Mare for an Evening

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A stallion is coerced into gender swapping into a mare for an evening "date" to a school reunion...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author

Gender Swapping

Mare for an Evening

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Lord Legion

"Summer... Is this really necessary?"


The orange-coated stallion chuckled and shook his head, tapping a hind hoof impatiently, as Axel groaned and hunkered down in the bedroom, unwilling to come out as the potion worked its magic. Why, oh, why had he admitted to Summer View that they'd played that trick on him before, turning him into a mare just after Nightmare Night? He should have known that his school-hood friend would have taken any chance whatsoever to tease him and, of course, use the information to his advantage in the form of a bet that had been played very much to his disadvantage.

To the victor went the spoils, however, and he was given a potion before Summer Sunset's school reunion (they had gone to different final schools for vocational studies after spending some of their foalhood together), the stallion insisting that he couldn't possibly go without a 'plus one', someone to make him look a bit less lonely (for he wasn't dating anyone at that time). Summer didn't want just a stallion to accompany him but a mare to show off, the very mare that Axel was being transformed into as his most intimate of regions teased into the sex of a mare, tail hanging thick and full over his hindquarters. The pony gasped and rolled his head back, swallowing hard as even his waistline became slimmer and more feminine still, haunches rounded with a very pleasant layer of fat.

She inhaled deeply, settling into a body that was hers but not hers at the same time, intrinsically so. But she wasn't feeling all that introspective and Summer View was still hollering anxiously from the stairs that he was ready to go and would she just stop being such a _filly_and hurry up already? For the moment, she was Axel Rose and Axel Rose alone. And she had a 'job' to do...

"Alright..." She made a face as she walked out of the bedroom, her mane even seeming to fall in a more feminine way as Summer View gasped and waggled his eyebrows suggestively, his orange and yellow mane sticking out in all directions as if he had not even brushed it as yet. "Look, I'm here now. Can we just go and get this over with?"

Summer could not help ogling the mare who had only just a short time ago been a stallion, nearly walking smack-bang into the doorframe as even Axel had to let out a chuckle, the lilt of her tone softer and lighter than before. He was a goof sometimes but there was no real harm in him.

"I have to ask though," she said, shaking her mane back from her neck. "Why didn't you just make me go with you as a stallion for the bet? Wouldn't I have been your extra on the list anyway for that? Why did you need a mare?"

Laughing shortly, Summer winked and shook his head, trotting along ahead as if she could not hustle her new friend, Axel Rose, along quickly enough.

"It's more fun to go to a big ol' do like this with a nice filly, now, isn't it?"


Although she would not have admitted it, Axel Rose actually found herself enjoying the school reunion just a little bit. There was no sense of needing to pretend to be someone she was not and, really, she was already someone she was not, free to relax and sip a fruity cocktail (wouldn't Serenity giggle if she saw her drinking that?) with the chatter all abuzz around her. At least being with Summer would make her off limits, she thought, enjoying watching him catch up even as he took great pride and pleasure in introducing her to his friends from times long gone by. Why, was it really all that time ago that they were at school? Sometimes it seemed as if it was only a few months back. How time flew!

"Hey there... I didn't think Summer View could score such a fine filly like you..."

Axel Rose froze, eyes wide.

"Er... Excuse me?"

He had to be talking to someone else, surely. He simply had to be, but no amount of wishing or pleading with any listening deity (Lunar and Celestia didn't typically involve themselves with such humdrum things like school reunions though) made it so the tan stallion with a brawny build was not looking at her with that little gleam in his eye.

Laughing nervously, she waved a hoof, trying to act like the mares she'd seen, in her times, dismissing those who had stepped just a shade over the line of what was considered friendly.

"Oh, yeah..." She said, cringing at just how over the top her voice came out. "He's a really great guy, just a great guy... Been with him ages now, such a lovely stallion!"

Oh, dear Celestia...

_ _

That wasn't about to stop the tan stallion, however, who seated himself comfortably beside her at the bar and proceeded to introduce himself (she glassed over the name), wittering on about his life and achievements and the like as if some level of knowing was already assumed. Axel nearly snorted into her drink, thankfully getting close to the bottom as she allowed his words to wash over her. She was hardly going to be quizzed on them later when she didn't even want to bother to remember his name...

And yet she had to get away. He had to be the only clueless stallion in the place, surely, if he thought she was with Summer and still wanted to 'get it on' or something with her!

"Sugar," she said, putting on as stern a voice as she could, embodying her own lover and life partner. "Should you really be all up here flirting it on with me when you_know_ my colt is here too?"

Such a blunt declaration of just what he was doing seemed to shock the stallion out of his rambles, stuttering over his words and fumbling even as Axel Rose rolled her eyes and hopped off the bar stool, making good her getaway. The things that mares had to put up with and deal with from stallions! She'd had a glimpse of it before, the first time she'd been turned into Axel Rose, but there was nothing like the sharp reality and shock of experiencing it first hoof, so to speak.

And yet he was not the only stallion who seemed to be interested in her as she tried to make her way through the common mingling space, a heaving throng of slightly tipsy bodies, only to bump into a chest that seemed far too wide for the stallion it belonged to.

"Oh! Excuse me!"

She tried to step around him but the tall stallion held out a foreleg to stop her, his green mane gelled up and toppled down a strong, blue neck as if he had spent hours in the mirror beforehand styling it.

"Hey... You're pretty cute! Got a stallion friend here with you, cutie?"

Axel Rose made a face.

"Cutie? Ergh... Yes, actually."

She backtracked quickly without introducing herself or saying anything more, only to be stopped yet again by a smaller pony with glasses balanced on his nose. She stared at him incredulously as he talked over her, introducing himself and fumbling only slightly with his words as he crooned and stroked her cheek - she pulled away, her jaw dropping - showing interest in her that rang through with the intent for one thing and one thing alone.

"No... No, thank you."

Was that the end of it? No! It could not be so! As she'd tried to delicately extricate herself from that rather uncomfortable situation, she had been surrounded on all sides and could not even see the exit anymore! Although most were subtle, she could not help her cheeks heating up in a rosy, glowing blush as she felt more and more eyes graze her. In any other circumstance, she may have been able to put their attention down to something else a little more savoury but it seemed that stallions dominated Summer's old school and, well, every last one of them was interested in just who she was and if she was with anyone.

Of course, Summer View himself was no help at all, off at the bar chatting up the hot bartender, although whether or not she was in on everything or anything at all was another question entirely. And Axel could not spare him another thought, torn between running to Summer and demanding that he provide some level of bodyguard-ness or something and not, well, disrupting the nice little chat he had going on there.

Why did she have to be so lord-darn nice?

It didn't help, in particular, when a mare with the same, gorgeously green eyes as the mare that she had vowed her heart to even took a chance, sidling up to her with a little hip-wiggle that was utterly to die for. If things had been different, she may have been bold enough with the cocktail easing her inhibitions and worries to take a night with the mare herself but, as it was, Axel beat a hasty retreat as several stallions watching the whole debacle burst into raucous laughter.


Cursing, she shook her head, a shyly smiling stallion offering his hoof for her to shake, step faltering even as he made himself known amongst the throng.

"No, I'm not available," she growled through gritted teeth, stepping away even as she spoke. "Now, excuse me."

"Oh, I'm so very sorry, I didn't mean to..."

But it was too late for soft words and apologies - who just went after any mare who happened to be hanging about? - where they could have otherwise been kindly and graciously received. All Axel Rose could think about as she was surrounded was getting the hell out of dodge and out of the crowd that seemed to have every intention of hitting on her, drawing her in until there was no sense of escape.

Holy Celestia, what was with Summer View's old school that everyone ended up so thirsty?

She thought she'd gotten away clean at last as the crowd thinned around her, Axel flushing heavily as heads still seemed to turn in her direction, curious as to the 'strange, red mare' was. She wasn't a lady in red by any means but they all seemed to think that she had a story to tell or, at least, something to offer or enjoy but some stallions really just needed to damn well learn when to take 'no' for an answer! Their curiosity may have been sweet to a mare or even flattering if they'd wanted it but there was altogether too much apple cider flowing for anyone to be entirely in control of either their senses and their bodies, some ponies at the stage in life that they wanted to be at come the time of the reunion and others...decidedly not. That was no reason, of course, for drinking to excess or desperately going out on a limb with a mare who had well enough made her feelings known time after time again.

No one, however, tried to force her as excruciatingly uncomfortable as the whole thing was and the thought of simply revealing that she was actually a stallion only temporarily a mare crossed her mind more than once as the reunion party wound down and she met up with a particularly chipper Summer View, bedraggled and far less relaxed than she had been on sipping her cocktail. But her friend had a new bounce in his step and she could not help but smile, a little of Axel Rose's energy returning in light of his apparent good feeling. Sometimes even a little thing like that was simply contagious.

"Good night?" He chirped, trotting on the spot (a little shakily, as he had also been partaking of the drink on offer). "Oh my Celestia, Axel... She's gorgeous! And she plays hoof-ball too! I could talk to her all night long but look - we've got a date next week! Isn't that great!"

"That's great!" She echoed genuinely, putting sincere feeling into the words. "I'm ready to go now though if everyone's packing up. Just one thing..."

She fixed him with a level look, drawing herself up to her full height as the stallion's eyes grew wide, tail clamped down firmly over his rump as if he was, all of a sudden, striving to protect his most intimate of regions in the face of a mare who was, suddenly, admirably _thunderous._Who the hell needed a stallion to protect them, after all, when she was Axel Rose?

But there was a twinkle in her eye still as she flicked her tail sassily, even though true meaning rang through her words, play mixed with seriousness that could not be ignored.

"Take me on a date again and y'all better get your tail in gear and treat a lady right!"

And so he would!

Ghostly Tickling

**Iron Author** **Tickling** ** ** **Ghostly Tickling** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Seraphon_ _ _ _ _ "Are you sure we should be in here?" The Bunnelby hopped along nervously, clutching the camera close...

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Colt's Boundaries

**Iron Author** **Femdom** ** ** **Colt's Boundaries** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ _ _ _ _ Axel hadn't thought that things would get so hot so quickly but looking at Serenity - otherwise known...

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