Rimming Fox McCloud

Story by DireWulfAlpha on SoFurry

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Yup. It's smut. Quick, dirty, simple smut, to get me back into the swing of writing things like this. I have more longer works planned for the immediate future! This was just a quick thing I did in one sitting, because I like rimming a lot and decided to use one of the most overused gay furry couples. Well, maybe poor Fox is just overused... heh, heh. XD

"Mmmm... W-wolf..."

I loved hearing those sounds. Needy, lustful, sexy sounds. The kind that made my dick throb and my knot swell.

The fox on top of me was an expert at making them, it seemed; this much I had been able to gather in our brief rendezvous. His slender frame writhing on top of my muscled torso as I bit his neck and raked my claws through his back were further reassurance that he enjoyed the treatment I was giving him.

I didn't hold back. I never held back. We both knew what we were getting into when we arranged to meet up like this, secretly, without anyone on our teams knowing. No one could know, but no one needed to know. Our meetups were about one thing: instinct. My instinct to assert myself as the Alpha male, and his instinct to submit, taking everything I could give him. Biting, licking, fucking, and repeating. It was simple, it was dirty, and we both needed it.

His gasps and the wet warmth of his precum dribbling onto my abdomen urged me on. I'd leave a mark on his neck with how hard I was biting, but I think he wanted me to. A little reminder of what he'd let me do to him, and what he'd let me do to him again in the future. This is what I craved - the feeling of raw dominance and power. The control over the sexy vulpine body in front of me, the scent of his arousal. It was like he was in heat just for me.

With a growl, I pushed myself up, causing Fox to roll backwards with a yip, landing softly on the bed. I released his neck, sat up, and surveyed him. Everything was mine to do with as I pleased, and right then I decided I wanted to taste it.

I jumped off the side of the bed and grabbed at his ankles, yanking him unceremoniously to the side of the bed. He didn't resist or ask any questions, content with letting me have my way with him. A footpaw in each hand, I spread his legs and got a good look at my prize: the tight tailhole nestled between two golden-furred butt cheeks. Just to tease him, I let my hips grind forward, poking my red-hot Wolfcock right into it. Enough for him to feel it, want it, but not get it inside him. I grinded back and forth a few times, and then pushed his ankles back closer to his neck.

"Hold these."

He did as he was told, and I moved back and leaned down at the side of the bed.

"Wolf, what are you-oooooh.. Ahhhh!"

All it took was my hot breath tickling his entrance to get that reaction. He was too easy.

I didn't usually rim Fox, preferring to stick my meat in him and fuck him senseless to a good tonguing, but I was feeling dirty tonight. His musk, the scent of arousal that had been driving me crazy all night... I wanted to taste it. But I was okay with taking it slowly, breathing lightly on his tight opening to send shivers up his spine before inhaling deeply, letting the manly scent of his musk fill me up and fuel my hunger.

There was only so much self-teasing I could do before I leaned in further, locking eyes with Fox the whole time, and slid my wide, slick tongue ever-so-softly over his tailhole. I saw him clench his eyes and throw his neck back just as I felt his hole clench and spasm from my ministrations. My own cock throbbed again just from the sensation of having the fox's most intimate parts under my tongue. I retracted, then leaned down more. For my second lick, I was going to give him all the volume my tongue could muster, and I started all the way at his tail. My broad appendage dripped saliva and made his fur a sticky mess as I slowly made my way up to my prize. Along the way, I kept my tongue firmly planted against the ass in front of me and let more of the scent and feel of him spur me on. When I got to the now-glistening, puckered object of my affection, I dug in hard, enough to make his hole give a little. He moaned uncontrollably at this, and before I made it to his taint, I let my tongue tug at the side of his hole, stretching him little by little. We both knew that he would be stretched a hell of a lot more than that by the end of the night anyway.

I kept my paws on either cheek, spreading them apart and admiring my handiwork after I licked up to his fuzzy balls. I gripped him tightly and made Fox's hole wink back at me, as if it were inviting me back for more fun. There was no way I'd pass up such an invitation, and on my next descent, I went right for it.

His tailhole was slippery on my third time attacking it, and I let my lips linger, kissing it, before opening my muzzle and letting my tongue tickle and tease it. This earned me a shiver, and I gave him some preparatory licks before zeroing in. I needed more of him on my tongue. I wanted the scent and taste of him to fill my muzzle, and similarly, I wanted to fill his rump. I stretched his tailhole as wide as I could using my paws on his cheeks and curled my tongue, pressing in hard. I knew he'd relax enough to grant me entrance. He could resist about as well as I could.

With a wet schlick, I was in. The puckered opening slid down my tongue as I felt myself sink deeper inside him, and he let out a guttural moan in response. My moans were muffled with his ass squeezing my tongue and pressing up against my muzzle, but I let him have some nonetheless, if only to give his insides some nice vibrations. I swirled my tongue around, prodding his depths and stroking his walls. I'd tease just around the opening and then shove my tongue deep, giving him an unpredictable tongue fucking that was sure to have him begging for cock in no time. I was getting his insides nice and wet for it, coating his walls with saliva while I skillfully curled my tongue to poke and play roughly with his prostate.

"Ah... ah... W-ohh...WOLF!"

My eyes closed, lost in bliss and the act of tongue-fucking the asshole before me, I was pulled from my haze by a sharp clench around my tongue, followed my spasms and Fox's moans reached a peak. Was he... cumming? Without my permission?

I yanked my tongue from his hole, leaving it sopping wet and gaping before it closed up again. Upon standing up and surveying the situation, it was clear that Fox just couldn't control himself. There he was, blushing and looking away sheepishly, paw around his knot and covered from neck to belly in his own cum. So needy. So constantly fucking horny. So hot. I wasted no time in spitting on my paw and running it up and down my own shaft.

"I hope you've got more in you, pup, because we've got all night, and I'm going to use every. Single. Second."

With the way he moaned my name when I thrust into him that first time, I knew that wouldn't be an issue.

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