Chapter 1

"Personal log. Entry 86. I've lost yet another assistant last week. This one got sick, the same way as so many of the others before. The symptoms were all there... Coughing, wheezing, loss of motor control, gradual changes in pigmentation of the...


Chapter 1

The room was cold even though her body felt like it was burning up. Chains rattled above her were her hands hung by the wrists. Her ex-girlfriend stood before her in nothing but a lab coat, her olive tan skin shinny with the sweat of her ecstasy. "Your...

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Chapter 1

# chapter 1 the tom had cuaght flare by surprise and had easily pinned him. flare started to bat and claw the cats face, afriad that he might get killed by a rouge. then a caught the cat's scent. _i know this cat! berry!_ "hey get of me!"

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Chapter 1

Vince set the hammer down and wiped the sweat from his brow. His craft was hard work but he was known to be the best crafter in their small town of Jeht. Humble though the town may have seemed it was on one of the main roads to the Seven Cities and...

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Chapter 1

#1 of spyro the dragon fanfic hey all, i know it's been awhile but i have been busy, this is the start of hopefully another great series, enjoy note: this series has nothing to do with any of my other series thus far. 18+ only * * * chapter 1 cynder

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Chapter 1

#1 of evolution: phase one, "random" mutation evolution phase 1: "random" mutation â chapter 1: â â â â â â â â â â â â nature has taken it's course over the millenia our planet has

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Chapter 1

#1 of tainted by fire chapter 1 imagine a seven-foot tall man. now add deep red scales in place of his skin. make him muscular. shape his head to match that of a dragon's.

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Chapter 1

I stood in front of the mirror and frowned. This wasn't something new to me. I smoothed my silk dress down against my fur and sucked my stomach in. Hmm... not too much better. I turned to get a look from the side. I knew I looked thinner from the...

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Chapter 1

The back room of the store was isolated and dark. It was locked, and accessable only by the shop's owner. It had to be that way, because he couldn't have just anyone stumbling upon the room or its inhabitant. It was still early morning, the sun had...

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Chapter 1

chapter 1 only a few months earlier explorers had located a new continent, on it they found people already living there.

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Chapter 1

The young wolf whimpered as the huge body atop him ground forward, the powerful thrust into his ass sending the teenager lurching enough that he had to dig his claws into the grass to keep his body from being sent toppling down into the dirt. The...

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Chapter 1

The sun finally made its way over the tree line, creating a beautiful golden glow that shimmered along the leaves. They twinkle and sway left and right allowing the light to hit them differently every time. The small dew droplets glisten when the...

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