Movie Night

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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Here's a shorty commission for the way past cool Marjani, that pinata-looking dog with the adorable hoodie-wearing coyote, Amber (whose name I came up with and he stole >:V).

This was a fun story to do! I adore Amber and it's always fun to write about some gentle and loving sex between two people with nothing to prove.

Also, it's based loosely on this drawing of his:

Writing (C) me

Amber, Jacob and thumbnail art (C) FA: marjani

Steam rolled off the two cups of hot cocoa. Tiny marshmallows bobbed in one of them. Jacob loved them; Amber liked her cocoa straight. Yer a weirdo, girl, he said sometimes when she reiterated her preference. It's like pepperoni pizza, everyone likes little marshmallows.

The red fox picked up the two mugs with care. He had overfilled them as usual. After a surreptitious glance around the kitchen, he took a sip from both mugs.

"I knew you were shorting me," a female voice accused, startling Jacob but not enough that he dropped the mugs. He was used to Amber's silent appearances. She was part ninja as far as he could tell. "I thought you didn't like cocoa without those gross little marshmallows."

"Either I steal some now or wear it trying to bring it to you," Jacob quipped, handing off the inferior mug to her. He smiled. "Don't get it on your hoodie. I don't think you have any other shirts, do you?"

The pretty coyote stuck her tongue out. They both got giggling. "I have other shirts. I just love my hoodie." She turned on her heel, walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Halloween was two nights away, there was already snow on the ground, and she wanted to watch her favorite horror film: The Thing, the superior version from 1982. Jacob was a bit less into it than she was. He liked the paranoid horror but was a touch squeamish about the practical effects.

It's all fake, don't be silly, Amber told him the first night they'd watched the film together. Then she offered to hold him. With only a small amount of embellishment, he had pressed up against her for protection. Of course, the weirdest shit in the goriest movies was nothing compared to what some of his callers told him.

This is KJAY, thanks for calling, now what's your unbelievable story? He had heard some twisted ones. Perhaps they didn't outweigh the wholesome or the harmlessly strange, but the bizarre stories had a way of burning themselves into the brain as if by hot iron.

Jacob sat with Amber under a weathered flannel-print blanket. It was clean but neither new nor spotless and so it was the one they used when they were cuddling with drinks or food nearby.

The fox squirmed in his seat as the couch scene of the film began. He noisily sipped down his cocoa, taking in more than a few of the little marshmallows. Then he said to Amber, "So, ah, I had an interesting day. Six people called in wanting to hear Sweet Child O' Mine and for our Anecdote Spotlight, a priest called in. One who had been defrocked, apparently, because he was asked to marry a guy to his body pillow and refused to do so. Shook his faith right to the core." Another sip. "Church disowned him."

Amber turned away from the movie very slowly to look at Jacob. Her smile was thin. Most of Amber's smiles were wide, full of virtuous joy and innocence. When they were thin, she was either trying not to laugh, or hiding her annoyance. And Amber, Jacob knew, was as difficult to annoy as a saint.

"You don't say?" she asked him quietly, and then kissed his lips. "I listen to your show when I'm at work, y'know. I do care."

"I know you do," Jacob replied. He pulled away, setting down his mug on the end table. He glanced at the screen - god damn, this movie's revolting, why does she love it so much? - and quickly turned back to Amber. Now both his arms slid around her shoulders, his muzzle nuzzling into hers. "Hey. You smell good."

The coyote licked his cheek. One of those famous Amber smiles was coming on in full force. She reached out and set her own mug on the coffee table. Her eyes lingered on the TV for a moment - what an awesome movie, I wish he liked it more! - and she pressed into his arms which embraced her again. Her paws rubbed down his body, over his slender chest hidden under a threadbare KJAY t-shirt he wore with his sweat pants for bumming around the house. Her lips met his lips, soft jowls rubbing together. Tongues stroked in the open air, then the tangle shifted into her mouth. Amber was as content to kiss as to be kissed. As Jacob did the kissing, she reached below the blanket and his waistline. Pubic hair rustled under her fingers. Jacob was half-hard and her touch galvanized the flesh into a half-chub. The movie wasn't so interesting to her anymore.

Their tongues wrestled and smacked, saliva flowing between their mouths. Jacob eased from the kiss yet kept very close to Amber, close enough he could smooch her again easily. He was softly panting, sharing breath with her. He felt up under her hoodie and cupped his fingers around a fair breast; she wore nothing under the hoodie.

"I knew it," he breathed. "You make me watch these scary movies just so I'll cuddle up to you."

"Mmhmm," Amber answered, then smooched Jacob. Nibbled his jawline, tugged his jowl, chained her preening, soft bites down his chin into his neck. Amber loved Jacob's thick fox fur. A close foxcoon friend in college whose virginity she had taken had been just as fluffy and warm. Amber had learned to appreciate the fluffiness of vulpines then. "Take off your pa-a-ants," she said, sounding antsy but sweet. "I want to do something for you."

Amber saw a flash of playfulness in Jacob's brown eyes. He nudged his glasses up his snout and smiled. "What're you gonna do? What if I don't wanna take my pants off?" His paw squeezed her tit, thumb prodding the nipple. Jacob loved her breasts, loved that they were small and unadorned. Amber was a girl who brought him simple pleasure.

The coyote's paw tugged Jacob's cock, coaxing half-chub to full mast in her warm, padded grasp. She tugged it forward, pulling the foreskin over the glans. Although not a foreskin fetishist by any means, Amber appreciated an intact penis. "C'mon, don't be a butt," she giggled, and nipped his neck. "Take off your pants and I'll take off mine."

"I guess that's a fair trade," said Jacob shrewdly, raising one eyebrow. "What do I gotta do to get the hoodie off?"

Amber grunted, laughed. "I'll show you my tits if I can see yours first."

The fox grinned and smooched Amber. His paw slid out from under her hoodie. "All right. Fair. But mine are a lot nicer."

He rocked back on his knees, shedding the blanket. He peeled his thin shirt up and off, baring his toned chest and stiffened nipples which Amber eyed thoughtfully. Then the coyote, still prostrate on her back, peeled her hoodie off clumsily and dropped it beside the sofa. The small curves of her breasts rose and fell slowly with her breath.

Jacob dipped his head, kissed Amber, nuzzled into her breasts. They were so small that she had no cleavage to speak of but the fox licked the expanse of her chest, drawing his tongue over the right breast at the end of his lap.

Amber shivered and grinned. Her tongue stuck out past her lips ever so slightly. "Take off your pants," she tittered, pawing gently at his head. "And sto-o-op that..."

"Oh, fine," the fox huffed, but he was grinning back, cheeks hot. As quickly as he could, he stood and slid down his sweat pants. Around the house he preferred to go commando and his erection sprung free as the waistband slid over it. He glanced at the television, still found the movie distasteful, but had something else to focus on now.

As Jacob put his hungry eyes back on Amber, the coyote was just peeling off her own sweat pants. He joked sometimes that she may as well not wear them; they had holes all over them, including one which gave a half-inch view of her bottom. Underneath were panties, frilly and blue, but Amber was quick to peel those off too. Glimpsing her naked pussy, Jacob knelt on the sofa and grasped his penis.

"Nah-ah," Amber said, pursing her thighs, smile now coy.

"What, then?" Jacob asked, trying hard to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

The coyote's cheeks were hot, her smile wider and so very coquettish. She beckoned him, told him, "C'mere. Up here."

Jacob, smiling, walked over Amber on his all-fours. He moved slowly, stealing licks at her prone body, one in the thatch of her bush, another on her navel, on a tit. Amber shivered and cooed beneath him but kept beckoning. His penis dragged across her thigh, touching her pubic hair, her navel - following his lips, it seemed. The head bumped a breast and he asked, "Like this?" A titfuck would be new, but he doubted she had the breasts for it. He was willing to try.

"Nope," said Amber, grasping his hips. She looked at his cock and grinned. Quickly she kissed it, then mouthed its tip, giving it a quick suck. Slobber still bridged it to her sticky jowls when she said, "I want you to turn around. I want to lick you."

Jacob pursed his lips, considered, and then began to grin when he understood. Without speaking he turned carefully around and rocked back on Amber's waiting face. His scrotum brushed against her snout and the cheeks of his ass bumped her nose. Almost immediately he slid a paw down between her thighs, cupping the mound of her vulva, fingers tracing the pink folds.

Amber closed her eyes and sighed into Jacob's warm behind. She liked his ass quite a bit, it being her belief that he had a very nice, tight bottom; rimming him had been on her mind for months. His musk was subtle and her inhalation of it was only incidental but Amber appreciated his smell all the same. The coyote loved to feel, taste, smell those she held dear. She believed the best sex came from having every sense stimulated, not just physicality.

The coyote's toes curled for Jacob and his fingering touch. She appreciated that he was careful and slow. A quick fuck could be fun but Amber liked the slow burn, the long haul, unless circumstances necessitated a quickie. Right now she wanted the slow sensual experience.

Her lips brushed his scrotum, mouthed it, gave it a little suck. It was nothing more than a tease and as she let his balls go, she licked upward, dragging her tongue across the run of his taint. She followed the thin stripe of fur to the bud of his anus and stopped to wet her tongue. With saliva again on her tongue, she lapped smoothly across his pucker. Jacob shuddered, squeezed her pussy, and Amber smiled broadly.

"Thanks," Jacob cooed, feeling all around her vulva, tweaking the button of her clitoris with a fingertip.

Amber's paws crept across Jacob's legs and hips, savoring the fluffiness of his vulpine fur. Jacob's paws came to rest over hers, clutching both for one languid moment where the only motion was Amber's tongue dragging across his snug anus again and again as though it were hard candy.

"God, that feels nice," the fox sighed, and watched as a thick bead of precum oozed from his shaft, drizzling into the space between her breasts. "I didn't know you liked this kind of thing."

"It's hard to bring up," Amber admitted between slurps. After a few more, she pushed her lips into the pucker, giving it a kiss, then a suckle. Jacob's sharp moan caused her ears to perk and her grin to return. Men never seemed to expect the sucking but they always loved it.

"Amber, gawd," huffed Jacob, his eyes rolling back. Gently he slid a finger into the coyote, dragging its pad across the slick ceiling of her vagina. He started to laugh softly; Amber found it cute. "I've never had my butt licked before, so you could be really bad at this for all I know."

"Shut up," Amber giggled, arms sliding around his hips, hugging him. Her nose pressed more firmly into his ass crack. She loved the warmth and the musk she got from the fox. Slowly she lapped across his anus, saving the sucking, not wishing to waste its power. A sample was usually enough to get any man going.

Jacob determined the best way to silence himself was to put his mouth to work. He dipped his head into the space between her thighs and went for her dripping muff the same way she attacked his asshole, slathering its lips with his long fox tongue. His finger dug deeper into her, soon gaining a partner, and as he drove them into her vagina he mouthed the button and the hood of her clitoris. Amber's toes curled and her legs grew suddenly tense. He felt her exhale sharply into his ass crack.

Amber's paws felt across the toned, flat surface of Jacob's stomach. She dragged her claws through the fur to tickle him and adored him when he suppressed a giggle and swatted her paws.

"Quiddit," he said, mouthing the words against her vulva. "You know I hate that."

"Yeah," Amber admitted, and licked slowly across his anus again. The pink pucker glinted, its surface dripping excess saliva. Amber lustfully growled and pursed her lips around its ring, gave it another tight suckle, and let the suction go with a noisy smack.

Jacob writhed for Amber, groaning for her when she suction broke off. His pucker throbbed for several seconds during which Amber kissed it, teased it with soft licks.

"God," mumbled Jacob, "that is-, that sucking's really doing it for me, honestly."

The coyote's smile was as pleasant as ever, her joy irrepressible. "Yeah, I know, it feels nice." She appreciated that he wasn't outright asking her for more of it even if he may as well have been. She smooched the ring, sucked it taut, gave it a few more sucks than usual this time. The ring plumped slightly under her lips, Jacob tensing, moaning for her. Precum dribbled onto her chest, making an even bigger mess of her fluff. Amber liked the stickiness.

Jacob huffed, nuzzling into the lips of her vulva, smelling her, tasting her only gingerly. The suction let off and he sighed, shuddered, bit his lip.

Amber gave his throbbing anus a kiss, a lick, even sniffed it ever so slightly. She glanced aside at the movie. The Thing, still one of her favorite films, but Jacob was better. She smacked her lips onto his pucker again, sucked it hard, let off quickly. His wavering moan made her giggle.

"Your butthole's all puffy now. Kinda like a horse's butt," the coyote teased. "It's a nice look on you."

"Quiet, you," Jacob chuckled, blushing and hot. He twisted around, put himself over top of Amber in the proper Catholic fashion. His penis rubbed suggestively against the lips of her pussy, his muzzle rubbing hers. They kissed, the fox teasing quietly afterward, "Your breath smells like ass."

"Yep," Amber dryly replied. She smiled, hugged him, kissed his cheek. "Put it in me. Do it," she whispered into his ear. "Nice and slow."

There was really no other way to have Amber than nice and slow, Jacob found. Sometimes she was really into it and rough sex was a thing she liked, but nine times out of ten he found she was best enjoyed carefully and gently like a long, warm bath. He slid into her slowly, the entry slick and smooth. He moaned as her warm wetness gripped him all the way down, huffed as his loins kissed up to hers, bushes matting together.

"Yeah, that's good," Amber cooed, her voice a whisper, the syllables for Jacob alone. His hips began to move smoothly, slowly. Sex with no presumptions, no desperate need to impress, just love and pleasure. All of the boys Amber was with, from the foxcoon whose cherry she popped in college to Jacob here and now, told her she was so warm and nonchalant, how they loved it and how other girls were never like that. Amber took is as a compliment, even if it was just how she was: gentle and warm, the only fierceness in her heart a love for gory movies.

"Love you," Jacob growled against her lips, quietly, no need to be noisy. His hips moved against hers, a simple flex of muscles, practiced motion for the both of them. Amber anything but passive, pushing back, pulling in, kissing and biting softly on his neck, ear, lip.

"Love you too," she cooed, eyes closed, smile ear to ear. "Feels so nice." Down went her paws, clutched fistfuls of his ass cheeks. Jacob's ass was taut and fine. She had been with scrawny boys, muscular men, chubby fellows; all of them had nice butts in their own right. Amber loved Jacob's athletic, taut bottom as much as any other. "So nice. Nice and gentle."

"Mhm," he answered, eyes closing. He nuzzled with her, accepted her kisses and bites, gave back many of his own. He had not enjoyed biting at first; Amber had helped him wade into that pleasure with her own insistence on biting. Never hard bites, but ones which said here I am, I'm going to gnaw on you while you fuck me.

"Gawd, yeah, yeah," Jacob huffed, his own smile wide like hers. Amber's smiles had a way of being infectious. An old friend joked that she had mind-control powers, could make anybody feel the same understated happiness she always seemed to. "Hot chocolate, lovemaking, crappy movies."

Amber's smile turned devious just for a moment. She pinched Jacob's ass, made the fox whelp. "You watch it, The Thing is a timeless classic and I won't hear it badmouthed in my presence." Her voice never lost its teasing edge.

"Oh, sorry," scoffed Jacob, and gave her neck a bite firm enough to make her gasp. He relished the sound. "I didn't know a gross-out movie from the eighties was such a masterpiece."

The coyote giggled. Her fingers curled around Jacob's ass cheeks tighter, pulled them apart, let them smack back together. She missed the chubby men right now; their asses clapped when you pried them open and let them loose. "Better not forget it, now that you know."

In the relative quiet which followed, Jacob and Amber simply shared breath as the movie played out in the background, the volume lower than the rushing wind outside. The cold seeped through their walls but they were hot together, basking in their own warmth, sharing it between their naked forms.

Jacob's penis slid in, pulled out of Amber like a thick pink piston, lubricated by her moisture and its own. They kissed, tongues tangling up like shoelaces, slobbering, sucking, making wild pretzels and knots as the passion climbed like the pressure in a steam engine. Jacob felt the familiar tightening of his balls, the itch in his loins which precluded gentle, slow sex; he was close.

Amber was close, too. Her loins were hot, wet. Deep inside her vagina was the tightness and the wetness, the aura of her oncoming climax. She clung tightly to Jacob, holding not his butt but his back, squeezing him in a bearhug as her mouth continued to mate with his.

Faster and harder went Jacob, the rhythm not wavering but quickening, growing rougher. Amber could take it, she loved it, clinging to Jacob as absolute ecstasy approached for the both of them. She pulled her tongue free of the kiss, whimpering to him, "Gonna cum now, I'm gonna cum. Jacob, gawd, you're good." Smile still enormous, in fact bigger than ever, teeth showing too. "Ooh, Jacob..."

Her climax came first, a rarity for her, but Jacob was such a good kisser; a good kiss got her closer than all the cunnilingus in the world. Her muscles tensed around him, clenching spasmodically, the contractions making her grunt and coo and gush her vulgar honey down his shaft all the while clinging to Jacob, peppering him with smooches, imploring him to keep going until he finished.

The fox got just as much from the contractions as she did. Every tense and squeeze milked his cock, coaxing him closer to his looming orgasm. He panted against her, hot breath washing across her neck. "Shit, shit," he bleated, tail swishing before lying down in concert with his ears. He shuddered, kept close to Amber as he came, spreading his seed deep into her body, filling her with the warmth she loved to feel.

Both the fox and the coyote lay still and huffing, bodies hot despite the cold, genitals throbbing and plump but gradually falling into a more relaxed state. Jacob lifted his muzzle from her neck to kiss her cheek, said to her out of breath, "That was good."

Amber sleepily concurred. Her eyes never opened but her smile never waned. She pawed around, found the blanket, pulled the stained flannel over Jacob's back right up to the base of his head. She pecked his muzzle, cooed to him, "Love you."

Jacob loved her too. They slept there together until dawn.