Tha Abduction

Story by LEVIATHAN White Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions. (Yes I write stories XD)

This is a commission I wrote for my friend TomTHC

I must say that it was fun writing it.

The small dragon walked down a dimly lit street, each time he passed below a street lamp the cream scales that were unobscured by his clothes would shine under the light. His name was Talos.

Talos was headed to a bar that he had recently discovered. The bar was lit by a medium sized neon sign above the entrance that read "The Thirsty Dragon". As he entered the bar the dragon noticed immediately that it was almost empty with the exception of a large obsidian black scaled dragon, who did not even turn around to look as he walked in. He cautiously strolled over to the bar counter and sat down. The large dragon's stare following him as he sat down on one of the bar stools. The barkeep was a black and white husky with a nametag that read "Spark". As Talos watched him walk over he noticed the husky had a lightning bolt on his thigh. "I like your tattoo." Talos said to Spark. "Thank you, though it isn't a tat, it is a birthmark." He replied. "So what'll ya be havin?" Spark asked the dragon. "Umm I will take this one." He said, pointing to a flashy looking drink that almost took up a quarter of the menu. "Sure thing hun." Spark said as he grabbed a glass and started to blend the drink.

The dragon was just finishing his second drink when he felt a tap on his shoulder, "May I sit with you? You look a little lonely." A deep gravelly voice asked. Had Talos been sober he would have told the person "Sure, I was just leaving." so he wouldn't have had to engage in some awkward conversation with the mystery person, but he was already slightly tipsy so he said "Sure." The small dragon noticed that the deep voice was owned by the dragon he had seen watching him when he entered the bar. "So what brings you to this bar so late?" The obsidian dragon asked Talos. "I heard about it from a friend." He said as he tried to wave the bartender down for a third drink. Noticing that the small dragon was unable to get the huskies attention the large dragon spoke up, "Hey Spark, my friend here would like another drink, just put it on my tab." He says as he winked at the husky. The husky slightly grinned, knowing what the dragon was wanting him to do. The husky reached under the counter and clicked a button that released 2 white tablets into his paw. The husky nodded to the large dragon then set the pills in the new cup. The large dragon turned to Talos, "I am so sorry, I am so rude. My name is Ragnarok, but my friends call me Rock." He said as he extended his large scaled hand to Talos. "Talos, pleased to meet you, Ragnarok." He replied as he shook the large hand. "Please, call me Rock." Rock said. Spark walked back over and placed one drink in front of Talos and another in front of Rock. "There you go Rock. This your last drink?" Spark asked "Yep, an event came up and I will be leaving soon." He said with an evil grin. The husky walked away to grab his check. Rock glanced over at Talos, watching him take a sip of the new drink. The second the drink hit Talos's tongue he went wide eyed. The next second Rock watched as Talos tipped the drink back and chugged it. Talos licked his lips and put the empty cup down on the table. "Mmmmmm. That was delicious!" He said before freezing. "Excuse me for a second Rock, I have to go to the bathroom." Talos said as he got off the bar stool and began to dizzily walk over to the restroom. He was only able to make it halfway however before he fell to the floor. "Perrrrfect" Rock said with a soft purr as he signed the receipt Spark had given him, putting a large tip on there. "Thanks Spark. I am going to go out the back tonight." Rock says as he picked the small dragon up and laid him over his shoulder, walking through the back room and into the alley where his car was parked.

Talos woke up, the dragon not really remembering much past drinking the cocktail the other dragon had bought for him. The rest was extremely fuzzy. "Arg...... Where am I? What happened last night?" He asked himself before realizing that he was chained up and hanging from the ceiling and parallel with the floor, only a single 65 watt light bulb directly above him lighting a small portion of the place he was in. "OH SHIT?! WHERE AM I?! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!!" He screamed as he struggled against the chains that held him. "Hehehe. No one can hear you little dragon." A deep voice said. "There is no point in exhausting yourself." Talos started to struggle less as he noticed a large draconic form half emerging from the shadows. Instantly Talos recognizes the large dragon's upper half. "Oh thank god it's you Rock. Please help me out of these chains. I don't know how I got here." Talos begged. "Ragnarok?! Please help me?!" He said louder. "I'm sorry Talos, I can't do that. You see I fell for you the minute you walked in that bar. I knew I had to have you." "Rock?? What are you talking about? Come on just let me out of these chains and I won't press charges." Talos pleaded. "Did you not hear me? Hehe. I can't let you go, you have stolen my heart." Rock said as he stepped completely into the light, revealing that the large dragon was naked. Talos gasped and looked away in disgust. "DUDE! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" He screamed. Rock slowly walked over to the other dragon, two syringes in his hand. Rock stopped at Talos's head, his cock right in front of Talos's face, before he plunged the two syringes into Talos's neck, injecting both into his bloodstream. "What in the fuck did you just inject in me??" Talos screamed as he renewed his struggling. "What I just injected into you were an extremely potent aphrodisiac and a muscle relaxant." Rock replied as he rubbed his slowly stiffening cock in the small and helpless dragons face, the musk almost overwhelming him. Talos recoiled in disgust at the cock that was shoved in front of his face. "You will learn to love that smell." Rock said "Ugh! Fuck you! I am straight you little fucker!!" Talos screamed. "Little?! HA!! You are the little one here!" Rock said. "Besides when i am finished with you......You will be as straight as a circle." He continued with a malicious grin on his face.

About 5 minutes had passed since Rock had injected Talos with the relaxant and aphrodisiac and he was already feeling the effects. Rock walked back into the light, his cock glistening with what Talos assumed was precum or lubricant. Talos heard some chains rattle then his body start to move. Well it was more like his lower body was moving down and his upper body was rising up. Talos gasped, having looked up at the chains he hadn't noticed that Rock was now standing right in front of him. "Ready for some fun?" Rock whispered in Talos's ear. Unknown to the smaller dragon, Rock had hooked one of his claws around the bottom of his shirt, and as he backed away he pulled his claw upwards, ripping the shirt into two pieces then ripping it off the rest of the way. "HEY?! THAT WAS MY FAVORITE SHIRT?!" Talos screamed as he was stripped of his shirt. Rock leisurely walked behind the dragon and took two claws, ripping the pants down each leg then pulling the shreds off. Rock tossed the shreds to the side and returned to the front of Talos. Getting close to the small dragon, he started to rub Talos's nipples slowly in circles, then leaned in and licked his neck, taking in a big whiff of his musk and natural smells. "Mmmmm. You smell wonderful." Rock whispered again. Talos softly moaned as his nipples were played with. Rock gasped dramatically and stepped away from Talos, holding his hand to his chest with a look of shock on his face. "Was that a moan?! I thought you said you weren't gay?! And look at that?!?!? I think you are enjoying this!!" He pointed at the small dragons underwear, a particularly large bulge stretching the fabric to its limits. Rock watched as Talos looked down and blushed, seeing the large bulge in the undergarment. "No?! You did this to me!!" He whimpered, already forgetting that the dragon had injected a powerful aphrodisiac into him just 10 minutes before. "I am doing nothing to you. This is all you're doing." Rock said with an evil grin, before stepping back up to Talos and hooking his claw around the elastic of the underwear. "What?! No!! Please don't!!" Talos begged. Rock pulled his claw up, shredding the elastic underwear. "Oops" He said as he pulled off the shreds and gripped the erect member. "Wow, you sure are gifted." He continued. Rock released the cock, letting it bob and slap against the small dragons chest. "Now where was i..." He asked himself. "Oh yeah, I was playing with your nipples" He dragged a clawed finger up the small dragon's chest and stopped at his nipple, circling and caressing it slowly. He noticed Talos shut his eyes as he rubbed the nipples. Rock stopped and backed away, reaching into the shadows, before walking back over and revealing the item he procured. As Talos opened his eyes, noticing that the dragon had stopped caressing his nipples for some time now, he yipped as his nipples were pinched, looking down to find that Rock had clipped clothespins to his nipples. Talos bit his lip trying to overcome the pain. He heard the large dragon lay down on the floor, the tell tale scratch of scales on concrete filling his ears before feeling a hot gust of air across his crotch. He ignored the pain for a second, his fear overriding the pain as he pulled his stomach backwards so he could see his crotch. He gasped as he saw Rock starting to kiss the skin surrounding his crotch.

Rock continued this torture for several more hours, holding Talos on the edge of orgasm but not letting him go over. "Have you had enough boy?!" He asked. "NO! I WILL NOT SUBMIT TO YOU?!" Talos screamed in return. "Well then, I guess I have to show you first hand how good it feels to be gay like me." Rock said as he got up and walked back into the shadows, the clanking of chains and his body moving again. Talos, now parallel to the floor, craned his neck up only to see Rock's tail disappear behind him. "Wait.....don't do this Rock!" Talos pleaded. Rock spread the small dragons legs, revealing Talos's tightly puckered ass. "My my, you are very tight." He said as he rubbed his thick cock around the ring of the tight anus, the cock leaking precum that would act as the lubricant. Rock pulled his cock back and started to push his clawed digit into the dragon's ass, the claw going blunt for the moment so it didn't ruin the ass it was probing. Talos let out a loud moan, then clamped his maw shut. "Hehe. I want you to beg for my cock dragon!" Rock said loudly. "Please....... I want your cock deep inside me." Talos pleaded softly. "What was that?" Rock asked. "Please!.. I want your cock inside me!!" He practically screamed. Not wasting a second, the large dragon plunged his thick cock into the tight pucker. "OHHHH!!!" Talos screamed, half in pain but half in pleasure. Rock started to quickly thrust in and out of the tight dragon ass.

Several long hours passed as the larger dragon fucked the smaller dragon's tight hole when finally, with one last powerful thrust, Rock unleashed a gargantuan load of his hot cum into Talos's ass. Having filled up the small dragon's ass and still feeling some cum left over, he pulled out and pinched the tip, before walking around to the front of the chained dragon and letting his cock pelt him with what was left of his load.

Talos feels the hot seed as it entered his ass and purred softly, then whimpered as he felt the cock leave him empty. He saw Rock walk back around in front of him and opened his maw to speak only to be pelted with the remaining dragon seed. He closed his maw, swallowing the cum and licking his lips. He heard the chains rattle and felt himself get lowered to the ground. He got up and looked at Rock. "You can leave if you want. I am through with you." Rock said. "Why would i do that?" Talos replied, as he clambered over to the large dragon, pulling him in for a big kiss. Rock led him through the dark to a set of stairs. "How about I clean you up, then teach you how breeding is done properly?" He said as he returned the kiss.

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