Pagoda Adventures

"So, why are we here? We're not going to do it in the woods, because I'm not sure I could do it in front of your relatives." Crash quipped, following Thunder out of the city limits. The eastern dragon had dragged him out here, but he hadn't bothered...

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Charmed [Nicobay Commission]

And then, the kid was a charmander. I guess you could say it was my fault, and be one hundred percent accurate. What can I say? I'm a nerdy druid. If I want to make a magically-enhanced drug to transform people into pokémon, I'll do it, and since...

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Benjamin und der Liebesstall

So, ein neuer Versuch der Kindheit vieler Schreckliches anzutun. Manchmal frage mich wirklich was in meinem Gehirn schräg läuft, um mir Fragen zu stellen die dann letztlich zu Storys wie dieser führt. Nichtsdestotrotz, jetzt ist sie nunmal da und...

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Sea Breeze Health

Ethan needed a boost. He was tired of Dean getting all the glory and attention on the team. Just because Dean was captain didn't make him the most important member of the swim club. He just happened to be the best looking of the male half of the group,...

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Messy Roommates- Part 1

Pushing open the front door and stumbling around with the final box in his hand, Mark dropped the heavy package on the ground next to the pile. His new roommate, Lucas, leaned against the sink of their new apartment while he chugged a glass of water....

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Super Market Skeet.

He just needed constant showering on account of the frequent cum baths that he found himself enjoying. he had hosed off just two hours ago, but already he had a noticeably thick layer of spunk caked to his grey fur.

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The love of a battle and each other: first battle

An idea from FutureDreamer The love of a battle and each other: first battleThe love of a battle and each other: first battle Kim, a female dragonite lies in bed "tomorrow is our first match" Kim says rolling on her side trying to sleep. ...

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Fringe Benefits of Competition

Agro let out a gratuitous moan in time with Maxwell's desperate and glad whinny. A little cacophonus duet of pleasure as the big pony poured thick gouts of hot creamy cum into his backside. He could hear it sloshing in his turgid belly along with the...

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Kitty cum!

[16:43] Osi (osiris.cole) waggles her rear still, purring quietly, "And how are you, this afternoon sir?" [16:44] Petkaht Ballyhoo smiles at the pretty feline, before slipping his paw into those panties and starting to rub across the pucker. "Not...

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Penguins of Madagascar: Untouchable

Penguins of Madagascar: Untouchable Warning: This story contains adult material, so if you are under 18 or whatever the law says in your country, don't read this. But I know that you probably won't care...

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Cream Gets a Boost Ch 1

It was a pleasant day in the small Village of Knothole. Cream awoke in her queen-sized bed, a rather amusing size difference to the small floppy eared rabbit. Beside her, Cheese was sleeping soundly. "Oh cheese, you are so cute!" Cream began her daily...

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Awakening the Beast God

Awakening the Beast God \* This is a commission for [![avatar?user=44704&character=0&clevel=2]( The Cuddling Fox]( "The Cuddling...

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