Kentanni and Wrasir Miflyron - Sensual Siblings

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art/Wrasir - Foxra

Writing/Kentanni - Runa

I absolutely LOVE these characters even if they're a little too into each other and I'm not into incest.

I Wanted to write the tale of their first experimental encounter with one another, but they were 'underage' in that (Not really due to a technically, but FA won't see it that way).

I also love these characters, but I admit wholeheartedly that the backstory wasn't well told. It's been my writer's block for a week not able to go anywhere with it, so here it is anyway!

Yes, this is a sweet little incest tale. Yes, I could do better. No that doesn't mean I don't love the characters.

Kentanni and Wrasir Miflyron

The relationship between twin hippogryph siblings Kentanni and Wrasir is a peculiar one, its oddness brewing since their hatching. Born of a pygmy falcon mother and an unknown father presumed to be a hippogryph due to their mostly avian but partially equine genetics, the two shared a single large egg that was nearly too big for their mother to lay, nearly killing her. This was an omen for their life going forward as their shared pre-hatching accommodations stunted their growth even moreso than their siblings and mother.

Ever since their hatchling life, the two had always been bonded to one another to a greater degree than most siblings would, as they found the most comfort and happiness with each other amidst a life of hardship and adversity. To their respective eyes, they were collectively the only ones that understood the other, so they were the only ones each other could trust.

Both were quite small, standing no more than 77 centimeters (About 2'6") each even when fully grown, so they were even smaller in their youth and more vulnerable. Since they were the runts of their clutch, their older brothers and sisters tended to go about their lives, forgetting about both Kentanni and Wrasir. Given their diminutive stature, they found themselves perpetually targets of other, larger kids while at school and remained the butt of all jokes when adults, much to their chagrin. Their other siblings, all five of them, were a bit larger and more willing to take care of themselves when away from the nest, and therefore weren't targeted as often at any stage in life. After all, Kentanni and Wrasir shared a single egg and were stunted from hatching, so they stood out in the worst possible way.

While still young, their companionship didn't seem to be anything too out of the ordinary, at least not to outsiders. They could be found often playing together, sharing friends, and rarely participating in activities that the other did not also join in on, which meant that as they grew they followed vaguely similar paths through their first years of schooling. It wasn't until their adolescence that the two drifted apart, but they were never truly far from one another and found themselves finding excuses to spend more time together.

The twins share many personality traits, but also are unique to one another in their lifestyle and attitude. For example, both of them have an inferiority complex wherein they get unreasonably upset by mentions of their size, any form of patronizing jest, or actions that serve to remind them that they're much smaller than the average agen (person). These hot-button topics trigger a severe personality shift, resulting in uncharacteristic anger. They also are violently protective of one another - a remnant from their hatchling days when they were the only ones looking after each other.

Both of the hippogryph twins are known among their collective friends for those severe mood swings. While most of the time they are both pleasant and happy, their triggers set them off in an aggressive, occasionally violent way. This is something they are both aware of and put forth actual effort to avoid, but if they're taken over the top, they explode. Befriending one - and subsequently the other - tends to be a bit of a minefield as both are similar in some ways but vastly different in others.

Wrasir is a more quiet and reserved fellow, preferring to listen than to talk, which gives him the image of one who cares and is selfless. This is something of a ruse, as he does care quite a lot about himself and thinks quite fondly of his skills and abilities but he also is full of compassion and empathy, especially towards his twin sister. He remains calm and reasonable at all times, unless one of his defensive triggers are pressed, such as being patronized about his height in any way or someone taking advantage of his sister. Somewhat cynical about the world, he believes agens to be inherently cruel and unworthy of his respect until proven wrong.

On the flip side, Kentanni is a bit more bubbly, chipper, and optimistic. Her basic mentality is one that sees the good in people until she's been proven wrong, but like Wrasir she has a series of triggers that makes her personality change. Initially, she likes to cuddle and preen, nuzzle and scritch at others in a perpetual need for affection, but the moment someone misconstrues this as sexual advances and makes a sexual move at her, she goes from affectionate to aggressive, resulting in clawed flesh and pecked eyes. Much of this comes from the fact that, as early as when she was a teen, she found people only had interest in her for the hope of mating with her.

Since she's so small, she's something of a trophy for many people she comes across. Given her petite form, it's a fair assumption that she'd be tighter than any normal sized agen, and for those with extreme size difference fetishes, the fantasy of seeing their cock bulging out in her belly was the ultimate source of arousal. She discovered this soon after blossoming at a young age, as a classmate tried to force himself on her.

Luckily, both Kentanni and Wrasir possessed naturally potent magic, and she was able to fend off her would-be rapist with a blast of electric energy followed by a powerful gust of wind that took her high in the sky and back home, where she met up with Wrasir. Naturally, he listened to her tale through the tears with a steely look upon his face the entire time. He knew his sister well, and knew her to be easy to take advantage of if the situation allowed it since she was so kind and helpful to all she met.

That was what inspired Wrasir to take up magic lessons, so he could obtain great strength beyond his size by utilizing physical magic such as telekinesis and element-free energy pushes. As a hippogryph, he was naturally adept with spells and had a physical strength far greater than one would expect given his 76cm stature. Those two elements mixed to eventually make him a formidable 10th degree physical mage. This was solely done not only to aid himself, but also to protect his sister and get back at the boy who had tried to take advantage of her.

Put simply, that boy never touched a bird again.

However, that encounter from start to finish scarred Kentanni, leaving her untrustworthy of males and constantly on edge in regards to her sexuality. This was what eventually gave her the hair trigger she nurtured in regards to her unwillingness to participate with anyone who made the first move. As long as she initiated sexual contact, her partners knew that she was happy to share her body with them, but if they dared touch her without asking first, they were burned in her eyes immediately.

Her resistance to traditional intimacy brought her back to her brother time and time again, as almost every male she cuddled with tried to make a move on her and was immediately rejected. Every time, he held her and preened her back and never once tried anything too forward and physical; in truth, he didn't even consider her as a sexual object.

It wasn't until she made the off comment about how he was the only one she trusted to be intimate with her that his mind grew curious about that statement's meaning, a curiosity that percolated in his mind until he dared ask her to elaborate.

They both lost their virginity, that night, to each other.

After that encounter, their bond grew even closer. Their intimacy blossomed into something special that they had to keep a secret, which pained them but it didn't stop them from running off to someplace quiet to indulge one another. Time and time again they found excuses to be alone, offering to help with chores or errands that would grant them solitude from watching eyes so they could explore one another, slowly developing their sexuality as they did so.

Kentanni and Wrasir both were smart, even as teens, so they knew that what they did wasn't socially acceptable in most circles - hence their insistence on keeping their trysts a secret - but that didn't stop them from twisting and contorting their lives to get closer to one another. Deep down inside, they just wanted companionship with one they could trust and were never - or at least rarely - looking for physical affection, but that's often where their meet-ups took them.

The trust shared between the twins was what kept them both eager to feel the touch of each other, as Kentanni knew that Wrasir was never looking for intimacy and would be happy just cuddling if ever that's all they did together. He just wanted to look out for her, and she just wanted to be cuddly. Somehow, this melted into a frequently intimate bond.

Life is as it is, and their actions were a perpetual cycle wherein they'd part ways for a few weeks or months, enjoy their own experiences and hopes and dreams, then return to each other in a bittersweet reminder that the only one they loved was the other. Kentanni would try to flirt and date, but so few seemed interested unless sex was involved, which was a huge turn-off for her. Wrasir tried to get himself out on the town, but he had the opposite problem as his diminutive stature meant that any females he wanted to be close to dismissed him, thinking him to be unsatisfying of a partner.

Due to this, both siblings were able to lower their beak to the grind and focus on their studies. Kentanni went into nursing, feeling that such a profession would be perfect for her as she had tiny little hands, a keen eye, a desire to heal others, and adept magic that could be used to seal wounds or reverse damage in tissue. Wrasir went on to be an engineer, as he had the mathematical prowess needed to handle that sort of job, plus the physical magic he had grown adept at helped him with the large equipment he came to handle for it.

It wasn't until after their respective graduations that they felt it was time to rekindle that flame of their youth.

Almost a year had passed since their last encounter, as their final years of study had proven to be quite taxing and had taken them to different edges of the continent. Both were native to Arrenthen, yet Kentanni had studied in Untheria and Wrasir in Tehgol, each for their respective specialties.

During her entire ceremony, Kentanni had dreamed about how proud she must have made her brother. He was there, in attendance as she received her degree on stage with the rest of their family at his side in the audience giving a hearty round of applause.

After the ceremony, she rejoined her family, making a conscious effort to give Wrasir a big, floofy hug. Congratulations were given, drinks were had, jubilation occurred, and the two of them slipped out together to talk in private while the other graduates partied and their family took their leave. Their siblings and mother knew they liked to be alone and didn't care to intrude.

"So, how does it feel?" He asked with a gaping grin, hand out to cradle her hips and hold her close. "To be done with school and all that? Any fundamental changes in your outlook?"

She smiled and leaned into him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "Well, I can think of one change in me but it has nothing to do with school. It's nice to have you back, it's been too long Ras." She used his nickname, voice wavering in a trill.

He whinnied at her a bit, chuckling as he gave her rump a gentle squeeze. "Now Kentanni, it hasn't been that long. No need to-"

"It's been a year, Wrasir. A full year. Just shut up and accept that I miss you and that I'm glad to see you again." The two of them walked under some short bushes in the back lot of the Untherian University, hiding from the light of the moon and the hundreds of other students that were still at the concert hall. This was how both preferred to be, left alone and in solitude sans the select few they trust and respect. Each other.

"Yes of course, Kenta." He purred back, using her nickname back. "So what's next for you? Got any plans for work? Gonna take a year off to see the world?"

Kentanni turned to look at him, arm still around his waist as she smiled. "Nope, was going to come back to Castle Arrenthen, get a job working for the king and queen in their personal infirmary, and have an excuse to stay closer to you. After you graduated last month and came back home, I figured it would make the most sense to follow in your wing. Can't imagine spending another year without you."

He tried to hold back a smile, but couldn't help grinning. "I'm glad to hear it, but I'm really not so sure that's a good idea. You know what happens when we get together." He was, of course, trying to make it clear he didn't wish to take advantage of her even though he could. No matter what happened, he wanted her happiness first and foremost, never caring about his own needs or wants. Every time she subtly hinted that she might want something from him, he was sure to let her know that he was there for her and not trying to get under that tail of hers.

Deep down inside, he kinda felt bad about taking her when she deserved a proper long-term mate and they couldn't be together. In his mind, he felt like he was robbing her of true love and tried to kindly and politely reject her so she might gain the confidence and interest in other males.

"And why in the world would you think that's a bad thing?" She asked with a chirp. "All these years, all these potential suitors, and I've never met anyone as caring as you."

Wrasir knew where this was going. "Well, yeah, but I'm your brother. I have to care for you, it's my job."

She pecked him on the cheek and pulled away from him, wings partially spreading as she glanced back over her shoulder. "True, true, but you care a lot more than you have to. You could be like any of the others, only caring for me when it suits you, but that's not how you are. Don't think I don't recognize that." Kentanni crouched down and leapt, bursting through the bushes to flap her wings and fly her way up to the branches of a nearby tree that was overlooking the campus. When she landed, she called down to Wrasir. "Come on, I'll show you my perch."

He glanced up between the now-parted bush branches at his sister, catching a brief glimpse of her loins from under her skirt. He noticed she was quite moist, and he knew that such excitement would invariably lead to her presenting to him. He didn't really mind - she was the only female who loved his physical attention on a regular basis - but he always felt like he might be taking advantage of her since they fooled around literally every time they met since hitting puberty. "What do you mean by perch, Kenta?"

"It's where I go to study. Nice little setup with the branches that is perfect for reclining and reading." She motioned for him to come up, the lights from the nearby amphitheater highlighting her form. She looked beautiful yet fragile, inviting yet reserved. Years of fear for abuse and sexual invasion had left her unwilling to invite any to the temple that was her body. This meant that any and all invitations she gave out were special, reserved only for the best of the best. "Come on." She said with a meek smile. "I need you."

Wrasir couldn't help himself when she gave him that look and used that tone of voice, especially not when he could see right up her skirt to that plump set of lips she liked flashing at him to entice his more carnal desires. He leapt into the tree next to her, using his physical magic instead of his wings to propel him to the branches. The tree itself was gnarled, with thick bark perfect for gripping with his talons and plenty of protrusions that made for perfect perches.

She stood a few branches above him, smiling as she looked down while relishing her slightly higher stature. Made her feel good to seem taller than others. "How do you like it?"

"It's a tree." He said with a blank stare. "I like trees, but there's nothing special about it except that it has you in it."

"Flattery, Ras? You know you don't need to do that." She said with a trill, leaning over with her talons gripping a branch to ensure she didn't fall over. "Come on, my perch is in the upper branches; I can see most of the campus from there. I want to show you." Before he could respond, she turned and leapt up from one branch to the next, fluttering her wings to do tiny flips in midair and looking graceful as a cat as she did so.

Though he wasn't too keen on chasing after her, he happily leapt up after her and kept pace, eyes trained on the glistening folds of her loins. "I don't need to do a lot of things, but I still feel likeI should. I strive to be a decent agen, and complimenting people when they deserve it is a pleasant first step in that. Do you agree?" His eyes weren't the best in the dark, but the reflection of the lights managed to illuminate her just right, giving him a perfect view. He stared, right until he felt the splash of something wet landing on his cere - the flesh between beak and cheek. Instantly, the aroma of it invaded his nostrils, making him pause and hold in place as Kentanni kept leaping higher.

When she noticed that he'd fallen behind, she paused and looked down at him, legs spread wide on different branches as she did so. "Hey, what's taking you so long, don't you want to see my special place?" She knew that he could see her unmentionables, which is why she was so thoroughly teasing.

"Yeah, sorry sis. I do, just got a little distracted by-" He was cut off by the image of her equine folds tensing in a wink, pink inner flesh pushing out as her clit throbbed and squirted a creamy strand of slimy arousal down onto a nearby branch. "By that." He shook his head clear of the confusion and leapt to the next branches with renewed vigor, hungry for what his brethren had to offer. She was even more excited than usual, and it was clear she had something special planned for him. He quickly caught up to her, nipping at her ankles before she took one final leap into what looked like a chair made out of vines. Her special perch appeared to be a specially grown knot of branches and bark, positioned with a malleable rest and rump spot. If Wrasir didn't know any better, he'd have assumed she molded it herself.

"How do you like it?" She asked, flopping onto the chair-shaped bundle of branches while raising one leg so that her skirt fell up on her lap and exposed her moist ebony lips.

Wrasir blinked and gulped, sniffing at the aroma-rich fluid on his beak that she'd dripped upon him. "You or the spot?"

"Either? Both? I just want to know if you're in the mood for some fun." She shifted in place and raised her other leg over another branch that acted like an arm rest, the parting of her inner thighs spreading her lips and gaping her hungry loins a bit, the slim sliver of bright red flesh glistening with arousal. "I've been saving myself for you all semester."

A twinge of sadness washed over Wrasir as the smile faded from his face. "Why would you do that?" He asked, slowly shaking his head while still stepping up to have his head at her hip level, giving him a perfect angle view at that gaping pussy of hers. Though he pitied her desire to save herself for him when he knew he couldn't be her mate, he still had a desire for her flesh that rivaled all those whom she'd rejected.

"Why wouldn't I?" She countered with a gape-grin as she grabbed at the edge of her skirt, holding it up as she winked at him - her loins, not her face. "I gave up trying for anyone else years ago. You know how they are. 'Oh, Kenta must be super tight, let's try to get with her!' they say to themselves, hoping that I have the sexual drive of an estrus mare. No, Ras, I have no interest in university blokes, they literally just want me for my body; but you, you know me inside and out, front and back. You understand me, you've gone through all the same things I have, and we're both closer because of it. In all my years, I've never met someone as into me as you are."

"Maybe that's because we're twins." He posited. "We know each other because we virtually lived the same life, nobody could possibly understand you more than me." He leaned in, grabbing at two nearby branches to ensure he didn't fall over as his beak grew ever close to her loins, the scent enveloping him with a thick mist of her pheromones.

She wagged her hips a bit, smiling down at him. "Exactly. And I guess the fact that you don't want me makes you all the more appealing to me." As she spoke, she slipped one hand down around the edge of her skirt to lightly prod at her throbbing equine clitoris, moistening her talons as she did so.

"And what makes you think I don't want you? And are you sure your psychology classes aren't getting the better of you?" Still he leaned in closer, his beak mere inches from her.

Kentanni slid downwards, threatening to rub her lips on his beak. "I know you don't want me, not the same way you want a mate of your own or how I want a partner I can start a family with. The only reason you are willing to pleasure me is because we're smart enough to not get me pregnant." With his beak cresting her lips, she clenched her pelvic muscles and winked, spurting a tiny gob of her arousal onto him.

He didn't flinch in the slightest, just stared up over her form with a grin as he licked the juice off his beak. "You're not wrong, but you know we won't be able to do this forever. I'm pretty sure mom knows, and....and...." He paused as she slid her hips down lower, rubbing herself against him. His eyes fluttered as he tentatively extended his tongue into her, the tangy sweetness of her depths a pleasant taste to sate his hunger. "And I think you deserve better than me, at least as a partner."

"There are none better than you." She countered, grabbing him by the ear while being careful to not yank at the earrings lining it to shove his face into her crotch, squirming and grinding against him as she did so. While he leaned back into her, purring and chirping into her depths, she whispered into his ear, "And if I ever find someone as sweet and caring as you, then you can be sure I'll jump them. In the mean time, I want you and I want you hard, if you hadn't noticed." This was quite uncharacteristic of her, as she was usually sweet and kind and cuddly, but she had been saving herself for him for months now and she had quite the intense need.

Wrasir nodded - his beak still partially buried inside her - as he lapped and caressed her inner walls with his tongue. She tasted so wonderful, and was softer than he'd ever felt her in the years they'd been together, her lips velvety smooth and her pussy swollen and throbbing around him. As he got more of her flavor, he leaned in and licked heavily, sucking back every bit of juice she had to offer, his ravenous slurping enticing her into a series of spinal twitches that grinded her loins at him. He knew he had her in his control and could do anything he wanted by now, so he tried something to pleasure her while saving his own arousal, by using his physical magic to part her lips and gape her to the cervix, the pressure he offered to her walls a counterbalance to the squeezing of her pelvic muscles.

"O-oh, what are you doing?" She asked, her voice meek and muffled as she buried her snout into her chest fluff on her breast plate. "I like that."

He rubbed his beak off and extended forward to lick at her throbbing clit, tongue dancing around it and between it and her folds as his magic continued to pummel her depths. HE kept her gaped open that way despite her attempts to clench down on whatever it was spreading her wide, grinding down on his magic as her walls quivered and tiny spurts of her arousal burst out to his neck and lower beak. "I'm glad you do, would you like me to continue?"

His offer was simple and enticing to Kentanni, but she wanted something else from him. She grabbed at his chest feathers and pulled him up so he was standing over her, and she unbuckled her skirt with her other hand. "You know what I want, Ras. I'd love if you could...breed me." After tossing her skirt, she unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it over the branch with it.

Wrasir cocked his head to the side, his distraction rescinding his physical magic and letting her walls close up with a juicy squelch followed by a satisfied wink. "Come again?" He pressed, unsure of how to take that. Their rule was simple, when they fooled around, he couldn't finish inside her for fear of precisely that. "You know I can't-"

She cut him off by pulling him in close and pressing her cheek to his. "It's been a long eight months, Ras, I need it and I want it all inside me. I want to see what it's like to have you fill me with your love."

"But aren't you in heat?" He protested, glancing down to her plump pussy lips dripping with arousal; she only got this way at the peak of her estrus.

Kentanni reached down to slip her hands through his belt, feeling at his growing member. "So?"

In his mind he should have stopped her, since she was going a bit farther than they agreed on, but in the throes of passion he was having a hard time countering her too-simple counter argument. "But...eggs?"

"What about them? People drop eggs all the time, nobody needs to know if they're fertilized, really. I lay an egg either way, whether you breed me or not, I can dispose of it either way." She grinned at him, beak agape and chest heaving with lust, every syllable from her beak a chattering chirp.

In truth, Wrasir had contemplated such alternates in the past, knowing well that avian types were able to get away without using birth control if they had no qualms with dumping fertilized, unwanted eggs. He wasn't exactly comfortable with it, but he also knew that it might be the only option if he was so dedicated to not disappointing her. In the end, he always ended up doing whatever she asked for or wanted, he daren't deny her what she craved most for fear of getting cut off. He may have been powerful and dominant in his day to day life, but with his sister she was the boss.

"So? Wanna try it?" She pushed, loins still throbbing and winking at him to show just how much she wanted it. "I'd really, really like if you did, I've craved your seed in me for years now and I don't think I can wait any longer."

"Just once?" He asked for clarification, hoping he could coerce her into not doing this again.

She raised an eyebrow and swished her tail over the branches beneath them, smiling all the while. "Why only once if you enjoy it? I already told you the eggs will be disposed of whether they're fertilized or not, so why be so hesitant about it? I know you want to do it as much as I do, I saw your eyes light up when I asked for it."

This was true, even though Wrasir didn't want to admit it at first. He had a twitch of excitement at the prospect of not having to pull out and endure the cold of the air instead of the intense heat of her body, but he'd been quite properly reserved and kept his wits about him every time in the past and wasn't about to lose control. It was different when she specifically asked for it. "O-okay." He said with hesitation. "But only because I love you. I'm sure you understand why I can't let this become a common thing. I want you to be happy - I truly do - but you have to know why this is-"

"Just shut up and take me now, Ras! I don't want to hear your meandering thoughts on the matter!" She grabbed him by the chest with one hand and his crotch with the other, helping him to unbutton and unbuckle both garments to toss them over with hers. When he finished stepping out of his shirt and pants, she massaged his sheath to coax his well-controlled member from its confines, impatiently tugging and squeezing to get all she could to its full girth as fast as she could. She wanted him, and had no problems slipping her whole hand into her greedy hole to lube her up so she could in turn soak him in her arousal.

Wrasir possessed a cock that was monstrous for his size, the tip pressing up in his chest plumage when fully erect; his body was stunted but his member was the size of a normal sized pygmy hippogryph, so people were missing out on what he had to offer due to presumed size deficit. As his sister rubbed and tugged at him to expertly please him as only a lifetime partner could, she quickly coaxed him to full mast, his heavy member bobbing and bouncing on her lower belly. Tiny bits of his arousal mixed with the moisture on her palm to drool down onto her belly fur.

She cradled his tip in her hand and waved her fingers across his length as she hoisted him up and gave his member a nuzzle, sucking off her arousal and licking along its underside before leaning back against the gnarled chair of branches, her slit expanding and drooling in anticipation, accented by the throbbing of her winking clit.

"Okay, okay!" He said, begrudgingly grabbing at his girth and aiming it down. "I'm used to you cuddling a bit more, is all."

"We can do that after, or before round two, right now I just" Kentanni wrapped her arms around his shoulder and pulled him in close for a hug, pressing their chests together with his member probing at her folds. "Now don't make me wait, bro, I can't hold myself back any more." As she whispered in his ear, she raised her leg and wrapped her ankles around his hips, easing him into her.

He relinquished control as he felt the warmth of her flesh slowly swallow him, starting with the pop of his unflared tip slipping into her followed by the gradual sink into her depths. He relished the gentle throb of her heartbeat pulsing around his member as her swollen flesh squeezed him intermittently, the tender caress of her clit massaging the top of his length as every bit of him dove deeper. Both avians and equines were known to have particularly hot flesh and body temperature, so no partners compared to the warmth and juiciness of a hippogryph.

Wrasir's spine shuddered in waves as he chirped at his sister, nuzzling into her neck and cheek with his beak as she embraced him, her depths massaging his member while her arms squeezed tight. He could feel the tickle of her breath on his ear accented by the light chirps of pleasure she offered. He hadn't even started thrusting yet, and she already seemed to be on the brink of orgasm.

"Perfect." She exhaled into his ear as her body tensed up with enough pressure to nearly force his length out of her, a guttural squelch coming from between them.

He pushed back, the pressure he offered pairing with her clenching pelvic muscles to glide her flesh along his, pleasuring him in such a way that he felt on the verge of climax before he even got started. He'd been without a partner for months as well, and she was so moist and tender and needy and hot for him that a simple touch seemed to coax pre-seed from him like magic. Still, he didn't want to leave her needing when he finished, so he bucked his hips against hers, his engorged tip ramming her depths and popping into her open womb through her gaping equine cervix. When he felt that, his flare exploded inside her, plugging his member within her depths as her pussy tensed and tugged on him in waves, practically sucking his essence from his low-hanging balls.

Normally, this would be where he pulled out and offered a few vigorous thrusts before pulling out and making sure he didn't finish too early, but a series of flashes followed by crackling and popping near the amphitheater nearby distracted him and he forgot to pull out. He looked over to see that a series of fireworks were exploding high in the sky, illuminating them through the tangled branches and star-shaped leaves, the distraction keeping him from pulling out or thrusting.

"Beautiful." She whispered, glancing over at the fireworks as they exploded one at a time in rapid succession. "Please just...relax Ras."

"Hm?" He cocked his head to the side and looked down at her, averting his gaze from the fireworks to see her smiling up at him, each explosion illuminating her beauty. "What do you mean?"

Kentanni pulled him in close and buried his beak in her neck, her hands digging into the feathers of his back underneath his wings as her feet clenched around his waist. "Don't pull out. I know you're going to do it anyway to be safe; just this once, please just...stay there until you go limp. I don't mind if you finish early, I really don't. Just...stay." She arched her back and undulated her spine in waves, grinding her hips to his to swallow every inch he had to offer. When she felt his sheath press up against her lips, she winked again and shuddered in delight, happy to feel him inside her once again. Nothing had compared to this in all her university years.

The more she pushed down and squeezed and held him close, their bodies entwined in passion as they shared warmth, Wrasir found his very real intentions of pulling out melting away. He couldn't dare let her down, and she just felt so absolutely wonderful; there was no way he could hold off for so long.

He smiled and nuzzled into her, raking his beak through her feathers to preen her as he bucked his hips in shallow thrusts, his flare tugging on her cervix and bulging veins of his cock pressing out against her hyper-sensitive and tender flesh. There was no way he'd last long with such an eager and needy sister working so hard to coax his seed from him; she knew exactly what angles to go at, and exactly when to squeeze.

Wrasir threw his head back and gaped open his beak as every feather on his body flared out, a shuddering wave of delight bursting through his body to climax in his loins, a series of cock twitches pumping thick gobs of seed into his sister, filling her womb with his essence. A juicy squelch came from between them as his semen burst from around his member and trickled down over his balls, creating white splotches on the branches beneath them.

"Don't pull out." she whispered at him, holding him close to her chest so he could hear and feel her rapid heartbeat fluttering in her torso under that thick breast plumage. "Please don't pull out. I want you in me, forever and always."

He couldn't help but gulp as he took in a long and deep breath, loins twitching to pump one shot after another into her. Mere seconds passed before he felt his flare subside and his length grow flaccid, its shaft wrinkling and threatening to pull out against his will. In response, he arched his back and raised his tail, grinding his hips to hers to ensure that his length stayed buried as long as it could, even as it started to withdraw into his sheath.

She threw her head back and twisted to get a better look at the fireworks, deliberately doing all she could to halt her pelvic contractions, hoping to revel in the sensation of his girthy equine flesh twitching and tugging at her depths. As his flare popped from her womb, another warm gush of his seed escaped her depths to soak her tail and his thighs, a satisfying end to their tryst.

As his member finally made its last tugs and withdrew into his loins, he leaned down to focus his energy on preening her, his hands caressing her chest and belly as he did so. Though that was natural for his kind, it had become something of a tradition to preen her after they were done.

Together, they ignored the flashing colorful lights of the fireworks in lieu of staring one another in the eye, basking in the glow of their bond.

This connection never faded, ever.