Lexi Left Bare, Ch. 3

Story by Coruscare on SoFurry

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#3 of Lexi Left Bare

Lexi did not sleep well. Despite her fatigue, her body didn't want to sleep the entire night. With all that occupied her mind, it shouldn't have been that big of a surprise. Thus, she slept restlessly, waking every few hours.

It should also come as no surprise that her wake up call was anything but pleasant. Her Master apparently decided that her alarm would be something she'd grown accustomed to the day before; a sharp jerk on her chain.

Her body ragdolled forward by the rough tug, moaning and jolting into wakefulness. She feebly pushed up, trying to get into at least a sitting position. But, a paw shoved her back into the ground, keeping her tight against the blanket. "Don't bother getting up yet, slut. I've got need of you. Open your eyes." Her Master spoke, the voice easily recognizable even to her confused, tired mind.

Lexi opened her eyes. At some point, someone moved a mirror in front of her, letting her fully see the state of herself for the first time. Her hair, normally carefully braided, lay in a crumpled mass around her hair, disorganized and messy. Kept against the ground, she could barely make out the hint of the brand on her flank, and a bruise discolored her left cheek an ugly purple and green.

From her vantage, she could only see the paw on her back and a long, furred leg. She could tell her wore nothing though, guessing that he hadn't changed from last night. She whimpered at the sight, shaking her head and trying to inch forward, away from the paw. He'd warned her. He'd told her that today she would learn her true role. She hadn't had time to think about it the night before, but now she panicked.

Her fingers suck into the carpet, clawing forward and looking back fearfully. Her Master only tightened the chain around his wrist and pulled it taut. He growled and gave it another painful jerk, forcing her to arch her back and sending a shock of pain through her neck. "Stop moving. I'm going to move my paw. You will get on your hands and knees and look straight into the mirror. Understand?" His voice, despite the twisted nature of his words, was clear, focused.

Lexi shivered but nodded her head. "Y-yes Master." She rasped out, her throat sore from the poor night's sleep. As he said, he moved his paw from her back. Lexi's body didn't want to react, but she managed to force herself onto her knees, her hair draping around her and hiding her breasts away from view at the leash.

The mirror proved to be a double-edged sword for now. It forced her to watch herself, to see how ruined her body had already started to become. But, at the same time, it let her see her Master's actions. Which, normally would be a good thing. However, she very much did not want to see him right now.

The wolf, like last night, wore nothing. And he was, er, ready for mating. Very, very ready for mating. She blushed a deeper pink as she caught sight of that long, red beast, the knot at the end prompting her to press her tail tight against her hind. She couldn't take that thing, no way she could take that thing. Yet, she almost couldn't look away.

Behind her, her Master got on his knees, right against her rump. His hand reached out, grabbing at her tail base and jerking it up, exposing her without her consent. At once, she realized what he'd meant. He planned to take her. To rape her. But he couldn't! She was a virgin, she couldn't be defiled, not yet!

Oh goddesses, no. Lexi jerked, struggling fiercely, straining against her chain. One of her hooves thrust backwards, aiming for her sensitive bits. But no, her Master caught her hoof deftly, wrenching it to the side and holding the chain taut. She screamed at her leg bending in a way that it very much shouldn't only screamed louder as the hand moved from her hoof and instead roughly smacked her rear.

His hand rained down slaps on her ass, again and again, the chain keeping her from squirming away. No doubt, she made it difficult for him, but his leverage, his strength, and the chain made it all the much easier. And worse, she tired herself. The frantic struggling hurt, choking her with the collar and bruising her neck. Lexi, like most of her kind, had dealt with discipline before. Her father, a kind soul, spanked her as a child. But this, this was nothing like that. He didn't hold back, each slap near agony, especially the ones that landed near her brands.

The pain was almost overwhelming. She couldn't think, couldn't move, and couldn't even consider fighting back. Each one pushed her farther and farther into her mind, forcing her into submission whether she wanted it or not. It may have just been a spanking, but Lexi hated pain and did not deal well with it. She had her breaking point, and her Master forced her past it quickly.

Eventually, she gave in. Lexi crumpled, panting as he spanked her over and over. She had already lost count of how many times he'd hit her, the sting seemingly never ending. She could only whimper at each one, closing her eyes and taking it like he'd wanted her to all along. Mercifully, he stopped, jerking her chain again. "Hands and knees. Won't ask again." He growled, the implied threat sending a shiver through her spine.

Lexi obeyed unquestioningly. From behind her, his hand grabbed at her hair, yanking it it so she forcefully had to tilt her head up. He wouldn't let her keep it down, making her stare into the mirror and her own tear stained cheeks. "Keep your head up."

"Y-yes Master."

He let go of her and Lexi obeyed once more. She sniffed, trying to keep back yet another stream of tears. Instead of her hair, he took a tight hold of her hips, chain still in one hand. "Tail up." She didn't want to obey this one, but she had to, didn't she? She had to submit, and submit she did.

Lexi sniffed again, watching him close the gap between them. Very viscerally, she could feel the tip of that long cock poke against her slit, sending the most disugsted of shivers through her. She squeezed her eyes shut, but he noticed near instantly and corrected her with a light swat. He wouldn't let her not see this, no matter how much she wanted to.

"It's going to hurt." Her Master warned. "You may yell. You may scream or moan or make any other vocalizations you wish. You may not curse. Nod if you understand."

Lexi, miserable as she was, could follow that. She nodded her head, biting her lip to keep herself quiet. Her Master took that as the cue, and with a single push, he thrust his cock forward, pressing into her depths. Instantly, another thrill of pain rolled through her body, her womanhood unsullied before this. She'd hardly ever touched herself either, and his pace certainly didn't help. He didn't wait for her to be comfortable or to adjust, he simply took her, ruthlessly and without a care for her own enjoyment.

Biting her lip didn't stop her. Lexi moaned, not from pleasure but from the pain. She shook her head slowly, but kept it upright. She watched him push inside her, forced to watch every single movement of his. She watched her body react to it, even seeing the pain flicker across her face. She hated it. She him violating her, hated having to watch. She just wanted to lash out but- no.

He'd hurt her. Her Master groaned, breaking her from her stupid, as he thrust fully inside of her, knot pressing against the outside of her entrance. Her muzzle hung open in shock, an odd sort of heat blossoming deep in her core. No matter how much her mind screamed that she didn't want it, at least some part of her body found it.. Pleasureable? Satisfactory? Something. And she hated that something nearly as much as she hated the wolf behind her.

"Good girl." He praised, voice husky. Shame met with the heat inside of her, the two intermingling as he started to thrust in and out. She watched him do it, saw the gyrations of his hips. She wanted more more than to buck him, to fight away, but the familiar presence around her neck mesmerized her, kept her in place.

"Be good and you'll have a reward at the end of this." He added. Like that could possibly overcome it. The constant pushing and pulling back overwhelmed any goodwill that could possibly accumulate. She whimpered as he picked the pace up again, faster and faster, harder and harder. She couldn't stand it, she was going to scream-

Lexi moaned, surprising even herself. It still didn't come from pleasure, but some sick amalgamation of it and pain. Lexi's head dipped for a second, but only a second as she forcibly kept it in place. She almost couldn't take her eyes off their join, some sickly fascination taunting and tempting her. It would end soon, it had to end soon.

She didn't know much about sex, but the way that he huffed and grunted sounded like what she knew his end to be. Another wave of terror flashed through her - she wasn't on any kind of birth control. What if he got her pregnant? Could he even get her pregnant? She didn't know, but the thought scared her beyond all else. Was that her fate? To become some broodoe and nothing more?

She yelped out, a wordless scream expressing her fear and pain. It only seemed to encourage him, slamming his cock home deep inside of her. With a feral growl of his own, he pushed, shoving his knot inside of her. Her own scream didn't end, the pain nearly as intense as the brand from yesterday. Her head finally dropped, arms threatening to finally give out on her. Her knees, which had already been shaking, gave out on her, only their perverse union keeping her up. Her Master leaned down, teeth closing against her neck and holding her in place. Lexi felt an explosion inside of her, the heat deep inside of her only growing.

The smell of sex filled the air as he finally came, the massive knot keeping it all inside of her. She could feel the spurts, could feel each drop settling into place, polluting and filling her. For the life of her, she thought her stomach bulged from the veritable flood, her stomach twisting in nausea and pain. She sobbed openly, only the promise of punishment keeping her from cursing his name.

For a while, he did not move. He rested atop of her, teeth nearly piercing her hide and staying mounted inside of her. Besides her crying, silence permeated the air, his breathing oddly come after the nearly frantic pace. After felt like an eternity, her Master pulled out, letting cum dribble down her leg. He stood fully, magic re-melding her chain to the bedstone.

Left unsupported, Lexi collapsed onto the ground, curling up into a ball. Her tail pressed against her rear, almost desperately trying to hide her humiliation away. She didn't move, fear of another punishment keeping her in place. Distantly, she heard her Master move the mirror away from her.

A blanket landed atop the doe, draped across her side. The blanket, unlike the sheet she slept with, was plush, soft, furry. Lexi grasped at it, wrapping it around herself and hiding her head underneath it. If he couldn't see her, he couldn't hurt her, right?


"You earned that for keeping your head up and following orders. I hope you'll remember what resisting gets you. The day is yours for now. A maid will by shortly to take care of you." Her master spoke from outside her cocoon, Lexi nearly wanting to simply ignore.

She heard him pad away. Despite his words, she didn't even think to move. No, the blanket was safety, she couldn't leave it.

The rest of the day may be hers, but he had stolen her life.