The Pack's New Slut

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#8 of Story Commissions

After being taken prisoner, Jubei finds himself at the mercy of a group of bandits. And he's going to help them blow of some steam, whether he likes it or not.

Commission for

"We've got the prisoner, boss!"

From his chair, the bandit captain called out. "About damn time! Well, don't keep me waiting, get in here!"

The door to the bandit captain's quarters swung open as his prize was led into the room and tossed down at his feet. As soon as he was released he charged for the door, but didn't make it far before one of the bandits caught him with a savage backhand, sending him sprawling across the floor. The smaller male rose up onto his knees, made somewhat more difficult due to having his paws bound tightly behind his back.

The bound cat was completely naked, his clothes and weapons added to the bandits' hoard. His legs, belly and muzzle were covered in tan fur, while the rest of him was pitch black, save for the two white bands around his upper arms. A thick mane of long, thick fur led down his back, and his twin tails lashed angrily behind him. Two lines of black fur formed a V on his chest, pointing to the black diamond in the center of his stomach. In this position, there was also nothing keeping anyone who wanted to from getting a clear looked at the fluffy sheath and sac between his legs, though he didn't seem terribly bothered by his nudity. There was also a sturdy leather collar around his neck, covered in strange writing, with a small loop hanging from the front where a lead could be attached if needed.

He looked up at his captor with his striking amber eye, his right eye covered by a brown leather strap that had been repurposed into an eyepatch, the only bit of his gear he'd been allowed to keep.

"What is the meaning of this?!" he hissed angrily.

The captain, like all the bandits that made up his band of cutthroats, were lycanthropes. At seven feet tall, the wolf men would have towered over Jubei even if he'd been standing. Most of the bandits had fur in varying shades of grey and brown, but two of them were different. The second in command, the beta, had fur that was a vivid, shocking white, with icy blue eyes. The captain, however, had fur as dark as a moonless night, his amber eyes a mirror of Jubei's own. The captain had a scar running across the top of his muzzle, visible from the stripe of paler fur, and his clothes struggled to contain him, the muscles in his arms and legs visible even while dressed.

"I'd have thought a warrior as experienced as yourself would understand what was happening," said the captain. "You belong to us now, Jubei."

"I might be your prisoner for the moment," said Jubei, "but I will escape, and when I do, I'm going to make you pay for what you've done."

"Hey now, don't be made at me," said the captain. "Be made at the guy that hired us. We just did what he paid us to do. Besides, raiding a couple of villages is hardly worth getting so worked up about."

"You think enslaving others shouldn't make me angry?"

The captain shrugged. "My policy - better them than me. But like I said, I don't really think that's something you should be worrying about right now, Jubei. You've got your own situation to think about."

"And what, exactly, do you mean by that? I've been a prisoner before. I escaped then, and I'll do it again."

"I don't think you understand the position you're in, Jubei. I didn't say you were my prisoner. I said you belong to us. Part of my payment, you see. I told our employer we'd take the job, but in return, I got my pick of one of the new slaves to take for my own." The captain leered down at the bound feline. "And guess which one I picked."

"Ha," sneered Jubei. "If you seriously think I'd serve you then you're out of your mind. I will never be your servant."

The captain laughed, climbing to his feet. "You're absolutely right, Jubei. I didn't take you because I need a new servant. No, I've got something much better in mind for you." He looked up at his men. "Hold him."

Two of the bandits surged forward before Jubei could react. One of them held the cat firmly and kept him on his knees while the other grabbed his mane and yanked his head back, tipping his chin towards the ceiling. Jubei tried to fight back. Even with his hands tied, he should have been more than a match for these brutes, even with their larger size.

"Don't bother, Jubei," said the captain. "You really think I'd take chances with one of the legendary heroes? Thanks to that collar you're wearing, you don't really have many options here. In case you haven't already figured it out, the magic worked into that pricey little accessory means that famous strength of yours is useless. And so are your claws. But don't worry, soon you won't even want to fight back."

Despite the captain's words, Jubei continued to struggle against his bonds, doing what he could to get free of the lycans' grip. "And what makes you think that?"

"Simple," said the captain, waling over to a table against the far wall of his chambers. "Because I'm not going to make you into our new servant. I'm going to make you into our new slut." He opened up a small chest on top and pulled out a vial filled with some sort of pink liquid giving that was giving off a faint glow, holding it up for Jubei to see. "And it all starts with this."

The captain walked over to Jubei and reached for his face, "Now be a good little kitty and open your mouth."

Jubei did indeed open his mouth. But not to swallow the potion. Instead he sank his fangs into the captain's empty hand, biting down until he tasted blood.

"Gah! You little fuck, let go!" Roared the captain, trying to pull his hand free. For his troubles, all he got was a harder bite. "Damn it, I said let GO!" Careful not to break the vial in his other hand, the captain balled his fist and sank it hard into Jubei's stomach.

Normally, Jubei would hardly have noticed such a blow. But with the cursed collar sapping his strength, he knocked the wind out of him, trying to curl up as he struggled to breathe, but the lycans wouldn't let him. When he let go over the captain's hand, his head was quickly forced back, his mouth held open as the vial was dumped down his throat. The captain clamped Jubei's muzzle shut, slipping his thumb over the struggling cat's nose.

"Swallow it," snarled the captain, licking the blood from his injured hand. "Be a good little bitch and swallow, and then you can breathe."

Jubei did everything he could, tried to pull away, to spit it out, anything to keep from drinking the potion. He didn't know what it did, but if they were going through this much trouble to make him drink it it couldn't be good. Unfortunately, the lycans were unrelenting, and, as spots started to fill his vision, Jubei had no choice but to gulp the potion down. But even after he'd clearly drank the potion, the captain didn't let go. Jubei struggled and groaned, his lungs burning, when finally the captain released his grip, leaving the bound cat gasping for air.

"Let that be a lesson," said the captain. "I don't mind that you're resisting. If fact, it's pretty fucking hot. But you try something like that again, and I'm gonna make you regret it. Get him up."

The bandit behind him lifted Jubei up, one arm wrapped around his chest, the other around his legs, holding the cat against him, completely immobile. He even bent back a little, thrusting Jubei's hips out towards his alpha. That was when what the captain said finally registered.

"Wait," said Jubei. "Did you say slut?"

"Damn right I did, little man," replied the captain, a satisfied grin splitting his face. "Jubei the legendary hero is now Jubei the slut. From now on, you'll be filling the very important role of our pack's newest sextoy."

Jubei's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious," he said flatly.

"Oh, I never joke about something as important as sex," said the captain. "And you, my sexy, soon-to-be cocksleeve can look forward to spending the rest of your days getting stuffed with more dick than you could ever dream of. My boy's and I are very eager to get you broken in."

"This won't be my first experience with torture. I can handle whatever pain you throw at me," snapped Jubei, his eye narrowing as he glared at the captain. "i'll never give in to you."

The captain laughed. "You say that as if you've got a choice. You're the catch of a lifetime, Jubei. Do you honestly think I'd waste my time trying to make you my new little bitch without some insurance." The captain laughed again, waving the now empty vial in Jubei's face. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll never fight back again. Just relax, and let the potion do its job. Not like you've got much choice."

And then the captain reached out and cupped Jubei's sac in his hand, stroking over his sheath with the other.

"What are you -- don't touch me, let me go! Stop! Don't touch that! Get your hands off me!"

But no matter how much he struggled, Jubei couldn't escape the alpha's teasing fingers. And what was even worse, was as the teasing and stroking continued, Jubei felt his body growing warmer, a bright blush spreading across his cheeks. But as degrading as the situation was, it wasn't from embarrassment. If Jubei didn't know better, he would have sworn it was almost like... arousal.

Jubei's eye shot wide as he realized exactly what had been done to him. "You... you g-gave me an... an arousal potion?!"

Jubei gasped as he felt his sheath quickly firm up under the alpha's fingers. It didn't take much longer before the inevitable happened, and Jubei's cock slid out of his sheath, his pink, barb covered length throbbing in the air. The captain immediately set to work, stroking the cat's cock and teasing at the tip with his thumb, making Jubei buck and moan in the other bandit's grip.

"You bet your sweet ass I did," said the captain. "but it's so much more than that. That very special potion of mine does more than just make you hard and horny. It has three more little tricks. I'll save the other two for later, but I'll let you in on its most important job right now - addiction."


"Cum addiction, to be exact," he replied matter-of-factly. "For the next twenty-four hours, the cum of any male put inside you will be more addictive than the hardest drugs. Before we're finished, there won't be a single male in this hideout you won't be hooked on. Just you wait- soon you'll be begging them for it. Promising us anything for just another taste of our sweet, sweet cum."

"You're l-lying," whined Jubei, his cock twitching under the lycan's teasing touch. "There's no way you have a potion that can do something like that."

Smirking, the black-furred alpha, pressed Jubei's tip against the palm of his hand, moving quickly and polishing it furiously. Jubei cried out, the stimulation to his penis too much to take, the potion making him so much more sensitive than normal. With his mouth wide, crying out in pleasure, it was a simple matter for one of the bandits to slip a gag into his mouth and strap it in place around his head. It was a ring of metal padded with leather, wedged in Jubei's muzzle to make sure he kept it open and wouldn't be able to bite down, no matter how hard he tried.

"I already told you, Jubei, I Neve lie when it comes to sex," said the captain. He stepped away, finally letting go of the cat's cock, leaving it hanging in the air, throbbing in time with his heartbeat. "But maybe you'r right. Maybe the potion can't do all that." He shrugged. "I guess the only thing to do is call my bluff and test it out. Then we'll see if I'm telling the truth."

Jubei struggled against the gag, trying desperately to push it out of his mouth, but it was hopeless. It was too far in and too tightly secured for him to have any hope of getting it off. Panting, trying to recover from the captain's teasing, Jubei froze in horror at what was happening in front of him.

As he watch, the captain began to get underdressed. First off was the padded leather armor and dark shirt covering his chest. Excluding the scar on his snout, the captain's body was perfect. Sleek dark fur and rippling muscles, a chiseled eight pack and tight V leading down to his belt. A belt that was quickly pulled off and tossed aside, followed by the lycan's pants. The captain turned around as he removed his trousers, giving Jubei a good look at his firm ass and his tail waving above it. He even caught a glimpse of the male's big black sac hanging between his legs. The captain was clearly eager to begin, made clear when he turned around and presented Jubei with eight inches of bright red wolf dick, fully erect and ready for action.

Walking back over to his latest conquest, the captain took Jubei for himself, grabbing the cat by the scruff of his neck and carrying him like a newborn kitten. Dropping back down into his chair, the lycan set Jubei on the floor between his legs, spreading them wide, giving his new toy plenty of room to work.

"Sorry about the gag, but you really left me no choice." The captain stroked his dick slowly, licking his lips as he stared down and Jubei. "Don't worry, once if got you trained up and hooked on my taste we won't need it."

As he lined it up with his muzzle, Jubei's eyes fell on the captain's dick, almost against his will. There was no way something that big was going to fit. It wasn't possible!

Seeing the worried look in his eyes, the captain scratch at the back of Jubei's neck to reassure him.

"Don't worry. That potion we gave you also makes you nice and stretchy. I could shove three of me in you and it wouldn't hurt at all. So relax, and remember to breath. Well, when you can."

Jubei tried to speak to ask him what he meant, but he didn't get the chance, even if he hadn't been gagged.

"Alright, pretty kitty, let's give that throat a workout! Time to suck some dick, and don't forget to use that tongue!"

And that was all the warning he got before the captain pulled his head forward and slid his length past Jubei's gag and right down his throat.

Jubei fought to pull back, but with the collar sapping his strength there was nothing he could do. He recoiled as the lycan's cock slid over his tongue, washing his tastebuds in the flavor of his captor's dick. Once enough of his cock was in Jubei's muzzle, the captain moved the hand that had been guiding it down to Jubei's throat, squeezing as he slid forward. It wasn't enough to cut off Jubei's airway, but it was enough for him to feel the growing bulge in of his cock stretching out the cat's throat. He stopped when his growing knot pressed against the gag, but that was more than enough to completely block Jubei's throat, the cat's lack of experience working against him.

Jubei might be having a rough time, but the captain was enjoying himself greatly. He held Jubei there, choking on his dick, the cat's throat spasming around him, milking him in that way he liked so much. He always enjoyed the sight of someone choking on his cock, especially other males. When he final pulled back, he left most of his cock resting on Jubei's tongue, pulling out just enough for the bound cat to pant and gasp around his length, filling his lung's with the lycan's scent. The captain gave Jubei time to catch his breath. After all, he planned to enjoy his new sextoy for years to come. There was no way he risk doing any permanent damage.

But that didn't mean he was left idle, either. While the smaller male gasped and panted around him, the captain, rocked Jubei back and forth, sliding his tongue along the base of his cock, the rough feline tongue sending spurts of precum splashing down Jubei's throat.

"Damn, you've got quite the mouth on you," said the captain, moaning. "It'll be even better once I can get in there without the gag, and show you what it's like to get your muzzle tied." He glanced down at Jubei, who glared back at him. "So, for you first time sucking a cock, how do you like the taste? Oh, right, I forgot. You're mouth's a bit full right now, isn't it."

The captain laughed, and Jubei tried to respond, but couldn't manage more than angry grumbling before his throat was plugged up once again as the captain started humping at Jubei's face, pulling his head down into his lap to meet him.

"Cock can be a bit of an acquired taste, but don't you worry. By the time I'm done with you a cock on your tongue'll be your favorite treat in the world."

The captain didn't say much after that, being content to bob Jubei's head on his cock, stuffing the cat's throat beyond what most would consider sane. Every time he thrust in, he would squeeze Jubei's throat, cutting of the cat's air and enjoying the feeling of the bulge in his neck moving under his fingers. Whenever he felt Jubei was getting to used to it, he bury himself in the cat's muzzle until his lips kissed his now fully grown knot, completely block his air and turning Jubei into a struggling, squirming mess, his tails lashing and his tiny, tan-furred feet kicking frantically against the floor.

This continued for several more minutes, Jubei's lack of skill or experience being more than made up for by his tight throat and the captain's own thrill at watch another male choke on his dick. But soon, the lycan's knot had swollen to full size, bumping against Jubei's nose with every thrust. The captain picked up his pace, Jubei's gagging, clenching throat just egging him on.

"You better get ready," he panted. "He it comes, Jubei. Swallow. Swallow it. Open up that throat and let me in. Here... I...ungh!"

Unable to stop himself, Jubei reluctantly did as he was told, swallowing around the captain's length and taking it into his throat. He could feel it jerking and twitching in his throat as the lycan alpha pumped a heavy load straight down into his belly. When he finally pulled back, he fired one last heavy shot into Jubei's mouth, coating his tongue even as the cat gasped and coughed, desperate for air. As degrading as that had been for him, at least he'd made it through. Dying because he choked on another man's penis was not something Jubei wanted to be known for.

For a fleeting moment, Jubei hoped that would be the end of his torment, or that, at the very least, he'd be given a chance to rest. But the bandits had other plans. Picking him up by the scruff once again, Jubei was hauled over to a nearby table and tossed down on his back.

"Gimme a hand here."

At his alpha's request, the white-furred beta walked over to the table and grabbed Jubei's legs, pulling them up and spreading them, leaving the bound feline totally exposed. As he tried to pull his legs free, Jubei noticed that, much to his embarrassment, not only had his erection not gone down despite what had been done to him, if anything it was even harder than it was before. It was that damned arousal potion, keeping him hard no matter what they did to him. The shame he felt at being used and abused even seemed to make it worse! But the even bigger issue, which Jubei had failed to notice with his face buried in the captain's crotch, was that the other bandits had stripped as well. Including the white-furred brute towering over him, his heavy balls and thick cock hanging over Jubei's face.

"Now," said the captain, walking over to stand between Jubei's legs. "Let's see what we've got to work with."

Jubei jumped as he felt a hand grab both of his tails near the base, pulling them down and out of the way. After first he wasn't sure what the other man was doing, but he soon got his answer, his back arching as two large fingers sunk into his tailhole and immediately started pumping in and out, scissoring back and forth to work him open.

"Very nice," said the captain. "See Jubei," he held up his fingers, covered in some kind of clear lubricant, "My potion works just as advertised. Makes you nice and accommodating, but keeps you tight as a virgin. Even makes your ass nice and slick for us."

He stood up, and lined himself up, sending Jubei into a panic as he felt the head of the lycan's dick pressing against his tailhole. That thing was way to big, no way was it going to fit! And even if it did, Jubei knew it would hurt like hell.

To Jubei's surprise, the captain produced a small packet and tore it open, but rather than using on himself, he slid the condom down over Jubei's length, teasing his barbs as he did so. Once it was securely in place, the captain reached out and took Jubei's ankles from his beta, grinning as Jubei kicked and fought, trying to stop what he knew was coming.

"You know, Jubei, I would have thought by now you'd have realized this will be a lot more fun for you if you just relax. It's not like you can stop us anyway, so why bother fighting when you could be enjoying yourself? Here, let me show you what I mean."

And that was all the warning he got before the captain plowed forward, pulling Jubei towards him and spreading the cat wide around his dick, sinking into him until his knot was pressed against Jubei's pucker, stretched smooth by the massive cock inside him. Jubei's back arched and he cried out as the captain started to fuck him, his big black balls swinging forward to slap against the base of his tails. But Jubei's cries weren't from pain.

They were from pleasure. Mind-numbing, toe-curling, world-shattering pleasure. The size of the cock inside him should have been agony for Jubei, since he'd never taken anything into him before. But it wasn't. In fact. It felt amazing! The warm fullness, the stretch deep inside him that seemed to go all the way up into his stomach. He couldn't look down at his belly in the position he was in, but he wouldn't have been surprised if it was bulging with every thrust of the big male made into his ass. The thick cock was stroking over places Jubei had never known he could feel, and the size difference between them meant that no matter how the lycan moved, Jubei's prostate was getting pounded into submission with no relief in sight.

His cries and moans only echoed around the room for a moment or two, before they were silenced by the beta shoving his cock into Jubei's muzzle, groaning in pleasure as the smaller male's cries vibrated down his cock. Looking down, both the captain and the beta were greeted with the sight of the white lycan's dick bulging the feline's throat, just as his captain's had, with the added perk of his balls occasionally smothering Jubei's nose, silencing him as he gagged on that thick cock before he started moving again.

Through his own grunts and groans of pleasure, the captain couldn't resist the urge to tease Jubei a bit more.

"It's like I said, Jubei. That potion of mine is designed to help turn you into our perfect little slut," said the captain, his tongue lolling out as he pounded the smaller males hot, slick ass. "and I've broken in enough boys in my day to know that the best way to get a guy begging for your cock is to make him enjoy it. So that's what I did. Thanks to that little miracle, you're lubed up and stretchy enough that even when I knot you - and make no mistake, I am going to knot you - is the wonderfully full stretch that can only come from taking a good hard dick up your ass."

The pair fucked Jubei relentlessly, spitroasting him so deep it was a wonder their cocks weren't bumping into each other. The other bandits gathered around them, jerking their own cocks or else helping each other, eager for their turn with their newest toy.

Overwhelmed as he was by the pleasure he was feeling, Jubei was quickly pushed past the point of no return. His moans of pleasure muffled by thick lycan cock, Jubei came, the condom keeping him from making a mess of his belly. He body seized up as he was rocked by the most intense orgasm he'd ever felt, and he squeezed down on both cocks inside him. Howling in pleasure, both males powered forward, burying their knots in Jubei front and back, tying with him and pumping him full of their cum.

The wet warmth surging through his ass was a sensation Jubei had never thought he'd feel. But rather than be repulsed by what was being done to him, he felt only bliss, that hard cock crushing his prostate; wave after wave of steaming hot cum washing over it and filling him up, matched by the load he was being fed by the beta. Thankfully the white-furred male wasn't quite as big as his boss, so even buried all the way in Jubei's muzzle he didn't cut off his air, but he certainly gave his throat a serious stretching, not to mention his jaw, the male's swollen knot stuck inside the ring gag, pressing the cat's tongue down under his swollen cock.

Once the captain's orgasm had died down, he took a moment to enjoy the feeling of Jubei's tight ass around his knot, carefully slipping the cum-filled condom off his dick, which, thanks to the arousing effects of the potion, was still standing at full erection, though it did splat down wetly against the cat's belly fur as the rubber was removed.

It seemed both males enjoyed the feeling of the firm pull on their knots from removing them before they'd had a chance to really shrink, and that actually made Jubei a bit grateful for the effects of that damned potion. The beta had a bit more trouble, since the gag didn't have the same give as the feline's magically loosened tailhole, but he managed to extract himself after a couple of tries. The beta pulled Jubei into a sitting position, his back pressed against the lycan's chest and his ass leaking onto the table. The potion may have kept his ring virgin tight, but after taking a load that big there was no way to keep it all inside. The beta grabbed Jubei's head and tilted it back as the captain leaned over to look him in the eye.

"Congratulations on your first time getting fuck to an orgasm! But don't worry, it won't be the last. You'll be begging use to fuck that tight little ass, once we've gotten you hooked on the cum of every male here." He grinned slyly. "And I do mean, everyone." And without any further warning, he up-end the condom and poured Jubei's own cum down his throat.

By this point, swallowing whatever was shoved in his mouth was happening by reflex, and before Jubei realized it, he'd already drunk down his load. But he didn't even have time to worry about what this might mean before the beta lycan decided it was his turn to have a go at Jubei's ass. Picking him up using the scruff of his neck and the base of his tails as handles, the beta wasted no time in lining Jubei up and slamming him back, using the cat as little more than a fluffy fleshlight, pumping him along his cock at a savage pace.

Jubei's legs kicked helplessly in the air beneath him, trying to find purchase on something, anything, to help him slow the beta's pace. Not because it hurt, but because it just felt so good. He knew he should be hating this, should be doing everything he could to get away, but the longer this treatment went on, the harder it was to fight off the waves of pleasure crashing through his system. He cried out, moaning loudly and long, only stopping when the beta shifted his grip, pulling the collar tighter around his neck and cutting off most of the noise, leaving Jubei gasping and wriggling on his cock.

When he came, the beta once again wasted little time before pulling out, the tug on his knot sending another shot of cum into Jubei's ass before passing him off to the next bandit, and on and on it went. Jubei lost track of how many men he took down his throat, or under his tail. By the time he had been fucked to his fifth orgasm of the night, Jubei was so drunk on pleasure and mentally burned out that he was only vaguely aware of what they were doing to him. He just knew it felt good. No, not good. Fucking mind-breaking orgasmic ecstasy times a billion.

Though much of what happened after that point was a blur, some of the nights events did stick in his mind, for one reason or another. The pair that shoved both their cocks up his ass at the same time, giving Jubei his first taste of taking two knots in his ass at the same time, and pushing him to an orgasm that had him shooting so strong his cum fell down on them like rain. The mating bites the males have given each of his shoulders as he milked their knots would be bruised for days, marking his as their bitch. The brown-furred lycan who had held Jubei upside-down, fucking his throat and laughing as his legs wildly kicked in the air, bulging out his throat when he held him down and slurped over the cat's penis, making him tremble and squeal. The same male that, after tying his throat and setting him on the table, had held his tails out of the way while his companion paddled Jubei's backside until it was burning red. The bandits, surrounding him, jerking each other off and filling his muzzle, making him drink load after load of their addictive spunk.

After what felt like hours, Jubei was back in the lap of the alpha, the big males hands around the his waist, bouncing the thoroughly used-up male on his cock while Jubei's head flopped around like rag doll. Filling the smaller male with yet another load, though nowhere near as big as the first two he'd given him, the alpha leaned back in his chair, enjoying the tight cat wrapped around his knot.

"Damn, Jubei, you make an even better sextoy than I thought," he said, looking around at his men. Every one of them showed signs of the fun they'd been having with their latest prize, whether that was a slowly renewing erection or cum coated balls from over filling their slutty kitten from either end. "And just think, you get to spend the rest of your life having nights just like this."

Spent and used up as he was, somewhere, deep down in his mind, the alpha's words awakened that last little spark of defiance still left in Jubei. Once he'd finished using his mouth one last time, the captain had removed the gag from Jubei's muzzle, probably thinking he was to exhausted to speak. He tilted his head back to look at the captain. "I told you... I... I'll n-never serve you."

The captain laughed, tweaking Jubei's slick erection and making him groan and whimper. After so many forced orgasms, the cat was very sensitive.

"And I told you, it's not like you have a choice." The captain rubbed his hands together. "After a performance like that, I think my new slut deserves a reward, don't you kitten?"

Not waiting for an answer, he stood up, hold Jubei to his chest and letting his legs hang limply beneath him, his weight supported by the lycan's thick knotted cock still wedged in his backside. He walked out of his chambers and down the corridor, the stone walls illuminated every few feet by torches. Jubei moaned and whined as they walked, every step making the captains cock thrust up into his ass.

Reaching what looked to be some kind of cell, the captain opened the door - little more than prison bars - and walked inside. There was a large wooden door at the back of the space, but what caught Jubei's attention was the object in the center of the room. It was some kind of padded bench, with straps hanging off it that looked like they'd be used to tie someone down. There was something sitting on top of the bench as well, which the captain quickly scooped up. Leaving only his cock to support Jubei, the captain wrapped a powerful hand around his neck and started to squeeze.

"Open up, pretty kitty."

Jubei tried to keep his mouth shut, but his own exhaustion and the tightening grip on his neck won out. Gasping for breath he opened his mouth and the captain slipped the new gag in place, fastening it tightly around Jubei's head. Unlike the last one, this time he had been fitted with a bit-gag, made of some kind of sturdy, dark wood. Testing it, Jubei found it was soft enough to bite into, but to hard to bite through, meaning he could gnaw on it all he wanted but he wouldn't get out of this gag any easier than the last one.

But then he tasted it. The wood had been soaked in some kind of liquid. Another of the captain's potions, perhaps. No, this was different. He knew this taste. It tasted almost like...

"I see you've figured it out," said the captain, chuckling. "Yep, this little number was soaked in a catnip solution, just for you. Enjoy the buzz, kitten. You'll be in here for a while."

Jubei could already fell the catnip starting to affect him. It was such a powerful drug for his kind, and whatever mix they'd used for the gag had been strong. Jubei didn't even think of resisting until it was too late, until after he had been strapped down on the bench on his belly, his arms and legs repositioned and tied to the base. His tails were even clipped to the back of his collar, leaving him trapped, helpless, and exposed.

"I told you I was going to make sure you got addicted to every male in this base, and I meant it," said the captain. "What I may have neglected to mention was that those men weren't the only ones here."

The captain walked out of Jubei's line of sight, moving behind him and opening the door. The sounds of panting and heavy footsteps filled the room, and moments later Jubei discovered the source, as the captain stepped back in front of him.

"The thing about lycans is, when we first unlock our powers, it takes us a while to learn how to take a humanoid form like mine," he said. "These are some of my newer recruits, and they haven't quite got the hang of it yet."

The beast next to him was at least double Jubei's size in every way. The grey-furred lycan looked more like a dire wolf than the captain and his men, but it was obvious they were lycans, no doubt about it. And between the snuffling noises he heard, the hot breath on his exposed rear, and the growing slab of dog meat beneath the brute's legs, Jubei didn't like where this was heading.

"As you might expect, finding partners for them can be a bit... challenging. And I hate to see my boys go without. So, you're going to stay here and keep them entertained, until the rest of my crew and I are ready for another round." He looked down at the creature beside him. "He's all yours."

The lycan padded around behind Jubei and wasted no time in climbing on the cat's back, humping against him as he tried to mount the much smaller feline. Without hands to guide him it took a few tries, but finally he managed to sink in, his long tongue lolling out atop Jubei's head as he hammered away at him. This one was obviously younger and less experienced, more eager to cum quickly than to take his time with building up to an orgasm. Within minutes, Jubei's ears were ringing as the lycan howled, burying his knot in the cat's tailhole and filling him up. And though Jubei was as hard as he'd been all night, and the pounding he'd just received felt just as good, this time he didn't cum.

As tired as he was, Jubei might not have noticed, but it was strange enough that it really stuck in his mind, even while flooded with catnip. The lycan continued shallow humps into his ass, milking every drop out of his balls and making Jubei squirm. He felt like he was right on the edge of an orgasm, but the beast on top of him hadn't pushed him over the edge.

The captain knelt down in front of Jubei, tilting his chin up to look at him.

"i told you earlier that the best way to break in a new sextoy was by making him enjoy it. And that was true. But there's one other tactic I use that never fails to make any male putty in my hands. Know what it is?"

Jubei shook his head wearily.

"With orgasms," he said. "Sooner or later, the promise of an orgasm can break any male, no matter how stubborn they are. I have them begging me for sex. All thanks to the simple, yet effect method of deciding when they orgasm... and when they don't."

He snapped his fingers, and at once, two more of the feral lycans stepped forward and bent their heads down beneath Jubei, and immediately started lapping furiously at his erection. In seconds, Jubei tensed as he was pushed to the brink.

And then he stayed there.

As the big male continued massaging his prostate, and the other two slurped hungrily at his hyper-sensitive penis, Jubei didn't cum. His body was screaming at him, telling him that release was coming but it never did. He was kept right on the edge, every fiber of his being begging, pleading to cum. For release, an end to the teasing. For an orgasm that was never going to come.

"Isn't that collar wonderful?" asked the captain. "One little spell to stop you from cumming, and-" he snapped his fingers "- instantly more effective than any kind of torture you could find in the darkest dungeons." He stood up, ruffling the fur on Jubei's head and heading for the door.

"You boys have fun, and be careful not to damage my new toy." He winked at Jubei, pulling the barred door shut with one final click. "You have fun, too, my sweet little fucktoy. I'll be back for you in a couple of hours. Then we can get started on making you a proper slut, like you were always meant to be."

The captain turned and walked away, leaving Jubei at the mercy of the pack, whistling happily to himself as the cat's whimpers and cries of needed echoed of the walls, wordlessly begging the captain to come back and give him the orgasm he so desperately craved.

The captain sighed happily.

"I love my job."