Balto - Alpha over Beta

Story by TheTARDISLegilimens on SoFurry

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Newly wedded, Balto and Jenna have been fucking all over the town, with hardly a care in the world. But Steele doesn't want to accept it.

Now, in Jenna's heat, does Balto decide to put the arrogant dog in his proper place.

Story commission written by IB: Ravi on InkBunny

The sound of church bells rang throughout the town's snowy landscape. The band played passionately, filling the air with a loving rendition of Here Comes the Bride. Many of the townsfolk had gathered into the church, some dressed up, some wearing more comfortable clothing for the weather. The bolder and or more casual citizens, such as Boris, Muk and Luk and so on choose not to wear anything at all.

The priest, a stout beaver stood before the awaiting bride, with only the required clergy collar around his neck for his outfit.

As the woman to soon be wed, Jenna appeared far more radiant than ever before.

Her darkened red fur is the perfect vision of warmth in a snow-covered land. Her sweet creamy fur looks like the perfect place to rest one's dreary head after a long and tiring day of work and mushing. Her tail bounced with excitement as she stood, waiting for her beloved. Holding a bouquet of sweetly scented Alaska dwarf primrose and roses, a scent that pierced through the faint cold within. A perfect combination of love and beauty handpicked by her mate.

Unlike her friends, she had chosen to wear a few pieces of clothing and they did their job of showing off her beauty. An all-white ensemble consisting of a lace garter belt, crotchless panties and a simple veil over her face, doing little to hide the brimming smile below it.

Many commented on her appearance. Running from respectful to some lewd but good-natured ribbing on her end. But of the many that spoke, one person stood silent.


Balto had personally come to him to deliver him his invitation. Steele couldn't remember feeling so weak under a simple gesture. He thought back to the first time he almost had Jenna. In the middle of her heat, he picked up on her scent. With what little skill he had, he almost managed to get her to bed before Balto had come and gotten in his way. The wolf half breed didn't jump on her right then and there. He treated her far better than the rough malamute ever would. Caring for her. Talking to her. Everything that Steele couldn't care for in the years to come

Soon after, Balto had claimed her after Steele's failure had come to light to the rest of the town. His little pack more or less stuck to him but they all know who's the alpha dog in town.

"That should be me..." he growled under his breath, resisting the urge to snarl in front of everyone. Jenna, the most beautiful bitch in the town should be his mate. He was a purebred built for sledding and yet a halfblooded wolf had him beat!

... In more ways than one.

He'd considered dressing up but what little pride he had left in himself was down to his above average cock. Unlike the other mutts in town, he was fairly hung by their standards. Compared to a wolf however, Steele was blown out of the water. Thinking about it made him nearly shrivel. Balto's fat cock swung around like the pendulum on a clock. Triple in length and four times the girth... It was like god himself crafted the stud by hand to make Steele's life miserable. He'd grown bigger, stronger and far more virile if the fat swinging balls underneath was another point in the wolfs favour.

The local bitches, as he'd called them, swooned whenever he walked around after pulling shipments around. The thick pungent aroma of a hardworking wolf was like an aphrodisiac to them. If Balto wasn't faithful to Jenna... The town would be stinking of dozens upon dozens of partial breed pups.

The thought made Steele's gullet churn and a subtle hint of a twitch along his meat. He thought to himself how the town should be full of his pups, smelling of half-breed huskies. A legion of home bred mushers from his loins. But no... With Balto around, it wasn't gonna happen.

As the vision in his mind faded, the front of the church's doors swung open as everyone cheered, the big hero finally arrived. Balto walked in, sweat madding his body and showing off his fairly muscular physique. The constant mushing brought out the muscle hidden away under his brown-grey fur. Compared to the former top sled dog, Balto was easily a head taller, making him the tallest male in the town.

Just like Steele, Balto arrived with nothing on, daring not to hide anything from the public's eyes. His head held high, brimming with confidence as he walked down the aisle. With every step, his cock and balls bounced with the same heft and weight that left every woman in the room whispering about him. What they'd do, how lucky Jenna is and wondering just how loyal Balto is to Jenna. But they knew no other woman would be enough for him. She was the only canine who treated him fairly and with compassion before he became a hero.

"Balto" Jenna whispered through the veil. Excitement obvious in her tone and the light hint of a smile hidden beneath the veil.

As the groom approached, he looked to Steele with a subtle glance, a knowing smile on his face that dared the malamute to do something. Anything to make a fool of himself before everyone. Balto knew he wouldn't. Everyone knew he wouldn't. This was Balto's way of paying back the rude malamute with his own brand of torment.

Finally stopping in front, the minister finally began reading out. The whole time, Balto and Jenna couldn't keep their eyes off one another. The room might as well have been empty, they're so focused on one another.

Balto's adoptive father, Boris, was bawling his eyes out, happy to see the pup he raised grow into such a fine young stud. The portly bird blew into his pile of spare feathers, trying to be quiet enough for the minister to read the vows with little interruptions. Muk and Luk were also crying tears of joy, seeing their best friend getting with the girl of his dreams.

For everyone but one, this was a blessed day. Then the big moment came.

"If anyone sees any reason why these two should not be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

The room quieted down, even with Balto's friends and family trying to hold back their tears. All, metaphorical, eyes were on Steele and he knew it. He could stand up and say just how much he deserves Jenna. How he could claim her and offer her anything he had. But the stubborn canine knew it would all be in vain and he'd end up making himself out to be an even bigger fool than he already is.

'I OBJECT!!!' he yelled in the back of his mind.

Just two little words.

Balto and Steele turned to meet each other's gaze. Growling, Steele just turned away, arms and legs crossed in an attempt to hide his excitement from seeing Jenna in her current state.

In those few seconds, the minister finally continued on.

The chance was gone. Steele clawed at the pew he's sitting in, trying not to let his jealousy show too obviously as Balto and Jenna shared their first kiss as husband and wife. As mates.

The rest of the wedding went off without any issues. As soon as the reception began, Steele went up to Jenna, trying to court the newly wedded wife.

"You look as gorgeous as ever, beautiful." he said, offering her a glass of champagne.

"Thanks." the dismissiveness in her voice stung worse than a hornet.

"Ah come on, no need to be so cautious around old Steele! I'm a changed dog! I just wanted to give my well wishes to the newly wedded couple! Maybe take you out to someplace special with a nice hot meal. My treat!" He leaned in closer, getting a hint of the perfume she'd sprayed on her. "God you're gorgeous..."

"And married, Steele!"

"Married to some two-bit wolf!" he snarled back at her as his fur bristled out, trying to stand over her. She didn't flinch at all from his display.

"And this two-bit wolf is feeling like he's on top of the world right now." Balto came from behind Steele, smiling as bright as the sun as he placed a protective arm around her. "So, do we have any issues here? Steele?"

The two of them faced off against one another. Balto held onto Jenna while Steele looked ready to pounce on his rival.

"You know Steele, if you really want to see Jenna in all her glory, all you have to do is ask." Balto moved around to stand behind his wife, moving his hands down to her crotch and spreading her lips. The hot pink flesh inside shined with anticipation for their wedding night. Steele watched as Balto's cock slid into frame, glazed with her juices and throbbing obscenely from her valley.

"Balto, I don't want him to see our first time together." She whined playfully, nuzzling the side of his neck.

"Oh he won't. Cause if he did... I'll just have to show him why I took his spot." Balto's threat left a subtle shutter down Steele's spine. The mutt who'd just cower away whenever they'd meet is long gone. In his place stood a tall, powerful and potent stud who was more than ready to prove the prideful canine wrong in a second. "Isn't that right Steele. Old buddy, old pal?"

Steele couldn't find the words. He knew Balto was right. Nothing he could say would change the fact of how much more male he is by comparison. It sickened the malamute down to his core and made him all the more jealous. Everything here... Everyone here should be praising him instead of Balto.

Jenna could see the bitterness on his face and decided to give Balto a good hard, and very loud, slap on his thick ass, earning a yelp of surprise and causing his swaying cock to spasm. Steele's eyes bolted to the massive slab of meat and swinging balls as they twitched to life.

"Oh you're gonna get it for that one." Balto teased, blowing into her sensitive ears. "Well we really should get going. Got a very busy night ahead of us." Balto swept Jenna off her paws, carrying her in his arms with no effort. The warm smile on her face crushed Steele's heart. As fast as he was concerned, the man of her dreams is holding onto her, carrying her off the threshold to a more private location. As the townspeople waved and cheered them off, Steele was left to stew in the imagery of what the two of them would be up to...


Two weeks later...

Morning. Noon. Night.

It didn't matter what time of day it was or how many people were around to listen in. Balto and Jenna were almost always clinging to each other, constantly. The whole town had the honour of being able to smell the stink of their constant love making. Thick pungent globs of seed and patches of feminine juices would occasionally be found around town from their timely acts. Some days, when Balto was just coming home from a long delivery and Jenna was in town shopping, some would take bets to see how long they'd go for 'quick' rut.

Needless to say, anyone who bet over an hour had enough money to pay for a round of drinks at the local pub for themselves and everyone in it.

A safer bet to go on was how long it would take Steele to fail at trying to sway the happily married Jenna. Whenever he tried to be friendly, whenever he showed her any kind of kindness, he'd always have the same underhanded motives trying to steal her away. The bets always revolved around how fast he would be shot down. Double if Balto came in and interrupted him.

Steele wasn't ostracized by the town at all by his efforts. Everyone loved seeing trying and failing to win over the faithful Jenna's heart, giving some the money to pay off debts with their well-timed bets. Even his former sled mates took a couple of pots and came out strong, treating their former pack leader to a few beers, courtesy of his own failures.

It was on such a night that Steele was walking home and turned the corner to see the newly wedded couple in the dead of night. Hiding behind a corner, he peaked out to catch them in the middle of their love making.

'Ohh shit...' he thought to himself.

Balto held onto Jenna, pulling her close enough for her breasts to press against him. The two of them are locked into a deep kiss, never looking away from one another. Steele couldn't tear his eyes away from the shape of her body. How brilliant her scarlet fur and creamy underbelly against the town's snowy background. The cold didn't seem to bother her nor Balto in the slightest.

Seeing her being kissed, the collar of her neck licked ever so gently by his rival in her affections... He practically clawed at the poor piece of stone he held onto from the corner. His sharp eyes caught the sight of Balto's cock sliding between her legs, the faint shimmer of her excitement spreading across his dark cock. Slowly, the wolf moved his hips back and forth, thrusting into the perfectly tight gap between her thighs as he rubbed her slit at the same time.

As much as Steele hated to admit it, the action in front of him began having an effect on him. He tried to picture his throbbing red was what was making the doggy goddess in front of him shutter with every move. He was making her body tremble and buckle under the weight of her own body, only staying away because he was the one holding her...

Steele bit his lip as he found his hand going down to his meat. He didn't want to admit it. He couldn't. His pride wouldn't let him. But this was the first time in a while he's been able to pleasure himself, especially with the woman of his dreams standing naked as the day she was born in front of him.

... Even while in his arms.

Steele had to stop himself from snarling as Balto finally slid inside her. From the position he's in, Balto's studly cock was making a noticeable bulge in her belly. She shuddered and let out a moan that was nothing less than music to both males' ears.


"I love you Jenna...!" her mate grunted, a soft growl erupting from behind his throat. "I've wanted to be with you since I saw you as a pup!"

"B-Balto! I-I'd dreamt about me and you together like this!" she cried between breaths. "Don't ever stop!"

"I don't plan to..."

Hearing the two of them go back and forth didn't stop Steele from enjoying the sight. He tried to focus more on replacing Balto with himself. He could practically feel the tight squeeze of slight around him like he's dreamed of. The smell of her juices mixing with his musk. Groping her heavy tits and trying to suck the milk right out of them. Every possible dirty idea that ran through his mind made him stroke his overly eager cock faster and faster. He wanted her. Nothing would satisfy the prideful canine more than to simply hold her down and breed her with all he could muster.

... Even if he couldn't have her. He'd get a bit of petty revenge from masturbating to her right in front of her mate while they were having fun.

Steele looked down to admire himself. Compared to Balto, he fell short, but he was still hung in his own right. Steele lost track of how many other women he's slept with. Some were good. Others were bad. But none... NONE of them. could compare to Jenna in her beauty and her warm personality. If there was anything about watching her with Balto, it was the pleasure of invading their personal much more intimate time together.

"Come on you dumb mangy bastard...!" he snarled to himself as he continued stroking himself off to Jenna's beautiful, exposed form. "Hurry up and get the hell off of her!"

Right as the final word left his mouth, Steele saw Balto look up and meet him, eye to eye. For a second, a cold rush of embarrassment washed over him. He felt a sudden wash of shame. Disgust. Caught in the act of entertaining himself while Jenna's riding Balto's superior slab of cock. He expected the wolf dog to point him out to Jenna, to be mocked and made fun off by the couple. For in the span of only a few seconds, Steele and Balto never broke eye contact, all the while the proud stud didn't miss a beat of his hips pounding against Jenna's.

'What's he gonna do?!' the malamute thought to himself. He wanted something. Anything! A motion, a gesture, even an insult was better than the silence between them.

Finally Balto spoke up but not to him.

"Jenna, I'm getting close!" he warned her, nuzzling her neck, looking back up to see Steele's eyes again.

The malamute couldn't stop himself. He stroked harder, trying to match Balto's movements and desperately trying not to finish before him. His balls bounced and slapped his fist as he pumped harder and harder, seeing the blur of movements.

"B-Balto! I'm...!"

Steele couldn't handle it anymore.

He turned away, eyes clenched and paws over his ears as he tried not to listen. He tried to block it all out as he heard the tell-tell howl of a satisfied bitch. Jenna's voice wavering and shaking as a barrage of orgasms racked her body in ways the canine couldn't imagine. The happy whimpers and the wet, slick sounds of her cum stuffed hole was like a perverted nightmare to the mongrel. The worst part of it all... He loved it. Every sweet moan and whimper were fuel to a growing fire inside him.

So close to finishing...

Hearing Jenna's honey sweet voice, the sounds of her satisfaction after a long rutting. Steele could practically feel her hand wrapping itself around his painful cock and pull the seed right out of him. He shook and trembled, gripping whatever he could close by and let out his load onto the ground below. The freezing cold air made his load steam, warming the bits of it that landed on his frosty white and black fur, only to quickly become a cold spot of regret. In the darkness of his mind, Steele could see it. Balto's load finding a nice hot home inside her. Warming her from the inside out...

"Ready for round 2?"

The jealous malamute couldn't believe his ears. He... He didn't mean it, right?

"I'm always ready for you, my alpha."

He couldn't take it anymore. Steele stood up and bolted for the way he came. He came from hearing Jenna have sex with the half wolf freak. He didn't even need to finish stroking himself off! Defeat clung to him like stink to a skunk. And nothing would ever remove it. Balto knew it and made sure he made Jenna squeal and howl as loud as she could, so he'd hear it, no matter how far he ran. Doomed to feel his rival's eyes on him as he watched their intimate love making, stroking himself off all the while. It made him sick... Yet excited. A strange rush ran through him as he rushed home. Something he wasn't sure he was ready to accept.

'No... NO! I'm not giving into him! I refuse!!'

The proud mushing dog shook off the strange thoughts trying to form in his head. He was a champion; he was the top of the class. He wasn't going to let himself fall prey to seeing himself as below Balto.

But for him, it was already too late. Far too late.


It was only two weeks after Balto and Jenna's wedding. Day and night, the two would be together, whenever Balto wasn't off working and she wasn't pumped full enough of his love to be unable to walk around. The town practically stunk of their love making. The results even had an effect on the townspeople with some even expecting to have a few pups of their own on the way now thanks to them. Of everything that happened in those few weeks, it all culminated when Balto had a custom wooden pillory placed in the middle of town.

It's designed with foam padding on the inside to keep the occupant comfortable along with a heated platform to keep them warm as they were strewn about for all to see. Instead of humiliating and hurting anyone, Balto had it built in celebration of what's to come.

Jenna's heat would soon begin.

Both of them knew it was coming and the only reason she wasn't pumped full of puppies already. Everything before now, was just the both of them getting ready. Practice for what the two of them had planned when it finally struck.

A full view public breeding for all to see. A momentous occasion to give a certain Alaskan malamute the final point, the second reason for the public breeding. Making sure he gets the prize he deserves in front of everyone.


People lined the streets, looks of excitement on their eyes as preparation got underway.

Jenna was locked into the stable by her wrists and head and naked. Her fur gleamed in the early morning sun as the heat shined down on her curvy body. On her face, she wore a blind fold along with a ball gag, drooling profusely as Balto played with her from behind. The hung half breed played with his lover's tender slit, sliding his finger around gently and slowly, making sure to get Jenna good and riled up. In no time flat, she was already shining with juices with her tail curled up, desperate for his love. Her raspy gasps could be heard from between the ball gag, unable to say or beg for anything and letting her mate do all the work.

Balto turned to look at Steele, who was positioned right beside the couple with a comfortable chair. A first-class seat for him, provided by Balto. On the top of it is a crown with the silver number 2 on it and Steele's name written under it.

"Comfortable Steele?" Balto asked with a smile.

"I'm fine!" he snapped back. "Just... Get on with it." Steele couldn't hide his excitement. It's as obvious as Jenn's excitement for Balto. The smell of her heat was potent from just a few feet away from the crowd's perspective. Up close however... It made Steele's body shutter. He could practically feel it from the seat of the chair.

"Feeling angry? Why don't you take it out on me then?" Balto watched as Steele got up, and went right next to Balto. Due to the chained collar he was forced to wear, Steele could only get as far as that. "Go on. Gimme a good pat old buddy."

Right on cue, everyone heard the loud sting of Steele's open hand crashing down onto Balto's exposed ass. Like a madman, Steele struck Balto's ass again and again, pouring out his sexual frustrations onto the wolf dog's cheeks. For what had to have been a minute straight, he kept on. The brown-grey fur began to show a slight shine of red from the brutal spanking.

When Steele finished, he couldn't stop himself as a thick string of cum flew out of the tip of his cock, landing a few feet away. The excitement and adrenaline of the rush was something the hound desperately needed.

Balto breathed heavily as the crowd murmured. For a moment, Steele thought he'd humiliated Balto in front of everyone. That he'd be the top sled dog again and things would finally go his way. The poor mongrel couldn't have been more wrong.

The wolf turned to Steele, a large grin on his face. Steele couldn't help but look down at the threatening, thick slab of cock that'd grown between the mutt's legs. It looked positively frightening by comparison. Unlike the many times the prideful mutt had shown off the source of Steele's envy, it looked like a weapon. A third leg that was made to ruin any willing bitch that bent over for him. And to Steele's chagrin, the lucky lady would happen to be Jenna.

"Now, now, Steele, I told you to be gentler than that. See what you've gone and done to me now?" Balto laughed as he waved the obscene breeding stick between his legs.

Unable to see what all the commotion was, Jenna picked up Balto's excited aroma. It smelled three, maybe four times stronger than normal. In the apex of her heat, she swore her sharp ears picked up the sound of his heavy cock beating and the sound of cum sloshing in his balls. Calling out to Balto with a needy whimper through the gag, her plea was finally answered when she felt the familiar yet thicker than normal tip push against her hot lips.

"Get ready to be a mommy, Jenna." Balto's thick soothing voice sent chills down her spine. Slowly, Balto plunged in, forcing her to wait and feel every inch, stretch and vein that climbed his member. Like the many times before, she howled in front of the onlookers, displaying her and Baltos intimate moments for all to see. The gasps, the whispers, the needy whimpers of the ladies and even a few of the men in the crowd.

All of it was because of her Balto.

Her alpha. Her one and only mate.

Suddenly Balto stopped as he kissed the back of her womb once again, pre cum sticking to the inside walls. Once he was fully inside, Balto didn't hold back.

Back and forth, to and fro. Balto fucked Jenna like it was his final mission in life. The contraption holding her in place rocked and shook hard. The chains rattled; the wood creaked. All of the smaller sounds were blocked out by the wails of Jenna's pleasured moans. She called out his name over and over like a chant, unable to say anything that didn't have to do with feeling her hungry hole swallow him down to the root. Everyone could see what she felt. The way her belly shock and shape shifted as he bottomed out in her. His thick powerful legs pushing and pulling him back. His paws caress her body, squeezing her big teats like a cow.

Between his grunts, her moans and the destruction of the gallows holding her in place, Steele furious and dissatisfied growls could he heard. He gently spanked the wolf with every sense of the word "restraint" that he could muster up. Rage and jealousy on full display. He wanted to strike him as hard as he could again. If he did, it'd only push the half-breed to fuck his lost love harder.

Like thunder in a snowstorm or glass bottles hitting the ground, Steele's spankings were more humiliating to him than anything.

No matter what he did, Balto still won in the end.

He has the girl.

The love of the city. And now... Even Steele himself.

In the chaos of sexual depravity, Steele felt some kind of connection through it. Every light tap he inflicted to Balto's fluffy ass, became more fuel for the fire that went to Jenna. In his own little way, he was making Jenna sound like the top whore in a brothel.

And for all three of them, the fire was finally going to reach its climax.

Like a wild animal, Balto snarled and held onto Jenna. The gag, long since thrown aside by the wolf, desperate to hear every word from her drool-soaked lips.

"J-Jenna! Jenna!!" He barked into her ears, his voice deepening in the heat of the moment.

"B-breed me! Give me our pups!!" she begged. Her pussy squished as she clung to him, feeling his knot begin to grind into her opening. She could feel him throbbing harder and harder. The knot beginning to swell...

"FUCK!" Balto grinned like a mad dog as he felt the last stinging strike of Steele's paw on his ass, pushing him forward and stuffing the remainder of his knot into his wife. Jenna's eyes widened as she threw her head back, feeling the thick baseball pack of flesh expanding inside her, tying her. Her legs were ready to give out as the first thick rope hit her unprotected walls.

Every strand of fur on her body stood on end as she felt the thick load wash over her insides, the impact enough to make every gasp of breath feel like it was being pushed right out of her. The massive load continued to build up inside her, nowhere else to go but force her normally slender belly to expand. In the giant sea of boiling hot seed being pumped into her... Jenna knew her little eggs were claimed. Being fucked by her stud's army of potent and powerful prodigies right during her heat was like hitting bull's eyes.

In the middle of the day, surrounded by the town all the while Steele watched the display, only to let off his own potent load onto the snow and even a few shots onto Baltos slightly reddened rear.

"Enjoyed yourself there?" Balto asked while still firmly locked into Jenna, subtly pumping whatever his plump nuts could produce. The aggressive nature faded away a bit as he enjoyed the sweet heat of Jenna's pussy and womb drinking down every drop of baby batter he could.

"...Yeah..." Steele admitted with his cock still dripping the remnants of his own wasted seed, knot expanded and pulsating with his hand around it.

"Don't worry. I got some special plans for you a little later Steele. For now though... Give Jenna a little bit of a belly massage. Poor girl needs to ease some of the pressure off her."

Steele scrambled to grab a key that had thrown his way from outside the crowd. It wasn't to the collar but to the device holding the chain to it. With one twist, the chain loosened, allowing the former star to move by Jenna's side. Kneeling down, he begrudgingly did as he was told and gently kneaded the soft pile of flesh. The cum plump belly felt so warm to the touch, especially in the cold. Through the seat of cream, he could still feel Balto's thick cock firmly planted in her baby room, making sure everything stays where it should.

"God that feels good. Good work Steele. I might be down for a second round already. How about you Jenna?"

The poor girl was almost at a loss for words. She shook her hips, forcing Balto to mimic her movements while he was firmly locked into her. Before he continued, he wanted to give his new not so little toy a bit of a treat for being such a good boy.

Balto pulled, forcing himself to temporally part ways with the sweet snug warmth of his lover. Steele watched the thick black apple of a knot come into view practically in front of him. The two of them made eye contact with Balto gesturing down to the now free section of meat. With a bitter yet excited expression, Steele moved his face up to the glossy piece of meat and licked it clean of its residue. The spatter of cum was thick like he expected, bitter but saltier with a hint of a sweet flavour thanks to Jenna.

His thick tongue got to work cleaning the old seed that threatened to spill onto the ground, making sure it went into a nice hot home in his gullet. If Balto had pulled out further, more would surely come out, Steele thought to himself. Balto felt his former rival move behind him after cleaning his knot, licking, massaging and worshiping the all-powerful and potent sack carrying the breeding accessories that would be better fit on an actual breeding bull. The aroma coming from them was almost too much for any woman but Jenna to handle but Steele was a close second. His hot breath tickled his sack, finally done polishing the fat orbs in his mouth, leaving them to jiggle in the winter air.

Moving behind him, Steele knew to "enjoy the meal" he'd been told to 'tenderize' beforehand. Balto's stood out as being one of the more attractive ones Steele had seen. Plump and full yet didn't have the womanly sway and curve he liked. Even still, through the humiliation of everything he's been through, he allowed himself some more pleasure. Closing his eyes, the mongrel was greeted with the musky flavour of Balto's ass. The clenching ring let him inside, ticking the sensitive nerves and earning a satisfied hum from the sled dog lead. Between kissing the pink lips between the thick greyish brown mountains of ass, he kissed both cheeks, tracing back to the spots he'd stuck.

The once proud best sled dog, now reduced to being nothing but a plaything for the mates.

As he finished with a wet kiss on Balto's winking hole, he watched the slab of steel hard meat go back inside of her, the malamute couldn't help but wonder what other depraved activities were planned for him. Strapped down BDSM? A cage on his cock? The possibilities were endless.

With a deep howl from Jenna and Balto as they went into round two... A twinge of excitement ran down his spine as he knelt before them.

The best seat in the house for a day long public breeding.
