Balto - Like Father, Like Son

Story by TheTARDISLegilimens on SoFurry

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Kodi has been growing into a fine, young stud, but Balto's starting to get worried. He never seems to want to adventure outside of the family, despite the hundreds of opportunities he's given.

So, to rectify that, Balto decides to put Steele, who had been reduced to little more than the town plaything, to proper use, and give Kodi a much needed increase in his confidence.

Commissioned story written by IB: Ravi on InkBunny

The cold mountain air wasn't anything new to the inhabitants. The sun warming their furs, hides and feathers along with the abrasive cold air simply marked a new day full of things to get done. But not for sled dogs. No, the stinging wind, the kiss of heat along their fur signalled another day where they push themselves to the limit to make deliveries, carry supplies across the frozen tundra and that everlasting sensation left behind by their ancestors: the thrill of the hunt and the following chase.

Every canine, dog, wolf or otherwise, felt this and would always heed its call and act on their still present instincts.

This turns out to be just as true for Balto, the saviour of his hometown, as well as his Kodi. While the other dogs in their respective groups took breaks and lounging around, the two of them were racing each other across the snowy banks. Many of the other dogs were amazed they could still move after their early morning deliveries.

'Guess that's what makes them the top sled dogs.' was the shared thought of the rest of the pack.

Besides a certain sore loser, everyone had a huge amount of respect for Balto and his kin. Not only did he take the lead and save the innocent lives, Balto could have had every single woman in town. Every woman worth her fur would have eagerly let herself be taken by the stud. Instead of a harem, he's remained nothing short of faithful to Jenna, the only dog for him. Aside from said sore loser and his own family, no one else has felt the touch of the stud or the monster cock that bounces between his legs.

His son, Kodi, is practically the perfect spitting image of his parents. Auburn fur, striking eyes of his father and a body brimming with strong, young muscles. Also like his father, he's also packing a monster that threatens to match Balto in size, shape and especially in potency if his heavy melon sized balls are any sort of indication. As the two of them raced around, their balls swung with a similar intensity as whenever they're breeding the lovely female wolves they have waiting for them back home.

Jenna and Aleu, mate of Balto and Kodi's sister respectively, are hailed for being on the receiving end of both men's sexual desires for years. The town, on the quietest nights, could pick up on the sounds of the happy and constantly expecting family to engage in some incestual love making. Of all the times however, it was Jenna's public breeding that's still cemented in the minds of the general public. The ferocity, the humiliation of Steele and having everything on full display was a damn glorious show for all to see.

Ever since that day, there was a mini baby boom where pups of many couples would end up walking around pregnant with their own litters in the making. Along with the many pups who have wolf blood in their veins, they were growing and everywhere. Even with their growing family, Uncle Boris was more than willing to help raise his boy's cubs, especially with his own little clutch of eggs with a lucky goose that crossed his path one cold winter evening.

Back to father and son, the two of them raced through the cold. No matter how far Kodi pushed himself, Balto was always one step ahead. The two bonded and laughed, feeling the burning in their lungs as they went for their fifth lap around their makeshift path through the snow.

"I'm gonna beat you dad!" Kodi laughed, pushing his muscles to their limits. Every step felt heavier, but he and his dad are neck and neck.

"We'll see about that! I'm older but I'm not a bag of bones yet!" Balto chortled as he kept up. Despite the age gap, his muscles had been pulling and mushing tons of weight more than made up the gap of Kodi's youth. Balto's years of experience made all the difference. Even when compared to his expert runner of a son, Balto easily beat him out. Kodi was all about focusing on beating him, not on the finish line.

Balto pushed his legs to their limits, dashing through the snow hard and fast enough to make it splash on his son's face. Kodi, impressed by the sudden burst of speed, couldn't stop from tripping over himself as Balto reached the finish line, laughing and jumping around with his arms raised in victory.

Picking himself up, a snow drenched Kodi walked over to his dad, laughing as he rubbed his strong yet sore legs. Balto gave his well-endowed son a big hug, raising his arms high as if he was the winner. Many of the onlookers gave the duo a standing ovation, clapping and calling out their names. Embarrassed, Kodi followed in Balto's footsteps and raised his other arm in victory.

'That boy's growing up to be something amazing' Balto told himself. He already knew it but seeing him in action was another thing. Kodi picked up the best of him and his mother. Handsome, strong and as caring as his mother. His wolf blood ran strong if the heavy cock and balls between his legs are any indication. Even if he was just short by an inch or two, Kodi was already a perfect fit for the word stud.

Balto watches as his son is approached by a few girls that look like they're from out of town. A golden husky with a curled tail and a fox with an extremely fluffy tail and both wearing very obvious tourists clothing. Even with the fabric on, Balto could tell they're very interested in his boy, judging by the way their own tails wagged.

Kodi himself was loving the attention if his own tail and cock are any indication. It flexed as the two girls couldn't keep their eyes off it. He noticed one of them point down to it, a nod from the hung mutt and ending with them touching the thick shaft. After one flex, the two of them pulled back, giggling like mad as a bashful Kodi tried to hide his embarrassed blush face from the gaggle of girls around him.

It was like watching the past for the older wolf dog. Balto couldn't count the number of times he used to stutter while talking to Jenna when he was just a very young pup. Only a few years old and Balto already had his eyes dead set on his future mate. Knowing that his son isn't like him, in that regard, Balto felt worried. He wants him to be strong and far more outgoing with other girls than his mother and sister. The only question now was how.

Just out of sight, Balto caught the familiar set of white and back fur and cold blue eyes looking at his son that an idea dawned on him. Balto felt a big deep smile begin to spread across his lips as he approached the hiding figure from the side. Even with his noticeable heft, he tiptoed in the snow, making no sounds until he stood right behind the familiar figure.

Steele, the all too familiar malamute to the wolf-dog household, felt a sudden slap on his ass that made him let out a yelp that would have gotten everyone's attention were it not for Balto's big hands covering his mouth, muffling into it.

"If it isn't one of my favourite buddies!" Balto says with an innocent yet friendly smile. Steele wants to growl but knows that doing so would cause a scene.

The last time he did such a thing, it resulted in him being used as the town whore in the stockades for a week straight. By the end of it, the formerly prideful mongrel had become more than familiar with the taste of many cocks from the guys. Any of the girls that came around used him as a quick stop to eat them out or in the kinkier cases, his cream-pies were eaten out by some slutty tongues wanting a sample.

"What is it, Balto?" he asked, looking angry but trying to hide his face from his former foe, knowing it was all for nothing.

"Well see, it's about my boy, Kodi." Balto threw an arm around Steele's arm, pulling him close as the two of them walked towards. The malamute wanted to pull himself away, but Balto kept a good locking grip around him and didn't let go. "He's growing up to be a big, strong wolf like his old man. He can keep up with me and maybe in a decade or two, he can outrun me once he's gotten some more experience under his belt."

Balto gestured for Steele to look in a certain direction. He could see Balto's son walking towards one of his favourite hangout spots being approached by a few other tourists along with the other girls who came to him before. Just as before, they all gathered to gawk and maybe touch his heavy member and balls. All the attention and female tender touching excited him, leaving them all gasping, giggling and transfixed on it.

Even under all the attention, Kodi was trying to push them away, being all bashful and trying to make them think he's not such a big catch like his father.

"He's as gentle as sunlight in the early morning. He's really, really shy and all that. I've seen so many cute young ladies who would make wonderful editions to the family. He's at that age that makes him perfect to go out and sow his wild oats." Balto gave Steele a deep grin. "And I want you to help my boy build up some much-needed confidence.

"And what do you want me to do about it? Take him out to some of the bars to meet the ladies? Get him to drink me under the table? Teach him how to be a real dog?" Steele spat out, trying to bring back some of his lost pride from years prior. Just something to remind him that he's still the top dog, even if it's in his own head.

The older malamute saw Balto's smile turn into something of a devious grin.

"About that last part... That's actually pretty close to what I'm in the market for!" Balto stood in front of Steel, paws on the malamute's shoulders, a smile bringing with the same kind of energy he's grown used to whenever the mangy mutt had something devious planned. All the while, Balto's massive breeders cock pressed itself down on Steele's sheath, the pressure causing his own meat to start to pop out, slowly.

"W-what is it?" he asked.


The town had grown used to many things going on inside of it. Mainly, whenever Balto was in a mating mood and wanted to have some good-natured sensual fun. The stockades he put into place and used were a frequent place of interest of lovers and those who wanted to have a taste of what the alpha dog used for fun. Lovers and couples trying to make their own families.

If it wasn't Aleu or Jenna, it was Steele more often than not.

And just like the many times before, it was Steele once again. Latched down into it and collared with a thick chain connecting it, free to be used to grab whenever.

"It's for Jenna... I-I's for Jenna..." Steele repeated to himself, over and over. No matter what would happen, this was all for Jenna's sake. He repeated the phrase every once in a while as he prepared to satisfy Balto and his son, Kodi, at the same time.

Balto convinced the prideful malamute that if he made Kodi happy, he would be making Jenna happy as well. In its own twisted way, it was the closest way that both of them could be together. Even if it's with the child of the wolf who "stole" her away from him. Steele tried to stop his tail from wagging but the excitement of making Jenna happy was having a more positive effect on his body than he liked to ever admit. His cock had fully come out. A nice hot pink in contrast to the rest of his black and white body. The excitement only grew stronger as the crowd began to surround the three of them, some even taking pictures or recording.

"Alright Kodi!" Balto barked out, throwing an arm around his nervous son. "Today's the day, I teach you a few things and help you out of that shell of yours!" Balto placed a hand on his son's ass and gave it a good hard slap before doing the same to the restrained former lead dog.

"Dad, um..." Balto cut him off.

"Listen son. You're gonna be a great lead for your pack. You can't be hidden away in your shell and not step up. You're a good looking your pup with a pair of nice cock and a pair of balls that are nearly as big as mine." To emphasize his point, Balto grabbed his son's cock, giving it a good shake and causing it to throb in anticipation. "There's plenty of cute girls besides your mom and sister to breed out there and I want you to get a good taste of what it's like to breed with someone else. And I'm gonna help you learn that."

Balto stepped behind Steele, making sure to get a nice tight hold on the thick chain on the collar. Looking down, the former lead dog had a nice body developed over the years. Even after all the times Balto's dominated him, his body didn't show any wear or tear from the occasional cream-pies. He's chugged probably half the amount that his wife or baby girl have had since things became what they have between them.

The crowd watched in awe as Balto's cock grew, thickening and swelling to its full size and might. The cold air didn't hide the intense smell of his musk. Almost like a heater, the cold air began to heat up as Balto readied himself. His thick onyx black meat looked like something out of a perverted dream. His size, his girth... It was all unreal. His heavy balls bounced with every step, eager to pump whoever's at the end of his hungry cock full of his bitter hot cream.

Balto pressed the blunt tip against Steeles hole and sank in with little effort. Steele for his part could only let out a whimper and howl as he felt Balto take home once again. Slowly, Balto worked his way inside the fallen mush dog. With a sharp tug, Balto made Sure Steele look at the crowds, to feel every single set of eyes on him as he was being conquered by the dominant wolf-dog.

"Yeah, take it you third rate slut." Balto laughed as he pushed the last few inches into Steele's tight hole.

Kodi watched mesmerized as his father fucked Steele without a second of hesitation. His monster cock claimed him without even trying. Inch by inch went in and made a satisfying bulge deep inside, popping up to make a nice bulge in the husky's tummy. His father's balls slapped Steele's fluffy ass, striking him hard as Balto began to speed up. Kodi's eyes went to the crowd, seeing them all watch the hot and heavy action with pure awe and envy in their eyes.

Every tight squelching sound, followed by "oohs!" and various mummers from the crows made Kodi feel horny and proud. He's the son of the top alpha. Strong wolf blood ran through his and his father's veins proudly. Blessed with strong bodies and packages that were made for breeding to their hearts' contents. Anyone and everyone.

Nothing was out of the question for the family.

Before Kodi realized it, Balto was pumping the poor bitch's belly with his potent seed. A dark guttural howl erupted from the proud wolf and Kodi sees an all too familiar sight from whenever their little family has an orgy or six. Steele's stomach began to expand, thickening ever so much as little bits of the thick daddy juice spills onto the stand, joining whatever bits had stained the platform before. Balto looked like he was in another world. His proud form looking up to the sky, tongue out and panting as he forced his seed into the bitch that had caused him years of unwanted stress and frustrations.

While this was to help his son, Balto revelled in dominating the once proud canine. Thanks to his massive beach ball sized balls, he could pump as much as a whole town's worth of breeders into one little willing slut. His mind began to drift back to when he and Jenna first made love. The sweet heat of her body, the scent of her love, the constant love and attention that never seemed to end whenever they were together...

Thinking about his past caused Steele to receive an extra hot gush of juice, joining the sea of cum that caused his belly to grow as if he was joining in the family harem.

Balto felt a heavy slap strike his ass, causing him to let out a yelp that he doesn't usually let out unless its date night with his mate.

"Having fun dad?" Kodi laughed, raising the hand that gave his dad a noticeable red mark on his plump rear.

"Hehe, sorry Kodi. Just thinking back to some pleasant times with your mother was all." Balto received another playful smack to the rear. "Oooh, getting eager back there aren't we? Then let's see what kind of show you can give the crowd!" Pulling away with a wet squirt, Balto gave Steele one more hard slap on the ass before stepping away and handing the chains over to his son.

Kodi looked down at the thick creamy mess that's Steele's backside. Freshly knotted and filled, it looked like a dark tunnel pumped to the brim with thick white sludge. The sight was something he was familiar with, especially whenever the family wanted to have an orgy. Jenna, on her back and her holes pumped and flooded with the same sweet juice that took over Steele's plush ass. Seeing it made his balls feel heavier and heavier the more he looked at it.

The crowd cheered and called for Kodi to do what had been growing inside him. Encouraging slaps on the ass and his own eagerness pushed him to go for his dad's sloppy seconds. Kodi gave himself a few strokes, feeling his own mammoth sized cock stiffen up as he got ready. Pushing up against Steele's used hole, there was little to no resistance as he punished the willing bitch's backdoor entrance, taking Balto's place.

"Ahhh! Ughah... Haaa..." Steele grit his teeth as he felt Kodi make his way into his gaping hole. Inch by inch sucked right in, giving him that fullness his body missed. Just like a glove, Kodi managed to fit every inch down into his daddy's formal rival. Kodi's eyes lit up as he felt the new bitch wrapped around him. Unlike his mother and sister, the tamed malamute was... different.

Different texture. Tightness. Twitching. So different!

Kodi's ears reared back as he took advantage of the chain on Steele's collar and gave it a sharp tug, forcing him to look at the crowd as the young pup got into the groove of things. Almost a mirror image of his dad, Kodi claimed his bitch with a commanding gaze, an intimidating pose and showing an aura of confidence that wouldn't look unfamiliar on Balto.

"Fuuuck! Even after so much with my dad you feel so good and tight!" The crowd watched in awe as Kodi's confidence took hold, letting him ride, pound and abuse the restrained bitch like he was nothing more than a toy. "My mom can take it better than you! Come on, tighten up! Squeal you mutt!"

Balto's smile couldn't have grown any further if he wanted. He watched his son fuck the cum right out of Steele, slamming into his ass without restraint. Again and again, Kodi rammed into Steele, slapping his ass hard enough to make an audibly loud _slapping_sound with every contact. The stockade creaked and groaned as they kept him in place, barely standing up to the assault.

Steele for his part was being a good little breeding slut. He made plenty of grunts, whimpers_and moans as Kodi pounded him, _whimpering when the growing pup pushed his knot against the hungry hole only to sink right back inside. In his mind, he kept imagining it was Jenna doing this to him, taking him from behind. His pride wouldn't let him admit to how good it was being the cum dumpster for the father/son duo. His stomach throbbed and bubbled from within with the hearty meal fed into him from the thick monster cocks. His own dick was left all alone to strain as his prostate was milked over and over, leaking his smaller load onto the thick clumps that seeped out of his ass.

'So... Much...'

Kodi's thrusts became more erratic, changing on the fly from hard, to slow, to deep, to fast, and so on. The more Balto watched, the more excited he got. Kodi was usually brave and open whenever he was with his mother or Aleu but watching him go to town on some other fur was as mesmerizing as the northern lights. The few who weren't watching Kodi could see the ebony monster rising again, twitching to life before standing up proud, still wet with the previous loads that had marked Steele's lower half.

Suddenly, a wicked idea came to mind. One that would make Steele crumble to his feet and leave him to be nothing more than the family slut. It was something he wanted to try out on Jenna but using it on Steele first seemed like a fun little idea.

Before Kodi could finish, Balto gave his son a tap on the shoulder, breaking him out of his focus.

"Huh?" Kodi, still locked firmly inside of Steele, turned to Balto as he stepped up right beside him. "Dad, what are you-" Kodi's answer came in when Balto pushed the tip of his legendary cock up against the malamute's ass, with his son still inside. Kodi followed his father's example, smiling brightly as the two of them prepared to give the already stuffed malamute the ride of his life.

"W-what's going on...? Huh... Why'd you stop?"

Steele couldn't turn around to see why Kodi stopped moving. He could still feel him easily. Clenching around every inch of his cock, every throb and movement. Deep inside, the former lead dog had given in to his desires. To feel himself taken and used and abused in any ways Balto and his sons could ever want. It started as small sexually charged dreams whenever he was used to relieve Balto's swollen balls. In some small way, it would let him feel the same pleasure that Jenna felt when the alpha wolf-dog stole her away from him. Seeing the looks on the towns people's faces, something was about to happen that made them almost go silent.

Steele suddenly felt a deep pressure coming from behind him as he felt a second monster being fitted inside him. His eyes widened as he heard Balto grunt, trying to force his eager meat back in to join his son's massive sausage down into the nearly broken malamute's guts.

"AhA! T-aao-TO Muuhhghhh...!" He tried to beg them to go easy but for the two breeders, it was impossible. Both of them wanted to breed the bitch and instead of fighting over who gets a turn, the father son duo decided to just double team the cum drenched hole at the same time.

"Don't worry!" Balto chuckled as he and Kodi manoeuvre around each other, getting into a reverse doggy style position both their cocks firmly lodged inside now. "We've wanted to do this for a good long time and what better way to try this out than a mutt with a useless dick like yours?"

Balto and Kodi felt the tight ring of fuck meat clenching around them as Steele emptied more of his balls onto the ground below. Trembling from his orgasm as he was being degraded further than he'd ever had in his life, he wasn't free from his humiliation yet.

Father and son began to thrust backwards as they stuffed the mutt to a ludicrous degree. His stomach shook and bulged as they alternated between motions. With every thrust back, they practically spanked him with their own asses, striking him over and over with every bump. The new position made it perfect for the two of them to not only deliver some well-deserved punishment and enjoy themselves but feel their family jewels slapping back and forth between each other and Steele's ass.

While the incestuous duo was in heaven, Steele was a wreck. His eyes were glazed over, his maw open and gaping as he panted, trying to take it all and keep conscious. The pain was nothing compared to the pleasure. His prostate was being beaten up; his ass felt as sensitive as ever as he took on the hung monster cocks of the town. A few tourists that came to watch were nothing short of mesmerized at the public breeding.

But like all good things, it would soon come to a close.

Their thrusts became more erratic. Intense. The intense smell of cum dwarfed the otherwise cold air. The smell was almost as potent as Balto and Kodi's natural musk, but Stelle's stuffed hole reeked of the scent. It was so strong, anyone with a good nose would be forgiven for mistaking the obviously male slut being fucked in front of them as a bitch in heat.

"You about ready, Kodi?" Balto asked with a rare to hear ragged breath.

"Feeling the edge huh old man?" Kodi laughed as he gave his dad a hearty slap on the ass, earning a pleased grunt in return followed by a booty bump that left him fighting his urge to finish early.

"Let's see who can knock him up first and be his baby daddy!"

Steele had long since resigned himself to be their toy now. His stomach ached, his balls felt lighter than with any woman he's ever been with, and his cock strained to let out whatever bits of cum was still sticking inside.

Suddenly, twin _howls_echoed from the stockades, ringing all throughout the town. Steele's eyes widened as he felt their behemoth cocks expanding, locking themselves in. The pit of his stomach became warmer and hotter as a violent wave of boiling hot seed turned his insides white. Balto and Kodi's nuts throbbed as they let loose the thick cream inside their family breeding bitch! Shot after shot of rich potent seed finding its place inside the not so willing whore.

Thanks to the iron grip of his ring and the seal of their knots inside, nothing more than a squirt or dribble of cum managed to escape. His snow-white belly began to grow bigger and bigger, sloshing from the sheer volume being pumped in. He could only whimper as the fullness inside continued for what felt like an eternity. All in the eyes of the whole town. Steele's breathing quickened, trying to find some comfort through the seemingly everlasting orgasm.

Meanwhile Balto and Kodi just enjoyed the sensation and delight of not only double knotting the_whimpering_ Steele, but the idea of mooning the whole town and enjoying the exhibitionistic aspect of the whole event.

After thirty minutes of constant calls from the crowd, pictures being taken and compliment to all three of them, Kodi and Balto finally pulled out with a loud "pop". A girly whimper came out of the former champion as the ground was coated in thick doggy seed. Almost as cloudy as the snow but ten times hotter, melting it on contact. With a heavy huff, the abused Steele let out a torrent of seed, easing the filled sensation in his bloated belly and joining what already escaped from his newly gaped hole.

Balto and Kodi turned to see the fruits of their hard work, one arm wrapped around each other as they walked off together. The towns folk looked at the tired mutt, his mouth agape and drooling as cum leaked out of him like a broken faucet. The rest of the town watched the top breeders go back home, tired but with the newly confident Kodi beaming happily with his proud father.

Anyone who wasn't at the gathering for one reason or another were able to witness the duo giving an occasional slap on the ass. Their bare cocks, still out and only half hard, layered in thick remnants of their fun with Steele. Every step caused their lightened balls to bounce and jiggle as they strode through town with satisfied smiles.

On the way home, Kodi couldn't stop gushing to his father about how good it felt to be in charge of the breed bitch. He couldn't stop going into detail over how hot, wet and tight Steele's hole felt. How different it felt to the familiar tunnels of his mom and sister. Balto just listened, chiming in every now and then to encourage his formerly shy son about how he felt or what was his favourite part. By the time that the two of them arrived, Kodi bounced into their cosy home, feeling their fur bristle from the relaxing heat.

"Welcome home boys!" Jenna called from the kitchen, giving her usual loving smile. "I heard the two of you had quite the fun time with Steele. Hope you t-"

Before Jenna could finish, Kodi, surprising everyone in the room, strolled up to his mother and gave her a deep kiss. Taken aback from her son's forwardness, she found her legs going weak as she felt his tongue forcing its way into her maw.

"Mmmmhhh-MMH?!." Kodi grabbed her curvy hips and carried her off to the sofa, laying her down and deepening the kiss.

"Brings a tear to my eye to see our shy little pup growing into a big proper wolf!" Balto declared as he felt a sudden pair of hands grab his stiffening cock from behind. Aleu kissed Balto on the cheek, gently stroking what she could wrap her paws around, feeling the still present previous seed on his cock. Bucking his hips, a gentle moan came out of him as he looked at Kodi pushing himself into Jenna's burning entrance.

"Why don't we follow their example?" Aleu asked with a smile.

Balto didn't need to be asked twice and gently laid his daughter down by her mother, lining himself up and plunging down into her already wet tunnel. Aleu and Jenna clung to their men, wrapping their legs around their waists and feeling them rut into them with the same bountiful passion as always.

Soon, the house filled with the all too familiar sounds of heavy breathing, panting and sticky liquids sloshing around. Jenna and Aleu would find themselves at the sweet mercy of their loving studs for the rest of the night...


Several Weeks Later...

In the small time since Steele's latest public display of humiliation, it had become apparent that the wolf household. Whenever Jenna and Aleu had to walk around town it soon came to light that they weren't the only canines with an expecting litter. Besides the ladies of the town, it soon became apparent that they weren't alone.

After Kodi's encouraging public breeding of Steele, the malamute's stomach had grown at a similar rate as the others. Everyone thought that it was just him getting fatter or constantly filled with some wolf seed. Turns out that the constant breeding from the pair, especially after his intense public use. As potent and powerful as their loads are, they managed to do what was the final spit on his pride. Forced to carry the child of either his worst enemy or his child's child.

So potent, even nature could do nothing but bend to the will of the wolf, Steele had resigned himself to a life as the newest breeding hole among the family harem. He had become so placid and defeated, he was allowed to be around Jenna and Aleu, talking to the girls about how much pressure he feels whenever the little miracles inside him kick and bounce around.

Whenever the men of the house come back, he's treated to the sight of Aleu and Jenna servicing them. And on the best days, Steele is used as the cum dump of the day. Balto would whisper how much life has gotten better and how happy he is for Steele to join the family. Not a shred of mockery missed even as the two of them used him at the same time.

Spit roasted.

Double knotted.

Nothing was off limits for the little cum dumpster. Even after the hours of sex, Aleu or Jenna would lick the family seed that leaked or covered his fur off him.

For Steele, this was the closest thing in his new paradise.