Story Time: In the Lavender Room (featuring art by demon69, sirmeo)
Professor Aludiana has invited a few guests to treat with her in the lavender room, a place where everyone may find the pleasures that fit them best. Her guests include Miss Eluna Odis, Miss Bree, Colonel WereFox, and Reverend Bishie Bunny, none of whom did it, but they're all about to.
An image/story for anyone who has ever been disappointed by the lack of sex in the champagne room.
The visual feast above is a YCH/Commission, brought you courtesy of the extraordinarily talented, dynamic duo of FA: demona69 and FA: sirmeo
The story below was brought to you courtesy of a bun bun's guilt, thanks to a generous grant from the FA: merle foundation.
The characters, and their owners are: Aludiana, courtesy of FA: sinister Eluna Odis, courtesy of FA: elunaodis Bree, courtesy of FA: merle WereFox, courtesy of FA: werefox Bishie Bunny, courtesy of FA: bishiebunny
Disclaimer: See the image above? Yeah, stuff like that is bound to happen in the story below. If you've made it this far, I'm pretty sure you can handle a bit of naughty text.
Special Thanks: To Demona69 and Sirmeo for putting the image together, to WereFox for enduring a babbling bun through the difficulty of a frustrating language barrier, to Sinister for allowing me a chance to play with his ridiculously sexy, dominate daemonette (from what I hear, it won't be the last time we play together,) to Eluna Odis for allowing one of her biggest fans to indulge himself with her fabulous, glamazon self, and most of all, to Merle/Bree, who gave generously, and without any thought to a reward.
So, here's Merle/Bree's reward (and mine.)
Please to Enjoy!
In the Lavender Room By Bishiebunny
Bishie could kneel for hours, and for hours, he had knelt.
Technically, the effeminate snow-white bunny could kneel for days, but given his unusual nature, that was actually less impressive. Anything over twenty-three was cheating for a boy-toy designed to be mystically reborn every morning. His curious quirk had delighted several Dominants in the past, each looking for the most creative way to crack the shell on this Everlasting Gobstopper of a personal plaything. Most of them had not quite managed the trick of it. The bunny was easily broken; the real challenge was making the break stick.
The curvacious, lavender skinned daemonette had figured this out after a few nights of ownership, then discarded it as a waste of a perfectly fine morsel. Aludiana, being a succubus of the highest order, was every bit as magical as the creature struggling to remain upright before her, and she had a surprising amount of sympathy for the quivering little chew toy. Perhaps that was because she was the Mistress of her abilities, while he seemed at the mercy of his own.
She had the privilege of being born, rather than wrought, unlike the bunny with his long eye-lashes and plump posterior. He was a created being, and she was a being from whence such things were created. Someone had done the creature an ill in casting him out of chaotic aether, and she saw no reason in making his existence worse. Still, there was something to be said for recycling, or in this case, tending to a rescue animal.
It was just her good fortune that this particular breed was remarkably easy to feed, and even easier to feed on.
For the past few hours, Aludiana had kept the girlish boy mesmerized by dangling a rather expensive patent leather pump along her satin-clad toes. Granted, some of that was simple obedience. He had been ordered to kneel, and pay close attention. Never were his gold-flecked, amber eyes to drift away, or lose their focus. Every sense would be required, should she decide to test her prospective pet. The bunny had to know how many times she let the shoe sway this way, or that, how often she pointed her toes, causing the shoe to slip back in place along her heel, and be able to accurately describe the faint aroma of her perfumed soles, all without moving from his assigned spot.
Of course, it went without saying that he was not allowed to pleasure himself in any fashion. His arms, which were clad in near-transparent pink, fingerless nylon gloves that rose up beyond his elbows, were to be held respectfully behind his back. Still, he was expected to enjoy the show. Bishie would not be punished for his thick, darkly reddening erection so long as he left it idle, and he was careful not to let it dribble anything naughty on his bowed stockings, the same color and material as his gloves. Though he was every bit as obedient as a bun bun could be, the quiver of his bottom lip, the clutching curl of his toes, and the thickening pearl at the tip of his cock gave his frustration away.
In general, Aludiana preferred to feed off of satisfaction, rather than frustration. The latter tended toward savory, with a hint of bitterness, which was fine for some of her kind, but she had always possessed a rather insatiable sweet tooth. Besides, the infernal college professor was only snacking while going through a stack of essays from her students. Bishie was less a meal, more a bowl of pretzels to keep her occupied until their guests arrived. As it turned out, the submissive bunny was remarkably happy just watching her shoe-play, her metaphorical pretzels metaphorically drizzled in a rich, metaphorical white chocolate. What was frustrating the poor sub was his inability to offer further service.
"Take heart, little bun bun," Aludiana cooed in a dark, throaty voice. "'They also serve who only kneel and wait,'" adapted the seductress.
"Milton," Bishie sighed. A moment later his eyes widened, realizing he had just spoken out of turn. His worried orbs never left their post, though he could not help but notice that the shoe had come to a sudden stop. Trying to salvage the moment, the bunny added a belated, "P-professor Aludiana." At least that was proper form. The succubus preferred the professional title whenever her school papers were out and her glasses were on.
Aludiana arched her foot, causing the pump to suddenly settle back onto her heel with a muffled snap. Her Byzantium-colored stocking split into a fresh hole, right where a powerful, plump calf-muscle had tensed. It was hard to find material sheer enough to be properly daring, yet could handle a daemonette's active lifestyle, particularly when annoyed. Her nylons were so often reduced to a collection of runs holding hands, it had practically become her signature. "Yes, bun, that is Milto-"
Heavy, rhythmic, metallic thuds echoed through-out the home, amplified magically because it made for a greater impact, and because Aludiana's servants were sometimes indisposed, most often by their employer.
Tyrian purple eyes, floating in a sea of pitch, suddenly flashed in annoyance, crackling with an indigo flare as the infernal found herself interrupted by the door. Her lips curled, the tips of her pointed canines displayed, while a tongue split at the very tip, flicked between them. It came and went in an instant, a flash of lightning that ground herself when no obvious targets presented. She was expecting company, after all, and it would be a shame to punish the bunny for such a minor slip. Of course, she would have to come up with something later, if for no other reason than for the sin of having witnessed her momentary lapse of control.
"And that is the door, issuing a stay of execution," Aludiana sighed, setting her papers down, and slipping her glasses off the bridge of her nose, pocketing them in her blouse. "Tend to it, and we'll set aside your punishment for later. I will expect you to remind me." And he would, she knew. The flush-faced bunny was sending fun-sized bites of pleasure her way, just thinking about what she might do to him. She could not help but wonder what sort of fool had created such a treat and then let him run off on his own.
Perhaps that had been his purpose all along, a prey programmed to eternally stumble between the open maws of whatever predator happened by; cursed to dust himself off the next morning, only to repeat the process. Mm, his creator was wicked. Aludiana might just have to thank that creator if they ever met, or perhaps bind them so Bishie could make his own gratitude felt.
Bishie trembled as he walked, trying not to stumble on stocking feet that had long since fallen into a blissful coma, and were none to happy about being set to work. His ripe, round rear swayed back and forth as he moved, graceful as a dancer on her third bottle of Tequila. Still, he managed to his way, and by the time he fingers found the door handle, he was largely in possession of himself, in as much as he ever was. So, not at all, really. He sighed, trying to will the pink hue from his pretty face, parting soft lips in welcome as he gave a pull, then grunted, and gave another. That was the trouble with these intricately carved doors, once settled in place, they tended to stay.
He could just make out the sounds on the other side: sounds of confusion, annoyance, and pondering the diner they had encountered on their way into town. "N-no! Mis-Mistress, Aludiana," Bishie groaned, trying to sound composed, unhurried, and yet loud, all at once. When the door finally swung to, he had to leap aside to avoid being crushed by the sudden reversal of inertia. "A-Aludiana, that is, Mistress Aludiana, welcomes you to her home." W-where were the other servants, anyway? There was not a leather, or lace-clad bottom to be seen. Sure, go on, abandon a bun to fate.
"And she does so with a naked bunny. And he's hard as a rock. Awesome," the pretty, female otter had a nicely toned, athletic build, and a bright, cheerful face framed by wild hair. At its roots, her curly locks seemed white, but they were largely dominated by a cap of sea-greenish cyan. "I'm Bree, and I'm wearing clothes, and this is a hot guy I met on the flight back home, who I've been hitting it off with, like really well. He also brought his clothes, and is wondering what sort of party I've brought him too. Probably wondering what sort of girl I am, while he's at it." She shrugged, modest yet pleasant curves swaying as she did, "I suppose he had to find out sooner or later."
"It is fine," the rugged looking vulpine, standing at least a foot taller than any fox the bunny had ever encountered, spoke in a deep, Germanic accent. His fur was also a bit on the feral side, as though trying to escape the clutches of civilized coverings. Meanwhile, when his eyes drifted the bunny's way, the lapine took a nervous step backward. Those shimmering orbs were all together too hungry. "You are both very pretty, and I am WereFox. Your Alpha prefers her servants this way?"
H-had he? Yes, there was definitely an emphasis on that second syllable. Somehow, WereFox had also inserted a growl in there, eyes going just the right shimmer of burnished gold. Bishie's own eyes, a more honeyed color, slid back to the grinning otter.
"Yeah, I don't know how he does it either. Isn't it cool?" She was mad, or else simply wild, in her own way. The otter was already slipping her jacket off, bouncing a bit more as she chortled, apparently always in motion. Bishie realized that those modest curves were a bit more daring than he had supposed. Giving the bunny a playful wink, she leaned into her guest, catching the tall canine by the scruff of his neck and pulling him down into a stolen kiss. The bunny found himself unsure just who was going to surprise the other more. Maybe they were a better fit than he thought.
"Good evening to you both. I- " Bishie chewed nervously on his bottom lip, trying to decide if it was worth it to hide his obvious erection between his thighs. Eh, they were here to see Mistress Aludiana. If his pale-pink member caused much in the way of discomfort, they were never going to survive the sitting room. Besides, he was hardly the focus of their attention, "I apologize for my state, but at least I'm wearing something," he gestured toward his nylon gloves and stockings, then realized they were far too intertwined to pay him much mind. "Ah, would you two be so kind as to step inside? O-or at least away from the door? It's a bit chilly out."
"Huh? Oh, well it doesn't seem to be doing you any harm," Bree winked again, then slid a questing hand between the thighs of her companion, "or you either."
"Regardless, do be a good girl and stop teasing my bunny. He is not quite broken in." Aludiana's voice cut through the room like an edged whisper. All at once, WereFox did not seem half so tall, nor Bree, half so wild. Having disrobed of everything but her stockings, even Bishie's bare body was not half so scandalous. It was hard to be any of those things when she was in the room. Harder still for any of the males to shine while her impossible thickness was swaying seductively, eclipsing all and yet not fully engorged.
"Oh Aludiana!" Bree squeed, peeling herself away from a suddenly defensive, feral fox. She skipped into the room, dropping her jacket so that it hooked itself midway on the bunny's erection, then struck a pose, fist in the air. "Who are the champions? We, we are the champions!" The otter grinned wide, bouncing on her soles, "Took first place, and snagged myself a trophy on the way home. His name is WereFox. Can I keep him?"
Aludiana eyed Bree's trophy, who was snarling, and looking cornered. Something slipped from her lips which was to German what German was to English. She directed it at the fox, who blinked, then straightened up, heels coming together, and then bowing formally. "Yes dear, he may stay. Apparently he has better manners than you."
"Come' on," Bree whined, "I won. I get to strut around, show a little skin, stuff my face wi-" She cut off when a purple finger rose.
"You get to bring your friend, and join me in the lavender room." Aludiana commanded. "After that, we will see about those manners of yours. Bishie? Hang their coats, and then join us when you've helped our last guest with her boots. I would just as soon not ruin our nice, new cushions."
Bishie blinked, then looked up to a suddenly domesticated WereFox, handing his heavy coat to the confused bun, before joining the well-endowed daemonette and pouting otter. Another guest? With all the other servants playing hide-and-go-fuck themselves? Well, he would manage. Still, maybe he sound find a skirt or something. There had to be a spare one, maybe in the chest under the coat pegs.
Setting Bree's and WereFox's coat up to hang, careful to square them away so they would not wrinkle, the round-bottomed bun opened the chest and bent over to sort through what he found. "A Were... fox, huh? I'm not so certain."
"I wouldn't be surprised. Seems we've got a full moon tonight," The new voice was a bit throatier than Bree's bright, upbeat tones. Still, it had a playful edge that Aludiana would never allow past her lips. "I've heard of the bunny in the moon, but this is just ridiculous."
The feminine bun squeaked, banged his head on the hard wood of the chest, then stumbled out in a daze. His face flush, his long-lashes spoiled by fresh, salty moisture, he had a hard time getting a bead on the newcomer. Female? Oh yes, most definitely. The well-curved beauty was a bit more statuesque than his latest Mistress, who cut a more voluptuous figure. No, this was a bit closer to Bree; so an athlete? Wait, something about her stance reminded the bun of the feral fox.
Not just an athlete: a warrior.
She was certainly beautiful, whatever her occupation. Funny, with that goldenrod coloration, brown ears with black dangles, and those adorably bright yellow cheek markings, she almost looked like a raichu. Almost became exactly when her lightning bolted tail came into view. Bishie blinked at the glamazon, and her sunglow hair, highlighted by electric magneta, the colors crackling off one another. Then there were her dazzling, heterochromatic eyes: one emerald green, the other sapphire blue. It was a lot to process all at once, particularly with a bumped noggin, and absent any sort of covering for all the places on his body he wished were covered.
"Well, it is nice to be appreciated," the mystery woman smiled, eyes drifting between the feminine hips of the startled male. "Aludiana said you'd be pleased to see me. She never said how much."
Fuck it, Bishie thought, or as close to that as his sweet disposition ever allowed. "M-may I take your coat? And my apologies, I am afraid I was not prepared for guests tonight. I will try and get it under control."
"Oh? Well then this is hardly going to help now, is it?" Wet lips raised in a smirk, the woman slipped bare shoulders out of her jacket, revealing curves that were only just a letter or so shy of Aludiana's, if that. They were up a bit tighter, attached to the chest of a woman who spent more time exerting herself physically, with less mystical prowess to do the heavy lifting. Each breast was tipped with a dark, honey-colored nipple, and like the rest of her body, completely exposed. Well, all except for a pair of fine, knee-high boots. By the time she had flicked her coat to land unceremoniously on top of the bunny's quivering form, all thoughts of regaining his composure had fled.
"Eluna Odis," said the voice on the other side of her heavy coat, "in case you were wondering who you were going to be jacking a frustrated cock off to." He could hear the door shut. Then came the sound of the chest lid colliding with itself in a similar state of shut, followed by the somewhat muffled, warm plop of a full-figured bottom settling on top of it. "And you are Bishie, Bunny? Right? Tough name," there was a pause, "you might want to hang my coat up, dear. Otherwise you'll never get to the good stuff. Unless you get off on sniffing women's jackets. Wouldn't be the oddest kink I've stumbled across."
The bunny squeaked, trying to find his footing while being spun about by typhoid Eluna. "Y-yes, err, no! I mean, it would not be the oddest kink I have indulged, either. But it does not happen to be one of mine." There was absolutely no way for him to hang her jacket without grinding a bit against her front. He managed his best, only spoiling the effect when her warm breath spread across his pelvic region.
"No, you have a different kink, don't you little pervert?" Eluna grinned, leaning back as the bunny nearly fell over onto his ripe rear. Not a bad bottom, she thought. Bet the girls where he grew up just hated his ass. Or maybe loved it, depending on the girl.
"I'm sorry," Bishie whimpered, "Do I know you?" He blinked when an expensive boot slung forward into his chest, nearly knocking him over once more. This is where a bun might have lost his temper, were he the sort to do so, but he found it again, immediately, gazing up at long, shapely... fucking gorgeous legs. Having already been primed by the teasing daemonette, his cock could not help but dribble a single pearl to slide down the bottom of itself. Eluna's legs were deceptively soft, plump in just the right ways, yet powerfully muscled, which she proved by almost lifting the bunny right off his stocking feet.
"As it turns out, you do. You just don't know you do." Eluna licked her lips, "Unzip, tug, and know that your Mistress said you don't get to touch them until we join the party."
"Miss-Mistress said that?" Them? Don't touch them? Trembling fingers reached up, catching a zipper and pulling it down, careful not to snag what was inside. One hand moved to cup her heel, as he had been trained, the other along the ball of her boot. He gave it an upward motion with his palm, in order to free it of the resistance between her pad and her footwear. He began to tug, as instructed, trying his best not to let his eyes linger along any particular spot of her body for too long. As it turned out, the worst of it was looking into her eyes, because the expression on her face nearly had him dropping what was now free and supported solely by his palms.
First came a bared calf, which caused the poor bun to pulse. Then came remarkably delicate ankles, along with the faintly earthy aroma of Eluna's foot. Not at all unpleasant, even if you were not liable to be intoxicated by such a scent, merely due to kink. When her delicate arch came into view, something tickled the back of the bunny's mind. Then came agile, honey-kissed toes, with their signature, panzy-purple polish. Bishie squeaked, this time unable to avoid falling onto his bubble butt, and into a memory.
When Aludiana had first found the perpetual plaything, he had been standing on a street-corner, ignoring the world around him, eyes transfixed on a nearby billboard. She had asked him what he found so fascinating about it, snapping the bun from his daze, unable to admit that he had been so utterly and completely enthralled by the foot model, who was somehow supposed to be convincing the world to buy a new cell phone. He had babbled something about needing a new one, and before he could wander off to make such a purchase, the daemonette had enticed him to join her for a cup of coffee. What stood out most about that two week old memory: the foot model's panzy-purple nail polish.
"Yeah, it was pretty good money, and they only wanted pictures from the shin, down." Eluna smirked, crossing one leg over the other and idly swinging her foot back and forth, "A shame, really. They would have moved their entire inventory if they had gotten the rest of me in, don't you think?"
Meanwhile, Aludiana was watching Bree nuzzle her cute, feisty face all up and down WereFox's plump package. She had been surprised to see one of his kind wandering about, a hybrid of two canine species, fighting over control for the same humanoid soul. She wondered if he could shift by choice, or if he was tied into natural cycles. It all came down to nature or nurture with lycanthropes. Not that it mattered to her, one way or the other. It would be an awfully chilly day back home when the daemonette could not handle a single, scruffy invader. Besides, they were all so delightfully feral, it made for a wonderful meal.
As with Bishie, she feed off their desires, and the enacting on them. She had no use for souls, well no current use. All she wanted was to encourage, and then feast on the pleasure. Nor did she have to dim their own in order to feed, in the same way one did not have to smother a fire to be warmed by it. In fact, her very aura encouraged the "flames," coaxing hidden urges to crawl out of the subconscious and make themselves known, with many a gasp, and several curled toes.
Aludiana drank in the erotic essence of the lovers before her, settling back against a very stuffed cushion, on a very large bed, in a very purple room.
The otter hardly needed Aludiana's mystical encouragement, her entire body saturated with the euphoric feedback that only came to her through exertion, or the expectation of it. She was in a rut, and WereFox's cock had not disappointed. Sure it was a bit smaller than the one throbbing hungrily behind her, but that hardly mattered. The big, the medium, the small, those who knew how to use it, and those poor, cute, clueless klutzes: they were all dear to Bree when she was in this mood. A champion deserved her prize, after all.
WereFox grunted as the lovely woman's breath splashed about his shaft, keeping it hard, despite knowing he was not the Alpha in the room. By all rights, he should be the one waiting, stroking his cock to fullness while watching Aludiana pound the pretty until she had her fill. But no, not this one. This Alpha liked to watch, and far be it from him to deny his host the pleasure. His fingers dug into the otter's wildly colored hair, gripping and gently urging her attentions where they were most welcome. Already, he was so hard, ready to mount, but he could not deny the sweet pretty's enthusiastic attention.
"Mm, you are so fucking hard, like geeze," Bree giggled, her lips running along the underside of his cock, which was slick with perspiration and the moisture of her lips. Her tongue slipped forward, flicking along the sensitive button just under the tip of his shaft. She rolled her tongue along, around the glans of his cockhead, tasting what had been revealed by retreating foreskin. Finally, lips parted, her head angled properly, brushing a few wild locks from her eyes, before accepting the first three inches into her hungry mouth. Big, but she had dealt with bigger, and as turned on as she was, the otter might have just attempted the whole thing, all in one gulp.
She was rewarded as the feral above slid his fingers from their grip in her hair, to a more possessive clutch around the back of her head. Bree was ready for the sudden jerk of his hips, the pull of his hands. Relaxing her throat, she let his shaft ride the slip-in-slide that was her tongue, pressing till it deflected slightly at the back of her throat. God, it was so warm, like she felt all over. Her clothes lay with his own, tossed in a random fashion that would likely be dealt with by a white bunny in pink stockings.
The otter giggled, picturing the pale, lapine cock in her mind and deciding that if she was not given a chance tonight, she would just ambush the twink, tomorrow.
Maybe she would catch the pretty boy right out of the shower, all wrapped up in a towel. He probably wore it around his chest, like the girl he basically was. Ulp, focus Bree. WereFox might not be the biggest in the room, but don't underestimate that rawr between your lips, hun. Bree looked up with bright eyes, wrinkling her nose at the vulpine who was now sawing his thick cock into her wet mouth. Come on big boy, she thought, give me all that cream. And then, give me some more.
Aludiana was very close to stroking her own cock. It was not something she had to do very often. She was not against the concept, per say. It just seemed like an awful waste of time when there was a waiting list to assist. Still, Bree, was practically in heat. When high off a win, the young otter was always such an insatiable little minx. The aroused daemonette had no doubt her guest had plans on her, her new bunny, and anyone else that wandered by. That could certainly be arranged, but if Eluna did not appear soon with said bunny, the succubus thought she just might-
"I'm going to have to stop coming so fashionably late, if I mean to cum at all." Eluna's sultry voice rang clear, stepping into the lavender room, and leaning against the door-frame. She held the pose just long enough for the bunny boy behind to bump into her lush backside. When he stopped well short, she sighed under her breath. Poor guy, he was so well trained, he could not even indulge in a happy accident when it was laid out for him. She wondered what would be more fun, taking advantage of that training, or breaking him out of it with some of her own? "Your boy was good as promised. I come to you, with untouched feet, and an utterly bewildered bun bun. I'm glad I decided to go bare tonight. Had I been in stockings, I think I might have owed you for a broken pet."
"I have found that he does not break quite so easily," Aludiana smirked, crooking a finger toward Eluna, and pleased when the glamazon obeyed. It was always a little iffy with that one. She seemed to enjoy testing her boundaries, and if she went as directed, it was simply because that was where she had intended to go. "That is, he does not stay broken. Now come here and attend me, so we can show our pretty little pet the rewards of obedience."
"I do like a boy who bounces back," Eluna grinned, sliding up on the bed in a wickedly fabulous crawl. Never had a kitty held half the purr of that arched bottom, slowly slinking as she winked over her shoulder to the amber, golden-flecked eyes, admiring her backside. She paused just a moment, laying her cheek to the satin sheets and grinding her heavy chest along the surface, fingers reaching back to spread her cheeks, and expose everything the bunny might have missed while eying her soles. "Mm, and I think he's over trained. Look at what I'm presenting, and he hasn't even tried to mount."
"That's because he knows a trap when he sees one, Eluna. Now stop teasing the poor bun and put those lips to better use." She really was on the verge of snatching the woman by the hair and dragging her over. But you could never tell where that might lead. With spirited, yet eager to please Bree? A giggle and gulp, nine times out of ten, though that one time out of ten was likely to be a doozie. With the raichu beauty? It was more of a coin toss. Aludiana was in no mood for any acting out tonight, so she let the "kitty" come to her.
Luckily, the coin had landed on heads. Eluna was in the mood for something thick, and juicy between her wet, luscious lips. Or maybe because it seemed the best way to continue teasing the white rabbit, being the most wicked Alice she could be. She wondered how the bun might react if she denied him anything, and gave Aludiana everything. Would he assert himself then, or just play the role of the dutiful cuckold? Either sounded rather fun, and she might have entertained the idea a bit more, if the daemonette had not gripped her so firmly by the hair, pulling her lips into a stretch while stuffing that ridiculous sausage between them.
Th-that whore, that bitch, th-hat... mMm, it had been awhile since she had to struggle this much around a cock this big. That angry, purple head flared, grinding its slick slit along the back of her tongue, pressing forward, demanding entrance. After all the bun's passivity, the sudden dominance, coupled with Aludiana's erotic aura, had Eluna's feminine folds practically drooling. Her eyebrows lifted, submitting to the intruder, welcoming it, letting it master her for the moment. She gulped, suckingling hard and taking the thickness in a bit deeper, letting it angle for a better time at unlocking her throat.
"Very good," Aludiana cooed, shutting her eyes for a moment and rocking her full hips, enjoying that welcoming suck. She felt her cock head release a few preamble spurts, slapping hotly within, and tumbling down to settle in a burble in the fabulous woman's stomach. "I adore your flash and sizzle," the daemonette groaned, "but I do so enjoy when you submit to me, like a good girl should. Nnf, sp-speaking of good girls, Bishie?"
"Y-yes Mistress Aludiana?" The pretty bunny squeaked, slipping in as quietly as his stocking feet would allow, trying not to let his gaze linger too long on Eluna's soles, or the erotic spread of her toes.
"You now have permission to touch them," Aludiana smiled, warm and affectionately, "however, I need you to spread her legs so Bree can reward her for being such a good girl."
Bree blinked. Her mouth was full, her cheeks dark from the constant slap of hips as the hungry figure above continued to slam his pelvis against them. Basically, her mouth was occupied. Her hands were busy too, for that matter, one rolling and stroking her lover's heavy balls, the other having slid down her own body, furiously working two fingers within her sex. She had gotten ia rather nice, plshy rhythm going. It was timed perfectly so that she could bounce down upon her fingertips, right as WereFox thrust, then rise up when he pulled back. It was a good thing, and she hated to abandon it.
Aludiana's voice cut through once more, this time using that strangely primal, pre-Germanic German that the WereFox tried to ignore. When the daemonette set a hiss to her instructions, he fumed, pulling away in a fury, his nearly satisfied shaft pulsing angrily as well. He took an awkward step back, and tumbled onto his rear. Luckily, it was all bed, and beyond a bit of pride, nothing had been bruised. "Alphas," he cursed.
The otter was almost ready to agree, though she was no more likely to challenge the daemonette: not on the succubus' own bed. It was probably, like, magic and shit. What she did was say, "Aw, he was almost there. I was almost there. There was a lot of thereing about to happen."
"Well I need you here, Bree," Aludiana smiled. "Besides, you like Eluna, don't you?"
"You think she is pretty?"
"Would you like to lap her pretty pussy?" Aludiana let the perversely dirty phrase dance along her lips, sweet and sinful. The sudden flush that came to both women was a delight, an extra spoonful of dessert when her plate was already piled high. Eluna's cheeks were almost as dark as Bree's own, so there was no point in making it a command. All she had to do was wait. While this was going on, Bishie had begun to worship Eluna's feet. Well, mostly the right one. She needed her left to steady herself, and based on the curl of her toes, it was already overloaded with sensation. So he began with touch, running his fingers along her pad, stroking the top of her foot with agile, dancing fingers, then pressing his thumbs along her sole, for a deeper sensation. With her mouth full of cock, and soon to have an otter between her thighs, his adoration was not liable to register. That was fine with the bunny; it gave him more room to explore. First, he gripped her ankle, spreading those legs of hers wide, to give Bree room to work. Then he ran his other hand along that perfectly shaped, perfectly toned calf, delighting when it trembled in response.
His fingers danced to just behind her knee, where most were sensitive, careful not to tickle. Instead, he pressed his palm to it, stroking and then rolling a circle along the vulnerable flesh. There was no way of knowing if Eluna's fresh moan had anything to do with him, or if it was more in favor of the cock pulsing between her lips, or the lips pressed to her pulsing clit. Whatever the case, he upped his indulgence, running his own mouth along her sole, catching a few toes, suckling lightly.
Eluna Odis decided that having a Mistress might just provide some worthy advantages. First, the cock that was threatening to erupt down her throat, was getting warmer, swelling, more of its pre starting to splash and tumble out from between her lips. She slipped her hand down the length of it, coaxing more. Aludiana's release was always so richly musky, it was hard to resist. Then there was the wild woman going wilder between her folds. The otter's soft, wet tongue was reaching all sorts of shallow, sensitive spots. Either the girl was an expert in communicating with women through their wet, quivering slits, or else they were long lost soul sisters who shared similarly wired labia. When Bree's warm nose nuzzled against Eluna's clit, her toes bunched, catching the bunny's lips.
The bunny, oh he was good. Were she not otherwise engrossed, she might have made a meal out of that boy. It was more than a fetish for him, she could tell. Her feet were sacred, regal things, and he meant to give her the royal treatment. When he moved from suckling on her toes to long, luxurious laps along her entire sole, she thought she might just melt into a highly conductive, electric puddle.
"WereFox," Aludiana grunted, her pre-ejaculate becoming more intense, closer to an actual release, particularly as the bunny's pleasure began to roll forth in a heavenly cloud of pure, spun sugar. "Are you an Alpha or not?" "Y-yes... yes!" WereFox replied in a curious whimper, but punctuated with a growl.
"Then mount your mate, and put those those fine pups of yours in her womb," Aludiana groaned, hands moving behind her back, beginning to thrust between Eluna's lips.
WereFox needed no more encouragement. Not with those beautiful, bountiful hips displayed before him. They were powerful hips, swimmer's hips, and they were made to be bred. His cock agreed, surging forward as he slipped up and over Bree, settling some of his weight on top of her. He misjudged the first thrust, causing her to gasp, before finding her heat with second, causing her to moan. Hips pulled back, then thrust forward, not satisfied with just a few inches. He wanted all of it, every bit, buried as deep as it would go, deep inside of her.
Bree explored Eluna's sex, tasted the other woman's nectar, and felt those folds spasm against her tongue. She nuzzled at an engorged clit, then backed off when it seemed to be too sensitive. She pressed forward to sink her tongue in fully, then yet out a gasp when WereFox's cock ground against her flesh, off-course. Before she could reply, he was back, and in, spreading her own sex as she furiously tongued anothers. Oh god, he really did mean to bred, didn't he? Her body trembled, wet and wild, all over his shaft, transferring every thrust of his cock into the motion of her face toward Eluna's center.
"Mm, bunny?" Aludiana grunted, her cock coming alive down Eluna's throat, causing the woman to moan, sputter, demonic semen forming bubbles where it spilled.
"Y-yesth Mistesth?" It was always hard to talk when your tongue was otherwise occupied.
"I think you may be more fun to indulge, than you are to break." The daemonette cooed. "Let us test that theory out nnff, tomorrow, with your punishment."
"Yes Mistress."
The End!