cracking a grin.

"First, I want you to get the rest of that cum for me, and second, I want you to come over and chill either tomorrow or next weekend, if possible."

"We talked about that on the phone this morning, I thought?" I asked as I scraped the petty amount of my cum off my pants, and wherever else it was before offering her my finger, which was surprisingly drenched in it.

"Yeah, but I really want it now... And you should bring that panther with you, too." She said before pausing. "Oh, and it definitely doesn't have to be sexual! I'm a babysitter, I have plenty more and better things to do, but I'm definitely down for a threes- I'll stop."

"Thanks. I'll talk to him about it either sometime tonight, or early tomorrow. No promises, and if we can't do it tomorrow, it'll have to be in two weeks because Tre'on's birthday is Saturday, and I'm going to spoil him next weekend."

I leaned over and hugged her, not caring that my penis was still out. I kissed her cheek once before pulling away from her and lifting my body to pull my pants back up. Tre'on soon came back in and sat on my lap, placed his paws on my cheeks and kissed me. I loved him so much more than I could describe. I corner-eyed Angelie smiling at us.

"Also... Thank you for that. It means alot to me that you'd do something so risky for me." I said.

"It's not like it was my dick that was out, though I am kinda super hard."

I chuckled and asked "Was that my second turn, or?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not really. I'm soft anyway." Tre'on dismounted me and got back to his seat.

My seat and his seat were symmetrical and had moveable armrests, so I took it upon myself to lay my head on his lap. The rest of my body was on my seat, and my legs were awkwardly turned so that my feet stayed on the ground. The seats in front of us were short enough to provide me a great view of the screen, though I hadn't been paying any attention to the movie, and probably still wouldn't. I smiled at Tre'on as he stroked the top of my head.

"You can put your legs on me. Just not your shoes, OK?" Angelie offered as she set the chair back.to make it comfortable for me. She also pulled the armrest up, making it parallel with the upper portion of the chair.

I lifted my legs and swung them over so that my knees were above her lap. I scooted up so that my shoulders were right next to Tre'on, and my calves rested on Angelie's lap. I felt like a really big kit, and I liked it. I blew a kiss to Tre'on, and started to watch the movie. I now noticed that the theatre was much fuller than it was when Tre'on got busy with me. I couldn't help but tune into the movie. The last like, fifty minutes of it weren't all that bad. The actors and actresses were nice-looking, and weren't that bad actors. The plot was kinda shit but I didn't mind. When the movie ended, I swung my legs off of Angelie and gradually sat up.

As we stood up, Angelie said "Oh, hey Desmond! I just thought about it, but how about I come over to your guys' place?". I looked over to Tre'on, who didn't hear and asked her to repeat it.

Tre'on looked at me. I shrugged, and he said "We left it in a mess. Like, a huge mess."

"That's fine, I can help clean it." She offered.

I snickered to Tre'on and said "Nah, we've got too much pride. Give us an hour to clean it, maybe?". I looked back at Tre'on, and he showed no signs of opposition.

"Alright. Are you guys going home by foot?"

"Yeah, me and Desmond are gonna take our time and enjoy the walk back."

"The hour starts when we close the door to our apartment." I added with a grin.

We walked out of the theater together and as soon as we went out of the door, Angelie hugged me before heading to her car. Me and Tre'on headed home, holding hands again. Angelie got in her car and started it. I looked back and waved at her. She smiled at me and waved as she passed us. It was significantly darker outside than it was when we went in. It was now something like 9:00.

"So who is she, anyway?" Tre'on asked.

"A friend, I guess. She gave me a ride to that interview, and was real friendly. We just met like, as soon as I left our apartment that day."

"Oh. What's her room number?"

"I actually forgot." I say and chuckle. "I do know she's a babysitter, and is on the other side of our hall somewhere."

"She's a cutie," He jokingly said, lightly punching me in the arm.

"I mean, if I weren't dating you, I'd be all over-and in that." I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"Oh, is that so?" He devilishly asked before slowing down.

Before I could look back at him, he swept me off of my feet and picked me up. I instinctively squeaked in surprise.My knees went over one of his arms, and his other arm was below my back. I kissed him and he began to run with me in his arms. I laughed happily and looked into his eyes. He kept looking forward, but occasionally glanced back into my eyes with the same smile I wore. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my cheek on his shoulder. He ran with me until we were on the same street as the complex.

Tre'on set me down at the front door and we walked in holding hands. When we got to our level, we saw Angelie waiting at her door. I waved, and she smiled and pointed to her wrist. I chuckled as we opened our door and Angelie closed hers. I walked in behind Tre'on, who picked up the blanket before setting it back down upon noticing the messy bed, which we needed to fix prior to setting the blanket on. Luckily there seemed to be no places where there was an excess of cum. And then I walked closer. I saw small trails of seed on the sheets, and it definitely had time to dry and soak through to the bed. Talked in the bathroom and I heard the sink running.

He came back into the room with two wet washcloths. He threw one to me and said "Start scrubbin'.". I caught the cloth and walked towards the bed.

He took off the sheets and set them on the floor. He tried his best to get it off as i started working on the huge spot on the side of the bed, which I made while I was bent over it. It was coming out surprisingly nicely, but it stunk of stale cum. I was soon mostly done with that spot on the actual mattress, so I went into the bathroom to squeeze out the cloth and get it wet again with hot water, and a little handsoap in an attempt to both make it smell better and clean it a little better.

I went back to the bed and scrubbed the spot i had just worked on for a little, then moved to the little streaks and drops on the top of the bed. I was working on the largest accumulation of seed, when I said to Tre'on "You might as well put the sheet in the sink or tub and work on it in there. it would probably be alot faster."

"You know what, that's a great idea." He said with a grin, picking up the sheet and taking them into the bathroom along with his washcloth.

I heard water running for a short while as I happily scrubbed away at the bed. I eventually moved to get the smaller, less significant blotches of cum. Luckily, only this bed was really dirty, and his old bed before the merge was pretty untouched by our sex liquids. Doing this was probably a good temporary solution, but I don't really think it'll stay clean for that long. Nobody would notice that we had made that much of a mess, though it wasn't too hard to guess that me and Tre'on were so far very sexually active. I wondered if that would persist until the end of our days together, be it soon or decades into the future.

I was done cleaning the bed as far as I knew when I walked into the bathroom with Tre'on. He was wringing out the sheet over the bathtub. I came behind him and placed my paws on his stomach, the tips of my fingers crawling between him and his underwear. I set my chin on the end of his shoulder, and turned my face to kiss his cheek. Our hips began to sway in unison, and my paw went further down his trousers. I separated my middle finger from my ring finger to put his cock between them.

He continued to wring out the sheet as he slowly hardened. I chuckled and kissed his cheek once more. I took my paw out of his pants and moved forward enough to kiss his lips. I kissed his cheek as I moved back and moved to his side to help wring out the sheet. Eventually we were only squeezing out drops, so we stopped putting alot of effort into it and set it in the sink to let whatever was left dry out.

We went out and laid on the bed for maybe another 20 minutes just looking at each other, cuddling and occasionally kissing. We figured it was about time for Angelie to knock on our door, so we got up to get the sheet and make the bed. The bed looked better than ever, and soon enough, someone knocked on the door. I let Tre'on answer this time, and he opened the door all the way to let Angelie in.

I noticed she was wearing the same dress, but she was no longer wearing those hardly visible shorts. She sat on the bed next to where I was laying, and Tre'on sat next to her. he probably would've sat next to me but I was on the end of the bed. "Hey." I said.

"Your apartment looks great!" She said, feeling the slightly damp sheet.

"Yeah, it was that hour of cleaning. It hasn't looked liked this for a while." Tre'on said.

"Anything specific you came to do?" I asked.

"Nothing, really. Just wanted to come check out your apartment, and chill." She said. Tre'on leaned back and jokingly winked at me. I smile and almost laughed.

"Wanna talk, or something?" I asked.

"How about truth or dare?"

"Sure, so long as the dares are somewhat tame." Tre'on said.

"Aw...." I said.

"Alright. I'm first, I guess," Angelie said before asking me "Desmond, truth or dare?".


"How many children would you like to have?"

"Two sounds good for me, but as many as my mate would want." I sad before asking if it was now my turn, as I hadn't played this game in forever. It was my turn so I asked Tre'on "Truth or dare?".


"Go out to the balcony and stick your bare butt out and scream 'Look at me!'. Make sure to wiggle it."

"I thought I said tame, but alright." He said as he got up and walked around the bed.

He opened the sliding door, which was next to where his bed used to be. I loosely followed to watch and make sure he did it. Before stepping out, he went above and beyond what he was expected to do by completely removing any article of clothing below the waist and leaving them by the doorway. As he was turned away, walking to the balcony's rail, I grabbed his clothes and tossed them to Angelie, who was still sitting on the bed. "Hide them!" I mouthed, struggling to not snicker. I got excited and frantically moved back into a proper position as he stuck his ass over the end, his penis hung directly below. I now noticed how dark it was outside, and it was probably hard to see his dark ass right now, anyway.

"Yoooohooo! Look up here!" He called out, looking below and wiggling very enticingly. He stayed put for a few seconds and proudly walked back before realizing his clothes were missing. He covered his junk, looking at Angelie and asked "What'd you do with my clothes?". Everyone in the room blushed, but everyone other than Tre'on was failing at containing a smile.

He took off his shirt very carefully as to not show Angelie his member, and sat back on the bed with it on his lap. I moved back to the bed and laid back like I had been prior. His penis must've been between his thighs, because there wasn't even a bulge. Even I didn't know where she put them, but I found this situation very funny. Not to mention he was very fit and sexy, and nobody minded. He probably didn't mind to an extent.

"Alright, my turn then. Desmond, truth or dare?" He asked me.


"Where's my clothes?"

"I actually have no idea, I'm not the one that hid it." He gave me a look of disbelief, and I asked "Is it my turn?".

"Nope, it's mine!" Angelie said, cocking a grin before asking "Tre'on, truth or dare?"

"Truth, because dares for me seem to be terrible." He said with a chuckle.

"I don't think this is much better, to be honest. But, what would you do to get your clothes back?"

"I mean, I could just go get changed but I'll have some fun and say kiss you." He looked at me and stuck his tongue out. I wouldn't mind that much, as it was innocent enough to me.

"Well do you wanna?" She asked him.

I then butted in, saying "Well, it was truth, not dare."

Tre'on, looking a little awkward, nodded in approval and notified me that it was my turn.

"Angelie, truth or dare?"


I could think of nothing immediately, and I would try to remain tame as per Tre'on's request. And then it hit me. "I dare you to give Tre'on his clothes back." I said, looking at Tre'on's happy face and Angelie's disappointed expression before continuing. "But, you have to dress him. Under supervision, of course.". Tre'on blushed and looked at me in awe, slowly shaking his head.

"Well, let's start with this, I guess." Angelie said, picking up Tre'on's shirt and slipping it over his head. He put his arms through the sleeves himself. She faced him, but was looking down into his lap. She cracked a smile, and you could see the intent in her eyes. I couldn't blame her, he did have a beautiful cock in my opinion.

Angelie got up to get the rest of his clothes, which were in the closet. I looked at Tre'on and felt kinda silly. She set the pile of clothes on the bed where she sat and specifically grabbed the socks. She took her time putting them each on him, and she silently and happily stared at his crotch. His face showed that he was a little embarrassed but, much to our enjoyment, he was slowly gaining an erection. It rose from between his legs until peaking at a nice, exposed angle.

I scooted over to Tre'on and sat up to whisper into his ear. "Can I kiss your tip before she puts it away?" I asked. I only asked before doing so because he may have gotten embarrassed, or something.

"I'm not stopping you, but you could do a little more while you're at it." He whispered with a chuckle. This time, I blushed.

I pushed him back a little so that he leaned on his elbows. I rested my head just above his cock, and slowly lifted. I gave his head one long, passionate smooch and then began to lick it where his tip met his shaft. I licked up and down, and circled it for maybe a minute. I looked at Angelie, who was enviously watching me, and I decided to tease them both more by going down all the way. I held my head there for several seconds, turning my head side to side a little to make it a better experience for him. Without touching his cock with my lips, I pulled my head away.

His cock was absolutely soaked in spit, and he was surely leaking pre. I could taste a little on the end of my tongue. I moved away to let her keep dressing him. He lifted his feet to let her out his underwear around his ankles. She lifted them to his knees and pushed her body forward, dragging his underwear up along with her body. The underwear was halfway up his thigh when her lips made contact with his shaft. She looked up at him and missed it gently.

"Having fun, Tre'on?" I teasingly asked him as I moved to lay on my stomach on the floor. My legs were bent at the knee, and I playfully swayed them up and down as I held my head up with my paws and stared directly up Angelie's skirt. She definitely wasn't wearing those shorts anymore, which allowed me to observe that she was soaked. Her skimpy panties offered even less protection when damp, and I wondered if looking at her like this was OK with Tre'on.

He weakly shuddered a "Mmhmm" to my question, and I chuckled. Angelie pulled his undies up all the way, and I got back to my spot on the bed. I was incredibly hard, and it was beginning to hurt. I shoved a paw down my pants to fix my penis' position as Angelie hurried up with his pants, being that there was nothing else to take her time with.

Tre'on shifted, adjusting his clothes as Angelie got between us again. "It's getting late, guys." Angelie said, looking at me and Tre'on back and forth before standing. "I'm gonna go to my place for the night. Thanks so much for this, and I'm sorry if I went a little far with you. Goodnight, and I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight, Angelie, and it's fine." Tre'on said, standing up with her and walking forward to open the door for her. I followed and got Angelie's attention before hugging her. She hugged Tre'on before walking into the ball and looking back with a smile. Tre'on waited for her to close her door before closing ours.

"That happened quickly." I said.

"Yeah. See, I wanted it to be tame."

"You jinxed it!" I told him before wrapping my arms around him and kissing him.

"Wanna bathe before bed, or?" He asked.

"Not really, we'll just get dirtier in the morning. Let's just get naked and open the balcony door to make it cold and force us to cuddle."

"We could just cuddle," Tre'on pointed out.

"Yeah, but we could drift apart while sleeping."

Tre'on happily scoffed as he yanked my pants down, getting his own while he was down there. I stepped out of my clothes and went to crack the balcony door open. I undressed all the way on the way back, and Tre'on was already on the bed, naked.

"Is it your turn to hold me?" I asked.

"No idea, but sure."

I laid in bed next to him, out clothes all over the floor, and asked "So what was the point of having her dress you if we were gonna take it off not even five minutes later?".

He shrugged then put his arm over me. "One more thing," I said. "She wants to know if we'll come over tomorrow for games or anything. I told her it's up to you. No idea if it's sexual or not, but I don't think that was her intention of inviting us."

"I'll think of it tomorrow morning.... Oh, son of a bitch! We forgot to eat dinner!"

"I'm not that hungry. Are you?"

"No. Just thought you would be."

"Are you callin' me fat?!" I jokingly asked, turning back to look at him with a smile.

"I'll show you fat!" He said , humping my ass hard with his concrete member. I chuckled and pulled the blankets over the naked, exposed sexy parts of our bodies before starting to try to go to sleep. It felt weird to sleep this early, but there was nothing else to do today and plenty to do tomorrow.

"I love you so much, Tre'on, and goodnight."

"I love you too, baby. Goodnight. " He missed my neck, and I couldn't kiss him back right now. I felt his pride make itself snug between my buttcheeks. It was a wonderful fit, and I pushed my butt against him, though I was sure he was already sleeping. I had no idea how he did it, and I stayed up maybe another 20 minutes just smiling before i finally fell asleep.