What Lies Beneath

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A college student awakens one day to find the world exactly as it was before, with one slight difference. She can see through people's clothes.

This story was written for Gamerfox as their patreon flash fiction for October. It contains F/Solo and other sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, as well as magically related voyeurism. :3

What Lies Beneath

Nina didn't know how it had happened, or indeed why.

One day she went to bed a totally normal woman, a college student hoping to pursue a degree in crop genetics and agricultural biodiversity. The next, as she woke up and rolled over in bed, glancing across the dorm room to her roommate, everything had changed. Normally she was used to seeing her roommate lying in her own bed, knees popped up and a book resting upon them as she read for a little while before they both got up to start their day. Today however, the coyote barely held back a shriek of embarrassment as she looked over and saw her roommate lying totally naked, legs propped up as normal, book resting against the base of her slightly plump belly, just without her blanket or the long t-shirt and panties she normally wore to bed to cover her.

Except... they were still there. Nina blinked. Nina stared while trying not to obviously do so, her friend having not even realised that she was awake yet. She narrowed her eyes, and forced back a whimper as she tried to rational what she was, and indeed what she was not seeing. There was a slight shimmer around the other woman's body, the zebra mare's nude figure encircled by that gentle glow beyond which her blanket was clearly visible, and at the very edges of which Nina could see the fabric of Sandrine's oversized t-shirt draped across the sheets of the bed. It was like her clothes were simply being edited out of reality by the coyote's gaze, and no matter how many times she blinked, no matter how many times she looked away and back again, Nina couldn't stop herself from seeing the zebra's frankly stunningly beautiful, utterly exposed figure.

"Uh... S-Sandrine..."

She murmured softly, catching the zebra's attention for the first time and blushing crimson as the other woman looked up from her book and over to her.

"Morning. Everything okay? You look a little flushed."

Nina trembled where she lay under her own covers, fighting the instinct to cover her breasts and her crotch beneath the bedding.

"Y-yeah? But... aside from that, everything else... I mean, I look... normal, right?"

The zebra raised an eyebrow, smirking warmly at her roommate.

"Aside from asking questions like that, yeah. You look fine. You... uh, you want me to get you a glass of water or something?"

Before Nina could answer, Sandrine was swinging her legs out beyond the blankets covering her and rising to her feet. Her body, totally exposed now and giving Nina a full on view of her large breasts and bare, neatly trimmed pussy, was on full display for a few seconds as she stood up beside her bed, walked over and plucked the nearly empty glass from Nina's own bedside cabinet. The coyote could only watch, stare, blushing and trembling in confusion and excitement as she watched the zebra's slightly jiggling ass walk away. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she heard water running in their adjoining bathroom.

She had no idea what was happening here. No idea how it was possible. Indeed she was fairly certain that it wasn't. But, if it was just her... if it was some sort of delusion, or dream from which she was not yet waking up but still becoming aware of, she could deal with it. She could handle seeing some people naked. After all, naked was natural. There was nothing wrong with it, nothing taboo or naughty about it.

Sandrine walked back into the room, and Nina swallowed thickly as she watched her roommate's naked form trot over towards her with a hand outstretched, so bare, so beautiful and yet unabashed by her unknowing nudity.

"You really are looking kinda red under your fur, Nina. You sure you're not sick?"

The zebra frowned as she handed her roommate the water, Nina shaking her head as she began to gulp it down in a failed effort to try and quell her blushing.

"N-no... I... I'm fine. Really. I just... I have a feeling that today's gonna be one of those days, y'know?"


A half hour later, sitting with Sandrine at breakfast in the dorm hall's cafeteria, Nina's face was still glowing as she tried not to look like she was surrounded by dozens of naked men and women, many of whom she knew by appearance if not actually by name. More than once she nearly choked on her cereal as she saw a guy with more than a little plumpness to his member, not some pervert staring at other students or anything like that, probably just the lingering remnants of morning wood as the rushed to grab something to eat before an early class. She saw women with nipples intensely erect, and with the absence of clothing, even coverings like the tables at which they were seated phasing out of being before Nina's gaze, she was half ashamed, half enthralled to see a few sets of thighs matted with what were most likely the signs of recent sex or masturbation.

Two guys, a lithe deer and a shorter, more burly wolf, grinned and elbowed one another as they joked around while grabbing some cooked breakfast items from the counter at the far end of the hall, no-one but Nina able to see the streaked stains on the deer's rump and the wolf's chest. A pair of otters stood by the door of the room, the woman whispering something to who was presumably her boyfriend, giggling as his eyes widened and his crotch began to swell, the two of them joining hands and darting rather urgently back out of the door without grabbing even a morsel first. By the time breakfast was over, Nina was stunned by how many signs of swelling sexuality she had witnessed amongst those present. People's bodies reacting to physical stimulus from others or even themselves however innocently they may have been meant, or indeed simply responding to something they were thinking about, the reason entirely unknown but the reaction, normally hidden away beneath clothes, obvious for the coyote to behold.

It wasn't until she found herself walking to her first class of the day more than an hour later however that Nina realised just how much she would have to deal with given this new gift. To her relief, as she passed by a group of high school students, every last one of them had their clothing intact and utterly unaffected by her abilities. Whether due to their age or the simple fact that Nina had an active desire not to see them for that same reason, they appeared immune. Indeed as she arrived at the campus where her lecture hall was located though and the mixture of people returned to primarily college students like herself, naked flesh was everywhere she looked.

"O-oh my god..."

Nina's cheeks burned scarlet as she saw a squirrel sweep past her, the shimmering, lacy edges of what was probably a garter belt barely visible clinging around the fur of one leg as it held a small pink plastic unit to her thigh while a wire led from it directly between her legs. Unable to help herself she fell into step a short way behind the woman wearing the vibrator inside herself, and after perhaps a minute she watched the woman pause, looking nervously around and trembling, raising a hand over her mouth and closing her eyes as her free arm leaned up against the wall of the college building for support. Nina saw the squirrel's tail twitch as her thighs trembled beneath the long skirt she could only just about perceive in the very corners of her eyes, and she held back a gasp of her own as she watched liquids beginning to dribble and then squirt rather more violently out from between the obviously orgasming woman's exposed, rather flushed outer lips, vanishing as they were no doubt soaked up by whatever underwear the squirrel was wearing, but which were totally invisible to Nina's gaze.

Leaving the squirrel to recover without trying to observe anything more about how or why she was exposing and pleasuring herself in public like that, the coyote rushed the rest of the way to class before she ended up late. Once there though, most of the lecture hall filled up and only some seats at the back remaining, she realised that once again there was far too much present to distract her. People sitting together who were obviously more than just friends, whispering and holding hands as they listened to the professor discussing soil biodiversity in various climates. Couples exciting each other. Individuals receiving text messages on their phones and their bodies beginning to react with arousal as a result. Just a few rows and to the edge of the room in front of her Nina could see a mouse sitting with her back straight and her eyes attentively turned forward, but a playful smirk upon her face as her right hand dipped down below the desk-topped seating and rubbed at the crotch of the skunk seated next to her. She watched the male trying to keep calm and cool as he was pleasured by the mouse, but was barely able to keep from giggling when finally she saw the pencil he was holding between his trembling hands snap in two, a few pairs of eyes nearby turning towards him curiously as he tried to look cool and collected.

Only Nina and the mouse herself knew what was really happening in that moment. Only they knew that the skunk was fighting with every last ounce of strength he possessed not to get caught and exposed as he filled his underwear with hot ribbons of cum at the mouse's behest. The coyote squeezed her own thighs together as she watched him cum, his lover leaning over and resting her head happily on his shoulder with a knowing, giddy smile. So cute. So sweet. So deliciously naughty.

All day Nina found herself exposed to sights like that, having never realised just how many of the stories she'd heard about the types of stuff people got up to on college campus were true. Sure, it was probably only one in every several hundred people actually showing some sign of arousal, even less than that acting upon it. But considering how many students Nina walked past each and every day as she went from lecture hall to lecture hall, from the dorms to the library, never mind through the city streets in general, she couldn't help but wonder how many things she had missed through sheer volume even though she could see each and every body outlined in all its glory.

That evening though, as she, Sandrine and some others went out to one of their favourite local bars for some drinks, that was the first time that Nina realised that she didn't only have the chance to use these strange new abilities to simply catch sight of random acts occurring around her. There was... a guy. Shaun. A fennec fox who was a friend of a friend of hers, and who'd been at a couple of the same hangouts and parties as her recently. She liked him. He was cute. Funny. The good kind of shy, not creepy or overtly awkward about it, just a little quiet and reserved. And though she hadn't dared to truly hope as much, she'd heard from Sandrine, who'd heard from someone else and in turn from someone else before that, that perhaps Shaun liked her as well.

So, that night, she put on a little show for him. Nothing too overt, nothing so noticeable she couldn't write it off as an accident if she caught anyone else's eye. The coyote sat across from him and leaned forward, exposing as much of her own cleavage as possible while eyeing up his of course naked-looking body. She stretched as he looked at her, letting loose a soft, growling murmur of relief and satisfaction as her limber body loosened up even more. She found reasons to speak to him, and to touch him. Nothing too intense, just caresses of her hand over his, a hug when he got a question right in the quiz they found themselves joining in with as it began. She gave him all the chances he needed, and sure enough she watched as beneath his clothing the fennec's body began to react to her. He grew even quieter, even more shy and withdrawn as he found himself watching her and a few of the others present dance later that evening to a particularly sultry, seductive song, and Nina growled in delight when as she finished dancing and looked back at the male he had an expression of absolute humiliation and horror on his face, and a rampant erection between his legs.

Of course, that was when she went over to him and confessed her feelings.

"It's okay..."

She giggled mere minutes later as she guided him towards the bar's front door, eyes roaming up and down his body, delighting in the sight of that erection which would probably have been a barely noticeable tent to anyone else looking their way.

"I know what you're thinking. I know how you feel. T-trust me... I know. And, I'm glad."

He was still hard as they raced back to her dorm, the nearest option out of their two respective bedrooms. Still blushing, still stammering whenever he spoke, unable to understand how she had been so certain of what he was feeling when she approached him. Unable to conceive how she could possibly have had the courage to tell him how much she wanted what he wanted, when to his mind there was no way she could possibly have known what it was that he wanted. And yet... she did know.

"Show me."

She moaned softly when they were back in her room. Blushing as she felt it press against her leg as he lay astride her on her bed, kissing her tenderly and still whimpering, still trembling. Was this his first time? That she couldn't see just by looking, and she didn't ask. Already Nina had an unfair advantage over him. Some secrets however remained the fennec's own to reveal when and if he saw fit.

"S-show me everything you have. I... I promise you, Shaun, I swear I'm gonna love it."

She licked her lips as he crawled off of her and began to strip, moaning and blushing as she did the same, feeling oddly confident and unabashed after having spent the whole day regarding others without a stitch of their clothing to conceal their every curve and crevice.

He looked no different without his clothes, though finally Nina could see them for herself, visible in their crumpled pile on the floor now that they were no longer cover anything she wanted to see. She beamed, she moaned happily as he slowly approached the bed once more, grinning when she nodded eagerly and beckoned for him to join her again. His cock twitched in excitement, and this time the fennec whined bashfully, knowing, believing that for the first time she could see his reaction to her. How much he physically desired her.

"I... I've been waiting for this since I first..."

Nina's voice trailed off as she realised what she'd been about to say, what she would have given away by doing so. The fennec lay over her once more, his hard cock grazing her inner left thigh, so close to her loins as they breathed heavily and stared back and forth at one another in eager anticipation of what was still to come.

"...s-since I first caught you looking at me. All evening I've been waiting. Watching. Hoping that you'd feel this way for me, t-that you'd show me how you felt."

She reached down between them, wrapping her hand around Shaun's cock and stroking it along the underside, much the same way the mouse had for that skunk in class that morning. He groaned in desire, the insides of his ears flushing a brighter shade of giddy, bashful red. He said nothing, but that was okay. Nina didn't want them to talk any more.

"It's time to stop looking though. T-time to stop waiting. I don't want to see how you feel about me a-any more, Shaun. I... I just want to feel it."

Nina closed her eyes, and moaned softly as a moment later the fennec kissed her deeply. She felt his cock slip away from her hand, wrapping both arms around his neck and holding his face against hers to keep their make-out going on longer and longer. She felt his own hands on her thighs, spreading them apart, wider and wider until the fennec's fingers began to slide inward, caressing, exploring her nether regions as though mapping out where to strike first. She felt his hot, ragged breath over her face as their lips parted, and heard his voice murmur shakily to her.

"I... I can't believe you noticed me."

Their bodies tensed, and both of them cried out as just moments later the tip of the fennec's cock pressed against Nina's hot, waiting pussy. All day she had been watching other bare bodies going about their business. All day she had been catching people in a state of excitement or having some shameless, secretive fun. But all day she had held back, all day she had resisted the urge to pleasure herself to the sights or thoughts of anything she had witnessed.

Until now.

"I can't believe it took me this long to... ah, y-yes... Shaun...... to see what was right in front of my eyes."

By Jeeves

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