Last Chance Romance

"Spare some change?" The clinking of a cup accompanied the phrase, the sound of few coins jingling inside of it. "Spare some change for the needy?" The ewe repeated again, voice droning, exhausted. The winter chill bit at any exposed...

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A Quiet Breakfast

Grace's house, beyond all else, was silent. While it was quite well decorated, not a sound permeated through the halls. An inherited house for a family of sixteen left to a single doe meant that little of the rooms actually saw use. The storied wealth...

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A Chance to Move On

Gwyn didn't show up to her normal spot. Grace checked, but Gwyn didn't show. Every day, she took the same route, and every day, she'd hear the same old voice asking for change. To have the routine shattered... Well, she hardly expected it, to say the...

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