Savannah Nights

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A gazelle and a wolf, working on an African nature reserve have fun after hours...and get 'caught' in the act. Not the best position to be discovered in with a secret master...

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I had writer's block and needed to get rid of it, so here's a quickie. Enjoy!

Story and characters (c) me, Amethyst Mare

Savannah Nights

The African reserve was peaceful in the late-evening light, the distant barks of African wild dogs and hyenas echoing in the distance; having found some kill to scavenge from, they squabbled like children over the dry remains. The long grass waved in the breeze, hiding any number of dangerous and terrified creatures, at once both the perfect refuge for victim and ideal concealment for hunter. At the main base of the reserve, an interestingly modern building with a thatched roof and comfortable, plush seats in the open air, a small fur with pale brown fur and black and white markings along his muzzle - a Johnson's gazelle anthro, to be exact - leaned upon the rail, which marked the interior boundary.

Sighing lightly, he glanced towards the outer boundary, which was a sturdier fence rigged in such a way that it would keep most dangerous African predators at bay, and shifted his weight anxiously from hoof to hoof, noting the glowing eyes in the dying light. Prey instincts never truly left a fur like Colin, but he had not come over from England to be afraid; he knew that he was doing the world of good upon the reserve, which was a great deal more than could be said for some others in his life. And, he thought with wry humour, if he was ever stalked by a predator, his faded, loose fawn-coloured clothes and natural colour should give him a natural advantage in concealment.

For the main base of a wildlife reserve, the centre was extravagant, but that was solely because it had been a base for hunters in past times. Shivering at the thought of the poachers, who were always lurking along the reserve's borders, the gazelle stirred his cup of tea, adding more sugar than was strictly necessary to soothe his nerves. He knew that he had nothing to worry about, with regards to the poachers, as there were enough rangers on base to ensure that they stayed far away. And, although it was a nice thought that a base for hunting had been converted into a protective reserve, it still made him uneasy to know that animal skins had once hung on these walls and furs had spoken freely of their hunts and what magnificent creature they had snuffed out that day: that lifestyle would never be anything but barbaric.

But he had wonderful things to keep his mind far from the negative.

Only taking a few sips of his drink, the gazelle replaced the cup upon the counter, his attention wandering elsewhere. Smirking slightly to himself, Colin walked down the corridor, his hooves making a low 'clop' on the wooden floor, which was crafted from some kind of sustainable African wood (he did not know the exact kind, being more interested in the animals of the reserve than the vegetation). The gazelle headed towards to the section of the building, on the upper floor, where the private rooms were located, each employee having one to themselves, or a shared room if one was particularly unlucky, as they were not coveted. Colin, however, considered himself very lucky to have a shared room, as he shared his with a very special wolf... Opening the door to his quarters, he smiled at the sight that awaited him.

"Miss me?" He laughed lightly, turning to close the door behind him.

There had been two single beds in the room before, but Colin and his 'roommate' had taken the liberty of pushing the two beds together so that they rested side by side. On top of these beds, with the sheets stripped away, lay a grey-furred wolf with dark specks scattered throughout his unfortunately thick fur coat. He was flat on his back, completely nude, and his paws stretched out to either side of his head, tied with a length of cotton rope to their respective legs of the bed, a make-shift restraint that he could not hope to wriggle out of. He appeared to be dozing when Colin walked inside but perked up with a quiet yelp when the gazelle teasingly groped his prominent balls, resting on top of his legs in his relaxed yet vulnerable position.

"Hi, Aaron-pet," Colin murmured, rubbing the wolf's stomach gently.

"Why the hell did you leave me here for so long?" Aaron grumbled, squirming uncomfortably under the gazelle's petite paws. "I've been here for - mmph!"

"Oh shush," Colin chuckled, his paw over the lion's muzzle to prevent further complaints. "I left you here for ten minutes while I went to get a drink. Stop whining, unless you think I should make you stop, pet."

"No," the wolf muttered, looking away. "Sorry."

"That's better," Colin whispered, stripping off his clothes swiftly and hanging them up carefully, an African necessity. "So did you miss me, pet?"

"Yes, I missed you," Aaron replied in turn, licking his lips as the smaller gazelle's lithe body was revealed. "We hardly spend any time together now. It's too busy. I miss you...Master."

"I miss you too, pet," Colin assured him, perching on the bed beside the wolf. "But we'll have plenty of time to spend together soon when our holiday time comes up."

"Yeah..." The wolf's eyes glazed over dreamily, remembering this fact. "Where will we go?"

"Somewhere," the gazelle breathed, leaning over Aaron so that his breath tickled his fluffy, grey ear. "Somewhere nice and...private."

Caressing his pet's chest softly, Colin trailed his paw down the wolf's body to his sheath, where the pink tip of his cock protruding, Aaron's imagination in over drive: just how his master wanted him. As he rubbed the wolf to full hardness, enjoying the slow, relaxed pace, Colin turned Aaron's muzzle towards him so that their lips met and they kissed one another with a raw hunger, like the starving men that they were. Colin gripped Aaron's cock as he deepened the kiss, dominating his lover's tongue as his own arousal grew and pressed obviously against the wolf's thigh.

Moaning into the kiss as his cock was stroked, Aaron suddenly whined plaintively, feeling two fingers prodding at his tail hole as if to test the tightness. It had been a few weeks since he had been last 'used' in that way and he groaned quietly, tensing up as Colin gently pushed two fingers into his tail hole. Their kiss broke and Aaron clenched his teeth together, though the pain was only very mild and his master was very gentle with him, knowing the limits of his body even better than he did.

Writhing, Aaron looked into his master's eyes, gleaming with anticipation and daring his pet to say what he was waiting to hear. Thrusting his fingers deep into the wolf's tail hole, Colin barely suppressed a light laugh, twisting the digits back and for gently and rubbing against his prostrate, over-sensitive over such a lack of stimulation recently. The gazelle had forbidden Aaron to cum without permission and the forced restraint was certainly telling from the canine in the most delicious, desperate manner.

"Please, Master," Aaron begged, bucking his hips willingly at his master. "Please, I haven't cum in days... Please will you fill me? Please, Master?"

"You're so cute when you beg," Colin said, withdrawing his fingers and wiping them with a nearby towel, smiling at the disappointed whine. "Please me first."

"But how...oh..."

Moving with the short burst of darting speed that his species was known for, Colin kneeled over the wolf's muzzle, his dark coloured cock barely touching Aaron's lips. Eagerly, he opened his muzzle to accept the whole shaft in one, skilfully pressing his lips around the base of the gazelle's dick as it pushed demandingly into his throat. Despite not being allowed to cum, he had received plenty of instruction on how to give his master a good blowjob since they had first met and things had...progressed, so to speak.

"Mm, think you deserve to cum then, wolfie?" Colin murmured, thrusting into Aaron's muzzle roughly before drawing back to allow him to answer. Casting his eyes down, the wolf licked his lips and whined wantonly, stretching his tongue out to graze the tip of Colin's cock, although the gazelle drew further back, his small, dark eyes demanding an answer.

"I think..." The wolf paused, trying to gather the right words together. "I think that I deserve whatever you wish to give, Master. But I would like to cum, if you allow," he added as a swift afterthought.

"Good answer, pet."

Pushing his dick back into Aaron's muzzle, Colin moaned and let the wolf do his work as he did it best. Murring happily, Aaron swirled his tongue around the tip, a dull ache in his jaw from it being forced so wide in order to accommodate the gazelle's smooth cock. Though he was unable to breathe properly when he deep throated Colin's member, the wolf dived down eagerly and sucked hard, his cheek developing little hollows as he suckled hard, as if he had been presented with his favourite treat. His flat, broad tongue pressed firmly to the underside of the cock between his lips and he bobbed his muzzle slowly, lips in a tight O-shape to provide his master with the most pleasurable stimulation that he had to offer. Aaron's eyes seemed to focus on something very far away as he slipped deeper into that safe place in his mind where he did not have to think further ahead and where he knew that his master would take care of him and ensure that he did his best. He just wanted to please his master.

Petting the wolf's head, Colin slowly drew back, smiling as Aaron stuck his tongue out of his muzzle, trying to swipe another lick over the head of the gazelle's cock, which had a gleaming drop of pre cum drooling invitingly from the tip, testament to the wolf's skilled muzzle. Shifting back and kissing the side of Aaron's muzzle, Colin trailed his fingers along the length of his pet's rock hard shaft, pulsing noticeably against his paw with his throbbing need.

"I love you, do you know that?" Colin murmured, dropping a kiss upon the wolf's nose.

"Yes, but now you're going to fuck me, right?" Aaron yipped cheekily, his cheeks flushing with heat.

"Don't be cheeky, but yes, wolfie," the gazelle laughed and slid back to kneel between the larger wolf's legs. "Lift them up, pet."

Obediently, with his tongue hanging out of his muzzle, the wolf lifted his legs up, slipping them easily over the little gazelle's shoulders so that his rump was raised up from the bed. As the wolf did this, Colin pushed a pillow under his butt so that he was nicely positioned, the wolf's rear at just the right height for Colin to rub his cock between his fluffy cheeks, teasing his pucker with a glint of wickedness in his eye. Only when the wolf quivered and moaned, tugging futilely at his paw bindings, did Colin show mercy and squeeze a large amount of lube on to his cock (the tube was always kept handy); Aaron watched his every move intently.

"Easy now," Colin murmured, pressing the lubricated tip of his shaft to the wolf's tail hole, stroking his side gently to calm him as he gave a nervous whimper.

Nodding, Aaron closed his eyes and groaned quietly as he was spread open around Colin's cock, slowly and smoothly. The gazelle kept pushing forward gently, only giving his pet as much as he could handle at a time until the full length was buried in Aaron's most intimate recess, both furs breathing a little more heavily than they would naturally. The wolf's cock dripped pre cum on to his own, soft-grey belly as Colin drew back and built up to thrust carefully into the wolf's exceptionally tight hole, though the lube helped a great deal in slickening the way for him.

Leaning over Aaron so that the wolf's legs were bent more closely to his body, rendering him even more helpless than before, Colin thrust harder, giving way to a moan of pleasure himself. Beneath him, Aaron whined and groaned almost constantly, his breath coming in increasingly fervent pants, the wolf squirming and doing his best to buck his hips in time with the gazelle's thrusts, although his position did not permit him to move much at all. The gazelle closed his paw around Aaron's cock again, stroking it in time with his thrusts, which were quickly becoming more forceful as Aaron's tolerance for the rougher actions grew.

"M-master?" Aaron panted after only a short time. "Can I please cum? Please? Please, Master?"

Colin thought about this for a while, keeping up his steady, deep thrusts, but eventually smiled to his pet, nodding patiently.

"Yes, you can cum, pet."

As if this permission was all that he had been waiting for, Aaron howled, his whole body shaking slightly as his cock exploded in Colin's paw - there was no other word for it. He spurted streams of seed up over his own chest, the force perhaps expected after his time of abstinence, panting and yelping intermittently as Colin gave a series of short, sharp thrusts, drawing out his pet's orgasm and making Aaron close his eyes in ecstasy. And he could not wait to feel his master filling him up too...if he was lucky.

"Oh my...what's going on here?"

Aaron's eyes snapped open, darting to the open door over Colin's shoulder where a tall, shapely lioness with a head of auburn hair stood, leaning against the frame with an obscenely casual air. If one had been able to see the skin beneath his fur, Aaron's muzzle would have been scarlet with embarrassment though the heat radiated off it prominently. He knew her - she was another ranger at the reserve!

"What's she doing here? Get out!" He snarled, his ears falling flat against his skull. "Get the hell out of here!"

"Oh, leave her, she's just a perv," Colin said absent-mindedly, his attention more focused on his own climax, which was rapidly approaching. "And don't growl."

Leaving the lioness to leer, Colin groaned and thrust forcibly into Aaron's tail hole, picking up the speed of his thrusts and driving the wolf's hips down into the supportive pillow and the bed with every stroke. Moaning, Aaron could only lie there and take it, ever conscious of their watcher, who murmured approvingly (and inappropriately, as far as Aaron was concerned) whenever Colin drove particularly deeply into the wolf's backside.

Pushing in roughly one last time, Colin moaned loudly and came inside the wolf's tail hole, not bothering to pull out, but marking him as his. The wolf shivered and murred at the warm load flooding his passage, some dribbling out and soaking into his fur, but he did not expect that he would want to clean it out immediately. He liked having the scent of his master's cum on him, as long as he did not have to work the next day. Remembering work, Aaron gulped nervously and wagged his tail in what he hoped was an appeasing manner, looking pleadingly at the lioness. Would she tell anyone? What would happen now?

"Right..." The lioness smirked, noting Aaron's look and licking her lips. "I'll leave you two to it, or the rest of it then. There's a tiger downstairs that I've had my eye on. Toodles."

Smiling faintly as the door shut and their 'guest' departed, Colin eased his pet's legs off his shoulders and allowed them to rest upon the bed, the wolf screwing up his muzzle and wriggling as his butt slipped off the pillow and a bit of cum leaked from his tail hole. The gazelle swiftly pulled the quick release knots that kept the wolf's paws in place and placed the ropes on the bedside stand, everything exactly as it should be and in place; it was no good putting a coil of rope in the corner of the room only to think that it was a poisonous snake for a few, panicked seconds in days to come. Free, Aaron wrapped his arms around the gazelle, resting his muzzle on his head with a contented sigh. Perhaps they had been discovered by someone at the centre but, surprisingly, Aaron found that he did not truly care... Let them know. He reached up to touch the black, leather collar encircling his neck; he had the best master ever and he was proud of it.

Just one thing made him wonder...

"You planned that interruption didn't you?" Aaron growled suddenly, looking accusingly at Colin, who only grinned and winked slyly.

"Of course I did. Now get the sheets ready for bed, pet."

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