Ties of Steel and Flesh

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#6 of Extreme & Fetishy Stuff

The young gryphon hen Opal is vegetating in a city between the smoking chimneys, struggling to survive from day to day, as the call of freedom tempts her. With her eyes aimed at the horizon, she goes on one more flight to the lush woods. When she is suddenly caught in a storm, she seeks shelter in a cave and there meets the solitary blacksmith Chiron, a towering gryphon who soon takes a peculiar interest in her.

This fictional story is a commission for LoganWells. It is about a young, innocent hen falling into the talons of an unscrupulous male. As such, it contains breeding, generous impregnation, BDSM, and heavy non-con. If this assortment of kinks intrigues you, give it a read! And after that, I would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Opal sighed as she closed the door behind her and cast a disillusioned look at her new apartment, or rather, the single stuffy room she would spend most of her foreseeable future in. The aged floorboards creaked under her steps, and stale, musty air filled her nostrils. There were wooden crates everywhere, towering in the corners and scattered about the room, as she hadn't mustered the energy to unpack them yet, because her tiny abode made it look like more work than it actually was. Today wasn't the day on which she would tackle the mess, either. After an arduous and ultimately futile day of job hunting, the young gryphon hen trudged over to her straw nest beneath the window and sat down in the only spot in her dismal chamber one could call comfy.

After she settled on the bedding, Opal wistfully stared out of the window at the teeming city, the dark, ugly buildings clouded in the steam and smoke of heavy industry. How she wished to get out of this sooty hell, somewhere cleaner, calmer, and brighter, but she couldn't afford to move anywhere else, and if she didn't manage to find employment anytime soon, she wouldn't even be able to stay here. Ironic how gryphons ruled the world, but she had still ended up all alone and penniless in this oppressive room. She furrowed her brows as she caught a whiff of herself. No matter how often she washed and cleaned herself, there was always this ashen, tarry scent sticking to her russet plumage, and as if this wasn't bad enough already, she also recognized the tangy-sweet smell of her heat. A heat that twisted her thoughts and muddied her mind right at this crucial point of her life, making job interviews even more difficult. Either she behaved like the stupidest hen under the sun, or her prospective employers noticed her heat, and things quickly got awkward.

Somewhere in the distance, the young hen spotted a formation of gryphons on their way to the meadows to escape the rumbling, sleepless city. Oh, how much she wished she could simply join and accompany them to flee this place and hear the rustling of the leaves again, see the lush green of the plants, and take a breath of fresh air. Although, honestly, what was it that was keeping her here? She had another few weeks to find a job, and who cared if she took just one day off to enjoy herself? After all, this might be the last opportunity to momentarily escape this cesspool before some dull menial labor shackled her to this place for the years to come.

With a determined snort, Opal mustered the strength to rise from her nest and unlock the window. Immediately, an acrid stench of the chemical plants next door wafted around her face, made her tear up and choke, but that wouldn't stop her. Staggering onto the narrow balcony, she stretched her wings, did a few tentative flaps to loosen her muscles, and finally dove into the smoky abyss.

The hen's first few wing beats were unsteady as she hadn't flown in a week, her balance was shaky, but for once, the excessive heat emerging from the huffing engines below proved advantageous, soon carrying her upward in a strong updraft. So before too long, she was soaring over the factories and pursuing the formation she had seen earlier. She wasn't entirely sure where they were going, but she knew that they were leaving this hellhole, and that was the only thing that mattered right now.

As Opal passed the blackened roofs of the city, the suffocating smoke slowly but steadily cleared, and for the first time in an eternity, unfiltered rays of sunlight hit her reddish plumage, warming her body and her heart. With each mile, her mood brightened, and when she caught sight of a ribbon of green in the distance, she flew even faster. Her destination lay ahead, and nothing could hold her back!

Eventually, the development underneath the gryphon thinned out, and the houses made way for meadows filled with cattle, stray trees, and the occasional glistening creek. Unfortunately, the sudden change was almost a little too much for the poor hen. The sight of the lush flora overwhelmed her and inebriated her like a strong ale, making her crave for more. She wanted to see it all! Her lingering heat definitely didn't help either, stirring her blood with potent hormones and sweeping her mind away while the winds carried her body further and further across the countryside, away from civilization and toward the wilderness.

At first, Opal didn't think much about where she was headed, even as the first patches of trees appeared underneath and eventually merged into a dense forest. Honestly, she preferred the woods over the meadows. Trees were fun for climbing and hiding, reminding her of her distant childhood on a tiny farm near the wilderness. A time long gone, crushed by debts and troubles that had ultimately forced her into the filthy city. However, at least for today, she could relive these fond memories!

But as so often, fate threw a wrench in her plans. Just as she prepared to land and take a break, a particularly powerful gust of wind tore her up and away. Unfortunately, this was a harbinger of a rapidly brewing storm. Within minutes, the skies darkened with towering clouds, violent gushes of air threw her around like a toy, and worst of all, it started to pour, heavy drops of rain pelting her from all sides at once.

Gathering the last of her power, Opal regained control over herself just in time to notice a rock face right in front of her. With a shriek, she attempted to dodge it, but it was already too late. She failed to evade the wall and barely managed to slow down before she smacked right into it with a dull thud. She tumbled onto an overhang and lay there with a pained groan for another minute before finally sitting up and assessing her situation. Luckily, nothing felt broken, but the weather was getting worse by the second. No way she could keep flying through this mess, but where to go?

As she turned around, Opal found herself face-to-face with a cave entrance. Finally, she had a stroke of luck for once. Unwilling to spend another second in the thundering storm, the hen hastily stumbled into the cave. Gloomy darkness enveloped her as she advanced deeper into the mountain. The place was cold and eerie, but at least the howling of the winds left her alone, and it didn't look like anything hostile was inhabiting this cave.

After stumbling on for another minute, she finally stopped and just collapsed on the rocky floor, trying to take a rest and wait out the storm. However, just when she closed her eyes, she heard a dull stomping somewhere close. Her ears pivoted to the source, and she hurriedly got back up. Oh no! Was this cavern inhabited after all? The noises came even closer, there was a sharp click followed by a creak, and suddenly, a flash of torchlight illuminated her rocky resting place, momentarily blinding her.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" a rumbling voice greeted her, deep enough to shake Opal to her bones.

Shivering like leaves in a storm, she croaked, "I'm sorry! The storm caught me off-guard, and I was only looking for shelter. I didn't want to do wrong, I just..."

"You're not from here, are you? People know better than to go on flights during this time of the year," the voice growled. "But what has happened cannot be undone. Come, follow me. This is no place for a young hen like you to stay."

Finally, Opal's eyes coped with the bright light, and she could identify who was talking to her. An imposing gryphon stood before her, the largest she had ever seen. His plumage was pitch-black with an ashen belly and fiery accents scattered across his body as if he was a cooling pile of ash and embers. He pierced her with glowing red eyes, patient but unyielding, and the corners of his beak were twisted into the faintest smile as he waited for her to follow.

"O-okay," she stammered and took a tentative step toward him.

The gryphon nodded and turned around, leading the way into his abode, not even looking back to check if she was coming. He didn't have to, as there was nowhere else for the frightened hen to go.

When Opal finally followed the stranger, her heat-ridden brain couldn't help but become hyper-aware of his gender. With his tail languidly flailing above her head, she received a beak-watering view of his backside, his pair of plump, heavy balls and his large, fuzzy sheath. And it wasn't just the sights that enthralled her, but the scents as well, as he was exuding an intoxicating mixture of burnt leaves, sweat, and male musk. He looked and smelled powerful, his aura captivating her so much that she barely even cared about where he was leading her. Only when he abruptly stopped and turned around, she snapped out of her trance, just in time to prevent herself from crashing head-first into him.

"Careful there, little hen." The gryphon stopped her with a foot and gently pushed her back until she sat down on her haunches.

Liberated from the alluring charms of his backside, Opal let her eyes wander through the room. It was cozily warm, and even the stone floor was baking with heat. She spotted the source of all that warmth in the corner of the room, a fully outfitted forge with a large chimney, a massive anvil, and countless tools cluttering various racks and boxes. "Are you a blacksmith?"

"Indeed, I am. Chiron is the name, by the way. And you still haven't told me yours, young lady."

"I'm Opal."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Opal. Tell me, where are you from and what has brought you to explore the wilderness?" The towering gryphon was smiling, but his eyes scrutinized her with suspicion and scanned her body from head to claw.

"I'm from Anvery. Well, not quite, but I'm living there until I can find somewhere better to stay. Today, I just wanted to visit the meadows. See nature. And I just kept flying, it was so fun, so green, so lush! But then, I got into this storm... and crashed into a cliff. Crawled into a cave..." Her voice lost its luster as she realized how much she had screwed up. This had been her only chance to enjoy a day in the meadows, but the stupid hen she was, she couldn't get enough and ultimately soiled it. Now, she was trapped underground in a sooty forge with a stranger, the wonderful day turned terrible, and she teared up with a miserable choke and a sob.

"Don't cry. You're safe now," Chiron whispered and came closer, tenderly patting her on the back.

So close to her, Opal could feel the gryphon's feathers tickling her sides, she could sense the warmth of his massive body and smell his potent scent, and her upset blew over swiftly. His impressive presence even triggered a tingling inside her that quickly enveloped her body and mind and made her feel a little buoyant and floaty, stoking the heat in her loins something fierce. She gingerly leaned against the blacksmith and asked, "And what do you do all out in the wilderness? Who do you smith for?"

Chiron jerked up as if stung by a hornet. Growling menacingly and puffing up his plumage, he glared at her with a gaze that could've cut glass. "That's none of your business!"

Opal reflexively backed away and hid behind her front legs, apologizing with a feeble whimper and new tears in her eyes, "Oh! Oh no! I'm sorry! I didn't want to..."

"No, it's fine. You couldn't possibly know," the blacksmith calmed her, his rage subsiding as quickly as it had come, his expression softening and even turning a little wistful. "Know what?"

Chiron glared at her again, and the hen cowered away, fully expecting another outburst, but it didn't come. He just stared at her for an entire minute, not moving a muscle or his tongue, before his faint smile returned, widening until it looked outright triumphant. "There is something I must confess. I'm not only a blacksmith but also an archgryphon. Perhaps the last of my kind."

"An archgryphon? I... I have never heard of them before."

"That doesn't surprise me. After all, the gryphons have done their worst to remove them -- us from the face of this world," Chiron growled. "There was a time when we lived together peacefully. It was our magic that helped us conquer the world and establish dominance, but as soon as the gryphons developed their dirty, huffing machines, they dropped us like an old toy. Worse still, they feared our magic and used their inventions to eradicate us before we could defend ourselves. They hunted and pursued every single one of us to the rearmost corners of the world. That's why I'm here. Because there's nobody around to try and kill me."

Opal's plumage rose up, and she shivered with terror as the archgryphon told his story with increasing ire. Wasn't she one of those gryphons he was condemning? Why was he telling her all of this? If she lost even just a word about his whereabouts... "You want to kill me, right? That's why you're telling me all of this! Oh no!" She jumped up and ran away from him as fast as she could. Stumbling around aimlessly at first, she eventually found the only door of the forge, but much to her terror, it was locked shut. In her desperation, she clawed and pounded against the wood, but it wouldn't budge an inch.

"To make one thing absolutely clear: I'm not going to kill you," Chiron's voice thundered with supernatural might, shaking Opal to the bone and ripping her out of her panic. She jerked around and stared at the archgryphon, only to realize that he hadn't moved a bit. Only now did he get up, strolling toward her.

"Why should I trust you?" she hissed and shuffled away from him, only to realize that he wasn't headed for her but for the door.

"If I intended to kill you, you wouldn't be alive anymore. But there's no need to because I'm the last one of my kind. The fate of the archgryphons is sealed in any case," Chiron hummed as he turned the knob, revealing that the door had never been locked. She had only been too dumb and panicked to open it.

Opal still was doubtful about Chiron's assertions, maintaining her distance to him, but he simply returned to the center of the room and sat down as if nothing had ever happened. She glanced at the exit, and this probably was the perfect time to book it, but something held her back. It wasn't just the fact that there was a storm raging outside, but something about the male that unerringly drew her attention back to him, his aura of power and mystery. And perhaps the simple fact that he was a male and his omnipresent musk roused her heat-addled brain. "Magic? You can work magic?"

"Indeed. Let me show you," Chiron chuckled, and his body lit up with a warm glow. One of the hammers behind him suddenly rose from its rack and dashed straight through the room until it stopped in front of Opal's face. Then, it gently tipped over and booped her beak.

Opal flinched and shook her head in disbelief. "This is impossible!"

"Well, look again. There's no trick involved. It is simply a power the gryphons sought to erase," the archgryphon purred and let the hammer dance a little more. "Tell me, isn't this amazing?"

"Yes!" Opal responded with an open beak. No matter how much she inspected the flying hammer, there were no strings attached to it or any other shenanigans; it was actually powered by an unseen force. Her awe grew even more as the rest of his tools started flying and hovering around the forge room as well, joining the hammer's mesmerizing dance. Slowly but steadily, they approached her until they veiled her into a blur of steel, and yet, not a single one grazed her.

"I can make them do whatever I want, as long as I don't fling them too far away," Chiron explained and sauntered toward the hen. Just as he reached her, he dispelled the magic, and the storm of tools subsided, the clanging and rattling of metal filling the air as they crashed onto the floor.

Opal winced as some of them inadvertently hit her limbs. "Hey! Watch it!" However, as she looked down at the ground, she realized that it maybe hadn't been an accident after all. Of all the things that had swirled around her, it was two steel hobbles that had gotten caught around her feet. "What..." She stared at the archgryphon only to notice his triumphant grin while the cuffs of the hobbles closed with a cruel click. She immediately tried to pull her legs out of the cold steel, but the restraints wouldn't give, and at this moment, a fresh wave of panic overwhelmed her with full force. "What in the skies are you doing? Is this another trick? Remove them at once!"


The archgryphon's curt response was enough to make the hen explode. With tears welling up in her eyes, she began to struggle against the restraints, kicking and thrashing around furiously. But the locks endured whatever attack she mustered with ease, not even creaking or bending a hair. No matter what she tried, how much she pulled and tugged on the hobbles, she only hurt herself and drained her energy. "Get me out of them, you bastard!" she shrieked and howled with anguish while Chiron just watched her silently. "Help me, you monster!"

The rattling of metal briefly pulled her out of her fight, and she looked up just in time to watch Chiron approach with a heavy black steel chain wrapped around his beak. Opal didn't know what he was up to, but she wanted nothing to do with it. "Stay the fuck away!" Spreading her wings, she sluggishly pulled herself up onto her tied legs. While she couldn't take off in this forge, she could at least try to jump and bounce to the door and escape that way. But even that idea was squashed when the massive gryphon pounced on her and pinned her under his weight.

"No! Get your filthy talons... argh!" Opal moved every part of her that could still move, flapping her wings, flailing her tail, and turning her head in an attempt to bite him. However, Chiron wrangled her to the floor with ease and trapped her head with his foreleg while reeling in her left wing with his talon. She roared with fury and pummeled him with the tip of her tail, but that was all she could do, as her beak only managed to graze the skin of his leg.

The hen was simply too small to throw the hulking male off of her back. And so, she had to witness how he threw the chain around her neck and tightened it down until she choked violently. Keeping her breath suspended, he waited for the strength to leave her limbs before he slung one end of the chain around her delicate left wing. The chain links viciously squeezed her flesh and pinched her wings, making her squeal and tear up while he crudely tightened the chain.

Finally, Chiron just firmly pulled at the chain and wrenched Opal's wing into its resting position. There was nothing she could do to stop him, as even the slightest opposition sent a sharp pain through her, and since he had pinned her down, she could only listen as the blacksmith secured the chain links with a clasp, tacking her wing to her torso. The click of the clasp was almost inaudible, and yet, it reverberated through her entire body as he irretrievably robbed her of her ability to fly. With an unholy screech, the hen gathered all of her remaining strength and punched her feet into the floor, rearing up in a desperate attempt to shake Chiron off. For a moment, it felt like she was succeeding when he actually slid down from her, but that success didn't last for long because he was only repositioning to take her other wing.

"You can't do this!" Opal protested as the archgryphon treated her other limb with the same cruelty as the first one. With her chances of escape dropping to zero, she went on the offensive once more and kicked out with both feet simultaneously, as they were locked together by the hobble. That made it almost impossible to hit anything and really hurt, but in her sheer desperation, she didn't care. Out of pure luck, one of her clumsy kicks managed to connect, and her claw dug into something soft. The archgryphon's subsequent roar corroborated her success, but it wasn't enough to stop him by a long shot. In fact, it enraged him, and he brutally wrenched her head to the floor, crushing her neck under his weight and stifling her cry into a weak croak. Her power evaporated, her vision became blurry as he suffocated her once again, and her struggles deteriorated into helpless twitching like a fish out of water.

"I can do this, and I will do this! All of my family is gone, and your kind has hunted me my entire life. But this game isn't over yet. The skies haven't sent me a hen in heat for nothing," Chiron growled as he tightened Opal's second wing to her torso. Finally, he let go of her neck and allowed her to catch her breath with deep wheezes while he chained her legs together and interconnected the two hobbles to take away her last bit of mobility.

"Fuck, it's not my fault my ancestors killed your people, but I think I understand why they did it. I hope you die a horrible death as well, you monster!"

"You don't know what you're talking about, chick," the archgryphon hissed as he moved behind her. He ruthlessly bridled her tail and wrenched it against her body, tying it up with another chain and completely exposing her backside to his prying gaze.

Opal's teary eyes widened and bulged out of her skull as she suddenly felt Chiron's beak against her pussy. Languidly rubbing it across it, he huffed her heat-laden scent. "H-hey! Get your beak away from there, you filthy pervert!" Her resistance flared up one last time, and she howled out, her muscles straining against the chains, but he had tied her up so thoroughly, she couldn't even move an inch. She was completely helpless against him, and her cries only riled him up even more.

"Finally, a fertile womb ready to be filled with seed, ready to bear my chicks," Chiron raved and forcefully spread her butt cheeks before he licked her slit. "And you taste delicious, Opal."

"Please, no! Don't do this! I'll promise, I won't tell anyone if you let me go!" Opal pleaded, her voice vibrating with distress, but her cry fell on deaf ears. Chiron's tongue continued to brush over her cunt with a noisy slurp, slathering it with hot saliva. To make matters worse, her own body was starting to betray her. His licks stirred her heat and flushed her body with tingles of arousal, made her vulva swell and puff up with blood while her insides moistened from the stimulation.

However, just sampling a taste wasn't enough for the archgryphon. Without warning, he shoved his tongue inside Opal, quickly overwhelming her with its girth and sheer size. It easily rivaled an ordinary gryphon's cock, and it was even more flexible and prehensile, reaching spots no one ever had. Squirming and thrashing relentlessly, it stretched her out and stirred her heated confusion even more. Her protests melted into a mess of wailing cries and whimpers, her entire body was burning with arousal and defiance, and soon, a sharp pain flashed through her as she failed to overcome the blacksmith's reinforced shackles again.

While Opal fought a futile fight, Chiron enjoyed himself to the fullest. Savoring grunts and eager gulps emerged from her backside as the large male gorged on her pussy like it was the most delicious dinner. His delight alone stoked her fury until it glowed hotter than the fires of his forge, made her hurl insults and screams at him, but nothing could stop him. He greedily kept drilling his wet muscle into her cunt, working her with intrusive care and slowly coaxing out the reaction he craved. With every stroke and every lick, the hen's heat-ridden body surrendered a little more, lust billowing and bubbling in her groin against her best effort to suppress it. She gritted her beak and shut her eyes with all her might, trying to distract herself while a telling pressure built inside her, but she couldn't even deny him the gratification of an orgasm.

For just a moment, Opal teetered on the brink in a last-ditch effort to keep herself from cumming, but the archgryphon's tongue was simply too powerful, mercilessly rubbing and grinding against her sensitive flesh until it triggered a regretful climax. With a defeated groan, the hen gave up and just let the depravity run its course, flushing her body with disgusting relief and making her cunt tighten around its prehensile intruder, showering him with her juices.

Finally, the male pulled his wicked tongue out of her, only to immediately burst into glowing praise, "Your body is simply perfect, and I can't wait to put it to its intended use." His claws, however, stayed on her and lazily roamed Opal's body as he shoved her across the floor like a sack of potatoes. Then, he reached for another pair of chains and linked her chafing steel harness with a couple of attachment rings on the floor. He forced her body onto all-fours and lifted her butt, putting her into the perfect position for mounting. Never before had Opal felt so exposed and vulnerable, so infinitely helpless.

"Intended use? Please, no more! Haven't you done enough already?" she begged, only to raise the worst possible response from her tormentor.

"We're just getting started, hen. And as much as I appreciate your spirited commentary, it is starting to bore me. I'm trying to save a species here," Chiron snarled and stepped in front of the hen. As he reached for something on the ground, he granted her a perfect view of his now fully engorged cock.

Opal's heart skipped a beat as she spotted his pink monstrosity. Not only was it almost as long as her entire foreleg and even thicker, banded by a medial ring, but it also looked a lot less pleasant than the gryphon dicks she was used to. Its tapered tip was much pointier, like an arrow meant to pierce a target, and the skin underneath the glans was seamed with countless prickly barbs, glistening in the flickering lights of the forge. The mere notion that this would go inside her made her pale and shriek, "You're not seriously planning to use this thing! Please, tell me you won't!"

"Of course I will. It's quite literally the key to your womb. Just wait and see," Chiron cackled and presented his findings to her, a weird little leather harness with a steel bar.

"It's too big! You're going to tear me apart!"

"Oh, you're saying this now, but you'll soon recognize that it'll fit better than anything ever before. It is made to impregnate fertile little hens like you and keep them pregnant forever," the archgryphon hummed and reached for her face, trying to pull a harness over her beak. It was a bit to muzzle her!

"Pregnant forever? No, you're literally going to destroy my insides. This is madness!" Opal protested and vigorously shook her head, managing to pull away from Chiron's claws in a way that even stunned the hulking male.

However, her victory was just as pathetic as all previous ones. The archgryphon waived her unruliness with an amused laugh, "Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Will my thing destroy you? In a way, it will, reaching deeper inside than anyone else before, literally inside your womb. And once I plant my seed there, it will fertilize every last egg inside you, even the ones still resting inside your ovary, so every time you ovulate, you will bear another clutch."

"N-nonsense! Th-that's impossible! Not how this works!"

"Well, I don't care if you believe me or not, and neither does nature. So, how about I just show you instead?" he growled and firmly grabbed her collar, steadying her head, so she couldn't fight back anymore, and slipping the harness over her beak.

"No! Go away! Let me speak." Opal hissed and snapped at his feet, grazing Chiron's talon and making him recoil. Even now, she found a way to defy this bastard access to her muzzle. Unfortunately, her triumph lasted but a second until she noticed that the bit hadn't moved. Once again, the archgryphon's dark fur lit up as he abused his magic to overpower her and slowly but surely slip the muzzle over her face. The cold metal slid into her beak and started to suppress her tongue. "Don' 'ake 'is away fro' 'eeeeeeehlggg..."

"Save your breath, chick. You'll have more than enough reason to use it in just a moment," Chiron sneered and adjusted the gag to rob Opal of her voice, degrade it to a set of muffled whines and grunts. In a display of utter arrogance, he gave her a quick peck on her beak before he got up and circled her with a satisfied grin.

"After all those years, a perfect opportunity presents itself, and I'd be a fool not to claim it." With those words, the archgryphon mounted Opal and buried her under his massive body. The impact pushed all air out of her lungs, so she couldn't even whimper as he shuffled into position, couldn't even groan when she felt his bloated wang slapping against her thigh.

After a couple of dry humps, Chiron finally wrenched his cock into position, his tapered tip resting against her quivering folds for just a second. With a triumphant roar, he thrust forward and forced his fat meat into her cunt, stretching it to its absolute limits and making the hen scream at the top of her lungs. It was too much for her, overwhelming her sensitive insides and overloading her brain with stimulation. However, the archgryphon cared very little about her sensitivities, and without even giving her a chance to adjust to his monster, he started to thrust with feral abandon, unleashing years of pent-up desire on his victim. "Fuck, you're tight!"

Opal's vision blurred with tears and black dots as the merciless overstimulation ravaged her brain. Still howling as loud as she could, her voice was jerked and jostled by the male's relentless thrusts, just like her insides. He was breaking her in, ruining her for any other gyphon. His log of cock meat was so thick and hard, she felt as if he was raping her with a literal tree stump, and the many spines scraping and scratching her insides only made it worse, flooding her with burning pain and aching pressure.

However, Chiron never stopped or slowed down, hammering his cock deeper into her poor pussy and claiming it inch by inch. And just when Opal's channel started to become numb, the pain dulling and the pressure softening as it yielded to the brutal assault, his tip neared her cervix. Reaching what no other gryphon could, he rammed his taper into the narrow opening with the full force of his hulking body. The sensation was indescribable, too strong to be pain or stimulation, just a glaring flash in her brain that consumed every other thought and perception. She couldn't even scream, as it paralyzed her body and her tongue, but it sadly wasn't horrible enough to make her pass out, not even when he hit it again with his next thrust, and again, pounding his tip into her cervix without mercy or remorse and trapping her in an overwhelming daze.

After spending an eternity in a confusing void, the impossible happened, and Opal slowly regained her senses, even though the archgryphon never stopped raping her cervix. To make matters infinitely worse, the pain and the discomfort passed, and it felt like her body was embracing the abuse. Her broken pussy didn't care about the battering cock anymore, but her cervix flooded her brain with waves of pure pleasure and relaxed with powerful contractions. With every surge, Chiron managed to wrench his meat a little deeper inside her, and finally, as her cervix was halfway dilated, he mustered all his strength to break through her last barrier and invade her womb. "Yes! Did you feel that? That was your cervix, and now, your womb is mine!" The savagery kicked the hen's brain back into the nothingness, but this time, she also screamed, howling with all her pent-up pain and agony. Despite the gag, she was loud enough to shake her rapist's forge to the core.

Sadly, neither he nor her body acknowledged her distress. The archgryphon eagerly pumped his cock into her womb, rubbing and grinding against walls that were never meant for penetration. And yet, her womb didn't reject or complain about the vile intruder but embraced it wholly. Every nerve end lining her uterus prickled and burst with stimulation as his barbs ravaged them, and her mind drowned in a tsunami of pleasure. His dick shouldn't be so deep inside her, it was supposed to hurt, but instead, she came harder than ever before. The orgasm washed away her hatred and her distress, made her a mindless slave of her own despicable pleasure, and it just didn't stop there. Whenever his tip punched into the entrance of her Fallopian tube, she came again, whenever his bloated sack pummeled her rump, she came again, and whenever his medial ring popped in and out of her cervix, she came again. Worst of all, Chiron felt the need to tell her all about it, "This feels amazing, doesn't it, hen? I can feel you cumming and tightening. This is exactly what hens like you are made for, to submit and serve an archgryphon, and just wait until I cum. Ah, in fact, I'm getting close already, but how couldn't I with such a tight hole?"

A brief eternity of deplorable pleasure passed before the archgryphon introduced the broken hen to his cock's final trick. Suddenly, his thrusts became unsteady and jerky as the base of his penis began to swell and inflate, a fat knot growing to tie them together. With a roar, Chiron shoved it deep inside her and let loose. While the bulb swelled to unspeakable size, his balls began to tense and the first squirt of his potent seed invaded Opal's womb, and it alone was voluminous enough to fill every nook and cranny. But obviously, his eruption had only just begun, and his dick pumped and twitched, furiously dumping rope after rope of hot cum inside her womb.

A single tear formed in the corners of Opal's eyes as she realized the irrefutable. Even through the veil of lust and pleasure, the pounding orgasms ravaging her delicate body, she knew what his semen was doing inside her. Every single one of her eggs was swarmed by countless sperms, pummeled and pelted until a lucky one penetrated and merged with it. Bit by bit, her future clutch was formed. She already knew that it would be the largest a hen had ever seen, both in numbers and in sheer size, because with a father as big as Chiron, the chicks would be just as strong and formidable as him. Shortly after the eggs inside her womb surrendered, his sperm washed even deeper, through her Fallopian tube and into her ovaries, invading and infusing the fertile tissue. Not sparing a single ovum and merging with every last one, his seed made her infertile for the rest of her life, as she would only ever carry his genes and his offspring from here on.

Although it was soon as sure as night follows day that every single egg had surrendered to the onslaught, the archgryphon didn't stop cumming, adding more and more insult to injury. His mounting load splashed and gurgled inside her, stretched her womb and rounded her belly, giving her a foretaste of how it would feel to bear his clutch. He pumped her full enough that her inflated midriff was sagging under the sheer weight of his load, and with his massive knot locked in place, not a single drop escaped.

Finally, after hearing Chiron's randy snorts and grunts for minutes on end, the spurts weakened, and his orgasm petered out. However, as it released its hold on the male's mind, it also allowed him to talk again, and his words didn't stir any confidence in the hen. "Mine forever!" he growled. "I'm not just impregnating you once, but my seed is going to claim every single egg in your body. The ones in your womb and the ones in your ovary, so that every chick you bear is mine. You could whore around with all the world, but it wouldn't change anything. You are my brood hen now, fixing what you gryphons did to my family and me because together, we'll have a new family. Clutch after clutch, dozens, if not hundreds of strong offspring to recover what has been lost."

His promises were Opal's nightmare, and even though she was still wrapped up in the afterglow of her countless orgasms, she burst into tears and desperation. Popping out chicks would become her new purpose, and there was literally nothing she could do to avert it. She couldn't run, she couldn't even wiggle, and even if she did, if she could believe him, every next heat would knock her up as her eggs were irrecoverably tainted by his virility. He hadn't just raped her; he had marked her for the rest of her life. Nothing, not even magic, could revert this.

"Oh, don't cry, my dear. Unlike all the other gryphons, you are actually useful. You're helping me save a species and hopefully return us to the glory we deserve. You're a queen, an originator, the last hope, and worth your weight in gold."

With chafing, rattling steel cuffs around her limbs, his glowing words sounded like pure mockery, throwing Opal into even deeper distress. She wasn't a queen in the least bit; she was his breeding slave.

"Besides, you're the prettiest hen I've met in ages. That enchanting gold of your eyes, that tight, firm body, such flawless claws, and that titillating metallic shine of your rusty feathers. It's just a shame that I need to clip them, so you don't get any stupid ideas. Wouldn't want my greatest treasure to hurt herself," Chiron purred and plucked a single feather from Opal's plumage.

Every second the archgryphon kept talking, Opal wished more that she could just tear his tongue right out of his blabbering beak. And since that didn't work, she at least hoped that his stupid knot deflated soon, so he would leave her alone with her misery.

"In fact, I'll make sure that you'll have all you want. You will have the softest nest to rest on, as much to eat and drink as you like, and I'll exchange those crude shackles with padded ones, so you won't even feel them anymore. And last but not least, I will make sure that your cute little body is in as good a shape as it can be, ready and prepared to nurture our clutch," the archgryphon raved. "And don't deny your body's cravings. I've noticed how much you need my cock, how hard I make you cum, so don't worry, I'll give you a taste whenever you feel like it."

Chiron leaned in to give the hen a kiss on her cheek, but she had heard more than enough. She tore it away from his unwelcome affection before slamming her head against his beak, powerful enough that she saw a droplet of blood flying through the air.

The male recoiled with a sharp hiss and smacked her right across her face, slurring with audible effort, "Well, have it your way then, you ungrateful bitch. I'm gonna fuck your little pussy and asshole until my cock is the only thing that can satisfy you anymore. Just wait for it! Before too long, you'll be addicted to those orgasms and begging for my meat."

A faint hint of a smile grew on Opal's face as she wrested the tiniest victory from her hopeless situation. She already knew that he would rape her, again and again, so his threat wasn't much of a threat, and right now, it effectively only ruined his mood. Keeping his filthy beak shut, he rather quickly tried to pull out of her, harshly tugging and tearing on her sensitive cunt. New tears welled up in her eyes, and she desperately wanted to tell him that it wasn't time for pulling out, as much as she wanted him to, but after a vicious struggle, he managed to rip his cock out of her pussy.

From one moment to the next, Opal's gaping channel was empty, and if it weren't for the insane load in her womb, she would've rejoiced at the feeling of cool air caressing her beaten flesh. However, even that relief wasn't meant to last because the blacksmith wasted no time finding a new way to spoil it. Darting to his forge, he fetched a couple of tiny rings, perhaps the bits used to make chain mail, and presented him with a diabolical grin. "Let's make sure that you don't lose your precious cargo, shall we?"

Opal was still figuring out how those rings would help him when the first one already pierced through her labia and made her wail harrowingly. The stinging pain repeated itself three more times as he attached the other rings to her pussy, and she was close to passing out when he revealed a large steel plug, a tapered dome with four little chains at the flattened bottom. With little consideration, he rammed the cold object up her sore cunt and linked it to the fresh piercings, rousing a dull but never-ending twang of pain in her crotch.

"You could've had a normal plug," Chiron cackled and shook his head. "But that's what you get for defying me. Do it again, and you'll find out what part I'll pierce next."

Shock raced through the young hen when the bulky male suddenly mounted her again, and she whimpered as he rubbed his dripping tip against her asshole, fully expecting him to violate it as well. But for whatever it was worth, he only used her fur to clean up, scrubbing his dick against her until he was satisfied. Then, he finally removed the chains the locked her in position and allowed her bloated body to settle on the floor. "You stay here while I prepare your room," he growled and patted her inflated belly. "And one day, you'll come to appreciate your sacrifice."

Chiron left the forge with a swinging tail and heavy steps, and Opal was finally alone. They say you should be careful what you wish for. How right they had been. Just this morning, she had wished to live a different life far away from the filthy city, and now, she had gotten just that. In fact, she had even received a purpose in her new life. The little hen had become that strange archgryphon's sex slave and breeding factory, doomed to serve his vile plans for the rest of her life, or at least until her fertility ran out. This was the worst nightmare she could've ever dreamed of, and there was no end in sight. Too exhausted to even cry, while the gallons of cum inside her raped each and every last of her eggs, Opal simply closed her eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. This was probably the only thing about her existence that was still pleasant.

After this fateful night, a cruel semblance of normalcy returned to Opal's life. She was trapped in the archgryphon's den, subjugated to his despotism and his whims as he did with her as he pleased, treating her as if she had always been there. In fact, while month after month went by, it could've just as well been days or eons, as every day was one and the same. However, she hadn't given up yet. The fury in the hen's heart was burning just as hot as on the first day, and she hoped that there would come a day on which her pure hatred glowed strong enough to cut through her heavy steel shackles. For better or worse, Chiron had never punished her violently enough to leave any permanent injury, even though she had fought back whenever she could, and she was sure that she had given him a few lasting marks by now. However, there was a good reason why the hulking monster treated her with velvet gloves. With every week, her belly swelled heavier with his precious spawn, and by now, it had turned her into a gigantic dome, making every movement an ordeal. She didn't know how many unborn chicks there were inside her, but every single one was one too much. She couldn't wait to get rid of this insane feeling of bloat and heat, the cocktail of pregnancy hormones driving her crazy every waking second and forcing strange fantasies of her tormentor into her mind that she utterly despised.

Chiron could also hardly wait for the day of her birth, but until she was ready, he made do with rubbing her swollen, gravid belly whenever he found the time. Even now, while he was banding her foreleg, he didn't stop stroking her dome while muttering to himself. Shrill hammer blows rang in Opal's ears as he tightened the last of four permanent silver rings around her skin, each engraved with his name, insulated from magic, and equipped with several attachment points for ease of use. Every strike made her entire body vibrate and drove a headache into her skull. While she knew that she couldn't stop him, wholly tied up by the experienced blacksmith, it didn't keep her from venting her displeasure with muffled screeches while thrashing around with her only free talon to make things as hard for him as possible.

"Skies above, hold still already, you dumb hen! You're only going to hurt yourself again," the archgryphon growled and shook his head. Just as the last word left his beak, his next hammer strike hit Opal's foot dead-center, and her ire turned into an agonized howl that even pierced through her gag, her eyes blurring with a veil of tears.

"Shit, you really don't learn from your mistakes, do you? But lucky for you, we're done here," Chiron huffed and held up her sore foot, the blood-red engraving sparkling menacingly in the torchlight. "Your new jewelry is finished, and nobody will ever be able to remove it, neither by magic nor by force. Tell me, aren't they beautiful?"

Not even waiting for Opal's disgusted hiss, he got up and wandered across the forge room to fetch a funnel, another gag, and a little keg. She whined and reflexively gritted her beak, digging it into the wooden gag because she knew what came next.

With a bit of magic, the archgryphon detached the bit from the hen's bridle and wrenched it out of her beak with gentle but unstoppable force, discarding the notched and battered piece with a quick flick. "Another one broken. If you only treated your food like you treat your gags. Then, we wouldn't have to do all of this."

"Screw you, you bastard! I'm gonna chew on them until you let me go, or I choke to death on them!" Opal screeched, snapping at Chiron with a clicking beak, even though he wasn't even close to her. "As for that bit, take it and shove it up your ass! Get a feel for those splinters!"

"Do you want the steel gag again, hen?"

Opal's feathers rose up, and her gums started hurting at the mere thought of that abominable contraption. Unlike the wooden gags, it didn't yield to her bite... and with it came the taste of blood, metal, and a constant throbbing headache. There was so much more she wanted to tell him, but she bit her tongue, only a hateful "jerk" escaping her before she closed her beak tightly shut.

However, despite her best efforts, Opal couldn't stop him from wrenching a new gag into her beak, this one featuring a hole in the center. Not missing a beat, Chiron threaded a rubber tube through the notch. Once again, she tried her best to fight the nasty intruder, but he easily overpowered her defiant tongue and shoved it down her throat, making her gag and retch as it slid into her stomach.

After sticking the funnel on the other end, the archgryphon opened the keg and unceremoniously poured its pulpy, wet contents down her gullet. Opal looked at him with teary, pleading eyes, still choking softly as the icky mixture filled her stomach, but she only received a dismissive snarl, "If you didn't refuse to eat, I wouldn't have to feed you pulp but could serve you the most lavish meals you have ever seen. And don't look at me like that. You've come so far; you don't want to lose your clutch so late, do you? Your own flesh and blood?"

Opal's expression twisted, and she shot him a deadly glare before closing her eyes altogether, enduring the feeding in darkness. His tempting suggestions were all but mockery to her ears, and she didn't care a single bit about any of it. Those weren't her chicks inside her, those were only his that he had forced into her, and no amount of misguided sweet-talk would ever change that. However, there was one thing to be hopeful about: in less than a month, she would finally get rid of this humongous belly, the unwelcome petting, and the aching stomach after he poured one of those kegs down her gullet as if it was a storm drain. Would things be all good then? No. The mere idea of birthing who knows how many overgrown archgrpyhon chicks agonized her, but once that was over, life would be marginally better, and that was the most happiness she could wrench out of her situation -- until she inevitably lost her mind.

As expected, it was only a matter of time until Opal finally got rid of her pregnancy. Before she knew it, the day of birth passed in an agonizing mist, and now, the excited squawks of three little bundles of autumnal feathers and joy filled the forge as they stumbled over each other and squabbled while she lay next to them, watching over them with a tired smile. The archgryphon chicks were the most adorable creatures in the world, and although she had fiercely rejected them throughout her pregnancy, her opinion had changed after their birth. The birthing itself had been just as excruciating as she had feared, hours and hours of pain and suffering while the oversized chicks had ruined her body. But the first time they had looked at her with huge, ember eyes and unquestioning endearment, they had awoken her motherly instincts. They were her beautiful chicks, even though their father was a monster, and she didn't want them to suffer like her because of the archgryphon's despotic moods.

Thus, Opal had swallowed the bitter pill and put up with Chiron's antics, slowly but surely currying favor with him, so he allowed her to spend more time with her chicks. He had even removed her gag, loosened her restraints, and exchanged the hobble around her forelegs with a loose chain, so she could play and talk with her chicks. And the more time they spent with her, the less they spent alone while the archgryphon was out in the villages, or even worse, with him while he was at home. Would she have loved to claw his eyes out and make him bleed with her newfound freedom? She hardly thought about anything else, but even though he was currently clipping her flight feathers, mutilating her in front of her own offspring, she swallowed her rage. It wasn't like she could fly anywhere anyway, still literally chained to the blacksmith's forge.

With a wistful sigh, she reached for one of her chicks, Ares, and tenderly pulled him against her chest, stroking the giggling little creature's fluffy plumage while parts of her own rained down on the ground around her, feather by feather. Fortunately, Ares didn't pay any attention to what his father was doing to his mother and instead eagerly kneaded Opal's hazel downs, kindling at least a weak spark of happiness in the dreariness of her life.

"I love that motherhood has brought you back to your senses, my dear. You're such a beautiful gryphon, Opal, and a mother of such strong chicks," Chiron cooed as he finished her humiliation. He bent over the hen and shamelessly gave her a sensual kiss on the cheek.

Opal kept quiet and glared at him while she restrained herself from doing something stupid. That filthy male knew exactly what he was doing, exposing himself to so many juicy opportunities. Deep inside her, the fires of hell blazed up, but the curses remained unspoken, and her talons only twitched once because if she defied him, she might lose it all. There was simply no way she could emerge victorious from a fight with him, he was stronger and superior in every way imaginable, probably the most powerful male she had ever encountered. The perfect mate, if it weren't for those evil ideas in his mind.

Finally, after a tiny eternity, the archgryphon let go of Opal and got up to fetch some food from the kitchen. The hen involuntarily began to drool as she caught a whiff of the meal, and her suppressed ire subsided. For all he had done to her, he hadn't been lying about his cooking skills. As soon as he placed the bowls in front of her and her chicks, she forgot everything else and gorged herself on his creation. This was her life now, a mixed bag of joy and misery, but at the end of the day, she was still shackled, and until he didn't give her free, she would never be truly happy, no matter how many lavish meals he cooked for her and how much her chicks nuzzled her.

From that point on, Opal's life only went uphill. Bit by bit, Chiron granted her new freedoms and treats as if he were throwing breadcrumbs at a dove, rewarding her begrudging obedience. Eventually, one balmy night, he made her the ultimate gift and freed her of her oppressive restraints. With a pair of tongs and a bit of magic, he clipped them off without a single comment, and the melodic ringing as the chains hit the ground would never leave her mind again. He unambiguously told her that she was free to choose her destiny.

The initial burst of ecstasy drove the hen out of his home and into the woods. She ran around for hours on end, just indulging in what she had only seen through narrow windows in over a year. However, once the euphoria subsided, she realized that she had to choose: Her freedom or her chicks, but her choice was crystal clear and came with little hesitation. Even after all that had happened, she was here to stay. Her destiny welded her to this forsaken forge, to the clutches her mate and master had forced into her. If she left him, she would have to take care of all those little archgryphon chicks alone, in a world that hated them with a passion, and that was even worse.

And so, another night of many fell over the forge, shrouding her new permanent home in darkness. After putting her three chicks to their nest, Opal now stood in her own nest room and stared at an entire stack of regal red pillows, each seamed with gold and filled with the softest downs. She wasn't sure where her archgryphon had gotten them from, but she didn't question it. He had his ways of doing his business that she didn't know about, but that was fine. For all that mattered, she didn't even want to know about it because she was just his brood hen, her belly swollen and almost hanging to the floor with her second clutch. It didn't make it any easier for her to carry the plushy boon to her nest, but at least, she didn't have to deal with those pesky restraints anymore.

By now, Opal's unsavory history with Chiron was blurring into a distant memory, little more than a gruesome nightmare. As such, she lived in blissful ignorance of the cruel ordeals he had put her through while she was out and about, playing with her growing chicks, helping out in the forge, or maintaining the gardens. Only when she had a silent moment for herself, like right now in their rusty, cozy nest room, the ugly beast craned its neck to remind her what her allegedly reformed mate had done, to remind her that his silver cuffs still cupped her ankles and would stay there for all eternity.

But as if Chiron had sensed that Opal was slipping into dreary thoughts, he was there, gently rapping at the door to pull the hen out of it. "How do you like the new pillows, my dear? I made sure to only pick the softest I could find," his deep voice singsonged as he strolled toward her with a gentle smile on his face. "And don't worry, you don't have to share them with me. They're all yours."

The hen lifted her head and turned to the ashen archgryphon, her somber mood evaporating as soon as she caught sight of the powerful male. He had been right after all, as no other gryphon could compare to his excellence. He was better and more potent than any of them, and ever since she had acknowledged his magnificence, he had treated her like a queen. There were few things he wouldn't do for her. He spoiled her in a way she had never experienced before and probably would've never been able to experience if she hadn't met him during that one decisive storm, and it wasn't just about meals and luxuries, but even things as mundane as compliments.

"You're without a doubt the most gorgeous hen I have ever seen, Opal. And the most fertile, too, if I might add," Chiron hummed and tenderly placed his talons on her butt, gently guiding it to his face before he welcomed her pussy with a deep kiss.

A trembling moan escaped the hen's throat, a wave of pleasure rushing through her body and filling her with glowing warmth as his tongue thrust deeper into her channel. Yes, he had truly spoiled her with his affections, and every night, he carried her to heaven. This evening wouldn't be an exception, and without any chains tying her down anymore, she could enjoy it in a way unlike ever before. She eagerly raised her rump higher and higher until Chiron finally got her hint. With a chuckle, he pulled his beak away from her pierced cunt and jumped onto her. She squeaked with horny anticipation as the feathers of his heavy, musclebound frame rubbed over her back, and her voice swelled to a cry of bliss as he shoved it inside her. Just one thrust of his glorious barbed dick was enough to make her mind melt and her body light up with pleasure, and soon, her insides were all his again.

With Chiron, Opal's life had become the most luxurious and carefree it had ever been, not to mention fun, and for that, she was thankful. Finally giving in to him had been the best idea of her life. He had done for her what no other male back in that sooty, filthy city had ever deemed necessary, and in return for his devotion, she helped him bring the archgryphons back to the face of this world, clutch by clutch, to enrich it with their power and beauty. There was nothing she would rather do and nowhere she would rather be than with her mighty mate and her adorable chicks. This was her life now, and it was perfect.