The Realm of the Winter Prince: Momo Pit Part 2: Familial Bonds, Progress, and Proof of Strength

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#10 of The Realm of the Winter Prince

Note: Please forgive the repost, I have just recently realized that I accidentally posted this as a journal instead of a story. Sorry for anyone wanting to read the conclusion to this story.

This is the second part to a roleplay between myself and Nate_the_Great1.

In this story our hero faces his darkside, learns of his lineage, shows others how far he's come, and saves the land.

The Realm of the Winter Prince:

Pit Taro

Part 2: Familial Bonds, Progress, and Proof of Strength (Journal)

After a couple of hours, the boy came to. He was in a forest clearing at sunset, and all three of his new comrades were surrounding him. Camp was already set up for the night, and the males were enjoying food from the enchanted bowl, which was producing cooked rice to go along with the grilled fish cooking by the roaring campfire.

Sevrin was the first to see Pit awake and the dog bounded toward the human, pounced on him and began licking his face with a wagging tail.

The lad was in the nude and trying to fight the dog off of him. "Sevrin, get off of me."

The dog got off, but the boy just smiled and hugged the canine's neck. "We were worried you'd never wake up," Sevrin said nuzzling the boy.

Saimus brought over a plate of rice and fish to the human, whose stomach began to growl from the smell of the food. Meanwhile, Knightuing, wearing only a pair of pants, was sitting on a tree branch and silently eating from his own plate.

Pit accepted the plate and started eating his food till he was full.

"That was delicious." He rubbed his full stomach after finishing his meal. He stood and walked to his shoulder bag and retrieved his last dumpling. "Hey, Saimus," he began as he addressed the money, "can you take this to Knightuing for me?"

The monkey took the dumpling and gave it to the bird, who ate it.

The bird raised his hand slightly in a show of thanks and went back to eating. The monkey jumped from the tree and returned to Pit's side. "You'll have to pardon him," he said as he addressed the youth. "He is largely a loner."

Just then, Pit felt a slightly cool breeze and when he looked up, he saw a young stallion with brown fur and a blonde mane.

The horse gave the boy a thirty degree bow. "I am The Autumn Colt. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The other three bowed before the colt, and Pit also knelt before the colt as well.

"Wait, what I am I doing?" He stood and looked to the male who was more than a human head taller than him. "That means you're the son of the Summer Jackass who's sent me on this nonsensical journey to begin with."

"He sent you here with a perfectly good reason, buster," Autumn said folding his arms over his chest.

"A reason that have yet to be explained to me. Other than losing my virginity three times over, I've not been trained for any grand task or told what I'm supposed to be doing." The naked lad challengingly stared at the Immortal of Fall.

"Perhaps you might want to sit down and listen to what I have to say," said Autumn as he pulled out an unusual fruit that Pit had never seen before.

He reluctantly did so and covered himself with a blanket as the other three left out of his sight.

"My father took in Sevrin when he was kicked out of his pack for not being kind to the young pups and that almost led to injuring them," Autumn said, "So, naturally, Summer took him in and taught him the values of being kind to others.

"And Sevrin, in turn, taught that to me." Pit said unaffected.

"You know, you could be a little nicer," Autumn said sternly to the boy.

"When the Summer Jackass does something warranting thanks, I will sincerely give it to him, but so far I've been dragged, tossed, and forced to walk on my path with little guidance. Which reminds me, why are you here? Usually he appears himself after I've been sexually active."

"To offer you something for your final task," the young stallion explained.

He boy took a deep breath and exhaled. "Ok," he began, "what do I have to do?"

"First you have to eat the fruit and then....Well, you yourself must get rid of your inner daemon," Autumn said.

"Inner daemon...What are you talking about?" He looked questioningly at the stallion.

"That I cannot say," Autumn said stepping back as Pit took a bite into the fruit of truth and then the human began to convulse, and he was screaming in pain.

Pain turned into terror, as he saw and felt a hand grow from his chest. The appendage was fully fleshed out as it soon grew into an entire arm. Next, a head came out. It was his own, only with black irises, red pupils, and a wicked sneer. The faucet began to push its way out of the boy, who continued to convulse and scream from fear and anguish.

At last, Pit fell to the ground panting, and his double sneered at him. "Look at the pathetic waste you've allowed yourself to become," the dark doppelganger scoffed.

"Shut the hell up." He stood to his feet in spite of the pain. "I'm still strong enough to kick your ass, whoever you are."

However, then the double lunged at Pit pinning him to the ground. "But aren't you forgetting something? I'm you!" the double growled menacingly.

The boy uppercut the copy right under the jaw, causing the dark one to stagger back. "That means that you know just how hard I can strike back after being hit.

In a flash, the dark one growled, and he cracked Pit right in the jaw, knocking the boy into a daze. The double spotted some nearby vines, grabbed them and tied the boy's limbs up. "You don't even realize that you need me," he growled while groping his member.

The boy struggled in his bonds, but his arms and legs were tied together behind his back.

The double flipped Pit onto his back and slapped him. "What was that you said? 'You know just how hard I can strike after being hit'? Well, then, allow me to present myself as your dark side made real," he snarled and started choking Pit with one hand and fingering the boy's chamber with the other.

The lad continued to struggle as he began losing consciousness. The doppelgänger had his strength, which was more than enough to make him suffocate.

"Don't black out just yet," the double said as he stopped choking the boy and stuffed his member down Pit's throat.

Pit was now choking in the dark side's thick, long cock, and he was still barely managing to stay conscious. However, he did manage to muster the strength to bite down and drag his teeth against the rod that was skull fucking him.

The double growled and grabbed Pit's ears to pull on the ear lobes and kicked the boy in the member.

The force of the kick made him gargle and choke, causing saliva to splash upon the evil one's dick.

"That will show you who's boss," the evil one sneered and pulled out his member and stuffed it back in again.

He violently continued to struggle and even managed loosen his binds. However, the clone was holding his head down and forcing him to choke on the massive manhood that was now cutting off air from reaching his lungs.

The double was panting and finally, he pulled his member out, got behind Pit and--without any preparation or lubrication whatsoever--he pushed his long member into the boy's chamber.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Pit screamed in pain as he was forcefully entered and feverishly tried to inch away.

"Oh no you don't," the double snarled and grabbed Pit's hair. "Look at me when I'm dominating you!"

"Fuck you!" He screamed as attempted to head butt his evil self.

The double gasped as he fell off Pit and tried to get up.

The teen managed to break free of his bonds. Then, he rushed at the double and began choking him with his bare hands.

The double gasped for air. "You idiot!" he snarled. "You're nothing without me!"

Pit was so focused on killing his evil side that he did not notice that his doppelganger picked up a big rock. The next second, all the teen saw was black.

When Pit woke up, he found himself being filled in his chamber by his evil twin.

He shuttered with disgust and humiliation as he felt the searing hot seed fill his body. The double let him go and he stood on his feet as he stared at his darkness in anger.

"Pathetic," he scoffed, "and you call yourself a man."

The boy reared back his fist as the evil side began laughing maniacally with his eyes shut. With all of his might, he punched the doppelgänger, causing the effigy to dissolve into dust. Then, the boy woke up in a lavish bed, and he was drenched in a cold sweat.

The Summer Stallion and Autumn were there by Pit's side.

He began to shake in angered confusion as he declared to the two males, "Get away from me."

"But Pit," Autumn began, "you need us. How else were you going to face your own demon?"

The boy was experiencing a torrent of emotions with in him: anger at the horses for what he had just experienced, anguish over being raped, the loneliness of not having anyone he trusted around, and fear over not knowing how to handle it all. "I said get away from me." He repeated himself in a louder voice and clenched his fists.

"Have all these lessons meant nothing to you?!" Summer scolded sounding darker and looking more imposing, "Do not take me for some conjuror of parlor tricks!"

"Not parlor ticks, but torture tactics. Since I've met you I've been dragged, tossed around, forced to march, and fucking RAPED!" He stood on the bed and readied himself to attack the horse.

Suddenly, the stallion waved his hands and several vines wrapped around Pit's wrists and ankles pulling the boy back down on the bed.

"Let me go!" he yelled as he tried to break free from the bindings around that were quartering him tightly to the bed. "Let me go and take me on like a man!"

"You will never be a man unless you learn to control that temper of yours," the Summer Stallion declared sternly.

The boy ignored the stallion and continued to struggle to the ever tightening plants.

"Either calm down or I'll turn the plants into Poison Ivy," the stallion insisted but then he decided to take on a direct approach and kissed Pit on the lips.

As the lip lock continued, pit's emotions began to calm down, and the teen stopped struggling. His body slowly stopped, but he was still breathing through his nose quickly from anxiety.

Summer gently caressed the boy. As Pit calmed down, the vines slowly loosened and the equine found himself embraced and felt the wet tears a human on his shoulders.

He couldn't find words. His anger, his fear, everything simply had no purpose. He didn't know what to think. All he could do was cry out everything from his fragile soul.

"I brought you onto this journey to help you become a better person," the equine said softly rubbing the boy's back.

"Why?" was all he could mutter out in the midst of his emotional out-pour.

"Because, your mothers love you," Summer said.

Autumn joined the hug declaring, "And we care about you too."

"You don't even know me." His trembling began to calm in the warm embrace of the two horses.

"Actually," the Summer Stallion lifted Pit's chin to look in his eyes, "I was the one who sent you to those women years ago to be their son. I was the one who created you from a peach. I was the one who gave you life."

All the fragile adolescent could do was gaze at the stallion in disbelief with his tear-laden eyes. He had never told anyone about the origins of his birth, so there is no way that the stallion would know the story unless his claim was true.

"So, technically I am your father," the stallion said hugging the boy, and Autumn hugged pit from behind.

The boy's body went limp as if he was a ragdoll's. The physical, emotional, and psychological strain of the experience caused the teen to pass out. Now, he needed rest from is constant journey of trials and revelations. When it was certain the teen would be out for a long time, the vines dissolved, and the Immortal of Summer stood. "I'll go prepare something home cooked for him. Autumn you stay here until he wakes up."

"Yes, father," the younger Autumn Colt replied softly and kissed his father on the lips before he hugged Pit gently and softly nuzzled him.

Before taking his leave, the stallion positioned Pit so that his arms would embrace his half-brother.

Autumn held Pit close and kissed the human's forehead.

The boy slept for many hours, right up until sunrise of the next day.

Autumn was still by his side, and he saw a soft smile on the boy's face when he woke up.

"Don't say anything," he said groggily. "Just hold me...I have things to think about..." His eyes slowly drifted away from the equine.

Autumn smiled as he hugged his half-brother and gently kissed the boy on the lips.

The boy accepted the kiss warmly. After it broke, he laid his head in the horse's chest and nestled into the warm fur of the toned stallion.

"Pit...we may be half-brothers, but just know that I will always love you," Autumn whispered softly.

Just then, a knock came from the door, and Summer's voice came from the other side. "I'm coming in."

"Go ahead, Father," Autumn said calmly, prompting the older Stallion, smiling at the two boys, to come in.

In his forehooves, he held a huge platter with a pot roast and steamed carrots, broccoli, and cabbage. The circular platter grew wider in the horse's hands and grew legs. When it was big and tall enough for them to sit at, the newly formed table was placed on the ground. Turning to his son the elder horse said, "Autumn, go get some plates and silverware from the kitchen. I think Pit will need his strength, so the three of us will talk after a nice meal.

"Yes, Father," the young colt said standing up and went off to get the plates and silverware. Summer sat next to Pit and hugged him. "Are you okay, son?" he asked softly.

The teen looked away while blushing from response and relied, "Call me Pit...and I'm fine...enough."

"Pit...I'm sorry for bringing you into this," Summer said softly, "When I saw you being so cruel to you're the people around you, I almost had second thoughts on whether to turn you back into a peach or not. But now, I see you've earned the right of life."

Quickly he turned back to the horse and responded, "I never did anything to my mothers." He voice was not harsh but did show signs of accusatory hurt. "I never raised a hand or even played a prank on them...It was the people of the village who only accessed my mothers for their skills and denied their love that I acted out against.'

"However, you did need to learn respect to others other and yourselves as well."

The horse continued, "Your pranks and fights never made things easier for them. I think you know that deep down." The nude boy looked towards the earthen floor in silence.

"However now, I think you know better by the lessons you learned from your friends," Summer said before Pit's cheek.

As he was about to speak, the adolescent's stomach resounded a loud growl.

Autumn came in with the silverware, and they all started eating.

Autumn and Summer talked about this and that, but Pit remained silent as he ate.

"Anything the matter, Pit?" Summer asked feeling concerned for the boy.

The boy had trouble forming the words, but he did indeed have something to say.

What Pit didn't know was that Autumn had slipped a piece of the fruit of truth into the human's food and when Pit took a bite, he was overcome with a certain courage that was needed to help him speak out his innermost feelings and thoughts.

Feeling this compulsion, he blurted out, "Why was I born?"

"You were born to bring joy to two young women who felt out of place among a village. I wanted to offer them what was to be true happiness. They asked for a child and, considering that they had so much kindness and love to give, it was only fitting to grant their wish," Summer said.

"Oh..." he said in a downtrodden voice as his eyes turned back down to the table. "So, I guess that means I failed. I didn't do them any favors. I was lazy and ungrateful. My pranks on the villagers certainly didn't help them. And now..."

"I had you come onto this journey to help you see a better future in your life. All these lessons were given to show my real purpose for you and your true potential," Summer said holding the boy's hand. "You're a good person, Pit. You just needed someone to guide you in the right direction that's all."

The boy hugged the elder equine as tight as he could, which was a lot considering his higher than average strength. Holding the embrace, he declared, "Thank you...for everything...Summer."

"You're welcome, son," Summer said as he put a hand under Pit's chin and gently led the boy's lips to his own.

"Wait," he protested, blushing. "I have more questions." He pulled himself away. It was not from disgust at all, but shyness and the need for inquisition.

"What is it?" Summer asked softly.

"Tell me about Sevrin, Saimus, and Knightuing. I want to know more about them."

"Well, who would you like to hear about first?" Summer asked sitting next to Pit.

"Let's start with Sevrin...." The boy looked away and continued. "Is it ok if we lay in bed while you tell me?"

"Of course," Summer said carrying the boy to a soft bed of leafs.

An illusory spell had been dissolved. They were now in the true realm of the Summer stallion a seemingly endless meadow with a crystal clear river carving through its landscape. Under a huge tree with a blossoming canopy, the horse laid the boy on his back and began talking.

The immortal began to answer as Autumn lay behind Pit to embrace him from behind. "Sevrin was a very mean dog. Since puphood, he would try to assert his will on others. His parents were killed by a hunter, and he was left alone. However, he managed to make his way to a city, where he grew up on the streets and became very independent. He didn't even live by what his parents taught him: to treat everything weaker than you with kindness. Years on the streets were too rough, and he hardened quickly. One day, he found a mate that changed his life..."

"Really? Who was it?" Pit asked scooting closer to his father.

"Well, her name was Roxanna. Without going into too much detail, she had a calming effect on Sevrin. He was on his way to being a better dog. However, someone who he crossed before threatened her, and he lost himself in rage, killing the other male."

"Then, what happened?" Pit asked feeling worried about the outcome.

"He was chased out of the city. Just as he was pinned against a tree, I took pity and came outing its trunk. I told the villagers to return to their lives, and I would see to Sevrin's just dues."

"Oh...but what happened to Roxanna?" Pit asked imagining how sad the dog must've been.

"She left him." The horse said with a sad expression on his face. "She still loved him, but Sevrin was too ferocious when angered. She said that she could not be with him the way he was."

"That's so sad," Pit said sadly, wanting to hug the dog.

"All is not lost," he said with a smile. "Sevrin is at the point where he will face her when he feels that he is worthy of her.

"That's good to hear," Pit smiled, "but what about Saimus?"

"Saimus' tale is also an interesting one. He was born into a village of monkeys that lived high in the trees. His family was from the upper-class and lived among the highest of elites in social and financial stature. The monkey was spoiled and didn't have to answer for anything he did. He actually developed an entitled temperament and a short fuse because of it. "While at a social function, he got mad and trashed all the decorations and property of the house's owner. He and the particular woman's son had a rivalry of sorts, and the other male won out in their latest and biggest contest..."

"What was the contest?" the young human asked raising an eyebrow.

"What else? They tried to get the same girl." The horse smiled jocularly. "The same thing that has split up any a male friendships: competition for the same mate. "Here is the thing: Saimus is bisexual and also had feelings for his friend; however the friend only had feelings for the girl. To get them both, Saimus used so much money to manipulate the situation. At a party, he brought lavish gifts, the finest entertainment, and two gold rings embossed with diamonds. The friend, however, simply gave an honest proposal to her: a ring, bending on his knee, and a confession of his feelings. He won out over the monkey you know. "However, Saimus was livid. His austere actions had failed and his temper quickly got the better of him."

"So then what happened? After the fight I mean?" Pit inquired feeling more sorry for his companions the more he heard their stories.

The horse sat up as he pulled the boy to his side. "He did an immense amount of damage. He was sentenced to prison time, but I pleaded with the authorities and took him into my custody. Since, he has studied detachment from material things and control of his emotions."

"And Knightuing? How did a guy like that end up with a girl' know?" Pit asked turning his attention to the avian.

"He was a young quale who was studying combat and martial arts. He thought himself better than even his teachers. He found an ancient scroll of transformation. This particular relic was only to be used by recognized masters, but he was young and arrogant. He was told several times that he was not ready, but he did not heed orders to let the scroll be. In his arrogance, he disobeyed all warnings and orders. He stole the parchment, and hid in the woods. He tried to transform into a woman and completely change his form, but he only managed to change his privates."

"When did his masters find out?" Pit asked imagining how furious they must have been.

"He had to humble himself and apologize to them. They did forgive him, but the scroll was for one time permanent transformation. Since the clan only allowed men to train and learn, he was banished. By technicality, the avian was no longer male. "He was devastated by it, he was even about to commit suicide. However, I arrived to stop him just before he poisoned himself, and under me he learned how to accept what he did and why it happened. He accepted his arrogance, and has come to dislike seeing such a lack of self-awareness in others."

Pit was looking downward. "After hearing all of this, I just wish I could give them all something to say thanks."

"Gifts...Now that's a wonderful idea," the horse declared as he smiled and looked into the boy. "But first there is a more pressing matter."

"What is it?" Pit asked worriedly.

"This," the equine quickly answered before flipping on top of the boy and pinning him to the ground. Leaning in, he then gently kissed the youth upon the lips.

Pit calmed down and hugged his equine father tightly.

The Summer Immortal broke the kiss and smiled. "It is time for us to bond like a family, something you hopefully have a new appreciation for."

As if on cue, the Autumn Colt came in.

In contrast to his dad's brown fur and black mane, Autumn was a lighter brown with a golden-blond mane. He was also shorter and less toned in comparison to the Summer Stallion's muscular frame. The younger horse was greeted by the site of his dad's supple, firm rear, which was covered only by a chestnut brown loincloth that matched his own. "Glad I didn't miss the bonding." He smiled as walked to the other males.

Pit opened one arm and the colt hugged both his half brother and father.

In the embrace, both equines used their outer hooves to feel and caress the back of the smaller male. Pit reflexively tightened his hold upon the stallions, but he did not resist.

"I love you, Dad," Pit said as he kissed his father.

"And we both love you, son." The stallion kissed the teen before he and Autumn pulled away and began to undo their loincloths.

Pit looked at both of the equine members hungrily and was trying to decide which one to taste first.

Both horses' members were quickly becoming erect, veiny, and black. He males kissed each other as they let the human youth decide which he would take first.

He decided to try out his father's since his was bigger.

The feel of the eager teen's tongue on his prodigious dong causes the Immortal of Summer moan into his equine offspring's muzzle. The younger horse broke the kiss and sat on his knees as he began to gently feel and grope his half-brother's nubile, adolescent body.

Pit moaned as he felt Autumn's tongue lick the insides of this chamber walls and the groping hand on his member.

"Take your time, brother." The colt declared gently. "You set the pace." He gave the rear a gentle smack as he resumed his oral workings.

Pit whimpered and slowly sucked on his father's member, the head of which barely fit in his mouth, until he let the big meat fall out when he was gasping for air.

Summer chortled and pat the human on his head. "Don't force yourself, son. Take it nice and slow." Suddenly, Autumn turned out around and pushed on his chest as he lapped his way down the fair-skinned youth's chest.

Pit moaned as he felt his brother's lips upon his human member, and the human looked up at his father. "Hug me, Dad," he said reaching up to him. "Kiss me."

The elder horse embraced his human creation, kneeling to kiss him tenderly upon his rosy, plump lips. With one hoof, he pulled the tie away from Pit's hair to allow his jet locks to fall freely upon his neck and upper back.

Pit wrapped his arms around Summer's neck running his fingers through the equine's jet black mane.

Autumn gently pressed his thick finger into the fleshy's puckered entrance as he slowly worked his muzzle downward upon the shaft.

Pit gasped and held tighter onto Summer.

The colt toyed with the human's cock in his mouth by running his tongue all over the adolescent shaft as he slowly prodded further and further into the teen's willing and previously used anus.

"Dad...I need you and Autumn in me...please," whimpered the teen pressing his lips to his father one more time.

"You are not sufficiently peeped to take us both," the horse said gently. "We would need something special to allow us both to enter you at the same time."

"What is that?" Pit asked with a tone of lustful need in his voice, and then Autumn presented the fruit of truth from thin air.

"Squeeze this over your nude body, and your true desires will do the rest," Autumn said as he smiled down at his half-brother.

Pit nodded squeezing the fruit above his head, and the juices ran all over his body, seeping into his skin.

The adolescent felt his body begin to heat while his male spear hardened even more and pulsated in need. Lust caused him to drool and moan in an almost feral need to be filled by the two other men. At the same time, his taught young hole relaxed, opening and closing on its own with every carnal, wanting breath that passed through his full lips.

The boy leaned his head upward, and he pressed his lips upon his father's as he felt Autumn slowly entering his member into his chamber first.

Summer held his human offspring, who trembled in need from the slow entrance of the swollen horse rod boring its way into his tight, yet relaxed hole.

"I need you, Dad," Pit moaned as he watched his father's member get ready.

With his black, splotchy equine cock at the ready, he declared, "You need to sit up so that I can slide under you, my peach boy."

"Yes, Dad," Pit said sitting upright. A moment later, he gasped suddenly at the feel of a frighteningly huge expansion of his chamber.

"Now, Autumn, lift him up so that I have room to angle under you." Summer slowly slid so that his legs lay over his elder son.

"Yes, Father," the young colt panted as he hugged Pit close to his chest.

The brown horse positioned himself under the human and placed his cock's tip at the youth's already full love tunnel. "Ok, Pit slowly come down, and I'll carefully push in."

The human boy nodded as small tears rolled down his cheeks, and he moaned so loudly that Summer had to caress him gently and stop him halfway to allow his son to adjust.

Soon the stallion moved slowly in until Pit was at the base of both horses' staves, which practically filled his entire body to bursting.

Pit was panting heavily as he began to slowly go up and down on both members moaning greatly.

The horses only held him from both sides and allowed their new addition to the family to take the love making at his own pace. This was not easy as they had to hold back their natural urges to plow the boy for all he was worth. The tightness of his ass choked the entire length of their sizable cocks as they shuddered, moaned, and panted.

"Autumn... Dad... I love you both so much," Pit panted as he took another piece of the fruit and drenched himself with the juice.

The human's hole slickened with carnal desire, and the horses began to shake from the willingness that Pit was giving to their familial bonding. They both embraced him and each other. The fruit of truth heightened the teen's sensitivity to every piece of fur now running against his full, heated body.

"Fill me up," Pit panted feeling his hard member pulsing, "I'm ready."

Sandwiching the lad's cock between his stomach and the elder male's chest, both equines' dicks pulsated against each other and the confining walls of the boy's insides. Their combined, voluminous loads quickly flooded the human's love tunnel and began rushing out of the small spaces of his sphincter muscles, pooling upon the ground around them.

Pit screamed as he felt his chamber filled more than he anticipated, and he felt his own seed shoot out onto his father's chest, painting his brown fur white.

The elder males held the human until their large cocks softened and flopped out of the teen's destroyed asshole. In the post orgasm sensitivity, the youngest male whimpered from the painful tingling of his stretched, devastated anal entrance.

Pit was about to fall over when Summer caught the boy in his arms, and the human cried softly into the horse's chest.

"It hurts," the adolescent declared as he whimpered like an injured kit. The horse stood on his foothooves and carried him to a nice warm bath in the next room.

Pit flinched when the water came into contacted with his rear but soon settled down

Although he calmed, he was still breathing deeply and winced from pain. "That's it, son. Relax and let the water soothe you." Summer took a bar of soap and began lathering up Pit's arm.

"I...I love you, Dad," whimpered the boy softly.

"I love you, too, son." The burly, brown equine leaned in and kissed Pit on the lips before resuming his cleansing of the youth's body as Autumn came in as well to wash Pit's back.

"The family sized bed is ready." The colt announced. "I had to change the sheets and use a spell to put it under our most shady tree."

After the muscle relaxing bath, the Summer Stallion carried his human child in his arms and lay him down gently onto the bed.

Then, he was flanked on both sides by the immortal stallions, whom nestled with him.

Pit looked in front of him and was glad to see his father facing him.

Smiling, the male said, "You've been through a lot, and now you need to rest." He rested a hoof on the boy's chest.

Pit nodded as his eyes closed, and he drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Pit set out on foot for a nearby town. The Summer Stallion suggested that he go there and buy some small mementos to show his appreciation to his recently acquired companions. He was wearing his clothes and carrying his side bag that his mothers lovingly prepared for him at the start of his journey. In the meadow close to the town, the teenage human was not alone.

It was hard for Pit to see at a distance, but the form looked vaguely familiar.

The figure was tall and had a lightly tanned skin tone. The young adult's short, slightly spikey blond hair and lovely, azure eyes particularly caught Pit's attention. The male was in a grey, cotton shirt; knee-length, brown shorts; and matching, brown, sandals.

At last the two of them were up close, and Pit went wide eyed at who it was. "Autumn is that you? I never would have recognized you," the young boy said in surprise.

Placing a hand on the boy's head, the taller and more toned male replied, "Yes, it is I." He offered the teen a soft smile, "I sometimes like to mingle with the mortals of this realm. When I do, I usually take the form of a human, so that I can blend in just enough to stand out since humans are a common minority in our world."

Pit smiled and hugged him. "Truth be told, I'm glad you're here," Pit said before he let go and looked down, "I don't think I can face the villagers after what I did to them before my change."

"It will be difficult," the horse began as he hugged his half-brother with one arm. "However, you need to show that you are a different young man. You also need to get those mementos for your new friends."

"But I don't even know what to get them," Pit said looking up at his human-formed brother. "What will I do?"

"We can figure that out. We have all day in the village." He pointed to the tall steeples in the distance. "I'll be with you, so don't worry. Dad, told me to keep you in line if you get out of it."

Pit took a deep breath and said, " goes nothing." With that, they both set off into town.

The town, Meltinville, was bustling with humans and anthroes of all species. In particular, the square and market areas were full of people handling the day to day doings of their lives. The stores were also fully stocked, so there was much that Pit could but with the small bag of gold that Summer gave him.

"So, which shop should we go first?" Pit asked looking up at Autumn.

"That one looks like it might have something nice." The horse in human flesh pointed to a light blue building. This particular shop is one pit knew well, for he had vandalized the property as a prank on many occasions. Needless to say, he and the owner did not get along too well, which strained the shopkeeper's relationship with Pit's parents.

Just as he came in, Pit went stiff as he saw the shopkeeper come up to him.

The man was an owl in his late twenties with grey feathers and piercing, red eyes. "What are you doing here, boy?" he asked as he scowled at the younger male.

"I...I came in here to browse...and to apologize for my behavior from before," Pit said looking up at the owl. "I'm sorry."

"I've heard it before, boy...I'm watching you." The owl went back behind the counter by walking backwards to prove his point.

Pit scooted closer to Autumn feeling a bit timid instead of being disrespectful to the owl.

Unaffected by the bird, the tan male said, "You're free to look now. I'm not going anywhere, so look around the store."

Pit did so. Soon, he was actually feeling much better...Except for the fact that the owl still had his eyes trained upon his body.

Suddenly, Pit saw that the avian is balancing a crate that he was trying to put on the self behind the counter. The owl struggled to keep the heavy boxed balanced, and his backed had locked up, causing him to freeze and grunt in pain.

Pit rushed over to help and then he put the box where it needed to go. "Are you alright?" Pit asked leading the owl to a chair.

"I have to be," the owl responded as he tried to get up to no avail. "I have the entire back room of crates to move and shelves to restock."

"Let me do it for you," Pit said, and he set to work at once without allowing the shopkeeper to protest. The owl went wide-eyed at the sudden change in Pit's attitude.

Pit made quick work of the duties with his beyond mortal strength. It only took him about twenty minutes. He even managed to help customers who walked in while the owl was recovering.

Afterwards, when the owl recuperated, the avian said, "Well, I guess I owe you an apology. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Well now that you mention it, I do need help finding a perfect gift for a friend of mine," Pit said.

"Well, describe your friend to me, and I'll see what I got." The bird stood and walked with the boy.

"Well, he's a wolfdog who's very kind and sweet," Pit said trying to describe his first friend as best he could.

"Let's see..." the owl stroked his chin. "How about one of these collars? There is a variety in stock. You should be able to find something suitable for him."

Then, Pit saw a leaf green collar. "That one looks beautiful," Pit exclaimed.

The avian took the collar and places it in the boy's hands. "It's on the house. Considerate thanks for your help." The ashen owl then smiled at the human.

Pit smiled and shook the owl's hand. "Thank you," he said smiling before leaving the store.

Autumn was waiting outside and chatting up some young ladies. Since he decided to take a human form that looked in its early twenties, he was very attractive and caught the eye of many women. As he waved good day to them, he noticed Pit come out of the store. "You looked like you were ok."

"Yeah, and you looked like you were quite the lady's man," Pit teased playfully.

Tussling the boy's hair, Autumn replied, "I cannot deny that I like interacting with mortals." He leaned in and whispered into the white fleshy's ear, "I've even mated a few times while in disguise," before chortling quietly at his own exploits.

Pit grinned and asked, "With men and women?"

The god's reply was simply a smiling nod. Then, he inquired, "Where should we go next? We can look around. Hey, I can even hold your hand like a good big brother." The horse grinned at the thought of the looks Pit would be given by the townspeople.

"Well...I don't know," Pit said in a teasingly thoughtful pose.

The elder male crossed his arms behind his head as he turned and began walking away. In a slightly teasing tone, he said, "Oh, well, you're a big boy and don't need anyone to hold your hand, after all."

Pit just sighed with his eyes rolling as he gave in with a smile as he took Autumn's hand. "Okay, big bro," he said as he rested his head on his big brother's shoulder.

After a short while of walking, they arrived at the crowded bizarre, which was busy and bustling as usual. A constable--a crimson komodo dragon in light-weight, silvery metal armor, with a sword strapped to his side--walked up to the pair. Pit had both verbal and physical altercations with the policeman on many occasions. These were usually triggered by the man's provoking and belittling of the boy.

"Autumn, I'm scared," Pit whispered softly holding the human's hand.

"It's ok. Remember that you are a new you," he whispered in reply. The scale accosted the boy when he was within earshot. "Well, well, if it isn't my least favorite trouble maker. You haven't been in town the last few days. Up to something bad as usual? "

"No sir," Pit said shaking his head.

"Like, I'd believe that," he responded with a scoffing undertone. "You are nothing but trouble every time you come here, always causing fights and other mischief. I blame your upbringing."

Pit wanted to say something; however, he kept his mouth shut and looked down at his feet with tears rolling down his cheeks.

The lawman continued, "Crocodile tears again? Too bad your mothers aren't here to complete your act. If you had a father, I'm sure he'd be ashamed of the poor excuse of a man you've become." Pit clutched his fist in anger as he felt a sudden rise to punch the man come over him, but he controlled himself and stood his moral ground before Autumn stepped in.

"I mean no disrespect, officer," the elder brother began. "However, this is not the same kid you know. He has been reformed under the watchful eye of none other than the Summer Stallion himself. I think his tolerating your rant is proof enough of this."

The komodo dragon raised an eyebrow at the tan male. "How would you know all that?

Not being one to reveal himself, the Immortal of Fall had an idea. "Pit, would you show him your money pouch." The Summer stallion always marked his property with a certain symbol.

The boy gave Autumn the money his father gave him and watched as the big lizard went bug eyed.

"Do you recognize this sign, the horse's head flanked by maple leaves? It's the Summer Stallion's mark. Unless he was under the charge of the Immortal of Summer, Pit here would not be in possession of this money pouch."

"My apologies, but this young boy has a record," the reptile continued.

"That is common knowledge, as is the fact that it is as long as his arm. However, that--and many other reasons--is why he is under the Summer Stallion's charge. Do you mean to imply that one of the four Seasonal Immortals cannot handle the development of a simple boy?" Autumn's tone was very direct but not at all disrespectful to the scale's position.

"Well...I...uh...very well," sighed the cop and then he turned to Pit, "I'm sorry. Truce?" The cop extended his claw and Pit shook it to confirm the past was behind them.

Suddenly, a scream cut through the crowd, "Stop! Thief! That roughen stole my bag!" A young cheetah in tattered clothing ran at top speed past the humans and the constable.

The cop ran after the cheetah and just as the feline turned the corner, Pit appeared and put out a stealthy hand on the feline's chest, stopping the offender when contact was made.

Pit quickly lifted the feline by the collar of his shirt as the boy protested. The ex-delinquent walked the thief, who was from a destitute family, over to the policeman. "Here you go, officer," he declared giving the bag to the elder male.

The officer smiled and then he said, "I think I might have something to repay you with." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crimson red scarf.

"Thank you, sir. However, I'll only accept it if you see that this boy's family gets the help it needs. Otherwise, this will continue." In Autumn's previous vein, Pit was direct but not disrespectful with his tone.

"Very well," the komodo said as he lead the cheetah away to the nearest grocery.

Pit more closely examined the scarf as Autumn returned to his side.

"That's two, and now for Knightuing," Pit smiled hugging Autumn.

Nearby, a crowd was gathering around a group of performers. Pit noticed a butterfly he had known since childhood performing gymnastics while wearing a 2 piece, yellow and red costume with a revealing midriff and frilly cuffs on the wrist and bottoms.

Pit gasped and then he slowly approached the butterfly.

After the performance finished for a break, the butterfly noticed the human. "Well, if it isn't Pit. I haven't seen you since last year."

"Uh... hello, Satine," Pit said shyly.

A scream is heard and the insect ran off to check on the situation. She was soon back in Pit's presence. "I have a crisis on my hands."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Pit asked concerned.

"Well, my partner for the next act just threw his back out. So we can't perform our next routine and risk losing our audience. My troupe is trying to get enough money to begin traveling around to different cities, and this may set us back a lot."

"Maybe I can take his place," Pit said stepping in.

Her eyes darted away slightly. "Well...I don't think that's a good idea. You do have that authority issue."

"Not anymore," Pit said. "I'll obey any order you give me."

Satine acquiesced with a sigh. "I don't have much of a choice. However, we don't have a lot of time to practice, though."

"I'll do whatever you ask," Pit said ready for anything.

"Ok. First, we need to change your clothes." A few minutes later, Pit stood in front of the crowd and wore yellow pants with red cuffs and a red shirt that revealed the middle of his toned, slender torso from neck to stomach. Satine was standing a short running distance from the boy.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Pit whispered to the butterfly.

"Catch me," the insect responded before running at the teen and jumping with her arms stretched towards him.

Pit opened his arm and caught her.

As he pulled her close to his side, she continued, "Toss me up, and have some showmanship."

Pit then tossed her into the air and he did a back flip.

"Now, catch me with some flare," she declared as she spun horizontally in the air with her arms out like a propeller.

Pit spun around and then gracefully got on one knee as the butterfly floated gently down.

Just before touching his hand, she said, "Spin me around you."

Pit stood up, raised his hand while holding hers and spun her around and around.

The crowd gasped, as he twirled on one foot as she came in and wrapped her legs around his hips.

The two of them were very close now as the crowd gave a big cheer. "What now?" Pit whispered softly.

"Toss me high and behind you. Then, catch me when I land before running and sliding for the big finish."

Pit nods as he tosses her behind himself before running and sliding on his knees.

The acrobat allowed her wings to span on her decent. They glistened in red, yellow, and orange as they fluttered and she slowly descended towards Pit, who raised his left arm to the sky and opened his palm. She gingerly touched down on upon it with one foot with the other raised to the sky.

The audience gave a roaring applause, indicating that the show was over.

The insect jumped down and gave the boy a hug before kissing his cheek.

Pit blushed, and he saw Autumn chuckling. "You were great," Pit said to Satine.

"You really have begun to be a true man," she said coyly as she hugged him again.

"Thanks," Pit said as he turned to leave, but then Satine ran up to him and gave him a necklace.

The material as silvery and it had a turquoise pendant at its base. "This is to say thanks for your help. I hope to see you when we come back into town."

Pit smiled and hugged his friend. "Take care of yourself, Satine," he said before giving her a kiss.

Autumn waited for Pit in the square. When the teen walked up, the disguised god teased, "She was smitting with you."

"Oh be quiet," Pit said blushing as he presented the necklace. "That's all three gifts."

"That was quick," the Immortal of fall declared as he looked to the clock tower in the town square. "We still have some time before your big surprise.

"Surprise? What surprise?" Pit asked excitedly hopping up and down.

"It's too soon," Autumn teased as he tussled the teen's hair.

"Hey," Pit moaned, pushing the hand aside and reorganizing his hair. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Well we could go to a brothel, but you're still too young for that."

"Oh come on," pouted Pit, who hugged his brother. "Please?"

"That's not an arbitrary rule. You are legally too young to go into one." The god smiled and added, "I on the other hand..."

"That's not fair," pouted Pit, "Why do you get to have all the fun? And what can I do while you're stuck in there?"

"I'm not going to the brothel..." He frowned slightly before saying, "Dad told me to stay on you like a curse on a bratty Prince." The deity smiled as he got an idea.

"Maybe we can have our own fun?" Pit asked holding his brother's hand.

"Maybe...But we need a place to go."

"Um...How about a room at the town's inn?" Pit suggested.

"I don't know..." Autumn leaned into the teen's ear and whispered. "You're louder than a lot of others I've been with. However, there is the cave on the outskirts of the city. It's popular among kids who want a...private place to explore." The horse in human skin smiled at his half-brother knowingly.

Pit smiled and hugged his big brother. "Let's go there now," he said excitedly.

The bigger male picked the adolescent up and put him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and headed towards the cave. It was a long walk, about 30 minutes, and Autumn playfully rubbed the teen's rear as they walked through the heavily wooded outskirts of the city.

"Hey!" Pit said, "Put me down! I can walk you know."

"As the older brother, I believe this is overdue." The elder male slightly smacked the adolescent's ass.

Pit yelped and moaned lustfully for his older brother.

"Lucky for you not many people come to this forest. The cave should be over his next hill."

At last, they arrived and Pit was struggling to get down and mate with his brother right then and there.

Suddenly, they heard a voice from around the corner of the cavern.

"What was that?" Pit asked standing closer to Autumn and feeling nervous.

The god quietly looked around the corner and found two boys: a cat and a dog. Both males were showing off to each other and blushing deeply. Pit recognized the boy's as two he often got into fist fights with. The altercations were usually started by verbal exchanges of lack of manhood and penis size.

"What are they doing here?" Pit whispered as he watched to two anthroes.

The boys were shirtless and had their pants below their rears as they slowly worked on one another's cocks and leaned in to kiss.

Pit went wide eyed as he saw their lips on each other's.

The elder male pushed Pit around the corner. The sound of his stumbling alerted the black dog and orange, tabby cat, and they quickly stuffed their members back into their pants.

"Why'd you do that for?" Pit asked, looking peeved at his brother. "It was just getting good."

Autumn stayed behind the wall and grinned. The dig growled and spoke up, "What the hell are you doing here?" "Shit, it's Pit. Come looking for another fight?" The cat raised a paw and unleashed his claws in preparation.

Pit gulped and backed away slowly. "I'm sorry," he said nervously. "You see, I was with my brother and we wanted a place where we know..."

"You're not acting like yourself. We'd usually be swapping blows by now." The dog looked at the boy. The cat scoffed and declared, "He's planning something. Don't let your guard down. He put us in bed rest for five days last time."

"No, it's true, I've changed. Really," Pit said, but the cat punched him in the eye. Pit fell to the ground and for the first time ever...he began to cry real tears.

The dog went wide eyed. "I don't think he was lying. He's never cried from a punch before. Look he's not even trying to get up." "I'm not falling for it." He feline glared at the hound. "He's played defeated before, you idiot."

Just then, Autumn stepped forward and picked Pit up in his arms.

"Who the hell are you?" the tabby questioned.

"I'm the brother of the poor boy you slugged," the human version of Autumn said protecting his little brother.

"Poor boy? Do you know how many times he has put us in bandages?"

"Yes, and I've heard how you beat him after he just said sorry to you. Does your grudge hold power over your judgment?" the human said severely making the cat flinch and feel slightly frightened and ashamed.

"Just apologize, Zackary. Look is brother is with him, so he wasn't lying about that either." The dog's ears flattened on his head.

The cat sighed and walked up to Pit. "Okay," he said, "I'm sorry." The cat put a repentant paw on the fair-skin fleshy's face.

Pit looked at the cat and cupped his cheek. "I'm sorry for hurting you for all these years," he said in a half whimper.

The dog came behind the cat and also reached his paw out to caress Pit's back. "I'm sorry, too. Why were we fighting anyway?"

"I don't know," Pit said as Autumn set him gently on the ground, "Maybe I just wanted to show that I was tough and you guys...But I was wrong. I can't be as tough. Now, I just want a fresh start."

"Hey...Did you see what we were doing?" asked the shirtless feline as he blushed in a blood red.

"Yes.... and that was sort of close to what me and my brother were going to do," Pit said blushing as well. "We thought we would be alone up here but I guess we didn't expect this little surprise."

"Well...You wanna join us?"

"Sure...if you want us to," Pit asked, but it was Zachary who took the first move by kissing Pit on the lips, and the dog embraced Autumn as the human held the canine close kissing him as well.

The dog, Mathaius, put his paws on Autumn's rear and knead them over the gluteal globes. Shyly he said, "We're not very experienced. Really, Zackary and I have just stroked each other's staves before."

"Then, I think it's time you learned," Autumn said as he had the canine get down on his knees and begin sucking his currently human formed member.

The hound could only fit so much in, for the immortal had a fourteen inch member. Scratching the canine teen's head reassuringly, Autumn slowly pumped in and out only as much as the younger male could take. The feline undid his pants and exposed his half arousal to the human while maintaining the kiss.

"You can fill me if you like," Pit said breaking the kiss for a moment and blushing.

"Dry?" the cat asked with a shocked look.

"Well, you do have to prep me up first," Pit said with a small smile and kissed the tabby's nose.

The feline shyly unbuttoned the human's shirt and ran his paws over the fleshy's ripped torso. Mathaius tried to force more of the human member down his throat, but Autumn pulled the canine's head off and kissed him passionately. "I'm in no hurry, so there's no need to rush," he said as he gazed into the teen hound's eyes.

Pit moaned as soon as he felt Zachary's mouth upon his member, and the cat was purring while he suckled upon the other male's knob.

"Is this right?" The tabby asked as he pulled his muzzle away and pawed the human off.

"Ah... ye-yes," moaned Pit nodding his head.

The cat continued his oral work on the human as he pulled Pit's pants to the ground. Meanwhile, the dog was now on the ground. Autumn was licking and teasing the hound's chisel-headed cock with his tongue as the canine panted in the never before experienced heat.

"Zach...I want you to lick inside me. Get me ready for your member," Pit said raising his legs up and spreading them apart.

The cat pushed the legs over Pit's face as he gently lapped at the appetizing mound of puckered flesh. The heated hound was frantically trying to loosen his pants so that he could spread his legs to give the masquerading Fall Immortal more access to his throbbing, canine member.

Finally, it was Autumn who undid the dog's pants, and the canine was fully naked. "Get on all fours," the human said.

The black hound did as instructed with his fuzzy tail raised high to the sky. The cat stood and discarded his pants, allowing his barbed cock to breathe freely to the breeze.

Autumn knelt down and started penetrating Mathaius' chamber, making the dog moan and whimper. As for Pit, he was panting as Zachary's tongue continued to search him.

Stopping part way, the god leaned forward and held the dog as he kissed the charcoal fur gently on the back of the neck.

"Sir...I'm called, Mathaius, in case I didn't tell you before," the dog said as he felt Autumn hug him from behind. "I've never thought that mating would feel this incredible."

"It's not over yet," Autumn whispered as he slowly inserted his member into Mathaius.

The submissive hound whimpered and moaned as his love tunnel was slowly and roughly widened by the loving impalement of the disguised horse. Zachary positioned himself over the prostrate, heated human, who was panting in his own animalistic need for seed.

Autumn grunted as he thrust into the dog with his hands on Mathaius' hips. Pit lay on the ground as he watched Zachary prepare to enter his quivering chamber. "I've never done anything like this before," the cat said blushing as he realized what he was about to do.

The human cupped the cat's cheek and gazed into his eyes. "Just start slow. Don't worry, I'll tell you if it hurts." He offered him a soft smile.

"Oh, Pit," Zachary said, kissing the boy. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

Directing the other male's paw to his member, the human declared in a needy voice, "Touch me more. Show me what you feel."

Zachary grasped Pit's member and began to stroke it while he slowly drive his member in and out of the boy's chamber.

However, Zachary missed the first time, and he stopped, blushing at Pit. "Sorry."

"It's ok. Take your time to find my chamber door." Autumn and Mathaius had changed positions again. Autumn was now on the floor and waiting for the dog to sit his tenderized hole on the ready flesh rod.

Mathaius moaned as he slowly sat himself onto Autumn's member. "So...big," moaned the dog. Zachary couldn't help but feel emotional. He cupped Pit's cheek and continued to kiss him only to have tears in the cat's eyes.

The raven haired male turned so that his rear was facing the feline. He turned to the tabby and said gently, "This will be easier. Put your manhood in me slowly." His hands spread his ass apart so that his pucker was in full view for the feline.

"Do you want me to prep you some more or do you want me in now?" Zachary asked leaning over and kissing Pit's neck.

"Mmmmmmm. Loosen me up, Zach." The hound was now laying down and hugging the elder male under him. Autumn's human shaped scepter was still planted firmly inside of him as the canine trembled from the heat and sensations of first time sex ran throughout his body.

"You ready to be filled up, puppy," panted Autumn as he kept on thrusting.

Zachary nodded at Pit and then he kissed along the human's back till his tongue met with the boy's puckered entrance.

The dog could only nod his head, which was buried in the deity's chest. Pit moaned as he ground his round, toned ass into the cat's face. "Oh, yes! Make love to me, Zack."

Autumn gave a few more thrusts before sounding a heavy grunt as he hilted himself into Mathaius' chamber, making his sandwiched, knotted, flesh bone jerk and spill out his youthful seed all over them both.

Zack was busy purring and tasting the insides of Pit.

The dog's lusty howls echoes through the cave as he sat up straight, allowing his red dong to drench the tall, tan human's sweaty torso in rope after rope of teenage, canine jizz. Simultaneously, his young love tunnel contracted repeatedly to draw more and more of the masquerading god's seed into his body. He had to steady himself by holding Autumn's hands, which were supporting the hound's upper body over the older male's own. Meanwhile, the Fall Immortal just lay there in silent, softly grunting bliss, much in contrast to the boy's loud, reverberating orgasm. His fourteen inches twitched against the constrictions of the hound's deflowered hole as he let his chest be marked by the youth's liquid pups.

Pit looked back at Zack and knew what the feline was thinking. "Just put it in me slow, okay?" Pit said softly.

The orange tabby took a deep breath and lined himself up with the human's hole. He placed the head of his black, barbed member against the used pucker of the fair-skinned lad. "You nervous?" Pit asked, looking back at the hesitant feline.

Just as the human spoke, the cat had begun to thrust in slowly, causing him to moan as they gazed into each otherwise eyes.

Zack leaned forward and hugged Pit from behind as his boyhood delved deep inside the human's willing back entrance.

The feline hilted himself and stopped. Trembling, he braced himself to Pit who turned his head and kissed the tabby as he wrapped his legs around the fur's legs.

"Pit...I don't know if I'm doing this the right way," the striped feline said, panting in almost a whimper. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not. Just take your time." Pit was panting from the fleshy pipe in his rear.

Zachary leaned down and kissed Pit on the back of his neck before thrusting like a feral cat.

Pit felt so pleasured that he grabbed at the cave floor from instinct. He moaned in bottoming lust as he threw himself backwards to get the cat even deeper within him.

Zachary even gave love bites on Pit's neck as he felt himself getting close for Pit knew that cats always bit when they were about to spill.

The boy readied himself for the impending chomp. At last, Zachary bit down hard as Pit felt his chamber being filled. The cat hugged Pit, who had reared his head back and screamed reflexively from the feline's piercing fangs, tightly and kissed his neck to make up for the bites. Then, the two collapsed upon the floor and panted in post-coital exhaustion.

"I love you, Pit," Zack panted kissing the human's cheek.

"I'm glad we made up." Pit nuzzled their faces together.

"So, am I," Mathaius said crawling over to them, and he and Zachary kissed lovingly.

The three boys shared a few quiet moments of intimacy in a cuddle pile. Then, Autumn, dressed in his clothes, used his big toe to poke his half-brother.

Pit looked up and smiled at Autumn. "Aren't you going to join?" he asked.

The elder male returned the smile as he kneeled down. Patting the boy's head, he declared, "I would, but we need to get going."

After Zachary and Mathaius got dressed, said their goodbyes and left, Pit turned to Autumn and said, "We still haven't mated with each other yet."

The immortal smiled. "There is plenty of time for that later. Now, we have to get going." Then, he hoisted Pit over his shoulder as he did before." With the teen on his shoulder, he dashed out of the cave at a godly speed.

"WHOA!" gasped Pit as he held on tightly to Autumn.

When they stopped, they were on the dirt path to Pit's mothers' house.

Pit gasped and smiled as he raced towards his home. "MOM! MOTHER! I'M HOME!!" he called as he saw his mothers outside doing chores.

The two women looked upon and smiled joyously at their son's return.

Once they met up with each other, they started hugging each other tightly with tears of joy.

Giselle, the boy's lioness mom declared, "It seems like it's been so long! Our boy is back home!" His basset hound mother, Mavis, kissed his cheek before stating. "It's only for the night, so we have to make the most of it." This was the boy's surprise, a night with his family before the next step in his trials.

"I missed you both so much," Pit whimpered as he rested his head on Mavis' shoulder and Giselle stroked his head gently.

"Let's go have dinner." Mavis declared. "I made your favorite."


The next day, Autumn and Pit were walking back through the woods to the Summer Stallion's domain.

Sevrin was the first to greet Pit when he came up to the area. The wolfdog leaped and put his front paws on Pit's shoulders and started licking the boy's face with his tail wagging like crazy.

The feral pushed the boy to the ground as he protested. "Ok, Ok. I missed you two, Sevrin." Pit declared as he tried to push the hound off of him.

Sevrin whimpered, but then Pit smiled and hugged the wolf by his neck and placed several kisses on him.

Soon, Saimus could be heard swinging on some vines. He yelled joyously as he swung from a tall tree and landed square on the dog, causing him to collapse onto and squish the human.

"Hey, kiddo!" the monkey said with a grin. "Where've you been? Old Puppy-Dog here was missing you something awful."

"Shut it, monkey," the feral declared calmly. "Besides you were the one calling out his name when you masturbated last night." Sevrin snickered as the simian went red in his brown face.

Pit managed to lift both of them up into the air as he stood before gently laying the dog down on the ground. "By the way, where's Knightuing?" Pit asked, "I've got a surprise for each of you."

The quail was sitting right outside of the Summer Immortal's domain. He was sitting on a tree branch and reading an old book. At the sound of his name, he simply raised a wing in acknowledgement to the human, and continued his reading as he waited for him and the other two to arrive where he was.

"Knightuing, can you come down for a minute? I have something to give you," Pit called as Sevrin and Saimus followed.

The avian took a moment to close the book he was reading, before jumping from the branch and landing on his toes without a sound. In a silent yet not unpleasant voice, he asked, "What is it?"

"You'll see," Put said with a smile as he reached into his bag for the gifts he got for them.

First, he placed the leafy green collar gently around the feral hound's neck. "This is quite nice, Pit," the dog replied with a smile before licking the teenager's face with his slobbery tongue.

Pit smiled and hugged the dog's neck. Then, he came up to Saimus and presented him with the red scarf.

The monkey wrapped the garment around his neck before hugging the human tightly. "It suits me beautifully, Pit."

The boy returned the hug and kissed the monkey on the cheek. "Knightuing," he said while holding up a small box. "This one's for you."

The quail accepted and opened the box. His only response was a small but noticeable smile.

"So do you like the-" Before Pit said anything else, Knightuing kissed Pit on the lips right then and there. The action surprised the boy, but he then hugged the avian as he returned the kiss to him.

At that moment, the Summer Immortal appeared behind the boy. The brown stallion's black mane wafted in the breeze as he chortled. "Just a few short days ago, you'd never be this open with your emotions."

"I hope to get home soon, Dad," Pit said hugging his equine father. "I miss my moms so much already."

The eldest male gently laid a hoof on his half-son's shoulder. "Soon, Pit. I promise. However, there is something that you need to do." Summer motioned for Autumn, who stood behind him, to come forward.

"What is it?" Pit asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

Autumn spoke up, "There is a monster in the next kingdom over...You need to slay him."

"But...what can I do? I don't know the first thing about fighting a monster," Pit said acting a bit scared, but he was comforted when he felt Sevrin pad up and rub against his leg.

"We know that you can win. After all, you won't be alone." The younger equine motioned to the boy's companions.

Pit smiled and hugged his three companions. "I couldn't have asked for a better team of friends...and lovers," he said with a smile.

Summer smiled confidently. "It will be a long journey, leaving you time to train as you travel; I have complete faith in you, son."

"Yes, Father," Pit said hugging the Summer Stallion and kissing his lips.

With that, Pit set off on his journey. He grew closer to his friends and trained to better himself physically and mentally. He became slightly muscular and had to have his clothes tailored to fit his new, slightly bulkier body. Before he knew it, the night before they would arrive at their destination had come.

"Well," Pit said as the sky grew darker. "I guess this is it." He knelt down and hugged Sevrin tightly, and he was soon joined by Saimus and Knightuing.

Acting unusually out of character, the avian was the first to kiss the human.

Pit gasped but then he went deeper into the kiss. "I love you guys so much," Pit said slightly whimpering as small tears rolling down his cheeks.

The feral hound licked away his tears as the monkey said, "You have no need to fear, Pit. You've gotten a lot stronger over the year, and you have us by your side."

"I know," Pit said. "But is it okay to admit I'm scared?"

Saimus put a caring paw on Pit's head. "Yes it is. I'm scared too, and I'm sure Sevrin and Knightuing are."

"But it's how we face our fears that makes us brave," Sevrin said.

"For without fear, there can be no courage," Knightuing added.

Pit smiled as tears of joy from the warmth he's feeling filled his entire body. The teen couldn't stop himself from hugging all three of his companions tightly.

Soon, he composed himself as he took a deep breath. "Ready?" he asked as he took out a sword which his father, the Summer Stallion, gave him.

The blade was a long sword that shimmered softly in the glow of the campfire. Light was its source of power, meaning that it reflected the power of any radiance around it. The hilt was green at the guard, yellow and red at the handle, and brown at the bottom, symbolizing the change of the seasons. "Yes," the three declared in unison, for the next day, they would put their lives on the line.

When morning came, they all walked for a very long time until they all heard a deep roar.

The sound in question was so powerful, that the very land shook. In the distance, they saw the entrance to the ogre's city, where the monster sat and planned his persecution, taxation, and rape of the people of the surrounding area.

"It's time to put a stop to this tyrant," Pit said boldly.

They sneaked quietly up to a destroyed wall and hid behind the remnants of the base. The group looked over the rubble to see the monster sitting on a throne. The ogre was gargantuan, porcine, and as red as molten lava. As he spoke, many lesser ogres stood at his side as they listened to his decree. His deep voice bellowed, "I'm tired of this kingdom, where are my strategists? I hunger for a fresh land to dominate. After the banquet, we shall start planning to advance to a new land."

"Okay, we're in," Pit whispered to his companions. "Should we attack now?"

The quale whispered, "He who knows his enemy is guaranteed to win one hundred battles...We should observe until they go to bed, and strike when their guard is down. In the meantime, gather whatever information we can."

Pit nodded. "Okay, but how long do we have till they fall asleep?" he asked. "Leave it to me," Knightuing said pulling out a few feathers and sleeping gas pellets.

"This gas is odorless and colorless. It's time released so they should fall asleep soon after eating that big banquet they have set up,"

"Okay. Oh, and Knightuing," Pit said before kissing the avian. "Please be careful."

The bird bowed and disappeared like the wind to set to his work. Stealthy, the avian moved around the room as he strategically tossed the pellets. Then, he returned back to the group. "It is done."

"You're back," Pit said holding Knightuing's hand. "We were worried."

"Did you complete your task," Sevrin asked as he looked to the bird, who simply nodded in reply.

Before long the banquet commenced, and all the ogres present began tearing away savagely at the food provided. As the king ogre bit into an over-sized turkey leg, a pellet exploded, filling his mouth with the odorless, colorless smoke. Soon, all the monsters were coughing from the smoke in their faces.

"CHARGE!" yelled Pit with his sword drawn and the other following suit.

As they broke formation, the human took his father's sword and swung for the ogre's neck. However, the monster still managed to brandish his mace and block the boy's blade. Acting quickly, the adolescent hero dove under the monster.

Meanwhile, Pit's friends made quick work of the lesser monsters to allow him to focus upon the ogre king. Sevrin chomped clean through the crowd with his teeth; Saimus used his agility to slash at the fatigued soldiers; and his honed skills to quick kill many enemies, even managing to peck a few in the chests to stop their heartbeats.

After dodging a strong swing of the biggest monster's mace, the human plants his sword through the evil one's feet, causing him to scream in pain as he is stuck to the floor. Then, Pit pulls the cloth frapped item from his a holster strapped around his back. He swiftly untied the knot and tossed the fabric into the lava red ogre's face, blinding the towering behemoth, and leapt into the air as he swung his mom's lucky axe with at the all of his might.

It made a direct hit cutting the monster's head clean off. The force was strong enough to make the head fly up into the rafters, and the monster's lifeless body hit the floor like an abandoned puppet.

The others did the same to what was left of the ogre's followers till there was nothing and no one left.

"Yes! Victory!" Pit raised his hands to the sky as he rejoiced.

Pit rushed to the others and hugged all three of them. "We did it!" he said happily.

A sound was heard from deep within the castle, and they immediately rushed to the doors of a huge room.

"What is it?" Pit asked as he looked to Sevrin, who was smelling the air.

"I smell," he began as his eyes suddenly widened, "the Summer Stallion!" Just then the giant doors began to open.

The Immortal of Summer stood in the doorway as gold coins and treasures shimmered, reflecting his sunny aura.

"Dad, what is all of this?" Pit asked stepping forward.

"Well...Seeing as I haven't done much for you and how much progress you've made, I thought I'd let you have the ogre's bounty. Don't worry about the villagers who abandoned the village. I'll see that everything is restored and better than new as well as compensate them." The horse approached his son and placed a shoulder upon his offspring's shoulder. "Consider it overdue child support from a deadbeat dad."

Pit looked up at the horse and smiled. "Dad...You're the greatest!" he declared hugging him, and the horse warmly returned the hug.

Some days later Pit was back home, where a welcome party was waiting for him.

"Mama...Mom," Pit cried out as he saw his mothers running to him, and he ran towards them and they met half way, hugging each other tightly as they all tearfully laughed together.

The boy decided to repay his mothers for the time they spent raising him and how much of an ingrate he was before. He used some of his money to have a big house built for them closer to town so that his mom could conduct her business without having to leave so often. The house was on a fertile property, where his mother could grow all the plants and food she could want, thus adding to their income. Not far away Pit had his own house built for himself and his companions. He also became a stand up member of the village and a role model for the other young men, who began to emulate his demeanor.

Later, on the first night in their new home, Pit, Sevrin, Saimus, and Knightuing were having dinner. "I want to make a toast," he said raising a glass. "Here's to our friendship, our love, and to my mothers and father."

"Cheers!" They all shouted before drinking from their cups, save for Sevrin, who drank from a doggy bowl.

After dinner, Pit led them up stairs to an enormous bed and then the black haired teen turned to his companions. "I want to offer myself to you, my friends," he said. "I want to know if you'll accept me as I am: a simple boy who loves you all."

Before he knew it, the boy was embraced by his friends. Saimus and Knightuing held the boy tightly as Sevrin got on his hind legs and wrapped his forelegs around all three.

Pit closed his eyes as he hugged his friends and they all met in a four way kiss.

From behind, the avian began to unbutton the boy's dress shirt as Saimus undid Pit's pants. Sevrin slipped his head in and lapped lovingly at the teen's nipples.

Pit moaned as his legs felt like jelly, and he was carried to the bed while the others continued to pleasure him.

The quale was kneeling over his head as he leaned in to tenderly kiss the lad upon his lips. Saimus freed Pit's member from his tented pants. Meanwhile, the feral lightly nibbled on the teen's neck.

Pit moaned as he ran a hand on the back of the quale's head, and he used the other to rub Sevrin's head.

Saimus suddenly took Pit's member into his muzzle, causing the adolescent to gasp, shutter, and remove his hand from Knightuing's head to begin fingering the bird's slit.

The avian cuntboy grunted as put lovingly yet forcefully double fingered his feathery slit. The monkey undressed himself and resumed his sucking of the fleshy's member. Sevrin now got behind the bird and lapped at his anus. Knightuing let out a girlish whimper as he was pleasured at both ends, and human moaned as he felt the monkey lapping his pre.

Pit sat up and said to his companions, "I want us to mate all in one..." with a slight blush across his face.

Saimus got behind Knightuing as Pit got in front of the avian, and then the human felt Sevrin's paws on his shoulders.

The youth and simian thrust into Knightuing, and Pit was impaled by the canine when he felt Sevrin enter him. The three penetrators slowly pumped in and out of their respective holes as they moaned and shuttered in carnal pleasure. Pit and Knightuing especially gripped one another from the double ended stimulation they were both feeling.

They both hugged and kissed each other while Sevrin and Saimus were pumping into them. The dog was panting so hard that his tongue was hanging out, and he was drooling onto the teen's neck and shoulders.

Pit turned his head to kiss the dog and he stuck out his tongue to taste Sevrin's mouth, and it felt intoxicatingly irresistible.

Moaning into the bigger male's muzzle, he began pounding hard into Knightuing's vagina as he lost control of his lustful desires.

Knightuing began whimpering as he felt both the monkey and human's thrust hit him in both of his love tunnels, and Saimus was playing with the bird's nipples from behind as he thrust.

The human couldn't take it anymore. He held tightly to the avian and hooked his elbows under the taller male's arms to pull their bodies closer together. Then, he screamed in pleasure as his member delved deeper into Knightuing as deep as he could, causing him to go over the carnal edge. His male essence surged forth in stream after stream from the extra stimulation of Sevrin hitting his prostate relentlessly.

However, Saimus and the dog were far from finished. They both kept thrusting and pounding at those two for a few more minutes.

The anthroes and the feral where on the verge of orgasm as Pit held Knightuing tightly in anticipation.

He kissed the avian passionately as they both felt Saimus and Sevrin release their seeds, and the dog's knot locked inside Pit's chamber.

The bird grunted in orgasm as well, gripping the human's flesh staff with his cunt and soaking the boy's midsection and pelvis with hot, frothy, vaginal fluids.

Pit panted and caressed Knightuing's face as he kissed the avian's beak. "That was amazing...More so than usual," Pit panted with a smile.

Panting the bird just kissed the youth on the lips as all four of them nestled together.

From that night onward, they all stayed together, looking out for each other and caring for one another. Their relationship was forever proof that love comes in all forms.