Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 46: That Which Sits Quietly Beyond All Things

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#46 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth a classmate of Bess and Tess proved without a doubt that second class citizens within the empire had become docile, demure and obedient to beastials... meanwhile Master Koala continued to study the alternate versions of Counter Earth via his reality observation machine becoming quite fascinated and yet alarmed... elsewhere remnants of the rebellion discovered that Sir Ram was using remote viewing to monitor the KLIS activity across the planet... afterward Lady Ursa and Alex observed first hand a negative side effect of Sir Ram's mind control device on the human populace [AND] On Conquered Counter Earth, ONE tasked Bess and Tess with finding purpose for three hopeless refugees who willingly wanted to become Others. The bison teens determined the three could use their former sales experience to become emissaries of the synoptic [AND] On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth after a rousing speech from King Dragon and Duchess Jua regarding their victory over the dark moon, celebrations in World Seven continued into the night. The next day plans were put in motion to see if the imbalance and the crazy had truly ended.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

*Chapter 46: That Which Sits Quietly Beyond All Things *

October 12th, YOE 35

6:22 AM Chaundoon (Lady Ursa's, Alex's, Shakara's and Boris's Home, World Seven)

"You hear that?" I asked my beastial family.

"Is quiet outside." Boris said stretching next to me in our bed.

"It is more than that big bear." I said rubbing against his shaggy fur.

I soon found myself on the underside of a paw being pulled toward the he bear.

"It is the calm before the dawn." The she bear on the other side of me observed. "On a planet that is safe, stable and not under threat from another force."

"Where we can live out the rest of our lives away from the dark entity that destroyed our previous world." The lioness behind the she bear replied. "However the elimination of the fourth moon did nothing about the thirty six hour days on this world."

"Yeah the suns won't be up for a few more hours, but at least they aren't locked in a perpetual state of sunrise/sunset." I replied to my two bears and lioness.

"Wasn't king and duchess supposed to do something about that?" Boris asked, still holding me to his person.

"King Dragon isn't keen on saying 3600 hours or thirty six o'clock. We are still on the twenty four hour system Boris." Lady Ursa observed. "So we are active when it is dark and sleeping when it is just becoming night."

"I guess it does make things interesting around here." The red eyed lioness replied. "So shall we get the day started?"

"Might as well, knight command is integrating the dragon defenders into its operations so some logistics and staff rotations need to be worked out." My perfect person said stretching.

"Boris is modifying colony council chambers to accommodate additional council members." The bear with the V shaped birthmark across his chest replied. "Is going to be long day."

"So the leaders of the local clans and tribes will assist in running World Seven? Quite generous of our leaders." Shakara replied.

"True but it will also lead to unity and cooperation between us and the locals. Speaking of which, it's Pestle's first day in the infirmary." I replied.

"Thin S'mar joined medical staff?" Boris asked me.

"Yup. It is official." I replied to my mistress' breeding partner.

"Did he find attire to his liking?" My perfect person asked.

"I guess I will find out later this morning." I replied as I was nuzzled by the he bear and then the she bear.

"I would have loved to help- Pestle would look great in a transparent loincloth...."

(That was such a Shakara statement.)

"But it is my turn to look after Beatrice." The red-eyed lioness replied.

"Thank you Shakara!" Lady Ursa said, kissing the horny lioness on her forehead.

"Yes thank you. Cub rearing is much easier when there is big family to assist." Boris added.

"But you know what is better then cub rearing? Watching the creation of cubs!" The feline said eyeing Boris and Ursa. "We do have thirty minutes to play around with if you two want to play around if you know what I mean."

The lioness was wondering if they were going to get frisky while she and I watched.


The horny lioness got several pillows tossed to her face for that remark. My perfect person was happy with just one cub. Boris was up for making a few more but realized his breeding partner would rather be run through with her sword than to experience another pregnancy and painful birth.

7:02 AM Chaundoon (Dawn's and Corbin's home, World Seven)

The blond archeologist awoke to find her lover on his side observing her.

"Good morning my Dawn." He said kissing her forehead.


"Um, Club dear, how long have you been watching me?"

"For a little while." The former S'mar chieftain replied.

"Watching me how? In adoration or as prey?"

"Such a flake." Corbin mumbled rolling over- his back to his adoptive mother's right shoulder.

"Perhaps a little bit of both." Club responded. "You have a certain glow to you."

"She does?!" The mongoose boy asked turning back over. "Is it even possible for humans and felines on this planet to...?"

"No. I mean you are in deep thought." The feline warrior observed.

"I was going to wait until later, but Corbin, my chief, now that the danger is over...." Professor Stern asked.

"You wish to explore Chaundoon." The feline savage said laying down on top of his female.

"Discovering ruins, learning about ancient civilizations- that is when she is the most happiest." The mongoose boy observed.

"I am need of a helper and traveling companion, you know. Food, protection, adventure in the great outdoors. Could you recommend somebody?" The blond archeologist asked batting her eyelashes to her S'mar lover.

"I think I can. Corbin is more than up to the task!" Club smirked.

"Oh you!!!" Dawn laughed.

9:30 AM Conquered Counter Earth (Diamond City Beach, World ONE)

"Wow! This is the life!" Dane said to his companions who watched him sunbathe.

"You know it! The sand, the water and gentle breezes." Jonan replied looking at the dawn horse's naked posterior.

"Um, you do know this isn't real, it is some type of simulation right?" Ed said, shattering the fantasy.

"But a wonderful one at that." The dawn horse said to the eagle. "Who would believe the after empire area could be so leisurely pleasurable?"

"Morning emissaries." A tall blue dragon, with yellow eyes, a slender body, purple loincloth and moderate sized wings said greeting the trio.

"Hey! You are blocking the sun." Dane said annoyed.

"You have duties to perform." The dragon replied.

"You mean serving ONE in exchange for being allowed to stay here?" The eagle replied to the dragon.

"Um, no problem with that part, but you know it isn't safe out there right?" The naked dawn horse turned over revealing his boy bits to everyone present.

"We are Eon. We have been tasked with insuring your safety."

"You mean like our security detail?" Jonan asked.

"Yes." The dragon said pulling Dane to his hoves. "Get dressed we will be departing soon."

The trio watched the blue dragon make his way off of the beach and into the corridor.

"Nice proportions on that one." Jonan replied. "He can be my bodyguard any day."

"He touched me! And nothing happened." Dane sighed.

"That is because ONE didn't want anything to happen." The eagle replied.

10:10 AM Chaundoon (Watchtower, World Seven)

"And here it is our new headquarters! So what do you think?" Arthur asked Midnight Black and Minka.

"The building immediately below the watchtower?! It is doable." The she monkey replied.

"Why here boy?" The dark akita asked.

"This is where the majority of the science division is setting up. I mean look at it- there is plenty of space for offices of the various disciplines that will be based out of here."

"And why did they grant you space here?" The skeptical assassin asked.

"Because we are part of the science division silly!" The monkey said smiling at her akita.

"Paranormal Sciences Mr. Black another branch of the science division." Mr. Speedwell replied. "We investigate the unfathomable, the unbelievable and the improbable."

"And the occasional thing that goes 'gonna getcha!' in the night." Minka added.

"Let me guess part of our ruler's push to better understand this bizarre enchanted world which is now our home?" The akita said following his charges into the stone building.

In the corner overlooking the street was a doorway which led to a 20 x 20 room with a marble table full of paper leaflets.

"You see, enough space for a desk, a few chairs and maybe a file cabinet for our cases." Arthur said showcasing the room.

"Do we have any cases to investigate boy?" The dark akita asked.

"Well not as of yet. But with the city growing the way it is, World Seven is going to be a major destination on this quadrant of the planet!" Minka said cheerfully.

Midnight Black watched the hedgehog boy walk over to the table and start looking through leaflets which had been there previously.

"These are promising." The leader of the Ghost Hunters mumbled.

"I am listening." The assassin said.

"Reports of weird goings on at some ruins not far from here. Hide-behinds revealing themselves, screaming trees and talkative mushrooms." Arthur said to his team.

"Let's do the ruins!!!" Minka smiled broadly. Her akita had other ideas.


"No." The dark akita said to his charges.

"Mr. Black?" The hedgehog boy asked.

"No more secret societies or ancient hidden civilizations for either of you!"

"I guessed he really missed you while you were away Arthur." Minka said to her partner.

"Yes, I did." The akita said releasing them.

"Perhaps I could offer an alternative?"

The hedgehog, monkey and akita turned toward the doorway to see a teenage female staring back at them.

"Angi?! When did you get back?"

"That is not Angi boy, that is the being she swapped bodies with remember?" The akita assassin said correcting Arthur.

"Bine of the Eeth? How's it going?" Minka said stepping forward.

"Quite well, quite well. Congratulations on your victory against the dark moon." The being in the female human's body replied. "We offered our help, but it seems you solved the problem yourselves."

"That is because our leaders did not wish to give you all the humans in this colony." Midnight Black replied indignantly.

"Such a pity, we would have taken care of them, just like Angi. She is having the time of her life." The being in the girl's body replied.

"Bine why are you here?" Minka asked.

"I have a case for you. Mysterious lights, we call them ghost lights, are appearing in our realm."

"The plane of tranquility?" The hedgehog boy asked.

"Yes, we don't know how or why, it might be a disturbance from the realm next to ours."

"What is next to the plane of tranquility?" The monkey girl asked.

"A place of fire and magma we can see into it from time to time when the veil is transparent, interested?"

Arthur looked at Minka, Minka looked at Arthur and the two of them looked at Midnight Black.

10:42 AM Chaundoon (Council Chambers, Central Tower)

"Just finished big remodel after big brawl now have to remodel again." Boris sighed looking at the blue prints of the redesign. "Is going to be big project."

"Morning big bear need some help?" Corey Collins asked walking into council chambers.

"Boris tasked with redesigning chambers to seat additional members from tree folk, merfolk, stone folk, marsh folk and Chado."

"That is five more in addition to King Dragon, Duchess Jua, Shira, Song, Basil, Masha and Haem." The white werewolf observed. "Sounds like you could use some help."

"And crew to help with job." The dark brown bear said observing the magnitude of the work to be performed.

"...won't be a problem..." Rumble said entering the room.

The brown werewolf was followed by the leaders of the nearby tribes- Umebo, Bounce, Laurel, Branch and Mist.

"Grunt, grunt."

"What did leader of Mud Folk say?" Boris asked.

"He was saying that he wants to offer his assistance with this project. We all do." Laurel replied.

"And why is that?" The white werewolf asked the leader of the Marsh Folk.

"That way we can make sure the accommodations are to our liking. Think of it as selfish self indulgence."

The rest of the future council members nodded.

"Excellent, here are blueprints." Boris said to his new crew.

11:34 AM Chaundoon (Milton and Melinda's Grooming, World Seven)

"There you are Mr. Club." Milton said as he gave his client a mirror.

There you are Mr. Axe ready to go for another few weeks." Melinda said proudly. "My I must admit you two clean up nicely."

"It will be more than a few weeks." The former S'mar chieftain said looking at his reflection.

"Really? What is the occasion?" His groomer asked.

"Dawn Stern and Corbin Mongoose are resuming their quest to study ancient tribes and clans." Club said.

"Theresa and Oliver are resuming their quest to study the creatures of Chaundoon." Axe replied.

"And you two fierce hunky strong warriors are going along to assist them?" Melinda asked.

Axe and Club nodded in unison.

"Alex Winter will hold me personally responsible if any harm befalls them." Axe said quivering.

"He said the same to me as well." Club added.

"Looks like our S'mar warriors have found their place." Melinda said removing the apron she had placed on Axe.

"Indeed." Her mate replied reciprocating with Club.

"Milton, Melinda thank you but we have another um, what's the word?" Club asked.

"Appointment dear?" The female said giving the feline warrior a hug.

"You two take care of yourselves out there." Milton added.

_12:01 PM Chaundoon (Infirmary, Central Tower) _

"Um, Alex my eyes are up here." Pestle said as he saw where I was staring.

"Nice loincloth." I replied.

"Yes. It is comfortable, flexible, and doesn't itch." The young S'mar witch doctor added. "However, I do find your tribe's customs are a bit strange; does seeing my genitals bother you that much?"

"Well... Shakara wouldn't mind. But others would be quite uncomfortable and become distracted looking at your boy bits when talking to you instead of staring upward."

"Like you have become distracted looking at their coverings?" The feline asked.

"It is rather a nice color, white and grey. It is nicer than the one I wore." I said looking him in the eyes.

(That brings back memories.)

"You wore one of these Alex?"

"Right, so let's begin the tour." I said dodging the question. "There is only one entrance to the infirmary which is off of the main hall where we entered."

"That is quite a view." Pestle said looking out one of the windows.

"We are in the central tower which is the tallest building in the city." I commented.

"You can see in all directions." The young healer observed. It looked like his tail was twitching.

"Yes right continuing... you have examination tables here, here and here."

"There certainly are a lot of them."

"Yes unlike your village Pestle, we look after not just S'mar but all tribes and clans."

"So I will be learning how to care for many?" He said looking around. "That sounds challenging."

"Well there are tools to help." I said showing him my triangular scanner.

"What is that?"

"This device is from my former world. You place it on the patient and it provides vital information you would not know just by looking at them."

"It is this tool that aids you in determining your patient's status?" The S'mar healer asked.

"Yes. You will be trained on how to use it. I also think you have a lot you could teach us as well."

"So how many healers are there here?"

"Seven. Penny Penguin our supervisor, Lilly Blossom, Nezera, Psi, Shakara, myself and you."


"Think of her as your chieftain. Her office is in the corner over there. Anyway in the cabinets over yonder are supplies, meeting rooms are to your left and to the right are the are patient rooms where we house and treat the sick. Any questions?"

"The doors on these rooms are closed."

"Yes that is by design. Some of those we are treating like some privacy. If you need to enter it is our custom to knock first and ask if it is okay to enter- like so." I said trying to demonstrate to my apprentice. Demonstrate being the operative term because before I knew it I was on the underside of the door.


Above a knight and his former S'mar teacher were having a very heated argument.

"Naka! The Yowie have infiltrated Perna Pride! I can't remain here!" Shred shouted.

"Teacher you are still injured. Warrior to warrior, you would be a detriment to those you are trying to protect and defend." The maned wolf said to the feline savage.

"My mate, my cubs, everyone I care about is in danger! I have to do something!"

"How about recovering from being savaged by your own weapon?" The maned wolf suggested.

"How about you two get off of Alex?" Pestle suggested.

Shed rolled to his side and Naka lifted the door off me.

"OW." I replied holding my arm as I was helped to my feet.

"I am leaving!" Shred announced.

"You won't get far." The wolf said to the feline.

"Why is that?"

"The Marble Canyons are far, far away from here."

"How far?"

"The other side of the planet." I volunteered as Pestle looked at my arm.

"That looks like a bad sprain."

"Oh great another one." I huffed.

"Here let me see." He said placing his paw on the middle of my forearm. He then started chanting."

In less than a minute the pain was gone. All of it.

"How did you do that?!" Pestle only smiled at me.

"Ok so when are you taking us home?" Shred asked Naka.

"When Stab and Impale improve and my leaders decide on a course of action." The knight replied.

"Why is the delay?"

"They are hesitant to involve themselves in a tribe or clan's affairs." Naka said trying to calm the agitated warrior. "There is no formal agreement or relationship between your tribe and mine."

"So they are having discussions." The Perna Pride warrior stared down the maned wolf.

"There are those who think that we shouldn't get involved with disputes between tribes and clans."

"In the meantime my pride is being annihilated!" Shred shouted.

"Teacher, we don't know that." The knight replied.

"You don't know that it isn't happening either." The S'mar warrior countered. "Remember canine, Perna Pride took in your family while you were stranded in our territory." The healing savage warned. "Your son was even manipulated by our enemy as well. That doesn't anger you?"

"From what our healers can tell, it wasn't detrimental, Kiwi's confidence has been strengthened."

"Alright everyone calm down. Shred I know you are worried about your tribe but Stab and Impale aren't in any condition to be transported." I started to say as the door to an adjacent patient room opened.

"What is all the commotion out here?!" A brown pre-teen boy asked.

"Shred is feeling a little homesick." The maned wolf said to his adoptive son as a paw grabbed his chest and a sai blade poked his belly.

Kiwi looked down at his tummy and immediately recognized the weapon and the warrior attached to the other side of it.

"Stab!!" He said turning around.

"Looks like someone came out of their coma." I said smiling.

"Where am I?" The female feline said looking around confused while being hugged.

"Stab it is ok you and your brother are safe." Shred said reassuring her.

"What is this place?"

"Oh? This place is my village and you are my prisoner! Mu ha ha ha!" Kiwi said looking up at the S'mar female he had just embraced.

Stab cut her eyes at the boy.

12:29 PM Chaundoon (Lily Blossom's Spa, World Seven)

"You two look different." Bow said greeting her tribe members.

"As do you. I see, you found something to your liking?" The former chief of Kenja Pride said noticing that the feline warrior was no longer in the nude.

"Well, yes the promiscuous feline from the infirmary selected this for me. What do you think?"

"What's is the saying?" Axe asked searching for the right words.

Bow was wearing a single silver strap that covered the nipple and areola of her right breast wrapped around her neck in an x pattern before doing the same with the nipple and areola of her left breast. The rest of her chest was still visible for all to see. Around her waist a purple rope that held a white loincloth. She looked like a deity from a long lost civilization. Not quite nude, but sure damn close to it.

"You aren't wearing these clothes, they are wearing you." Club replied.

"So what exactly is this place?" The feline female asked looking at the boutique shop near the central tower.

"A place of relaxation. Many from this village come here to rest and talk." Axe said motioning Bow to follow him inside.

"Welcome to Lilly Blossom's Spa will it be the usual?" A female sand dragon asked. Club nodded.

"So what actually goes on here?" The female warrior asked.

"Well, we remove our clothing and lie down on those tables over there." Axe said pointing.

"We are then rubbed over our entire bodies and pampered." Club added.

"It is called a massage. It is quite relaxing." The she dragon said clapping her paws.

Two more female attendants arrived and collected their clothing.

Bow watched as Axe and Club made themselves comfortable on two nearby tables. Cautiously she did the same.

"So Ms. Bow, what will it be?" The dragon hostess asked.

"It is her first time here. A little bit of everything." Club ordered.

"Alright, if you would lay your head down and close your eyes."

The female massage therapists started working on their S'mar clients.

"Bow, have you found your place yet?" Axe asked as his square butt was kneaded.

"No. I considered joining the knights like Naka or Ursa- but they seem too rigid and structured. UUUUUUHHHH! This feels wonderful!" The female warrior moaned. As her trapezius muscles were teased.

"Axe and myself will be heading back to the wilderness in the next day or so." Club said as his backside was grabbed.


"This tribe's leaders wants to increase their understanding of Chaundoon." Axe mumbled.

"So they are creating expeditions and quests." Club added.

"For what?" The female S'mar asked as her backside was kneaded.

"Knowledge." Her former chieftain announced.

"They want to decrease their ignorance?" Bow asked.

"Indeed a noble cause. We are part of such an expedition." The former leader of Kenja pride replied.

"Club is assisting the archeological team. I will be assisting the wildlife team." Axe murred.

"You mean the male and female human?" Bow asked.

"Yes. They can be a pawful to keep out of danger and I could use an extra paw." Axe said as his masseuse moved from his backside to his legs.

"Hmm...." Bow thought as her masseuse did the same.

_1:06 PM Conquered Counter Earth (The Great Forest, an hour away from World ONE) _

"Wow look at all the monsters roaming the land Jonan!" Ed said scanning the landscape below.

"If it is all the same to you, I would rather not!" The ewe said her eyes covered.

"Yeah, I forgot you are scared of heights. I promise that I won't drop you." Ed said making sure his talons had a firm grip on Jonan's shoulders.

"You touched me again!" Dane replied as the blue dragon carried him. They were flying next to Ed and Jonan about 1000 feet off of the ground. "And again nothing happened."

"You are not to become ONE with us. Your individuality is to be retained."

"Say Eon, if I may ask what did you do before ah the awakening?" Ed asked.

"We were building washers, responsible for making all structures within the former empire look presentable. It was challenging work."

"And after the awaking?" Dane asked.

"We were tasked with the demolition of what was World One and the construction of the Diamond City by our new master." Eon replied landing at a lone cabin.

"So are you seeing anyone?" The dawn horse asked as the dragon gently placed him on the ground.

"Yes a bull and coyote."

"Wow, he moves rather quickly doesn't he?" Ed replied setting Jonan down on the ground.

"It is a shame, he is rather nice to look at." The ewe said tweaking the dragon's butt through his loincloth.

"Enough we are here."

"Where is here?" Ed asked.

"The Great Forest the site of your labors." The blue dragon replied.

"Right the recruitment drive." The ewe said. "Coming handsome?"

"We are to observe and evaluate your progress."

"Okay then." Dane replied.

The lamb, eagle and dawn horse stared toward the small cabin. It was nestled comfortably in between a garden.

*knock knock*


"Greetings madam." Dane said to the orange haired human female who answered the door. "Good day to you. We are collecting souls for our new master the conquer of worlds and would like to know if you would be interested?"

"What?!" The female shrieked nearly dropping the brown robe she was wearing.


"Hi. I am Jonan, that is Ed and Dane. What my colleague meant to say is that we represent a client who is reconstructing and rebuilding the planet. They are offering a one time opportunity to join their newly formed conglomerate on the ground floor." The ewe said spinning it.

"You are talking about the thing that ended the empire right?" The woman asked lifting her eyebrow.

"Possibly?" Ed said smiling. "From the looks of it you, like many are struggling in this era we now find ourselves in."

"You mean after the empire's collapse?" The woman asked eyeing the blue dragon watching over the group.

"We refer to that as the awakening." Eon added.

"Oh and you are part of this conglomerate?" She asked crossing her arms. "Well Other, I am not interested in joining whatever you are selling. I am quite content here, I grow and hunt what I need and do not want for nothing. I like having my own thoughts as well."


"Um, that could have gone better." Dane replied after the door was slammed in his face.

The four of them decided to move on to several other cabins in the immediate area.

"Hi we are of the ONE...." Ed started to say.


"Would you be interesting in joining the synoptic?" Dane asked.


"I am pepper would you like to be a pepper too?" Jonan asked.


"I have never received so much rejection in my entire life." The dawn horse replied.

"Anyone noticed how many cabins there are in this forest?" The ewe said, stating the obvious.

"Apparently, this was a popular camping ground during the time of the empire and when it ended it became a pop up community for survivors." The eagle observed.

"But alas we could not recruit a single resident." Dane replied.

"Because you didn't use the correct tactics." Eon said to the synoptic's proxies. "We are in the after empire era."

"Meaning handsome?" Jonan asked.

The blue dragon motioned the trio to his side.

Jonan, Dane and Ed watched as Eon took a deep breath and spit flame at a doorway of a cabin liting it on fire.

Its occupants ran outside to fetch a bucket of water to put out the flames.

The dragon moved swiftly.




"Hail the synoptic!"

Presto! New meat puppets for the master. Eon repeated this at every cabin in the group encounter.

"Well done proxies." ONE said through Eon.

"Master there are too many to take back to the Diamond City." The ewe said stating the obvious.

"We will allow them to remain here to spread the good word to all they encounter."

"Oh." Ed replied.

"We are most pleased. We are finished for the day."

"Well all in a day's work. Let's pack it up and head for home." Jonan replied stretching.

"Yeah, there was this bar near the beach I was thinking about trying out." Dane added jumping into Eon's arms.

"I saw that, it looks like a nice place to unwind after a long day." Ed said jumping on Jonan's shoulders and lifting her skyward.

"Eon, you should come. Bring your boyfriend and girlfriend. We would love to meet them." The ewe suggested.

"Perhaps." The blue dragon replied as they headed back to World ONE.

10:30 PM Chaundoon (Village Fountain,Three Rivers Pride Territory)

"The sky looks so beautiful tonight." The freckled teen said to her fellow slave.

"Yes so many sparkling, what do you call it?" Sticks asked.

"Stars. Big balls of fiery gas like the suns here, but far far away." Naomi replied.

"Yes stars." Saber's youngest slave replied.

One of her favorite pastimes had become astronomy... well when she had free time.

"The constellations here are so different." The brunette teen observed.

"Constellations?" Sticks asked Saber's middle slave.

"A group of stars together. Where I am from there is one that looks like a big and small spoon."

"Really?" The boy asked.

"Then there is another that is in the shape of a hunter, complete with bow and arrow. Nothing like that here. Well, that constellation looks like a minus symbol. That one over here looks like a plus symbol."

"What is that there?" Stick's asked.

"Wow, a shooting star! Very lovely."

"Shouldn't we be back by now? Our master may start to get suspicious." The orphan asked.

_10:40 PM Chaundoon (Saber's Hut, Three Rivers Pride Village) _

"OH YES MASTER!! OH YES MASTER!" Annette moaned as she felt the pride chieftain's barbs scrape her cub tunnel.

Saber the vicious was on his back looking up at his older slave who was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Like Naomi, Annette had noticed a change in the Three River's Pride Chieftain. This evening he was letting his eldest slave take the reigns.

"BREED ME!" The female with the big breasts and wide butt shout- whispered as his paws found their way to her butt.

"If it were possible it would have happened by now." He said simply.

Well, that was a mood killer.

"I know, it is not possible." The S'mar female leaning forward looking her master in the eyes.

Big mistake.


The savage warrior kissed his slave on her neck and then made his way to her breasts kissing them as well.

"But it is fun trying." Annette said pinning her master.

"It is." Saber replied, his eyes squinted.


"OH YES!! YES!! YES!!" Annette shouted placing her paws on Saber's chest. She closed her eyes and lifted her snout as she received her master's offering... a lot of it.

*spurt* *spurt* *spurt* *spurt*

"You have been bred, as much as you can be." The savage replied.

The two cuddled for a while in their afterglows.

"You may not be able to birth cubs, it doesn't mean you aren't able to raise and care for them Annette."

"I do consider Sticks mine own." She said rubbing cheeks with the pride's chieftain.

"Speaking of which...." The savage said turning toward the doorway of his hut.

"Naomi and Sticks said that they had to go make water." The barren female said trying to reassure her master.

"I have never heard it described like that." Saber replied.

"Our Naomi does have a way with words." Annette said standing up.

"They have been gone for too long!" Saber said joining her. He reached for his machete.

Annette stopped him. She motioned for him to look out the window. There in the center of the village was the freckled teen and the boy from Kokee Pride at the village fountain on their backs looking up at the night sky.

"Those two tend to do that an awful lot." The savage grumbled.

"Don't you remember being that age? There was a sense of wonder to everything. Especially for Naomi." Saber's oldest slave observed.

"Fine. I will let them look at the sky a little longer." The feline warrior said observing Naomi and Sticks.

10:55 PM Chaundoon (Village Fountain, Three Rivers Pride Territory)

"I could just stay out here forever." The teen sighed.

"We should head back before we are missed." The boy added.

"They know we took a bathroom break." Naomi said.

"But it has been a while." Sticks warned.

"Ok a long bathroom break." Naomi added.

"Are you two finished making water?" A stern voice asked creeping up behind the two slaves.

Naomi and Sticks looked up to see their master looking down at the both of them. A frown on his face, his arms crossed.

"EEEEEEEP!!!" She squealed.

She and Sticks had been busted.

"EEP indeed." The savage grumbled.

To Be Continued....


October 12th, YOE 35

6:22 AM Free Counter Earth (Lady Ursa's Chambers, World One)

"Mistress is something troubling you?" I asked as she prepared to sleep.

"Yes pet it has been a long exhausting day." She replied reclining on her back.

"Really?" I asked as I crawled toward her to rest my head on her chest."

"Yes, my subordinates were busy pursing leads on the KLIS."

"Did any of them pan out?"

"No. Sir Ram's remote viewing experiment is the only thing we have right now." She said shaking her head. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Well you have had a long day." I observed.

"I could use a distraction Alex. Make it a good one."

"Hmm.... close your eyes and extend your arms above your head."

The bear woman did as ordered. I lifted my head from her bosom, shifting my position. I placed both of my hands on her breasts and gently massaged them rolling from the base to past the areola to the nipple and then back down again.

"How is that mistress?"


I watched her expression as I felt her up. This beastial who took me in, gave me a home, love and affection. She was beautiful, strong and ferocious but she did use my talents to benefit her and the ruling party on this planet.

In contrast to my perfect person, my beastial boyfriend didn't have a nice rack, brown fur or a muscular butt. He had and average frame- multicolored fur, a longer tail, brown eyes, average butt, orange-tan eyebrows, but he had a two toned penis. Unlike my mistress he didn't use my talents to benefit himself or the empire; he loved me for me.

"Spirit...." I mumbled to myself. I missed him. Touching, nuzzling, cuddling, hugging and kissing him. But since being 're-acquired' seeing him, that was out of the question. If not impossible.

"You missed a spot, my comfort animal."

I looked at my hands, I was no longer touching bear breasts but a canine chest. Spirit was looking up at me as I massaged his dark fur.

"How is this remotely possible?" I gasped.

"Discussions were had, arrangements were made and the bear woman decided to let me live with her and you. Did you miss me?"

Spirit barely got the words out of his mouth before.


"I guess you did. So is she taking good care of you?" He asked me.

"Commander Ursa allowed me to retain my memories of our time together." I replied as his paws moved to my groin.

"And feelings." My beastial boyfriend said grasping my genitals. "Oh I missed this. How you get by without a protective sheath, I will never know."

"If you two are done with your reunion I would like some attention." My female bear grumbled from the doorway of her chambers. "Both of you come here now."

"Yes mistress." I replied.

"Certainly Commander Ursa." Spirit said sucking up.

"Canine from this day forward you will address me as mistress and leave your clothing at the door when in my chambers."

"Um, yes mistress." The canine said removing his bottom-wear.

"What is going on here? Is this a dream come true?" I stammered.

"More like a dream cum true!" My beastial boyfriend said rubbing my balls while presenting me to my perfect person.

"Very nice." The bear said moving to the bed we were just on. She had one arm over her head the other stretching her vaginal opening; an invitation.

Before I knew it my length was inside of her, my face buried in her cleavage.

"Yes. This is nice. Spirit, why don't you join us?"

The next thing I knew someone was buried inside of me!

"Oh how I have missed you and your cute little bottom." The tian mountain dog moaned.

I heard a pop sound as we tied all the while the she beast was massaging my manhood with her inner hand.

"Mistress that is wonderful UUUUUUUHHH!!!!" I moaned as I exploded into her, painting her insides with my jizz.

"So sexy! I ain't going to last much longer either!!! ARRRROOOO!!!!!" Spirit shouted as he did the same to me.

"OHHH URSA!!! OH SPIRIT!!!" I was sandwiched between my two lovers. If I were to die tonight I would leave with a smile on my face.




I fell out of the bed landing on the floor of the room. I stood up and looked around. Damn, it was just a dream. A very erotic one. I also noticed my warrior bear was gone as well.

At first I thought she had just gotten up and was letting me sleep in. A quick check around the townhouse and I realized she had left, not bothering to wake me. She has never done that before. Odd.

7:02 AM Free Counter Earth (Historical District, World One)

"Junior Knight Naka this better be good." The bear said stepping out of the white prototype.

"I am sorry to disturb your sleep commander." The maned wolf replied. "But I have broken the Clay Reed case wide open."

"Have you now?" The bear asked lifting her eyebrow.

"Now I know I have a reputation of being overeager to impress my superiors in order to climb the ranks...."

"So I have heard." The female knight said staring down the male knight.

"This way commander."

The bear followed her subordinate into the unassuming office two floor building. Inside they found an avian psychiatrist fidgeting at his desk.

"It was just a slip of the tongue! A figure of speech!" He mumbled to himself.

"This is Dr. Tanni, chief psychiatrist here. A few days ago he counseled Clay Reed who was upset about his life."

"He felt like he was an automaton being controlled by external forces; he had no control over his life." The pheasant replied. "He asked me for advice."

"What did you say?" The bear knight asked.

"I told him that he should ask the beastials he served to cut back on his workload or threaten to throw himself off a building if they refused." Tanni replied distraught.

"Apparently they did refuse, because that human did proceed with the second part." Lady Ursa replied.

"It was just a slip of the tongue... a figure of speech.... I didn't mean it literally!!"

"But your words convinced someone to end their life. Dr. Tanni, you will be coming with us." The senior knight replied nodding to the junior knight. "It seems the mind control device is in need of some tweaking." The bear said to herself.

_9:30 AM Free Counter Earth (Sir Ram's Undisclosed Lab, World One) _

"Good morning class." The ram said entering a small grey room that contained the extraterrestrials the empire had taken while trying to quash the KLIS threat.

The robotic bears, orange tentacled eyeballs, a creature that looked like a rhino-lizard with purple skin, the black bowling balls creatures and the one eyed vertical centipede creatures with no limbs, only feet, listened as the beastial scientist put on his lab coat and approached.

"Let's continued from where we left off shall we?" The big horned sheep said making sure his unwilling participants were still restrained and blindfolded. "Alright concentrate. Where are the KLIS?"

An image appeared on the ceiling. It was a lab of a koala inventor. He was standing in front of a machine with a large window. Within that window were images of other worlds.

"That is not what we are looking for today!" The scientist said as the image within the window changed. It appeared to be of the historical district here in World One- it was crowded but those in the crowd were humans. There wasn't a beastial in sight.

The ram watched as the koala scientist took notes on a pad as the image changed to a darkened desolate world of destruction and ruin. Sir Ram recognized the image. It was Counter Earth after the fall! He watched as the koala scientist stood at the event horizon of the window scribbling notes.

"I want the KLIS!!!" The beastial knight said grinding his teeth.

The extraterrestrials concentrated. The image on the ceiling changed to a orange circular room... a lab... on a spacecraft... there were grey aliens present as well as beastials... on a table near by was Lady Vermin screaming as her tail was being separated from her body forcefully.

Shackled to a wall on the other side of the room was Lea.... She was crying... the lioness was completely nude being felt up by grey hands. Another set was inserting a cold metallic barbed object inside her vagina.

On a table near the entrance of the room was another victim- his insides turned outward... his vital organs there for all to see... standing over him was another grey with a device removing black stripes from the victim.... It was Lord Tiger!

The beastial scientist gaged as he saw what had been done to his colleagues. The camera zoomed out of the lab... outside of the black triangular ship.

"Location? I want the location!"

It was on a steep decent toward the surface of the planet... headed toward World Two!! The craft hovered menacingly over the city strobing a yellow beam back and forth, forth and back over the unsuspecting populace.

"Oh no! Another harvesting!!" The evil beastial gasped.

Sir Ram ran out of the grey room into the adjacent room of monitors on his way to warn Gary Gator the Commander of the Knights of Warwick. But he was too late.

10:10 AM Free Counter Earth (Master Koala's Lab, World Three)

"These are promising." The leader of the Ghost Hunters mumbled.

"I am listening." The assassin said.

"Reports of weird goings on at some ruins not far from here. Hide-behinds revealing themselves, screaming trees and talkative mushrooms." Arthur said to his team.

"Let's do the ruins!!!" Minka smiled broadly.

"Remarkable." Master Koala said to the hedgehog boy and monkey girl as the metallic sphere display ended.

"We found this sphere on one of our cases." Minka said to the Koala scientist.

"From time to time it has shown us the over version of ourselves." Arthur added.

"Who is the akita character?" The koala scientist asked.

"Midnight Black a assassin who as far as we can figure works with Minka and myself- well our other selves." Arthur admitted.

"He is the muscle of our group." Minka grinned and has a hot body to complete the package.

"That place, it is not Counter Earth is it?" Master Koala asked.

"No, they live in a stone city on another planet far and away from Counter Earth." Mr. Speedwell admitted.

"They talk about from time to time- some type of cataclysm that befell their former home which caused them to leave." Minka said, oogling the dark akita's butt.

"That makes sense, during my research I have found alternate versions of our world." Master Koala said, showing the pair footage on his cube.

"Remarkable!" Minka gasped.

"This is Counter Earth you are looking at. Well is another version that is inhabited entirely by humans; there is not a beastial there to be found. This was the reality that Naomi Good was trying to reach when she did what she did."

"I understand you have found another Counter Earth as well Master Koala?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. Look at this. I call this one Conquered Counter Earth. I have been observing it for some time."

"Look at the ruin and devastation! The she monkey gasped.

"In this reality the empire is no more- it was conquered by a mysterious, faceless entity that has enslaved the population. It occurred on December 31st, YOE 33."

The hedgehog and monkey looked at the Koala scientist.

"NO WAY!!!" The monkey girl screamed.

"What's wrong?" The koala asked.

"That was the day our doppelgängers said that everything changed." The hedgehog boy gasped.

"I also theorize that Counter Earth is where your doppelgängers fled from." The Koala said looking at his cube. "And on our Counter Earth Midnight Black is an assassin for hire and wanted by the knights."

"Did you find the other you on that Counter Earth?" Minka asked fixated on the image from Master Koala's cube.

"No. From what I can tell, the other me perished."

"How?" Arthur asked.

"There is a lake of fire where World Three once stood."

"Master Koala, are there any commonalities with this Counter Earth and ours?" Mr. Speedwell asked.

"From what I can tell there is a convergent point."

"What do you mean convergent point?" The she monkey asked excitedly.

"Everything points back to December 31, YOE 33. That was when this synoptic- ONE character took over... well in that reality."

"That was the day when the High Evolutionary crushed the rebels in our reality." Minka said bouncing up and down.

"That reminds me of something Minka and I learned during one of our cases." Arthur said pondering.

"Oh yes that shadow person we met who viewed our other selves in the metallic sphere!" Minka squealed.

"What did it say? The Koala asked giving the two Ghost Hunters his full attention.

"That that Counter Earth you have been watching isn't really an alternate Counter Earth but this one from a divergent timeline... one that should not exist." Arthur said quoting.

"Could something have happened at the convergence point that prevented our reality from winding up like Conquered Counter Earth?" Minka pondered.

"A divergent timeline?! Hmm...." The koala scientist pondered. "But how and why did the timeline diverge?"

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know** October 15th, YOE 35 12:34 PM Conquered Counter Earth (The lava and magna lake- formally World Three) "Well here it is World Three in all its splendor!"...

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