To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 3

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#3 of To Walk the Rainbow

Part Three and the first day of school.

To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 3

50 A.C.(2077), a time when nanotechnology had, after a horrible start, finally leveled out into everyday use. Highly controlled and heavily restricted in manufacturing, these little machines had finally been perfected, not in that they could do anything, though they were capable of many and great feats for the betterment of society, but that they could no longer be tampered with once assigned a function, with the 'blank' nanites guarded on par with a Level-5 biohazard facility. This meant that hospitals had healing gels that could reverse scars, cure cancer, or for the really unlucky, reconnect severed parts. Makeups could blend on their own, finding the perfect shades, or even just turning to outrageous hues. Foodstuffs could be adapted to be the best in taste and nutrition without the processing that lead to many health risks, or even just flat out produced from base components, like SoulFree Meats, which had never been living. Unfortunately, there were still those who could use them to create trouble and harm as they were. The latest problem being Biogel that when mixed with a specific formula, created what on the streets was known as AMP, a drug that dulled pain, increased stamina, and amplified Powers, with the downside being it was temporary, highly addictive, and slowly destroyed a user's humanity, letting a highly-aggressive form of their base animal take over.

However, not everything needed nanites, which is were the super-materials contributed. Graphene, carbon ceramics, and many new materials lead the way to a better time. Each home and building could be outfitted with solar arrays, arrays that were a thousand times more efficient than in the early 20's and could move themselves specific ways to help keep maintenance minimal, and for literally less than taking a family of four to the movies. Vehicles could finally be run on solar power and hydrogen conversion, making fossil fuels unnecessary. Communication became a marvel. Phone companies as they were, ceased to be as the way to free communications was implemented, needing only to buy the device, with no plans and service a constant almost living thing that just was.

Those with Powers, and views on how THEY thought things should be, kept up fights and struggles from decades ago. Specieists as the title came to be known. Those few and many who had kept to the ways at the start of The Species War. Some so fanatical as to be this world's New Clan. Large cities where pockets of Grey still lay, as the clean up was in itself very dangerous, so did the worst of these Specieists groups. Gunfire just like the old days when gangs roamed the streets, now could be found with energy blasts. The harshest of places being walled off to fend for themselves and forming their own unique worlds, while the nicer places seemed to form packs of bullies with just the stray individual being too dangerous. To combat these problems when they did arise though, were the Special Powers Control and Containment Units, relying not only on their own Powers, but also outfitted with military-grade nano-suits and Armored Neural Tank Suits or A.N.T.S. or Ant. An Ant was heavily armored and armed, yet it's drawback was that it could only operate untethered from it's support vehicle for fifteen minutes, so were used primarily at static locations. However, most knew that when the Emergency Ant Trucks nicknamed 'EATers' showed up, it was no time to be in the area.

Albert and Amber had both woken with the alarm, earlier than they had grow used to over summer break, with Amber rolling over and burying her head for, "Just five more minutes, I swear!", letting Albert get to the bathroom first. Still half asleep, he approached the toilet already relaxing but not finding what he was looking for in his shorts. This along with the sudden spray all over his crotch and legs, had the waking effect of a cold shower, "Fu-...," came out in a girly voiced annoyance, "I forgot, I'm a girl."

Albert stripped off his, no, her, her soaked shorts and nightshirt and quickly cleaned up her mess, finishing with the floor by the time her sister came in.

"Again?" came a worried tone from the unicorn her sister had become.

The painted filly responded with, "I was still asleep."

Amber hugged her sister and ended with a kiss on the cheek and, "You'll get used to it. Come on, let's share the shower, or we'll be late."

The twins both got into the warm water of the shower, quickly finishing off the bottle of shampoo on their new quantity of fur and hair, helped dry each other off and brushed out one another's mane and tail. It was the first day of school and they were going to try to start it off right. So with the cleaning done, they retreated to their room and got dressed. Amber getting into a set of emerald green underwear that had the bra just hinting from the neck of a shimmery teal sundress, while Albert pushed away the outfit she had fought her sister about the previous day, still getting used to the girl clothes part of being a girl. Instead she pulled a gaming tshirt over a black sports bra, followed by a yellow pair of bikini panties under black cargo pants, and getting a disapproving look from her sister. While Amber fluffed up her own hair, Albert had settled on doing her, recently turned red, hair into a simple ponytail. She did let her sister pull out the bangs and do a neat thing with a hairclip, but flat out refused any makeup. She did however let Amber put a silver chain around her neck, and noticed the little pendant on it matched her sister's, it was a little disc engraved with two interlocking letter A's, a matching set that was the last gift they got from their father. Albert stood in front of the closet mirror with her sister. It would have to do for today, and if it didn't go well, then there was always hiding in bed for the rest of the year. The two grabbed their packs and headed for the kitchen to grab a bit of breakfast before needing to leave.

"...wn town with seven confirmed dead and fifteen wounded and injured. Among the dead, the culprit along with three S.P.C.C.U. officers. Witnesses agree, the sacrifice of those three officers saved the lives of hundreds as they prevented the culprit from making it to the nearby train. The latest in AMP fueled violence. More information as it becomes available. In sports, the local Zapball team had made it to th-." went the news until a pretty giraffe turned it off as the twins arrived.

"So, have you decided yet sweetie?" asked a giraffe that was finishing setting plates of food on the dining table, Lisa, the twins' mother.

Albert knew the question was directed at her, like her sister who had just ignored it and dug into her own breakfast, and thought about the answer as she took her own seat. "I've decided. If I have to be a girl, I'm not going to be Alberta. I'm going to be Aleena."

Their mother let out a happy, "That's pretty. Aleena it is then. I'll call the school and let them know."

"Thanks Mom." Aleena said with a hint of a blush. "Now I just need to figure out what to tell Tim."

Amber chimed in at this with, "I know. Just tell him, Albert had to go away for a foreign exchange program, and that you are the student we get. One who is also a mail-order bride, so to keep you here you had to become my wife, no, wife slash sex-slave."

Aleena and her mother looked at Amber for a full minute before shaking their heads and going back to eating. Comments of maybe too much tv and or reading might be a bad thing came up. The three ate quickly after this, noticing the time, the twins needing to get to school and Lisa her shift at the hospital.

After breakfast, the twins kissed their mother goodbye and set off for school. A four mile walk that shouldn't be too bad, even with Amber cuddled around her sister's arm. It was nice out, considering that there was weather control, but it was not cost effective and only used around events. The two walked, Amber doing most of the talking for about fifteen minutes before they came across two others on their way to school as well. A short male rabbit and a female fox, both arguing about the meaning of a recently seen movie. The twins knew both, as they were their longest and best friends outside of each other, and that both had had their change before school had finished last season. Timmy Nettle the rabbit, and Sam Kampton the fox, who both seemed to have returned from their respective vacations to make it to the first day of school.

"I'm telling you, the use of an all canine cast was to show the loyalty amongst the pack!" the rabbit was saying with a raised voice.

The fox countered with, "You're wrong. It was done to show the brutality and single minded nature they had, and their drive to completely dominate their enemies!"

The two stopped arguing as they sensed the twins approach, probably from their soap which was a fruity tropical mix. They both stared open mouthed for a moment before the fox let out a high-pitched squeal and the rabbit covered his big ears. "OH, MY GAWG! LOOK AT YOU!" Sam shrieked as she almost lunged into a hug on Amber. "Your pictures don't do you justice! Look at you, you almost sparkle! Amber, you, are, so, luuuckyyy!" the fox said finally stepping back and taking her friend in from hoof to horn-tip.

"Don't change the subject," Timmy said showing his stubborn side, "Amber you saw Wolf's Gambit right? So, what do you think they were trying to get across with the all canine cast?" Amber just shrugged.

Aleena hazard an answer, "Maybe they were just using the best people for the job based on the fact the movie is called Wolf's Gambit?"

Timmy dropped his ears as he realized no one seemed to understand the movie from his side and was fighting a losing battle, "You sound just like my friend Albert. He doesn't get the deeper meanings behind movies either."

Aleena flattened her ears, "Maybe he just watches movies for what they are and doesn't seem to NEED to find any super deep meaning?"

"What do girls know." Timmy mumbled, then turned on Amber, "Hey, speaking of your brother. That ass hasn't taken any of my calls in over a week. Just because I changed first, doesn't mean he needs to be so jealous about it. Tell him when you see him again, that if it's going to be like that, I'll just take my stuff back and we don't have to be friends any more."

The three girls just looked at the rabbit as if he was kind of an idiot, until Sam seemed distracted by the fancy watch-thing on Aleena's wrist, the now old style smartphone called a 'Cuff'. The screen started to rapidly flash all the pictures and data, then just seemed to go through scrambled coding. Sam grabbed the horse's wrist and stared at the retro-style smartphone, and in a shocked voice said, "Albert?"

The rabbit looked around, still oblivious, while the filly pulled her wrist back and embarrassedly pawed the ground, "I've decided to go with Aleena actually. What did you do to my phone?"

"Oh, that? I found out I have Technomancy. Electronics just talk to me now, and won't shut up. Using a computer is a nightmare. I found out my dad is into some really weird stuff, and that Mom is obsessed with turn of the century art but is hiding because she secretly wants to go back to school and get an art degree." Sam said almost babbling before the rabbit finally seemed to catch on.

"Wait a minute. You're Albert!" he blurted out.

Sam and Amber both smacked Timmy in the head as another group on their way to school looked over from across the street. Aleena looked away, hoping they would keep walking and not know what was going on, which they seemed to do. Amber grabbed the rabbit by his shirt collar, "That's my sister, Aleena, whom you've known your entire life. Understand?"

"But, I thought-," he started.

For the briefest of moments, Amber seemed to radiate fire as she roughly pinned the now shorter rabbit to a nearby light pole. "Timothy Nettle, listen carefully. If you don't want to find out what it feels like to be turned into a girl with the use of a six inch spiral horn, don't start thinking. HER, name IS, Aleena, and SHE is YOUR BEST FRIEND. We don't need to draw more attention than I'm going to be already. Do we have an understanding? " she added with gritted teeth. Timmy looked about to wet himself, but nodded yes, and was finally let go.

The four continued on to school in an awkward silence, until finally the rabbit spoke up. "So, I guess this is why you didn't want to talk." he said more as a statement than as a question. Then after a moment, "What's it like?"

Amber was about to smack the rabbit again, but Aleena started to speak, "Well...," she started, then after a pause, continued, "I feel awkward and off balance like my top part wants to fall forward all the time. I have to sit to pee. Nothing I had fits anymore. It feels like my hips are shaking in a ridiculous manner. Most of all, that little voice in my head that wants me to do stupid stuff...,"

"Yeah...," Timmy said waiting for the rest.

"Is almost completely gone." Aleena finished, getting a laugh from her sister and Sam.

The rest of the walk to school turned pleasant, even with Tim's new found wandering eyes, as the four caught up about their summers and their hopes of what high school was going to be like, what with everyone there going to have been through the change, and who knew who would have what kind of Powers.

As the group approached the high school, they all stopped to stare, as it was a far different sight than their middle school. Six buildings, the main one standing at four stories, one built halfway over the beach and ocean with not only water access but a large landing area for those who could fly. The middle school was on the otherside of town and purely for human pre-change children. The high school, now that was made for the mass variety of different species and numerous gifts. The four friends were shocked like most of the new students, at seeing a S.P.C.C.U. tactical response team already securing someone, and a half dozen craters around the well maintained grounds. Listening carefully there could be multiple versions of, "Some wolf messed with Mitch's girlfriend". They also noticed a teacher and a couple older students standing about and fixing the damage in their own way. Maybe this was the reason for so many to still be outside, or maybe everyone just grouped like this before school started, but they all started to gradually turn to notice the four. More specifically, Amber, who the school had notified as being the only unicorn they would have, but also that she would be only one of twelve other mythical types there.

There was a collective murmur starting to spread. "I guess it starts now." Amber said. "You guys head in, I'll catch up in a moment."

Aleena kind of knew this was going to happen, but it still seemed to hurt a bit as she walked for the front doors and the main office. "Actually I'm going to stay and help a moment." Sam said to the horse and rabbit as she pushed them on their way.

Tim was starting on about being forgotten and living in the shadows and a few other things that Aleena just drowned out, until a collective of anger and confusion seemed to pass through the gathering crowd. Then Amber's raised voice caught her attention, "Listen everyone! If you all calm down, my friend will fix your things, but I'm not doing pictures right now! I'll be here all year, so there will be plenty of time for me to talk to everyone! Thank you for your understanding!" Amber then came jogging up and linking her arm through her sister's and planting a kiss on Aleena's cheek, while Sam stayed back to slowly allow everyone's electronics to come back to life. "Family before fame. Remember that. We can even have Timmy as the annoying cousin who never goes away."

"Hey!" the rabbit said offended. He was about to say something, but switched thoughts at the last moment, "That makes me family, doesn't it?"

Aleena had made her stop in the office quick, which mostly involved a talk about knowing her background, but that she was also required to act accordingly, with the first hint that she was going to abuse her new found gender inappropriately leading to severe punishment. That was fine, as she figured, the less others knew, the better, and drawing attention in any way was just going to be bad. Schedules were interesting, as she found that she shared every class with her sister, and a couple with Timmy. Sam was only sharing lunch and the afternoon study hall, as she was in advanced classes. It seemed nice, with Homeroom, Math, English, and History before lunch, then after was Science, Study Hall, and finally Gym. The twins noticed this after Timmy had gone off to his first class, and both said at the same time, "We can get all our homework done before we even get home."

"You are welcome." Sam said arriving and leaning over their papers. "I only moved the times around, and just this once. Don't ask about changing grades okay? You're on your own there. See you guys at lunch." the fox finally said taking off for her building.

The first half of the day passed easily, as it was the first day, with most of the time spent getting their seats and filling out and prepping stuff for the upcoming school year, and getting their electronic textbooks, folder-like tablets with smartpaper that only worked for it's user and contained only the information required for that class, passed out and encoded, with a reminder every period that they were tamper-proof so they could not be used for cheating. Lunch was more exciting, and incredibly odd, at least to the twins. As a holdover from The Species War, many had adapted to a species specific diet, but it did not work out too well in the beginning, but science had helped, so what had happened over the years, was that both people and food had slowly seemed to evolve into a more universally diverse yet singular concept. At first everything was so specific, but it was those who were stubborn in their new found ways that made the changes stick. Developing the way livestock was produced and agriculture in general was looked at. Yes there was still real meat animals produced for the traditionalists. It was always weird to see someone who had become a cow eat a hamburger, but it happened, even if that hamburger was never truly alive to begin with. The bird types really made insects popular. Without the rush of impending starvation, everyone seemed to naturally fit into their animal's lifestyle like it was second nature, without the need to force it, showing that time was the greatest benefit alongside the new bio-foods. Especially with the third generation reaching adulthood. Some thought that it was a sign that eventually the nanites would completely form into pure biological cells.

Due to Amber's new found popularity and fame, she was able to pick out her own table for not only herself, but her sister and their friends. No one else seemed to have the nerve to actually sit down with them, but a few did come over to meet the unicorn. Aleena noticed interestingly enough as her sister was busy talking to people who were probably only there for some form of status symbol, that the lunch room was very mixed, yet definitely formed a predator and prey line. It wasn't straight funny enough, but seemed to make an arch, like a bell curve. The four were clearly in "Salad Lands" as she had heard mentioned, and true enough all four were eating salads with Sam's being a bit higher in the protein content. There were a few altercations as groups made their claims to tables, with only one troubled area standing out. An older group of canines that were in one corner with a completely feline group opposite them. These two were probably the school's resident gangs, Aleena had heard about earlier. She heard it was more an image thing, than true Specieism. The group that stuck out the most however, was what could only be called 'The Rich Kids', individuals who had the money for the most expensive of augmentations. Even Aleena knew the leader and so-called 'Queen of the School', Leslie St.Clair, the daughter of the CEO of St.Clair-Bio who produced the majority of artificial, or SoulFree, meats along with about half the country's Biogel. She was a hippo with an attitude and an unnatural blue and orange design on her skin, and Aleena was fine with her staying away, trying to show that she was too good to need to see the school's new unicorn.

After lunch was Science, and Aleena was shocked by the teacher. Really, she was more shocked at herself, as the teacher was a very handsome Palomino stallion, and she just couldn't keep herself from being distracted the entire period. Something her sister teased her with the whole time. Study Hall was a complete free period for the day with warnings of proper behavior needed for the next day. Finally there was Gym. Aleena was surprised at it being coed, and initially apprehensive at being in the what she thought of as skimpy gym outfit, but that quickly went away as everyone was put through a welcome back five mile run. At first, she dreaded it, but soon realized that she was kind of made for running now, and began to enjoy the run. It went over the whole school grounds and into a bit of the surrounding area. The best part was when they went over the school's beach and raced a couple of the 'Special Needs' kids who had to stay in the water.

Back in the locker room at the end of the class, Aleena tried not to stare as a fair amount of the girls stripped naked and went in to the showers, so she did the first thing that came to mind. Sticking her head in her locker. The bell soon rang, and everyone seemed to leave, not wanting to stay later than they had to. This seemed the perfect time for her to finally get her shower, especially when Amber came up and told her that they were the last two there. Feeling less nervous, she was finally able to strip down herself and venture into the shower area. It was nice, having many individual stalls that could be closed for privacy, and knowing that next time she wouldn't have to worry about being in a group of naked girls.

Aleena had only been under the water a couple minutes before her ears twitched at the sound of her stall being opened, and turned trying to cover herself before seeing that it was Amber. "Yeah Sis, did you...?" was all she got out before Amber stepped forward into a kiss. The pony rushed back abruptly getting stopped by the stall wall, "What are you doing?"

Amber pressed her advance, "I want to make the first day of school memorable." The unicorn went in for another kiss. Trying to use her tongue now.

Aleena had tensed up, and tried talking around her sister's mouth, "We can't do this here."

Pulling away to look her sister in the eye, "It kind of defeats the point if we don't do it here. Besides, you don't have to do anything. Also, seeing the way you were eyeing Mr. Thunder, made me a little jealous." Amber started kissing her sister again, soon moving from her lips to her throat, then down her neck, over her small breasts, down the center of her abs, pausing at the bellybutton to give it a swirl with her tongue before continuing down.

"But what if we get caught." Aleena tried to say, but seemed to lose the words as she felt her sister's kisses. As she trailed down, her horn just barely poked her, leaving an odd yet pleasurable feeling in it's wake. Resistance was gone by the time Amber got to her bellybutton, and after a surprised jump at the nipping along her new pubic bone, Aleena put her hands gently on her sister's head. Amber didn't seem to care about getting caught and just continued, and with the feeling of hands on her head, she finally stopped teasing and moved right for her prize. Wet lips greeted an eager tongue, and the flowing water had nothing to do with this moisture. Aleena's knees buckled and she had to quickly reach up to the stall's partition wall with one hand, the other going into her mouth to stifle the moans she was starting to make. Not even she had gotten to try out her new parts, especially after her embarrassing incident with the doctor. Remembering back when Amber had given her a blowjob when she was still a boy, she bit down on her hand harder as high pitched noises joined the moans. This was better. Amber kissed, licked, lapped, and did nice twirls with her wonderful tongue. There seemed to be an explosion inside her as she felt fire spraying from her loins, and without being able to control herself, let out a whinnying-neigh that echoed around the tiled shower room. She couldn't hold the stall any longer and slid down, using her hands to press on her mound while still feeling squirts and pulses along with her eager sister's mouth that never stopped working. With her breathing in short gasps, and spasms running down her thighs, Aleena felt like she was about to panic, "What happened? I can't feel my legs."

Amber seemed content and moved up, leaving a hand in place of her lips to help massage her sister as she still spasmed, and gave a sloppy kiss before resting her head on Aleena's chest. "I just did what you always do to me."

Her contractions and spasms slowly eased as she lay there relaxing her breathing with her sister gently rubbing her new sex while water poured over them both. "Is that what I've been doing to you?" she said with her brain still foggy.

"Why do you think I want you to kiss it all the time?" The twins lay there in silence save for the sound of the running water until the sound of a slamming door made them jump. "We should go now." Aleena agreed.

The twins hurried to their lockers while toweling off, and getting caught as they hastily pulled their clothes on. "Ladies, what are you still doing here? I expected everyone gone half-hour ago."

"Sorry Ma'am. Our Cuffs went dead from a Technopath earlier, and we must have lost track of time." Amber quickly responded.

Their gym teacher, a lioness by name of Mrs. Aldwin, looked at the two for a moment while they finished dressing, then finally said, "Well, no harm done, but get them fixed. You don't want to be late for anything." then retreated to her office.

Aleena and Amber both nodded nervously, and grabbed their packs and bolted the moment the lioness turned away. Hurrying as fast as they could for the school's exit.

Outside waiting were Sam and Timmy. The rabbit saw how the twins were rushing towards them, and let out, "What's wrong, you get your asses chewed out on the first day?"

The two equines started laughing. Amber spoke up, "Yeah, something like that." while Aleena made a weird new noise as that comment reminded her of what had just happened. The three looked at Aleena. Amber put an arm around her sister's waist as the group started for home, "Sis, you're going to be fine. Look, you're already giggling like a schoolgirl."