Rising Power - Chapter 9, Lifthraien
Nestled in a dip between two hills in Lifthraien, is a town named Morning Glory. The town seems small, and inexistent at first glance, it's simply a farming community. And then you look within the caves. Morning Glory was originally a farming...
Young love resides in the schools...
Samantha looked around the room cautiously, waiting for everyone to get away before hurrying out. "You know man. I see her run out every day like she's scared a somethin." "Dude. She isn't a furry, quit actin like she is and keep your mut tail out of...
Dragon love chapter 6
My next character will be Kreia, Averin's big sister and Raechik his friend. She is a type of aquatic creature invented by me. If you find something that is exactly like her but is a type of species please tell me. Warning: the use of any of my...
I Never Felt Popular With The Girls
I'm a half-dragon with dark blue scales, two black horns, black claws, long blue tail with a sharp end and black eyes. i live in a two story house all by myself. i live a good life and i got a good paying job.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2
**Shadows of Birth Chapter 2 - Away From Isolation** He was gazing out of the window of his room out to the streets below. Occasionally, Consus would see Cloud or a few other humans walking around, but the streets were pretty much empty. In his...
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 3
The half-dragon fought the urge and listened for any explanation before he tried to defend himself. "deathbringer?" it was sora, he held his kingdom key tight in his right hand, scratching the back of his head with his left. "never heard of it.
As I enter the room I don't notice anything special about it. But when the door closed utter darkness descends upon the room. I can't see anything. "Step forward" came a deep baritone voice. I didn't hesitate and immediately began walking forward....
Moonwhisper: part 3
Tharivol ran through the field of tents so fast he ripped one right out of the ground. He ducked and weaved through the crowed of assassins. He almost ran into Asura along the way but than jumped over her just in the nick of time. ...
Seekers: Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
Location: Wastelands, The Director's Refuge, The Cradle. Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 01:15am. Year: 2180, March 15th. We were both forced into our own ship. It felt embarrassing, but we felt much more angry than ashamed. We were going to be...
Art Class
For now, he wanted to make the half dragon as happy as he could. his paws moved further down cyrus' body and rested on his rump before he squeezed the half dragons ass.
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Sixteen
Chapter sixteen: Junk Island! The engine room of the _Tsubasa no Mikomi_ was filled with thick acrid smoke. It stung his eyes even as he wove the spell that would draw it from the room. Shiro coughed once as the spell finished its work. In his...
Into the Rain
After starting two big works of fiction, and losing interest with both, I decided to create one that involves my fursona, Plexxadon. It's not strongly sexual, and it's done in the style of a memoir. If anyone wants to see the characters, go to the VCL...